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Five Point Someone: What Not to Do at IIT

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Five Point Someone is a story about three friends in IIT who are unable to cope.

The book starts with a disclaimer, “This is not a book to teach you how to get into IIT or even how to live in college. In fact, it describes how screwed up things can get if you don’t think straight.”

Three hostelmates – Alok, Hari and Ryan get off to a bad start in IIT – they screw up the first class quiz. And while they try to make amends, things only get worse. It takes them a while to realize: If you try and screw with the IIT system, it comes back to double screw you. Before they know it, they are at the lowest echelons of IIT society. They have a five-point-something GPA out of ten, ranking near the end of their class. This GPA is a tattoo that will remain with them, and come in the way of anything else that matters – their friendship, their future, their love life. While the world expects IITians to conquer the world, these guys are struggling to survive.

Will they make it? Do under performers have a right to live? Can they show that they are not just a five-point-somebody but a five-point-someone?

267 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2004

About the author

Chetan Bhagat

30 books5,345 followers
Chetan Bhagat writes op-ed columns for English and Hindi newspapers, including Times of India and Dainik Bhaskar, focusing on youth and issues based on national development. Bhagat is also a motivational speaker and has given talks in leading MNCs and other institutions. He quit his international investment banking career in 2009, to devote his entire time to writing. In 2008, The New York Times called Bhagat "the biggest selling English language novelist in India’s history". Bhagat, a graduate of Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi and IIM Ahmedabad, is seen more as a youth icon than as an author.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,551 reviews
Profile Image for Rhea Routray.
5 reviews18 followers
June 23, 2012
The first time I picked up this book, it felt like I was going to do a great thing. Dad had warned me not to read it, but being the reader I am, I took him lightly. Until I found out the gross it contained.
I knew definitely that it was not the best book in the world, that too far from my preferred genres: I had been a non fiction and self help lover then. I read it when I was probably twelve. I hated the idea to read it but finally, I heard some news about it being adapted as a film when i read it.
The story is anything idiotic: three friends in the prestigious IIT institute, they all experience the worst of their years as they unfold their problems.
Okay, so the protagonist was the most crankiest, stupid and idiotic person I have ever read in my life. So the whole thing was a snobbish thing for me. The girl who fell in love with him was anything but sane: she's the prof's daughter, so maybe I can understand. But still, a plot so naive and stupid, that too accompanied with a low degree of writing left me rolling on the floor, laughing at the publisher's decision to publish it. The boys broke into the office to leak the papers so that they could get some extra points for themselves. I mean seriously? They broke into the IIT's office and tried to leak papers like anything. It almost seemed like there was no security around the office. The boys have different motives for stealing the papers: that idiot Hari wants to steal the papers because he wants to impress the Dean so that he can get his daughter's hand and marry her. Alok wants to get through the exam and get good marks. Whereas Ryan just wants to have his set of adventure. I mean, these guys want to end their future literally because they want to get good marks? Who would think that? If it's fiction it doesn't mean you can write any crap.
It isn't fit to be called a book. Chetan Bhagat should consider joining English writing classes. Overall, I think this was the worst read ever. I won't recommend this to anybody. If you're going to read it, please don't read this book. I made a mistake, hope you don't.
Profile Image for Reading_ Tamishly.
5,178 reviews3,182 followers
December 17, 2023
Heard of the Three Idiots movie?

Yes, this is the book from which the movie got adapted. And yes, this book is really important in my country as it's one of the most read books in the country still as it lays the foundation of reading amongst the youngsters.

The book is good. I won't deny. This author marks an important part in my reading life too as I have read all of his books (the good, the bad and the ugly!) till date (both fiction and non-fiction).

I actually loved this book when I first read it more than a decade ago. The writing is fun and entertaining. The characters are pathetic young adults and there's this sole girl character being the super beautiful, girly fair maiden in the engineering campus who falls for the 'fat', 'lowest scorer' Hari.

I didn't like the characters except for this character Ryan. He's the hot, messy kind; the one who scores the best without even trying; the one who speaks his mind on the education system and everything he considers important (but not in a boring, preaching manner, ugh!).

This book had all the fundamentals of keeping an Indian youngster hooked. It's funny, relatable, somewhat realistic (except the romance part of course!), emotional with a solid ending.

