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"I stood in the middle of the room, unmoving – I barely breathed. My life had just become surreal, impossible, and one enormous lie. I needed to go, to run somewhere, anywhere to beat back the reality that was rapidly closing in around me. The image of him was burned into my retina, flashing over and over again like a warning. He was trapped somewhere between human and decidedly not, and I realized that was my new reality. I was too."

After the death of her parents, Ruby awakens from a lifetime of shadows and finds herself alone, thrust into a world of lies, deceit, betrayal and the supernatural.

As her quest for truth continues to come up short, she realizes that maybe some questions really are best left unanswered.

When her true identity is finally unveiled, she is forced to choose between two of the mysterious men who continually seem to crop up in her life.

She chooses poorly.

Now abandoned, Ruby must learn to call on the darkness within to survive, or spend a hellish eternity imprisoned because of it.

(Content Advisory: language, mild violence)

260 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 21, 2014

About the author

Amber Lynn Natusch

48 books1,540 followers
AMBER LYNN NATUSCH is the author of the bestselling Caged series for adults. She was born and raised in Winnipeg, and is still deeply attached to her Canadian roots. She loves to dance and practice Muay Thai―but spends most of her time running a chiropractic practice with her husband, raising two young children, and attempting to write when she can lock herself in the bathroom for ten minutes of peace. Dare You to Lie is her debut YA novel with Tor Teen.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 305 reviews
7 reviews
April 18, 2012
I'm not sure how to start this review-this book gave me insanely mixed feelings. Hated the main character-liked the story. First of all the so called 29 year old used to be blind girl has the wit of a snarky late night tv host and yet the brains (common sense) and emotional intelligence of an earthworm. Actually, I think earth worms could figure out a lot more than she did. Maybe the author was over explaining through the mc's stupidity?? I HATED the name/label dropping through out the book and the whole premise came across as a little too Sookie Stackhouse. (i like Sookie Stackhouse btw) And she had an unbelievably fast emotional and getting her-life-together-after-being-100%-sheltered recovery. Seriously. She got her life back together just months after 1) losing her parents 2) gaining sight for the first time in her life. She sold everything. She learned a trade. She bought a building and opened a store. All within mere months of a crazy shock and change.
That said, the story was very entertaining and although the voice of the main character was gratingly annoying I did enjoy the romp. I do wish there were unattractive people in this book. Why is everyone so unbelievable perfection? A little depth would be nice. Also the "I'll tell you later's" we're getting so out of hand that by the time he told her, we already knew what was going to be told. But I must say that I was still engrossed in the story. If the story hadn't grabbed me as it did this would have been a no star simply based on the characters whiny, vain, label dropping ignorance. Maybe the author wrote it with a tv series in mind?? I think I will like this author after a few more books. If you're looking for a brainless read that is fast paced and you like the vamp/werewolf thing you could give this a try.
Profile Image for Gi.
25 reviews4 followers
August 28, 2016
I don't understand the ratings for this. The main character is weak and her banter with the 2 men in her life is annoying instead of entertaining. She goes beyond naivety into the just plan stupid realm. I only was able to get through 3/4 of the book before I gave up. It is definitely not worth your time.
Profile Image for Lindaisa.
523 reviews60 followers
February 8, 2018
Please note, this review has spoilers

Actual Rating: 1.25 stars

so….i said i never judge a book by its cover in that i wont dismiss it because i do not like the cover…i will now be applying the opposite rule to my reading search…i will never again read a book solely based on the fact that i DO like the cover because this was the shittiest semi good book I’ve ever read in my existence…

i think it would be easier for me to start off with what i did like about the book…it had potential…this book had the potential to be a REALLY good book…it was written well … and when i say that i mean grammatically. and the actual plot could have been really good had the author not been lazy and actually took the time to develop the damn story.

it was 300 pages of what the hell! — first of all the plot holes in the entire story was just too much. The main character was so dense and thick and just stupid, it got to the point that i really just wanted to smack her. — not to mention the holes in her story-line…she’s a loner who is anti social with no friends at all, she doesn’t go out and she only recently gained the ability to see because she was born blind…yet the girl is a fashionista with seven jeans and thousand dollar, limited edition Louboutins….now explain to me how the hell that’s possible and why it’s necessary when she doesn’t go out!? who the hell is going to see the clothes? and she’s only been part of the ‘seeing’ world for about 8 months…how the HELL does she have all of this exquisite fashion sense?

Now let’s move on to where the book needed some serious development…she’s thrust into this ‘relationship’ of sorts with a guy named Sean….at first their back and forth banter was fun…but then when out of nowhere their relationship turned into something more…i was just like wtf? there was no build up, no dating, nothing! — then out of LEFT FIELD! some guy named Eric is introduced…and after a freaking week she’s entrusting her life to this guy and going away to Utah with him to stay away from Sean because she’s been so easily convinced that he’s trying to kill her…when up until this point he has been doing NOTHING but saving her life!

