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Sang Sorenson used to be the invisible girl in class. As a new student to Ashley Waters High School, Sang hopes that her new friends will be the change she’s been craving and will make fitting in a breeze.

But Academy students aren’t there to take it easy. The high school is overcrowded and rife with violence. When fights begin, Sang will uncover the true reason the boys traded in their private school life for a public one.

This year, Sang will no longer be invisible. This year, Sang is a target.

The principal and vice principal are hot to take Sang down, and her own mother is determined to entrap Sang forever in her belief that the safest place to be is in the shadows. Despite this, Nathan, Luke, Kota, North, Silas, Victor, and Gabriel will discover Sang’s unyielding loyalty.

And they will sorely need it.

The Academy, supremely influential.

If you enjoyed Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepard or the Gallagher Girls series by Ally Carter, you may enjoy this series.

280 pages, Kindle Edition

First published April 5, 2013

About the author

C.L. Stone

57 books4,335 followers
C. L. Stone likes :chocolate_bar: and #findingburiedtreasure. Her books are about :revolving_hearts: and @dark_themes and #chocolatechippancakes.

If lots of book boyfriends scare you...run. Run now.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 457 reviews
Profile Image for ♥~Zoee~♥.
93 reviews47 followers
June 19, 2013

I have some things that I don't think I will ever get over in this book but that didn't happen.
Here they are:
-Sang --> who in this world or any other for that matter would name their child SANG. Other than this there is nothing bad about Sang's character. I love that she is oblivous to the boys feelings and even Dr G and Mr B's for that matter.
-Mr Green and Mr Blackbourne,>--> how are they teachers, they are bloody 19/20 years old, do people just spawn these academy kids everywhere I mean seriously

Other than those things I love this series to bits and I also love the characters and can't wait for more

5 stars and beyond
Profile Image for Chinita.
17 reviews3 followers
October 6, 2013
The Introductions was the bait, First Days was the hook!

Sang & The Academy boys are the modern day version of Snow White & the 7 dwarfs (& let's not forget the 2 hunk of a teachers). At first I was certain that there's a paranormal side to this book (or maybe there still could be?). The Academy boys are each skilful,handsome, full of surprises & have a lot of mystery to them - i just can't help but think what is it about The Academy?!

Then I come to the parts where sweet, innocent Sang turns all bad-ass ninja-fighting not once, but twice so I'm all "F#@k yeah!!! Hooray heroine girl" ^_^ & the adoration and kindness the guys give her, oh it's all soooo cute! For some reason these books leave me feeling very youthful (well younger than 25 years of age lol!) I just love them!

As I said, the first book of this series kept me curious, so then I go and buy the 2nd book & the rest is history! Now I'm at home twiddling my thumbs and waiting (patiently) for the 4th book dear author of this awesome series!!!
Profile Image for Siv Therese.
108 reviews14 followers
June 24, 2013
First of all, thank god book two came out so shortly after I finished book one, or else I would have gone half mad waiting! I've got no patience what so ever for this series!

Just give me more!

That said. Is this book as good as the first book? YES! Is it better? WAY better! Did I even think it was possible to get better? Nope!

The titles are pretty revealing about the "life-span" for each book. As book one were an introduction for all the main and
second characters, and not to mention the environment, book two is really about the first few days of school.

That said - its soooo much more!

Have anyone of you ever read Francine Pascals series - Fearless? I read this when I were a bit younger, and although I'm not totally sure at to why the Fearless series keeps popping into my mind reading these fantastic books by C.L. Stone, they still sneak in every now and then. I absolutely adored Francine Pascals amazing writing and stories, even more now when I'm older and can appreciate it more.

Hands down - I'm starting to feel like stalking C.L. Stone for more books, and you know what? The Academy for me, is even better than the fearless series!

Sang, oh dear Sang, is my top ten favourite female heroine of all time. The love, confusion, her tender heart, compassion, and now revealing temper, and witty humour had me laughing and shouting with her all the way through angst, pain and laughs.

Although, this series is by far anything ordinary...! The elusive Academy is just hinted (and well... those hints are most intriguing). We still don't know much about the place or the people, but we're getting there. And the action, and tension at the ordinary school is getting higher and higher. Creepy students, hot guys, marriage proposals, way to "ugh" teachers, and the oh so mmm... delicious Mr. Blackbourne and charming Doctor Green (should I bee fancying the Academy teacher as well? "giggling")

Sangs interaction with the boys always seem to break my heart, or make me laugh so loud my poor neighbour must think I'm bordering on crazy, 3:30am in the night.