*How the movie is different from the book:
1) The merge of characters:

Hari's and Ryan's characters have been merged together to bring alive the character of Rancho in the movie which I say is pretty clever. Hari's character is actually pathetic, the whining kind which lacks personality. Ryan's character is strong, outspoken, unapologetic, unique, playful, hot and messy. More of Ryan's character has been incorporated in Rancho's character.

2) Better representation of the love interest:

Instead of the giggly, seductive, cringy girl character in the book, the movie featured a smart doctor who's head is down to earth and mature. Instead of the girl and the boy jumping directly into a physical relationship, the romance in the movie is mature and beautiful.

3) Humour on point:

The humour parts in the book seem a bit juvenile but the movie has put in some new parts in almost every scene which the humour parts were done exceptionally well.

4) How the movie ended:

This part is the part which I appreciate the most about the movie adaptation.
In the book, Ryan's future is somewhat vague. The book ended with the end of their college lives. The movie dealt more than that. It actually focused more on how the characters ended up actually in real lives.

The movie is much better I would say. Yes, I know it's so unfair of me to even compare.

The movie shows how each of these characters changed their lives inspite of family restrictions and various other shortcomings; inspite of being the lowest scorers during their college lives.

Yes, sometimes it may seem too convenient but the concept is realistic and applicable.

5) What actually happened to Ryan:

The book ended without saying much of Ryan. So it's a bit confusing to the readers, as much as we appreciate reading about a rebel, whether he ends up being no one in particular and if his life got ruined because of the way he is. Like is it worth being a rebel or someone who's outspoken, who wants to change the system, who wants to stay away from the outdated neverchanging system?

The movie shows Rancho as a successful scientist who is actually helping people and kids in real. It's encouraging actually!

In the end, I would like to say the book has its own charm. It's good.

The movie would not have happened if it wasn't for the book.

I appreciate both and I am so happy that both the book and the movie adaptation are there and still changing the lives of many youngsters.
3 reviews
February 18, 2008
I must confess, this book is utter crap! Its an insult to English language. Its even worse than those soppy mushy crappy juvenile novels that I've seen my teenage friends gushing over!Honestly, did Bhagat ever edit his book??? Perhaps he simply didnt have any idea of what to write.
Profile Image for Sanjay.
244 reviews487 followers
August 8, 2021
Another great piece of trash from CB. Just because I could relate, a little bit, with the college life depicted, and because of mentioning Pink Floyd at one place, this book has earned one extra star.
Profile Image for Sharadha Jayaraman.
123 reviews2 followers
September 4, 2017
0.5-star Review:
Five Point Someone by Chetan Bhagat

I purchased this book a while back from a book vendor whose little shop by the streets is a part of an open circulatory library sort of thing in my city. What happens in this circuit is that you buy a book for a negotiable price and return it later at any date and time and get half the price back for it. I normally buy these books and retain them with me because they are some pretty awesome buys for the price I pay for them.

So, I was pretty excited to read this book - it was touted to be the author's best and about IIT and my dad's from IIT so I thought that I'd get to peek into what his life would've been like (since he only talks about the fun parts and skips those about study pressure, student life, etc.). This wasn't my first Chetan Bhagat novel, so I didn't have great expectations on the language front.

What just happened was this though:


Five Point Someone, dismally, had no language, no story and no characterisation whatsoever. Dear Mr. Bhagat, if you think that you can sell books by banking on the IIT brand name, then this novel proves you vehemently wrong and delusional. Not only were the characters chummy, stupid and repetitive, but they also were unbelievable to be IIT material. Seriously, who in IIT would realistically think of/do the below:

a. Go for jogs in the morning (hell, these guys even did pilates!)
b. Sneak out to have ice-cream.
c. Be overly emotional for no darn reason - even write letters that make a first-grader proud!
d. Whining 24 x 7 x 365 (not about the syllabus or study load, but about family, love, and cheating, ugh!)

If I compare these guys to my father, then I either feel like something's wrong with my dad or that the author's got the IIT mentality wrong at the roots (I mean, aren't they supposed to be these demigods of intelligence?). And the girl, Neha - I can't fathom her being in the story - is it just to pair the lead with a female and abide by the dinosaur stereotype that 'IIT guys FINALLY got a girl! :O'? C'mon, the supporting cast had no girlfriends, you could have spared us ONE whole character, Mr. Bhagat!