So she’s in Utah for god knows how long because Eric set her up and sold her to some pack…i think she was being raped by the pack. i don’t really know because the author just kind of skimmed over that part - only really giving any real indication that, that was what was happening by mentioning that Ruby (that’s the characters name) was relieved when she got her period after the whole ordeal was over….anyway while she’s in the cage getting raped and tortured some random, named Cooper comes out of nowhere and wants to save her…after some lighthearted banter and sarcasm (there’s ALOT of that in this book) he has the audacity to say to her “your defenses are always up” like what the fuck?! who says that to someone who’s been in a dungeon getting raped by over 50 people for who knows how long….and then she says. ‘the truth hurts’ ugh this book is stupid

oh yea..i forgot to mention that out of the blue its revealed to her by Eric that she’s a special kind of werewolf…called Rouge et Blanc who is really powerful and can easily kill, i don’t know whatever…

this book was just sloppy and all over the place and just dumb…not to mention dramatic as hell…half of the time i was reading it i thought i was reading a badly acted out soap opera, what with her falling down to her knees in despair, and everyone yelling at and shaking her unnecessarily.

my favorite line from the whole book though was when Ruby said “bitterness and grudge-holding were two of my finer qualities” …. AGAINST WHOM! bitch you have no friends or social life! are you holding a grudge against yourself?!

ugh….there are more parts to this book…how? i don’t know but i will most definitely NOT be reading them…just lord.

so…Recommendation? —- find something else to read…seriously.
Profile Image for Alaina.
6,682 reviews213 followers
March 28, 2018
This book was like a roller coaster.. and maybe 3 stars in generous.. but I just feel so confused.. and have mixed feelings over this book.

Caged was just a weird book. The main character, Ruby, was kind of annoying. Okay.. not kind of... really annoying. I just didn't get her.. or like her. She was just always portrayed as weak. Even though I did like her bantering on and on with the two men in her life.. it still doesn't change the outcome of how I feel about this book.

Ruby, again, is annoying, dumb, and just does stupid things. Yeah she can have sass and can banter/joke with anyone.. but there's only so much I can take over certain characters. Then there's the overall flow of the story that kind of left me high and dry. I feel like the ending was kind of meh and there. Plus the book did have some really boring parts.. where I almost fell asleep while reading.

Overall, I still think 3 stars is way too generous of me.. but it's almost midnight and I'm exhausted. I also just don't care right now. I feel like this book had so much potential.. and it just ended up being a dud. I have no idea if I want to continue to book two or not. I guess I just need to think about it some more..
Profile Image for Carmel (Rabid Reads).
706 reviews392 followers
March 31, 2012
Reviewed by: Rabid Reads

This book starts off slowly but by the end it absolutely howls with excellence! Caged is very much plot driven and when paired with Ruby’s outstanding voice this story quickly becomes next to impossible to put down. Natusch’s descriptions are spellbinding without putting even the smallest damper on the endless action. This novel is hilariously funny, well edited and even introduces a new breed of werewolves. Talk about bang for your buck! Caged has many pros and very little cons; what’s even more surprising is that this is Amber’s indie debut.

The story starts off rather slow and I found myself re-reading the blurb to figure out if I accidentally agreed to review a *gasps* non-paranormal book. However, once the story started to reveal itself I quickly realized that the beginning wasn’t slow at all. Amber was actually putting the building blocks in place for a killer story. Knowing what I know now, the opening chapters of this tale make a whole lot more sense. The plot line comes full circle beautifully and no stone is left unturned. I loved watching everything come together seamlessly. You definitely have to stick this one out until the end in order to be able to fully appreciate the depth of this story.

Ruby’s voice is very compelling from the get-go and becomes even more so as the book progresses. I found her way of dealing with the new found truth that is her life very realistic. I also thoroughly enjoyed the sarcastic way in which she keeps “score” when faced with challenging situations. One of my favorite parts of this story happens when Ruby escapes from the compound and is confronted by her foes in a clearing. She adopts a fierce attitude of “I might be going down but I am going to take as many of you with me as possible”.

At first, the bad guys are cleverly disguised as allies and I found this approach both original and intriguing. I can usually pick out the enemies pretty early on in a book so I really enjoyed the fact that Amber challenges her readers with her out of the box way of thinking. I couldn’t figure out whom to trust which made the book even more addictive because I didn’t want to stop reading! The mystery surrounding Sean was a lot of fun to unravel as well. He’s definitely not who he appears to be and the cliff hanger ending only further adds to the enigma.

Caged is a Trojan horse in disguise; it might be an indie publication but rest assured, you’re in for a wild ride. With a riveting narrative and a story line that just doesn’t quit; this book is a must read for any and all paranormal fiction junkies.

Profile Image for Cristina .
453 reviews62 followers
July 17, 2014
Queue music: Hungry like a Wolf by Duran Duran (just go with it because I’m trying to set the mood).

I read this book knowing very little and was pleasantly surprised.
Oh how I love this book!!!I was hooked from the very first page and honestly, I didn’t know what to make of the prologue because I had so many questions and there was no one to ask!!! So I did the best thing possible…I kept reading!

While Ruby, the heroine of this story frustrated me on many occasions I did enjoy her sense of sarcasm and her poor attempt at humor during the most inappropriate times. She was a total bad-ass and I loved how fierce she really was!! Who she really is and what she’s capable of has been kept from her and the journey of her self-discovery kept me on edge the entire time.