C.L. Stone - I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this book! It's even better than the first! And I'm uhm... "calmly" await book three!
Profile Image for VicciReviews.
1,263 reviews19 followers
July 7, 2013

Here it is people, I am hooked! I fell in love with Sang and the nine guys in book one and needed a fix right away. C.L. delivered with book two. No way it could it be as good as one, right? WRONG WRONG AND WRONG! It was a wonderful continuation of book one. The best part was when we start to learn more about the mysterious academy itself! Yay!!

This book makes you fall more in love with Sang and what a truly strong and compassionate person she is. Her strength and loyalty in this book is just amazing. She is starting to come out of her shell a little and it is wonderful to see her bloom! IT IS TRULY BEAUTIFUL!

The guys are just a wonderful as in book one. I was swooning and drooling through the whole book. I still cannot pick just one. They are all amazing! all nine beautiful males that make me giddy! There are lots of tender moments between Sang and the boys that make you want to make you melt!

What is wonderful about this book is there is more action and adventure! You get caught up in the mystery of the Academy and why the boys are at Sang's school. Also, more is being exposed with the secrets in Sang's own family! This book just sucks you right in and you find yourself lost in Sang's world.

Profile Image for Kayla Silverss.
Author 1 book120 followers
July 5, 2018
This is really cringey but such a guilty pleasure I'm obsessed.
Profile Image for Alaina.
6,682 reviews213 followers
July 8, 2018
Second time read. First time review.

The gang is still here and they are still trying to find ways to hang out with Sang while protecting her. Of course things don't go their way at all. Nope, shit hits the fan numerous times. First there are things at school that the guys don't approve of. Then there's her home life that suck's major dick. Sang needs to be put in a bubble guys. A protective ass bubble.

Of course Sang doesn't say anything to them because she doesn't want to lose her friendship. She values that more than anything and doesn't want to be a bother. I have no idea how she's going to handle pushing them aside so that she doesn't become more of a target to everyone in school. No matter what, they protect each other and I love their little wolf pack.

I'm still waiting for the smutty stuff to happen because it is a reverse harem.. I can try to be patient but this shit is taking forever. JUST KISS SOMEONE ALREADY. Please?

This school they all go to sucks. I seriously have no idea how it's still running. The kids there are assholes and then there's that whole stupid tradition of throwing someone off a god damn balcony. Yup, you read that correctly. OFF A DAMN BALCONY. Assume correctly, that she gets thrown off that damn thing while in a huge fight. Again, shit hits the fan.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book and I'm still in love with this series. I can't wait to see what the newest book will have for my eyes!
Profile Image for Regina.
193 reviews1 follower
August 20, 2013
Yes. YES. Book 3 NOW!!!

I love C.L. Stone's writing, but love her characters even more! This is the perfect series to get into when you are in a book lull, and think you've read every good book under the sun. The Academy series has been such a pleasant suprise. You can check out my official review for First Days here:
Profile Image for Isabella - SnooRegrets.
517 reviews110 followers
November 27, 2017
Ok this is starting to get even more bad, unbelievable. I knew what I was going into and at first rated the books with that knowledge, but damn, this is hard. I am going to continue nevertheless, because I am in the mood for trash, but I will refrain from rating the other ones, since I am doing this to myself.
Profile Image for Robin.
422 reviews18 followers
August 11, 2015
Note: This review/note was edited 12/27

Review Tally - based out of 5


Story/Plot: 5 - This is the second book in The Academy series by C.L. Stone. I love this series. I find it fast paced and interesting. This volume had me adding this book to my Comedy shelf - I laughed almost every other page. I also added it to my Thriller/Espionage/Mystery shelf - there was more suspense to this story, as well as more intriguing information dropped regarding the mysterious "Academy."

Re-read Value: 5 - Yes. Just got done re-reading it again, lol.

Continue Series: 5 - Of course! I cannot wait until the newest book comes out. I keep checking goodreads, amazon and C.L. Stone's website for updates.