All right, that said, I felt that Operation Pendulum's final night was cut straight out of a Bollywood movie - so many dramatic coincidences altogether (NOT giving away spoilers, so breathe)? In IIT? This is beyond preposterous and, to be fair on the IIT guys, a little insulting.

All in all, the book was by far the worst read I've picked in a long while and don't think that I'll dare pick up another Chetan Bhagat novel in my life. I even RETURNED this book to the vendor and got half my money back because I didn't want it on my 'awesome' 'decent' book-shelf. Sorry, but I feel that one star is also grand for what I endured through the read (Goodreads doesn't let me mark 0.1, oh well).

P.S. Chetan Bhagat is a lot better than many of his contemporaries in one aspect - at least his book titles don't resemble "She Broke Up, I Didn't!: I Just Kissed Someone Else!" or "Ohh Yes, I Am Single!: And So is My Girlfriend!".
Profile Image for Archit.
825 reviews3,206 followers
May 8, 2018
Read this.

Enjoyed this.

But on the retrospection mode, I wonder what happened to the author. What started off as an amazing debut just turned into a different career story altogether.

When this book hit the stands back in the day, the craze was appreciable. Intelligently penned, fluent story-line and a captivating simpleton thought process.

This marked the beginning of the IIT inspired love pages circulating all around the country.

Some good, some poor.

But this one - was a remarkable debut! Ushered in an era where this kind of fiction was dearth and lack luster. The movie that followed just lit up for a tremendous script recipe.

Although, if you try the same thing over and over again - it becomes damp, almost tasteless. That is what happened with the following books honestly.
Profile Image for Tamoghna Biswas.
319 reviews126 followers
September 14, 2020

I can't imagine this question coming from me:Why Read The Book when You Can Watch The Movie?

Trust me. I know I'm saying this. And I'm actually one of those who end up always liking the book more than the adaptation. In this case, I don't get it.

I didn't get it. It's not like that I'm prejudiced against his stories, or am, in a word, just a snob. But this book has been adapted into a truly wonderful movie back at a time when I didn't know even this book does exist. So I read it, burrowing from a friend in a single sitting (yeah I had to return the next day). Waste of time? No, not only that. I was profoundly shocked to read it.

It had several promising ingredients, to tell the truth. 3 not-so-similar-in-thoughts-yet-the-best-of-pals friends who get admitted in an IIT, and gets involved in all sort of ridiculous events...and all. But end of the day not one of them is worth of, at least, my attention. I actually picked up the book thinking it would be authentic: the title says:"What Not To Do At IIT", and Bhagat himself was a student of IIT Delhi. And I was an IIT aspirant back then (well, I thought it was cool... and I also thought I would love Chemistry more than Mathematics...good old days) so there was a natural interest to read it. The same reason I love to read Autobiographies of Mathematicians and Authors, you know. But the whole book seemed only about one stupid point: "Why memorize?"

Well, I get it. Memorizing something without understanding the context, or rather even that attempt is not at all beneficial, and also rather futile. But being able to memorize something, word-to-word along with understanding the context is actually a talent. So it's damn idiotic to try point out it as something bad. Okay, if the protagonist could have proved that he could do better without following this path, even then it won't be okay to generalize. And see what it got him? In the end? Mr. Bhagat, do you know that a consequence of the popularity of your book is that actually students look upon that capability as something bad? Also, you have created a totally different image of IITs than the one they actually are, to tell the truth. Sure, I never spent 3 or 5 years in an IIT. But people actually dream of getting into one since childhood, for, really, they're that good. You shouldn't just generalize something like that with your personal opinions. You're affecting the mass.

Also the story is, quite unlike the movie, absolutely humorless. I didn't find anything funny, at least. The character development is disgustingly stereotypical, with that same narcissistic and misogynistic outlook. I don't know how every female character in Bhagat's story can be the exact same.