A number of characters were introduced relatively quickly and the ones I thought were the good guys turned out, they weren’t and the ones I thought were suspicious weren’t. I didn’t know whether to slap Sean or beat him but I still loved him. What can I say…I have a weakness for mercurial fictional male characters! He was reserved to a fault and I had the most difficult time in trying to figure him out just as Ruby did. Let’s not forget about Eric. I’m not a fan and I can’t really comment on him too much for fear that I could give something away. And last but not least, Cooper. Sweet and adorable Cooper!!! He’s a mystery in itself but he plays a crucial part in the story.

The writing is solid with elements of humor and suspense, the characters are well developed and the plot will hold your interest until the very end. If you are a fan of urban fantasy/pnr you will definitely enjoy this book as much as I did.

My final two cents: I thoroughly enjoyed this book and I can’t wait to continue on with the series!
1,148 reviews38 followers
September 23, 2012
I have never been so emotional, so moved and captivated by a story that was completely unusual and original like nothing I have read before. Ruby’s story began ordinarily as it would in chick-lit but then as her past and flashbacks revealed hidden secrets, her story became more fascinating with every page hence I began to loose myself within her tale. Wanting to find out more about why she had lost her eyesight for so many years and the accident with her parents, I also then became curious as to the mystery man who supposedly saved her life and whom she regarded as her ‘guardian angel’. Vulnerable and alone, parentless and friendless Ruby then encounters two individuals who are the catalyst for change, in the form of secretive Sean who evades any questioning about himself and so remains a mystery and the hunky Eric who Ruby is fatally attracted to. As the plot becomes ever increasingly peculiar with so many twists and turns, you begin to seek out answers to the list of questions that continues to get longer with each chapter. Who is Sean and why does Ruby know so little about him? Is Eric safe or is he evil? What I did not expect at all was to find out the truth of the mystery, which was not about either characters but the main character of Ruby who completely shocks and surprises you.
Oh my goodness! The ‘twist’ in the tale was one that I did not see coming hence I highly commend the author for her imagination, her creativity and her inspired idea that turned this book from what I perceived to be a fictional/ chick-lit tale into something fantastical. But who should one trust is the question that forever lingers, as both Sean’s character and Eric are questionable as one minute you feel as if you know them and then the next you don’t. I especially loved the quote “…the man who saved me and the man who made me need to be saved from myself”. As I then take a break and think about what I knew about the character of Ruby before and then after the truth is revealed, you suddenly are aware of how all the subtle clues do then add up. Why she has a connection with other animals, her desire for another male in the form of Eric that is purely instinctive, her blindness and the blackouts that keep occurring and her ring. Rouge et blanc is an extremely rare, powerful and deadly being that even confuses PC Sean at first. A the assassins of the brotherhood plot to kill her and she places her trust in another, once more you find yourself gasping in disbelief as the one person whom you thought could be trusted turns out to be the deceiver. Trapped in a cage Ruby’s true friend saves the day but at an alarming price, where questions once again arise as to trust issues when danger is afoot.
I have never felt so many emotions all at once whilst reading this book, from crying tears of pain to laughter, confusion and shock as I was astonished by how many times the truth of a person’s character was revealed. When you just think that you know whom is honest and what is about to happen, then something else comes to pass that sends chills down your spine as you can almost feel the electric tension between the characters.

This story was about love and finding true love, loss, heartache as you search deep within the depths of your soul. Thought-provoking to the core, truth-drawing and utterly gripping I was sat in suspense throughout not knowing what was going to happen. I felt as a consequence so deflated when the ending left on a cliffhanger as I was so keen to find out the truth underneath all the secrecy, and yet it still did not happen but left you wondering instead. I do hope that there is a sequel to Caged as this is a remarkable, astonishing tale that really should continue, as I truly blown away by Amber Lynn Natusch’s skill as a writer whose work is extraordinary. The detail on the characters lives goes into such depth that you are able to connect with them in such an intimate and personal way, as you understand Ruby’s feelings and thoughts as her life is turned upside down. With a touch of ‘Twilight’ by Stephanie Myer I was almost imagining the conflicting personalities between Sean and Eric to be like that of Edward Cullen and Jacob, although one being the werewolf and the other being the hunter. Clever and genius this incredible tale is so breathtaking, spellbinding and poignant that I found myself unable to put it down for even a minute. For those readers who love this genre then I cannot highly recommend it enough, and I concider myself to be so lucky as to have won this book through a blog giveaway as it certainly has exceeded and surpassed all expectations.
Profile Image for Charity.
38 reviews4 followers
October 31, 2012

Wow! I had no idea what this book was about before I read it. And disappointed I am not! This book and series really deserves so much more attention then it has been given.

Caged is written from our heroine Ruby’s POV; a woman in her late 20‘s who grew up blind. However, after a tragic event she miraculously regains her vision. Here’s the fun, the reader gets to experience all of the weird little nuances that a recently sighted person might have. It’s a neat little perspective and backstory we get on our heroine and immediately makes the reader want to like her. Caged is sort of a slow build as Natusch is introducing us to characters as well as Ruby’s perceived world. She does this to create a wonderful set-up before the big bombs drop. And boy do they drop.