Characters: 5 - If you already glanced at my review/note from book 1, Introductions, I list a good number of characters who I love. I don't want to drop spoilers, but at the end of this volume, you find out Mr. Blackbourne's first name is Owen - kinda sexy huh?, although he prefers to go by Mr. Blackbourne. You also find out Dr. Green's first name is Sean, which is another hot sexy name. *sigh*

Cover: 4 - First off, I love the cover I got, which features Victor. I lowered my rating because for some reason, on my Kindle I have the newly released cover for this book. Don't get me wrong, because I think the that cover is great, just I have a soft spot for the first one. I am a little shallow and apologize.

Genre Fulfillment: 5 - YA, check. Romance, check. School life, check.

Personal Involvement: 5 - If you didn't know this was going to be a 5, you never read what I wrote. Not that I hold it against you, but trust me when I tell you if you haven't read this series yet, my question is WHY NOT?

Profile Image for Sharon Mariampillai.
2,216 reviews93 followers
July 15, 2018
My favourite boy is North. Silas is my second favourite. Then, Kota rounds out my top three. Each boy brings a special and unique quality to the book. This was a fantastic sequel. It is something totally different than what you usually expect from an author. I think it makes the story fresh and new. I can't wait to read Friends vs. Family next! Overall, an amazing read.
Profile Image for Katie.
228 reviews9 followers
June 5, 2020

Waow this was literally only the first week of school and school be cray.
I hate Hendricks and McCoy, but what's new? They're so hateable, being mean to my boys and targeting Sang.
I totally forgot about the detention thing. That ish was too funny. (The boys' antics, not McCoy's existence)
I am maybe a tad curious about what those notes be sayin'. Like seriously what is it about Sang?
Side note: Sang is crazy and likes to fight. How dare anyone touch Gabe and before that Nathan and Victor. Not cool.
I'm so angered about the uniforms but whatever they can handle it.
Mike made my life with his proposals.
Greg is the worst but also really entertaining, so *shrug emoji*
What you doing Rocky? We don't need more of this, Greg is already cray enough.
Friday Fall had my blood pumpkin' so hard. I literally was breathing faster I was just so excited and into it.
I dig the grounded-ness of Sang because it's super funny hearing all the boys get on her about it.
Marie is a tool and Sang's mom is so wack I just want to punch her in the face.
Sang is The Ghost Bird. Spooky.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Brittain *Needs a Nap and a Drink*.
373 reviews474 followers
October 23, 2014
I keep asking myself why I'm reading this book.

Is it because of the wonderful prose? No...not really.
Is it because of the diverse and dynamic characters? Nope
Is it because of the plot line? Definitely not.

What it has come down to with me is most likely sheer jealousy. I wanted to have friends like "the guys" in high school. I could have used them since a crazy guy was stalking me at school. I would have fed them and loved them and called them George and let them play on the basketball court in the backyard. I promise I would walk them every day and play fetch with them and groom them and clean up after them. Pleeeeeeassssssse?

More than anything, this story is unbelievable and that holds some charm with me. All of the guys get along and it is effing magical. I have never know 9 guys, not even on a team of some sort or in a family to get along so well. It's amazing and not possible at all. It is a little dream world in this book and I appreciate it for that.

A few things to pick on that are driving me crazy though (more so than other elements in the book)

Sang...learn the freaking violin. Victor spend how much on it so he could play with you and he is an amazing musician and you won't learn it when you are specifically taking a class to do so. Come on.

Two...will please one of the guys step up and just kiss her or Sang step up and kiss one of the boys? I don't care if it is on the cheek or whatever but please. That line has to be crossed at some point and there were so many great opportunities for it in this book. I want some conflict.
Profile Image for Stephanie.
1,488 reviews116 followers
June 4, 2015
Oh dear. This series is driving me crazy, but I still plan on reading the next book. It's like a train wreck you can't look away from.

Sang still drives me crazy. The majority of the book continued to focus on how she feels whenever one of the guys touches her. She's also verrrry immature. There was a random student who "proposed" to her and she actually wondered whether or not he was serious.

The boys continue to be protective/possessive of her in an unhealthy way. She now asks them for permission to speak and apologizes for trivial things. Bella Swan looks like a feminist hero compared to Sang.