You may read the story. Maybe you will love it too. All my friends did, even if they hated the author's most works. I hate it, despite a bit of gratefulness, as it paved the way for, truly a brilliant cult movie: 3 Idiots, which, unlike the book I think, absolutely deserves the appraisal. On second thought, no I am not that thankful, even. It's Rajkumar Hirani who deserves the praise, for turning this mess into a raucously laughable and emotional.."and everything" movie.( Even if you don't want to read the book, do watch the movie. I tell you, It's really good.)
Profile Image for Vidyasagar Darapu.
40 reviews9 followers
November 1, 2023
read this god forsaken book like a zillion years ago and still couldn't get rid of the sin that I have committed. Yes, it talks about IIT Delhi. And coincidentally I did go to college there. The book talks about a lot of places in IIT, the kind of people you meet and stuff and thats it.

As far as my understanding goes, engineering blood in India can be classified as people who either want to be in an IIT, or are already in an IIT or missed their chance to be in an IIT. So all that you have to do is give the monkey her banana. And thats exactly what Mr. Bhagat did. Wrote a book that everybody could chew and priced it within 100 rupees and boooommmmmm.....We have the new messiah in town who changed people's minds and made them read.......No he didnt. J.K Rowling did that... He just sold a commodity that had made good business......

P.S: I hereby take my word back on what I said regarding chetan bhagat and populist books. I changed my opinion on populist books are now believe that there is nothing wrong in populism if it helps in making reading relevant in today's age of distraction. One need not judge a reader by the book he/she/they read for readers they are nonetheless. May be 5 point someone is Harry Potter and Chetan Bhagat is the Rowling of India. But, once you have read Bhagat and enjoyed it, perhaps the next book you pick could be a Manu Joseph or may be a writer in your own native language ? :)
Profile Image for Prabhjot Kaur.
1,063 reviews199 followers
April 8, 2021
This started out really good and for once I was excited to read a Chetan Bhagat novel. But then it slowed down in the middle and towards the end became a completely different story. Writing wasn't the best but I overlooked that but even then I just couldn't enjoy this book as much as I wanted to.

A very average read with a lot of hype.

2 stars
Profile Image for Mary Mahoney.
34 reviews1 follower
May 2, 2011
A good book should be written so that any age group can enjoy it. And although I'd say I'm older than Professor Cherian, I can remember waiting on test results and definitely having the decision to make about how many hours to study. Also, I've been on the other side of it giving assignments.

5 Point Something never really looks at what the purpose of the assignments and the learning are.
There has to be a purpose for learning the material and being in excellent range, other than being a mugger. The book never mentions excellence and when it comes close to the subject only calls people topper and muggers. Yet Chetan Bhagat cannot stay away from the issue of excellence entirely.

The three 5 pointers approach the point of caring very much for excellence in their lubes laboratory study. They are given the lab credits strictly to make up the credits they are missing for graduation, but the more they work on it, the more they become vested in it. Their advocate professor takes the proposal to private industry proud of its quality and confident that someone will fund further study if Ryan stays beyond to work on the study at IIT.

So in the end there is excellence, an word never mentioned by the three friends.

I gave the book a 5 because even on its own premise, that friendship is the most important thing at IIT, it's an outstanding read.
Profile Image for Indian.
100 reviews29 followers
December 4, 2013
Picked it up out of curiosity, as I am myself a B.Tech student from IIT Kanpur, eager to learn how IIT Delhi was similar/different from my college.

Found it okie-dokie, but highly un-impressive. Must say, the writing style of american-teen novels (Agatha Christie/Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew) is much better than Mr.Bhagat's.

Why even the hindi-belt crime thrillers available at north-central India's railway/bus stations are much more lucidly written with a firm plot (like Wardi Wala Gunda etcetra)

Chetan Bhagat's books might have made a tiny-whiny difference to the reading habits of young Indians, as claimed by the entrenched marketers of our country, but has he really made a difference? Is there any empirical research, any numbers to prove this pronouncement? I doubt.

Credit must go to Mr. Bhagat to team up with the publishers to offer 69/-Rs, 59 /-Rs thin English books (hardly 50 pages with font size of 15+), a thin book definitely looks less menacing & more inviting to the non-reading public, folks who get enticed to give it a read to boast among their colleagues about having finally read a book (i.e apart from their regular course books).