Normally I am not a huge Werewolf fan but Natusch’s Caged is making me sing a different tune. Yes, yes, I know reviewers always say, “Oh what a new or different take on blah, blah, blah...,” well, in this case they are correct. Natusch does take a classic paranormal baddy and gives it an interesting twist.

I drank this book down faster then I would guzzle a nice micro-brew after a long run. Yeah, it was that good. I am extremely impressed with Ms. Natusch’s writing. She is wonderfully descriptive and has the gift to keep her audience engaged and interested. Her character’s have a lot of depth and are not your typical cookie-cutter black and white good guys versus bad guys. This I appreciate, as it adds a little bit more reality to the story.

If you enjoy Werewolves, PNR, Urban Fantasy and a plot driven story with fantastic writing, then please, please give Caged a read. You won’t be disappointed.

I give Caged 4.5 stars
Profile Image for Lorna.
1,558 reviews69 followers
May 6, 2015
I have to say that I am absolutely totally confused by some of the reviews I just read. This book was the start of a wonderful paranormal series.One day read for me and for all of the books in this series actually. I started this book and it drew me in immediately. The character of Ruby was just one of the best characters I have ever read. EVER.She is funny and sarcastic and I loved that. I have since read the whole series up to this point and it got better and better with each book.Not that it had far to go as it was already in the 5 star range for me.Give this book a chance. Great book and great read. Loved it! (less)
Profile Image for Jasmin.
54 reviews
June 15, 2012
I don't have a well thought out review at the moment, but when your main character is saved by two men (who are SO perfectly gorgeous) within the first 30 pages, I am not inclined to give a good review. seeing as the author didn't take the time to formulate any sort of story, depth, strength, or belivability I don't feel like putting in the effort either.

it sounds harsh, but I am really getting tired of weak-willed women in novels and men who have no imperfections....because that's how the world works, obviously.
Profile Image for Heather M.
147 reviews9 followers
March 8, 2012
".....Ruby is a sarcastic, shoe obsessed chic (hey, I can relate!), although she was a bit on the immature side (however, seeing how her parents raised her, it is justifiable). She is quickly thrown into an unknown world and has to figure out who she can trust and figure it out FAST, as her life literally depends on it. I had NO idea that this book was about werewolves, although I loved it! It was my first "werewolf" book and I was not disappointed."

My FULL REVIEW here: http://shoes-n-more.blogspot.com/2012...
Profile Image for Natalie.
406 reviews197 followers
July 23, 2014
I love a good Urban Fantasy. It is always nice to escape reality for a while and live among the things that go bump in the night.

Ruby has lived a very sheltered life in the dark, both literally and figuratively. With the unexpected deaths of her parents, in which she was present but has has no recollection, Ruby is now alone and no longer in the dark. Her only memory from her parents death is that of the mysterious man who saved her. When the mystery man shows up again months later, what starts off as a friendship leads to some serious discoveries and a whole lot of action.

Sean, aka the mysterious savior, is an interesting guy. Attractive, well spoken and just a little on the stiff side, it is hard to tell what his true intentions and feelings are. Just like Ruby I had a lot of questions for Sean and got very little in the way of answers. They form a friendship, however, despite his lack of forthcomingness. When Sean and Ruby head to a club one night Ruby meets Eric and their attraction is instant and primal. But … as it turns out, Sean and Eric have a past and its not a friendly one. Sean warns Ruby to stay away from Eric but that pull she feels toward him is too strong to ignore. During her first date with Eric we find out just how “special” and important Ruby truly is.

I know not everyone will be a fan of Ruby. She does come off as a bit naive and maybe even a smidgen (ok a lot) sarcastic, but I really liked her. Yes, she made some poor choices and probably should have known better but to be honest it was hard to tell who was good and who was bad. Even up until the end of the book I was still trying to figure it all out myself, which I loved. Her naivety is what leads to the twists, turns and all the fun bloody action.

Overall, Caged was a fun book to listen to. The narration was done well and the narrators voice matched Ruby’s personality perfectly. It did however start off a little slowish for me, lots of description about the day to day stuff like what Ruby was wearing, her various shoes, etc. I would find myself easily distracted from the narration but at about the halfway mark things really started to pick up. Once we find out who or rather what Ruby really is my interest was piqued and the story started to pick up its pace. There were also periods of time in the story where I would have liked more description and detail but I can’t talk about that part here in my review otherwise it would give away too much. But don’t let that stop you from reading, it was still an enjoyable book.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
1,277 reviews57 followers
April 2, 2018
Ruby was born blind, but after a tragic attack that left her parents dead and Ruby covered in blood, she could see. A year after the attack, she is on her own and adjusting to her new life when she crosses paths with Sean, the mysterious (and handsome) guy that found her the day of the attack. They begin to build a strange friendship.

At a club one night, she also meets Eric. There is an intense attraction between them, and Sean has to practically drag her away. Later Eric tells Ruby that she is really a powerful werewolf that Sean has been sent to assassinate. Not knowing who to trust, Ruby runs off with Eric. It doesn't quite turn out the way she hoped. It seems there are plenty of people out there that want to cage Ruby and harness the power that she has somewhere inside her.