All this said, and I still want to know what happens next. That's the only reason it's getting 2 stars from me instead of 1. The final chapter finally gave some answers, though I'm still a little confused.
Profile Image for Jessica *The Lovely Books*.
1,251 reviews647 followers
November 16, 2018
These books are addicting but don’t expect it to be literary gold or anything like that. The entire male population is in love with Sang. Which to me is annoying AF. But I’ll continue to read because the books are interesting!
Profile Image for Jennifer.
1,277 reviews57 followers
July 13, 2018
Sang's life is never dull. She's got a troubled family life - her mother is abusive and her father neglectful. Thank goodness she's met the boys from the Academy. While what they do for the Academy remains a secret, it is clear that they all care about Sang and want to help protect her whether it be from her own family, the creepy Vice Principal, the Principal up to no good, or the general jerks in the school.

Ok, so I'm actually up to book 8 as I write this review, but I think it gives me a different perspective to share. When I was reading book 2, I was a little perturbed by the slow pace - I mean here Sang is surrounded by good-looking guys, but no one has made anything resembling a move on her - but now that I am farther along in the series, I can appreciate that SLOW burn and the build-up of anticipation. It's worth it. Plus, I like the stark contrast between how respectfully the Academy boys treat her versus how other boys from school treat her. I think it highlights how a teenage girl can have romance in her life without all the stuff that jerks do at that age.
Profile Image for Noël.
78 reviews2 followers
June 5, 2021
This is actually getting super good. I’m very surprised. It’s also still cute as all hell.
Profile Image for Jessicah Layfield.
19 reviews16 followers
July 31, 2013
Title: The Academy - First Days
Author: C.L. Stone
Series?: The Academy
Sang Sorenson used to be the invisible girl in class. As a new student to Ashley Waters High School, Sang hopes that her new friends will be the change she’s been craving and will make fitting in a breeze.
But Academy students aren’t there to take it easy. The high school is overcrowded and rife with violence. When fights begin, Sang will uncover the true reason the boys traded in their private school life for a public one.

This year, Sang will no longer be invisible. This year, Sang is a target.

The principal and vice principal are hot to take Sang down, and her own mother is determined to entrap Sang forever in her belief that the safest place to be is in the shadows. Despite this, Nathan, Luke, Kota, North, Silas, Victor, and Gabriel will discover Sang’s unyielding loyalty.

And they will sorely need it.

The Academy, supremely influential.

Why I Read This:
I was in love with book one of this series and thus looked all over for a copy of book two, which I do not regret having to buy to read. It was only $3 for my Kindle edition, so it's not much, but I think I would've paid more if I had needed to because I was interested in it.

My Thoughts/Review:
This sequel to the first book of The Academy series was amazing. I loved it through and through. While it doesn't have my usual likes for supernatural and things like that, I have always loved a good spy book.

This book starts off when Sang Sorenson and the boys are going to go to their first day of school at the new high school. Of course they stood out, they wore better clothes than everyone else, they were new, they were 7 freaking hot guys and one girl who kept to themselves. Them standing out quickly becomes a problem. Fights ensue, people are hurt, and everyone must stand together to stay out of it.

Sang has a problem with staying out of fights when people are beating up on her friends. In turn, she gets hurt. In turn, the guys are pissed, but also glad that she stepped in. She seriously needs training. Bad.

I loved Sang, don't get me wrong. She's probably my favorite heroin ever. I think she's so clueless that it's funny sometimes, but I get why she's clueless. I mean, she's never had friends before. We're going through more of what happened in the first book, except better than ever, and on a bigger scale. Now, Sang has to avoid certain people in school instead of just her mother, though there's a bit of that in there, too. Sang is so brave and loyal, as well as quite clever, though she tends not to realize it. I absolutely loved her character and while there were a few things I would've done differently, I admired her for the things she did. It was pretty awesome.

Kota, North, Silas, Luke, Nathan, Victor and Gabriel were all wonderful in this book! I lived for the moments where they showed up. I'm having trouble with maintaining who my fave is. I think it's still North, but I'm starting to like Kota, Victor, and Gabriel even more. And Luke. And...everyone else. Dang it! I love them all, but I'm still in love with North. :) They're all so amazing!

So, I highly recommend that you go get this book. It's pretty awesome. Go find it and read it.

I can't wait for the next book to come out! The Academy - Friends Vs. Family (Year One, Book Three)! It sounds uber-good! I'm keeping it on my list of books I'm waiting for to come out!

I give this book 5 out of 5 stars.