This was a decent start to the series. The groundwork has been laid, and I'm interested in seeing what happens with the characters. Ruby is a little strange, but I'm hopeful that now that she has a friend in Cooper (a werewolf she meets at the end of the book), that her character will develop a little more emotionally.
Profile Image for Stacy.
1,335 reviews63 followers
September 11, 2012
*Minor Spoilers may be revealed*

I jumped into Caged not knowing what it was really about and had no clue it was a werewolf story. The story starts off a bit slow with information, You get through about half the book before any hint of the paranormal is even mentioned then BAM your thrown right in to everything and things start to make more sense.

Ruby is frustratingly naive when it comes to most matters. She is quick to jump to the worst conclusion but also quick to double guess herself. She hides behind humor and is quick with her comebacks. I found her to be real and easy to connect with. Her entire story is heartbreaking and compelling. She makes the story more real with her emotions and it becomes impossible to put the book down once you get into it. The men of the story aren't always straightforward and its hard to see where they stand and if they are trying to help or hurt Ruby. Having said that I liked Sean from the moment his character was introduced and I could tell Eric was nothing but trouble.

The only thing that I did not care for in CAGED had to do with the play out from after Ruby was "caged". I was glad we didn't "witness" what happened to her, we got many hints but no solid confirmation until the end of the book. I would have thought she would have been a tad bit more traumatized but maybe the trauma from it wont show up until book 2 as a lot happened afterwords and she really didn't have much downtime.

Amber definitely knows how to write my brand of book crack.I really enjoyed CAGED and am really excited to find out what will happen next.
Profile Image for Shan.
22 reviews1 follower
February 16, 2013
Ok never judge a book by it's cover and what one person finds exciting another will ask WTF. I did not want to read this book one the cover, two the description was not helpful at peeking my interest but the reviews were mixed. I was urged by my "book buddy" lol to read it. We kinda developed an enter wolf from prev. Reads. This book is Fantastic. If you are able to transport yourself into the book and focus not on the obvious real world common sense we should share. Ruby has been sheltered all her life to protect her from who she is. BALANCE is a thin line perched on a pin point and Ruby, Shaun, cooper, and the gang are all trying to remain centered while searching for who they are and excepting their fates. I LOVE THIS BOOK AND HAVE READ UP TO BOOK 4 and now waiting on the next. happy that there are more to come. The stories are not drugged out. It's a mad dash from beginning to end. And I feel for each of the characters. You'll feel a full array of emotions if you can get beyond how you would react in that situation and experience it through the characters as the author intends. I am a fan of this series and plan to follow it though I was left speechless by the end of book 4 so I have to see it through to the end. READ IT FOR YOURSELF AND SEE HOW YOU FEEL WHEN IT IS OVER. LOVE, FAMILY, LIFE HOW DO YOU DEAL.
Profile Image for angela .
785 reviews157 followers
June 1, 2017
The bomb I loved this book it was awesome.. With lots of excitement, tragedy, questionable people, snark, things I didn't see coming, friendships made, love, etc. it has it all. Wrapped in great writing, by a wonderful creative mind. I love this Author and look forward to the next book in this series. I highly recommended this book.
Profile Image for S.F. Benson.
Author 33 books85 followers
July 22, 2019
Excellent! It was a little slow in the beginning, but when it picked up—wow!
Profile Image for Sheilah.
201 reviews2 followers
July 6, 2017
Way before Twilight was even thought of, my love of werewolves blossomed while reading L.J. Smith in the 90's. A wee girl of 11 or 13, I was transfixed, while curled up in my bed dreaming of my werewolf soul mate that was destined in the stars (or so I hoped).

Her creation of the Night World spawned my love. But in truth, it was always there.

I feel if you are a dog lover there is a natural inclination to love the inner wolf that materializes in legends. I have been obsessed with canines since a child. We personify our pets everyday, giving them human qualities that we want to believe they embody.

It seems natural then that we create creatures in our legends that can be both beast and man. Creatures that embody fierce instinctual behaviors and exhibit determined loyalty and bravery. There can be nothing more admirable (in my opinion) in a companion, whether human or beast.

There are of course, two different types of weres. You have the sexy, boyfriend kind that fiercely protect you, and you have the angry, monster kind that want to rip out your insides. I prefer a little pinch of both.

That is why some many moons ago, I bought this story. It was an impulse purchase, believing as I clicked the "buy" button the book would likely stink. But it had werewolves, so there you go.

It has been sitting in my Kindle que ever since.

So, did I like it? That is the question.

20 pages in, I was debating if I wanted to keep reading. A self-published story always comes with some reader hesitation from me. So I wasn't surprised, when I struggled to get into the story. Who was this character named Ruby? Did I like her? I wasn't sure. But I was bored and had nothing better to do, so I kept reading. And... it got better.

I ended up enraptured by the story. I read it over two days, spending my Wednesday night sprawled on the couch, the dogs scattered around the room.

What was the hook?

Well my readers, I will tell you. Natusch understands how to drag out a romance connection. If you are writing a book that has sequels, the romance cannot be satisfied in book 1. If it is, you have lost me. The best part of Christmas, isn't Christmas, it's Christmas Eve - the anticipation, the excitement! That is what you want to experience. Christmas is boring. The presents are no longer intriguing because I know what's inside. Just like Christmas, the art of writing a good romance is in the building up to the final unification.

Love triangles and obstacles to the romance help to spread that out, which Natusch does well. Now, 20% into book 2 and the romance is closer to climax, but not fulfilled, thereby keeping me hostage.

The romance building is not the only positive to this story, the characters are all enjoyable. Ruby has grown on me, her sarcastic quips and quick tempter a growing endearing quality. The constant stream of attainable hotties spice up her life with drama, which keeps me spinning.

There were just a few issues I struggled with:

1. The lightness in tone during the dark, scary climax was a bit too light. I wasn't feeling the danger.

2. The editing could have been a bit more thorough. With self-published novels, I tend to be more aware of the grammar issues and more offended by them. There were sentences that weren't completely developed that needed a bit more work, but overall it was pretty clean.

Would I recommend this story?

Definitely, but only to werewolf loving, love struck teens (or adults who never grew up like me). If you enjoyed Twilight, you will likely enjoy this as well.

Profile Image for Brandee (un)Conventional Bookworms.
1,411 reviews152 followers
January 5, 2018
*3.5 Stars*
Despite my having a few issues, this was an excellent debut and I'm HOOKED. I'm anxious to see what comes next for Ruby.

Caged was a recommendation from Lorna @RabidReads so it came as no surprise that I was immediately captivated. The prologue teased me just enough to have my curiosity piqued. There were some freaky things that Ruby endured and she was equally as in the dark, so to speak, as to what was going on as I was.

The story picks up ~9 months after the prologue and Ruby is settling into her life "after". I enjoyed getting to know her - seeing her creativity and her love for dance as well as the way she's embracing her newfound, if undesired, freedom juxtaposed with the images of her childhood. Natusch did well developing Ruby's character in this way, showing us how she'd been and how recent events had affected her and were shaping who she was becoming. This was the first time she was really able to figure out who she is, define herself, etc. She has a fun sense of humor and is intelligent.

Sean is this enigmatic character who keeps showing up when Ruby most needs him. I didn't feel like I got to know him well enough to have a real connection with him - which might be purposeful - but for whatever reason, I felt he always had Ruby's best interests at heart. Eric, on the other hand, always felt slimy to me. I didn't get that acquainted with him either but I still felt like he showed his true colors and they didn't color him trustworthy.

Without being spoilery, I'll just say that Natusch developed an intriguing mythology of her own and despite this being the introduction to the series, it wasn't an info dump in world building. However, we really only know the bones right now so I'm anxious to learn more.

My issues with Caged were in the details about Ruby. I understand why she was the way she was but I felt that at times she was too trusting and she behaved immaturely. She also had an interesting fascination with fashion considering where she was 9 months ago. One other tiny complaint is that Sean was so enigmatic. I felt some things he said were confusing - so Ruby was also understandably confused by him.

Overall though, Caged held my interest and has my curiosity piqued enough that I'm looking forward to continuing the series, seeing how Ruby continues to mature and learn more about this all-new world she's found herself in.
Profile Image for Matt Larkin.
Author 76 books169 followers
December 21, 2018
I didn't know exactly what to expect when I started Caged. I knew it had some kind of urban fantasy element, and some kind of comic element. It starts off kind of slow, the narrative mainly driven by Ruby's voice. Fortunately, that voice is very compelling. The way she keeps score of every conversation or event ("Ruby - 1, Sean - 0") stuck with me even after finishing the book.

What I didn't know, and didn't begin to figure out until a little ways in, is exactly what supernatural elements were in the book. We learn early on that Ruby is empathic, but she uses this only a little, so I began to wonder just how much fantasy there was going to be. And then Sean and Eric begin vying for her emotions, and Ruby finds herself inexplicably drawn to Eric, though she knows Sean is a better guy.

Judgment isn't one of Ruby's strong suits. And boy does she ever pay for it. I'm hesitant to say more, because I don't want to spoil the surprise about what's really going on in the story. I will say, however, that while it has a comic voice, parts are very dark and disturbing.

Regardless I really enjoyed reading it.
Profile Image for Elisa.
3,182 reviews36 followers
August 12, 2017
I'd really like the last few hours back omg what a waste of precious reading time. really, really poor plot, boring and predictable that the heroine not that you can really call her that should have see everything coming well before it happened talk about pathetic wow that woman and being 28 she was a woman had no freaking idea, the bad guys were equally pathic is was like watching a really cheesy b rated horror I just had to laugh at the character's stupidity I'm not normally one to write negative reviews but wow this story was just that bad.
Profile Image for Laura..devouring books like crumpets.
1,714 reviews99 followers
May 11, 2019
This book was just one big hot mess..... I really didn't know what was going on half the time, Ruby was bipolar, her emotions swing in roundabouts, one minute shes lusting after one guy then another than screaming at them... I really disliked her, the plot, well lets say it wasn't for me, the only character i found remotely interesting was killed at the end, also we learn practically nothing about anything, no one explains anything making the book really aggravating and a bit silly.... so big nope wont carry it on
Profile Image for Megan Gillis.
21 reviews
October 13, 2017
I can't seem to put this series down.. there are some parts that are quite drawn out. However I find it quite intriguing and refreshing in some aspects as well! I can't say more without giving anything away! It's definitely a good read if you like paranormal of all kinds and romance ;)
Profile Image for Megan.
282 reviews165 followers
August 2, 2013
I met Amber Lynn Natusch at the Boston Author Event back in March and have been a personal fan of hers ever since. She is smart, witty, and loves the oxford comma just as much as I do. I’ve had her first book, Caged, on my kindle for what seems like forever now and finally got the chance to read it. My, oh my… I don’t know what the hell I was waiting for. This first book in the Caged series is a page-turner that kept me reading well into the night.