You can find this review and more on my blog at http://jessicahhope.blogspot.com/
Profile Image for Karin.
18 reviews5 followers
May 10, 2013
Meet Sang Sorenson, a young woman who has led a pretty miserable existence so far. Her father is never around because he is always working, and her mother is mentally and physically ill. Her mother’s paranoid thinking keeps Sang and her sister Marie as virtual prisoners in their house, and punishment for perceived infractions frequently crosses the line into abuse.

But then Sang stumbles into the arms of Kota, a neighborhood boy, and before she knows it, this deeply insecure and socially awkward girl has been adopted by a tight-knit band of seven gorgeous young men who have plenty of secrets. They attend a mysterious school called The Academy, but will be enrolling in Sang’s public high school for the upcoming semester.

Book One, Introductions, is a somewhat slow start to the series, but vital, in that it introduces each of the young men one at a time. You get a really complete picture of each of Sang’s new friends as they meet her and take her under their collective wing. You also meet two young (also handsome) teachers from The Academy, who seem to work very closely with the boys.

In Book Two, First Days, the boys and Sang begin the new school year at a large and troubled public school. The first week is incredibly harrowing for everyone, as Sang starts to learn what it is that the boys, and The Academy, are all about.

By the end of Book Two, it is clear that not only do the boys have some major secrets, but so does Sang, and the book ends leaving you thirsting for more.

Profile Image for Amanda.
91 reviews
September 10, 2015
I have read some other reviews of the books in this series that liken it to a car crash. You know you shouldn't look but you just can't turn away. This is an accurate comparison. The books aren't literary gold by any means and I found this installment slower moving than the first. The bulk of this book is concentrated on the boys touching or holding hands with or making eyes at Sang while she overanalyzes the "normalcy" of the situation. News flash: no, it's not normal. Then there's Dr. Green, an Acadamy liaison at the school. Maybe it's just me but I get a creeper vibe from him. I know he's not much older than Sang but still.
Just when you think the story is going nowhere.....bam! the action kicks in. Then Stone leaves you with a cliffhanger in the last chapter, revealing a secret about Sang that she herself doesn't know.
It seems like I am trash talking this book but in all honesty I will probably read the next book out of sheer morbid curiosity then after I finish it I'll hate myself a little bit. Kinda like watching a bad soap opera. To quote another reviewer " if you haven't read this series run! run while you still can! "
Profile Image for Carrie.
2,403 reviews18 followers
August 16, 2013
I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

These books are really fun little YA stories that keep me guessing! I'm still dying to know more about The Academy and all the boys, but this installment gave me a lot of answers to the questions I had. We're still following around Sang, who has really started to grow into her new role with the boys. She's stronger and even stood up for herself pretty nicely in this story. I'm glad she didn't stay in her timid shell this time.

I'm eagerly awaiting some YA dreamy romance to begin any minute! All these adorable boys are driving me crazy. I'm hoping that things don't spiral out of control too quickly, but this insane love octagon is starting to worry me. Who do I want Sang to end up with? The choices are endless! So many boys!!

In case you can't tell, I'm completely hooked on this series and was completely bummed that I can't just jump right into the next one. These are the perfect books for a light afternoon read.
Profile Image for Lisa 2bookaholics.
95 reviews10 followers
August 21, 2013
So I read the first book in this series and it left me so curious I had to read more. Now I have finished book two and I'm addicted. Book three pulezz! So the first book is all about introducing the boys. This one gets a little more down to business. The boys there are 7 yes I said 7 from an elite school only known as the Academy. There cover story is that they are at the local high school to help clean it up. There is bullying, inappropriate behaviors and dress, but these students take it to the extreme. Sang and the boys uncover a hideous ritual and have to try to stop it before it's too late. So all in all again it's a huge build up and I don't think the author disappoints. The storyline though it still doesn't explain a lot it will keep you guessing right up to the end. all in all both books in the series are good quick reads that will keep you turning the page and leave you puzzled. I look forward to the next installment. Just going out on a hunch here but I think we might see some romance between Sang and one of the boys just not quite sure which one. M
Profile Image for Pao.
140 reviews48 followers
April 12, 2019
This series are just getting better and better!. There's a lot more action and mystery in this book and everything happens in the first five days of school!.