One thing I’ve been doing a lot lately is skipping book blurbs completely before reading a book. It keeps me completely in the dark as to what to expect. All I knew going into Caged was that it was the first in a series of adult supernatural books. It’s no secret that I love a good series, so off I went.

Immediately, readers are brought into Ruby’s story, which is set in Portsmouth, NH. Sidenote: I went to the University of New Hampshire which is about a 15-20 minute drive from Portsmouth, so I was thrilled to be able to read along and picture the city Ruby lived and worked in. She’s the heroine of the series with quite the interesting background. She’s different, she’s fresh, she’s completely sarcastic and I love her, love her, love her! She’s led a very sheltered, isolated life due to a physical limitation and overbearing parents. After an accident that completely changed her life, she’s left to navigate her way through the world—a world that is COMPLETELY new to her.

Her savior from the accident nine months prior conveniently seems to be around whenever she’s in a pinch. She’s thankful, but also suspicious. Of course he’s gorgeous (swoon), and they settle into a companionable friendship. Though it’s filled with frustrating conversations, very few answers, many laughs, and lots of sarcasm it quickly becomes very important to Ruby. Their relationship takes an intense turn when Sean and Ruby go for a day trip to Boston. There, she meets Eric and has an instant, animal attraction to him.

“All my life I was virtually without companionship, especially the male kind, and now I was being torn between the two men in my life. I felt as though I would eventually have to make a choice between the man who saved me and the man who made me need to be saved from myself.”

Ruby immediately understands that Eric and Sean have a hate-hate relationship, but has no idea why. Though she grasps for answers, the two most important men in her life are not particularly forthcoming. Unfortunately, Ruby is too trusting when she shouldn’t be and not trusting enough when she should be. Put in an untenable situation, with the challenges mounting, and hope deteriorating, Ruby has to do what she can to figure out who she is, why she’s special, and how the hell she’s going to make it out of there alive.

I stayed up all night reading Caged. If I had known how addictive this book was and how much I’d grow to love these characters’ banter, I would have started it on a Friday evening (with no plans for Saturday or Sunday) so that I wouldn’t be a zombie at work the next day. Unfortunately, a Thursday night start time had me going to bed when the birdies started chirping for the day. Can’t say I regret it though.

Caged is filled with interesting characters, a great hook, an ever-changing setting which kept me excited and on edge, and the promise of love in one form or another. Fans of supernatural fiction will definitely want to check out >Caged and the rest of the Caged Series (there are five full-length books and a novella out right now). It is awesome!
Profile Image for S.
408 reviews113 followers
September 4, 2012
This is a really good book that, I think, deserves some hype around it! I'm quite surprised that it hasn't taken off more than it has. The story is very good and kept my interest throughout. It begins very mysteriously and I had no idea what to expect from it. The synopsis doesn't really tell you anything about the actual story. It rather surprised me! There are tons of twists and turns in this book as well. Everything is so wonderfully mysterious that at the completion of the first book, I am left wondering about certain aspects of the story. I am looking forward to reading the next in the series.

The characters are very well developed. Ruby, the narrator, is a likeable enough character. She is, however, quite naive at first and finds herself getting into dangerous situations as a result. I loved how mysterious even she was to the reader, because she didn't even know everything about herself. So, the reader learns right along with her. Sean...oh, Sean, how mixed my feelings are about you! Sean is also very mysterious and I couldn't -- well, I still can't -- quite figure him out. Is he a good guy or is he a bad guy? What's up with his feelings for Ruby? I want to love him, but I also want to hate him! I very much sympathize with Ruby about her feelings for him, because I feel the same! She doesn't quite know how to feel about him or how to figure him out either! Eric...I don't want to give anything away about him, so I won't say much. But, he is very mysterious and well-developed. Cooper, who doesn't make an appearance until about halfway through the novel, is adorable. I love him, and yet he isn't one of Ruby's love interests (at least not yet). What's up with that? Frustrating...

The writing is good. I wouldn't say that the writing style is anything spectacular, but Natusch knows how to capture a readers interest and hold onto it until the end. This novel is a very quick and easy read. The chapters are extremely short for an adult book, which I found kind of odd. But, I don't mind short chapters. Short chapters are much better than super long chapters, in my opinion. At the beginning of the novel, Ruby has flashbacks and I thought that the flashbacks were rather poorly done. I think that they were rather misplaced and awkward. One minute you're reading the current story and then all of sudden the italic words start coming and you are thrust into a different time period. I don't like the way this was done and I found it a bit confusing at times.

Overall, I did enjoy this book and I will continue to read the rest of the series. I would recommend this book to fans of paranormal romance and fans of very mysterious books where anything can happen and catch you off guard! I also love the cover, I think it's pretty wicked.

This review was originally published on SIK Book Reviews
Profile Image for Online Eccentric Librarian.
3,168 reviews5 followers
August 18, 2013
Although I have rated this two stars, it may not be as bad as that for others. For me, this hit quite a few of my pet peeves right of the bat, especially for being in essence a shaggy dog story (read: werewolves):

- Heroine who is bitchy and complains, whines, yells, acts stupidly with the love interest(s) and heroes. It's a romance trope called a 'spitfire' and it firmly throws me past my 'reality' and 'plot logic' threshold to believe ANYONE would find her attractive.

- Hero described as a Greek God. If there is a hoarier cliche in romance novels, I can't think of one. And honestly, every time I see that phrase used, I know I'm dealing with an inexperienced author and swimming in shallow waters.

- Broadly hinting but never stating outright the facts that will enlighten the protagonist. Seriously - does everyone in the world only talk in innuendos? Really? Is that the only way to create tension in a plot?

- Things happen but aren't written in the active tense - and instead are explained through exposition later after jumps in the storytelling. That's just laziness on the author's part - info dumping for expediency or lack of storytelling skills. Show, don't tell.

- Girl with special specialness. Because she can't just be any old werewolf, right?

- Pages and pages of brand names. Do I need to know she is wearing Laboutin, driving an Audi TT, loves her Jimmy Choos, etc. At that point, it just becomes a very tired Mary Sue. A girl who had her parents viciously murdered and herself traumatized - and all she cares about is clothing brand names and vintage shopping?

- Girl = densest person on the planet. Yes, she's vapid enough to go to lengths about the Laboutin shoes but can't take ANY sort of hint about anything else unless hit on the head? I just know it's going to be an excuse to keep her in the dark about plot points and about the romance for....6 friggin books. No thanks, no way.

- Too much christian religion references in an urban fantasy that really doesn't in any way define anything about the character.

Honestly, this is swimming in the shallow end for me. If I'm harsh, it's because I am also wondering about all the 5 star reviews for a book lacking in plot, world building, depth, characterizations, originality, and storytelling. But then again, I never got the allure of the Twilight series either, so if you loved Twilight, you'll probably like this as well.
Profile Image for Kellan Kyle.
213 reviews
April 19, 2012

I did not read the synapses before beginning this book, but purchased it because it was recommended on Amazon. (not to mention it was only 99cents). I gave it 3 stars because 2 1/2 was not an option.

I started out really enjoying Caged but I just couldn't wrap my head around Ruby being 28 years old. Why 28? Why not 25 or 24? At least then, there may have been an excuse for her immaturity. 28 is already old by some standards. I just don't understand.

Profile Image for Cat.
1,293 reviews9 followers
October 22, 2012
I oscillated between loving the main character, Ruby, and wanting to smack her upside her head. For a smart, semi-paranoid woman living on her own, she really makes some foolish decisions. In fact, even after going through a terrible ordeal (the climax of the book), she still insists on judging a certain character based solely on what someone else has said. Shame on you Ruby! Oh well, this is pointed out by that character all by himself, so good job sir (name not revealed so no spoilers!).

Overall this book was good. It has romance, mystery, humor, violence, deception, werewolves, lots of sexy dudes, and expensive taste in clothing, shoes, and cars. You don't get to know the characters very well, but the characters were still enjoyable. More importantly, I think Ruby grew as a character and that gets big props from me. There was also a good amount of humor and I like that Ruby was very brunt about a lot of things.

Not sure where the sequels to this go, but I am interested in reading more (in this series and from this author)!
Profile Image for Caitlin Kerry.
Author 3 books85 followers
February 1, 2013
This book was a bit harder me for me to get into but about half way through it really picked up and I really liked it! At times I found Ruby a bit obnoxious but I could see why she was the way she was, I mean this poor girl had gone through some crazy stuff and NO one would give her answers. That would drive me nuts too!! And then there is Sean....oh my hottness. Plus at times this book was pretty funny.

"I'm an only child Coop. I don't do sharing" I retorted
"If I'd had one like you first, it'd be an only child too"
"You're an ass."
"You're a grump"


and I loved when Sean says "When you turned and winked at me I saw two things that frightened me; hopelessness and acceptance. There was a little crazy sprinkled in there too"

pretty much sums up Ruby quite well.

Overall its a good book and I have already started the second one!

Profile Image for Samantha.
449 reviews73 followers
October 16, 2012
I thoroughly enjoyed this! It adds a little twist to the very popular and possibly overdone werewolf story. (Funny, I keep thinking about how saturated most books are with werewolves, vampires, witches, faeries, etc... yet I still keep reading them, lol. I guess everyone has their shtick?)

Random side thought: When Sean says "No More Cages" to Ruby, it felt very "No one puts baby in a corner", lol. I had to laugh out loud. Maybe its just me.

Highly recommended. On to the second one!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 305 reviews

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