We got to know just a little more about what the Academy is and the "purpose" of my new nine boyfriends (I wish) at the public school. I don't think I will ever decide who I like the most but this time North got to made me laugh, I would love to see Mr. Blackbourne playing the violin (swoon), and Luke is so sweet, although I really like every one of them. I love how Sang and the guys interact with each other, there's a subtle flirtation but above all is their friendship and loyalty.

C.L. Stone you are a genius. You've accomplished to keep the readers completely hooked and eager to know more and more about the story. Book 3 can't come soon enough! THANK YOU SO MUCH for the copy, the least I could do was to give you my honest opinion.
48 reviews14 followers
February 6, 2014
I don't know why I'm finding these books so appealing. She does a really good job of withholding just enough information to keep you coming back. I don't particularly like the protagonist, but I think the cheesy, high school, romantic side of me is currently winning out. I still haven't exactly figured out just what is happening in the book, and some of her writing is jarring. Honestly, the story took a bit of a weird/creepy turn, but I just can't stop reading them! They aren't that good! I think it is just me enjoying some bad YA escapism.
Profile Image for Lindz..
1,024 reviews123 followers
September 7, 2013
Now that I have caught my breath, I think I can do this review logically.

I go book one for review from netgalley and the ending left me and knots and with needs that drove me to purchase the next two books. I didn't even look at price I just hit 'buy now' and dove right back in.

I kinda don't know where to begin because I read this book so fast and with such frantic need that I have to collect the jumbled emotions that are still simmering below the surface.

Sang--as a character I get it. I know why she is the way she is looking in at her entire situation as an adult. I know that she could possibly be changed for years because of what she has dealt with and what life handed her. We still don't totally know what drives her mother. I just can't believe that logically getting 'sick' would turn the mother into a wannabe version of Sybil's mother. She literally wants to hurt Sang, make her suffer, and beat her until she is a void shell of a person. I think considering she is doing very well especially considering the fact how overwhelming her 'boys' are. I call them Sang's because they are. Every single one of them is Sang's.

That brings me too:


Or as I like to call them: Sang's Boys

Let's face it, all the people doing reviews saying this isn't a romance and there is no romance its 'friendship' is in denial. The author did a great job at writing each individual scene with Sang and the boys and telling the story of their relationship growth without making you vomit.

It is intense, it is volatile, and it is in a way healthy for Sang. Each of them collectively make a whole, perfect man. They all have amazing attributes that seem to push Sang closer to a form of recovery. I would like her to have more contact with Mr. Blackbourne and Dr. Green, only because I believe she needs their words and their truths to guide her. The boys are so wrapped up in her ultimate protection and just wanting to be with her that they lose what she really needs--therapy. I'm a bit shocked no one has brought it up to be honest.

All I know is when I read these books, I literally feel the book in my system. From my head to the my toes I'm physically and emotionally affected. I want this to work.

At this point I'm #TeamSilas #TeamNorth (They are the big strong bad boys that's why lol)
Profile Image for Ella あいみ M..
278 reviews15 followers
June 26, 2022
School has finally started, and Sang Sorenson is excited to finally be free to spend time with her best friends—a group of seven unique, kind boys who have taken her into their tight circle over the summer—without the fear of her mother catching her. Sure, the principal is acting a bit weird and the vice principal seems like he's out to get her in some way or another. And maybe seeing Greg again in her homeroom may call for more worry. But Sang knows her boys have her back and will take care of her no matter what. Things are strange about them as usual, but Sang trusts them anyway with all their secrets and knows they'll tell her if they really need to. Between her boys, too many classes, mounds of homework, learning Japanese with ever-jovial Dr. Green, taking violin classes from the somber Mr. Blackbourne who may just have a caring heart in there somewhere, and surviving her problems at home, Sang is as busy as ever. But it's only the first week of school. As crazy as her life has suddenly become since that day Kota and Max came crashing into her life, what else could happen? Apparently, six-trillion other things.
This is undoubtedly the most eventful and craziest week she's ever had in school.

✥ ✥ ✥

First Days is book 2 of the Ghost Bird series and takes place immediately after the events of book 1. It follows Sang day-by-day for her first week at Ashley Waters High School.

This book was great!! It was better than Introductions and had more action. I loved it all. I laughed hard, I fumed in anger, I was overwhelmed in love for the characters, I sat in nervous suspense, my heart palpitating wildly in the intensity of the moment as I gripped whatever was close by to ease the energy stored in me. I loved it!! Once again, this series made me stay up all night reading. Yes, I kept telling myself to put it down, but I just couldn't. I ended up finishing it around 07:40 am. Thank goodness I don't have work for the next week since I'm in quarantine. It's a blessing in disguise. XD

I absolutely LOVE the characters. The boys have seriously stolen my heart. They are the sweetest, most caring, kindest, most protective guys ever! Sometimes they got a little over-protective, and it made me shake my head, but I could not stay annoyed with them for long because they're just so darn sweet!

Sang is so sweet, too. She has such a good heart, and, though she can be a little clueless at times, she's really smart. I found I could relate to her so much. Some of the things she felt were exactly what I go through and feel, and it was just so nice being able to identify with her character so much that way. Her need to feel useful, her desire to feel like she belongs, her want for physical touch, her love for music, her care for the boys. Everything about her is just so affable, and she's such a likable character.
The way she somehow always attracts trouble is pretty unrealistic, but for now, as I just started the series, I don't mind much. It might start to get annoying if it goes too much, though. I also don't really think it's realistic that pretty much every single guy who sees her likes her. Like, is she really that pretty or something? All the guys fawn over her and she attracts so much attention, and it's starting to get annoying.

I enjoyed seeing more of Blackbourne and Green. They are still such mysterious and intriguing characters, and I'll pick up on anything to get to know them more. I love how bright and kind Green is, and he seems always ready to make people's day better. I love how mysterious Blackbourne is and how under all that seriousness, he actually has a very kind and caring heart. I can't wait to see more of them.

I didn't get the whole thing with Rocky, Jay, and Mike. (I think those were their names.) It seemed like Stone just threw them in the story just for the sake of having a few new characters. They aren't developed at all, nor are they really likable, just some guys that didn't add anything to the plot. They just didn't seem to fit into the story well and felt out of place.

Content Warnings:
Again, the language. According to the word count, there were 29 uses of the s-word!! That's ridiculous! And there were so many f-words, too. I hate it when books have cursing, and this book had the most I've ever read in a book so far. I would enjoy this series so much more if the language was clean.
Sang is assaulted a few times.
Sang's mom is abusive, and though she isn't as bad in this one as the previous one, she does still punish Sang in some cruel ways, like making her kneel on rice for hours.
One of the boys mentions a girl who once spread false rumors that Nathan was gay just to get revenge. Someone calls Gabe gay because of his long hair. *Sigh* I don't know why the author added that in. I wish she kept this clean of that kind of stuff.

The writing was great. It was engaging, fun, and kept you hooked. I like Sang's voice, and the whole plot is just really mysterious and interesting. On the more technical side of things, I did find a lot of typographical errors. There were a lot of misspelled words, missing prepositions or modifiers, run-on sentences, etc.

To be perfectly honest, I was a bit surprised and alarmed when Stone began putting in Japanese words. I have some bad experiences of stumbling upon authors who, even though they have NO knowledge of these things whatsoever, try to add some of my culture or another's into their books and end up completely butchering it. The first Japanese phrase that appeared made me cringe. I think Victor meant to tell Sang that she had nice eyes, but the Japanese phrase the author used was a very awkward sentence that basically stated "you have nice pupils," and the language was a bit off. You wouldn't use the word hitomi (瞳) when telling a person that. me (目) is fine enough in those situations. However, later, when Green spoke some Japanese to Sang in their class, I was pleasantly surprised. Although it wasn't the smoothest Japanese and was still a bit awkward, it was actually technically correct, grammatically speaking, and it made me happy that it wasn't messed up. Kudos to the author for that! I know incorporating other languages—especially ones you don't know—into your work can be a very challenging task, and I think she did a good job, all things considered.

Also, I love how we finally get to know why it's called the Ghost Bird Series! I've been wondering about how the whole series would get its name, and I like the explanation they give. It's cool.

The climax of this book was awesome!! Totally obvious what would happen, yet it still had me on the edge of my seat. And that ending—it just left you hanging for more information on the Academy. I was sad when the book ended because I wanted to keep going and know more. It's probably good it ended already, though, or else I would've just kept on reading and reading, and it was already almost 8 am and I needed to get to sleep.

Guys, I am in LOVE with this series! And it's only the second book! XD
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