Mr. Bhagat’s simple Hinglish narration, easy to understand lines, with no need for any dictionary, where the subjects deal with everyday banters of school-college city life of today's India, all these does appeal to a non-serious first timers. But does his book leave any lasting impression? Who knows!
Marketing success.. YES.. No doubt! He is the most sold Indian author! Eternal success & everlasting fame?! You must be kidding us!!

His books would be forgotten & buried long before he retires. They would sit along old-books dump to be recycled back for newsprint, 'cause he isn’t a gifted writer!
India has a rich literary scene is all vernacular languages & Queen ’s English, penned by gifted scholars & translated into English/Hindi by equally gifted scholars. Timeless stories which are soaked to our mileu, created by men of genius. Go immerse in them & search your own salvation.

Few of them for ready reference: English (R.K.Narayan, Mulk Raj Anand, Khushwant Singh, Salman Rushdie, Amitava Ghosh….) Bengali- translation in English available (Tagore, Ashapoorna Devi, Shirshendu Mukherjee, Sharat Chandra….) Hindi-translation in English available (Rahul Sanskrityayan, Premchand, Shivani, Dharamveer Bharati…..) Marathi (Shiwaji Sawant…….)& the list goes on!

I don't have any personal vendetta against him, he is after all an IITian & an IIM alumnus, but come what may, he is not a gifted writer! He tries & writes in MS-Excel/Powerpoint type, like typical Business students & try to pass it on as his creation. Not for me & surely I won't recommend them to any of my fellow country-men.
Profile Image for Uyên Khôi.
417 reviews389 followers
March 1, 2017
Cuốn sách cuối cùng mà mình đọc của tháng 2.

Đây là cuốn sách mà lẽ ra mình định đọc cho Thử thách số 3 của Trạm Đọc - Một cuốn sách được chuyển thể thành phim, thế nhưng khi đọc xong mình quyết định là nó không liên quan gì tới phim cả, nên mình sẽ đọc một cuốn khác cho Thử thách này vậy.

Nói một chút về quyển sách, mình không thích nó lắm nên chắc review này sẽ ngắn thôi. ĐÂY LÀ CUỐN SÁCH ĐẦU TIÊN TRONG LỊCH SỬ MÀ MÌNH THẤY DỞ HƠN PHIM 1 TỶ LẦN. Đành rằng nó cũng có những nét cơ bản nhất của bộ phim mà mình yêu thích như có 3 nhân vật chính học ở IIT, một nhân vật nhảy lầu tự tử vì quá nhiều áp lực, trộm đề thi, phá làng phá xóm,... nhưng hỡi ôi nó đâu còn có cái tinh thần của bộ phim nữa. Những thay đổi của phim là những thay đổi mà mình thấy cực kỳ đắt giá và nó giúp cho câu chuyện hợp lý hơn về nhiều mặt, đồng thời cũng tạo nên vô vàn cảm xúc nơi người xem. Còn quyển sách này á? Rảnh thì đọc chơi thôi. Thay vì 3 tiếng đọc sách thì dành 3 tiếng đó xem phim đi. Bollywood làm phim hay lắm.

*vẫn còn tủi hờn vì cuốn sách làm mình thất vọng quá xá*
Profile Image for Tani.
245 reviews270 followers
Shelved as 'the-nope-wagon'
April 24, 2018
Based on the average ratings and negative reviews, I don't think I'll read it. I love " 3 Idiots " movie but I don't think the book has done any justice to the movie. Usually, the movies don't do justice to the books but in this case, it's vice versa.
Profile Image for Sumaîya Afrôze Puspîta.
96 reviews45 followers
April 4, 2024
ছোট থেকে অনেকবারই "থ্রি ইডিয়টস" দেখা হয়েছে।‌ কৈশোরে তো রীতিমতো 'আমার জীবনের সেরা' মুভির তকমা দিয়ে বসেছিলাম! এখন আবেগটা আগের মতো অত না‌ থাকলেও মুভিটা ভালো লাগার জায়গায় আছে এখনো। কিন্তু যে উপন্যাস-আশ্রয়ে সেই মুভি নির্মিত হলো, সেটাই এতদিন পড়া হয়নি।


ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং লেভেলের পড়াশোনা খুবই কঠিন হয়– এটুকু ছাড়া আর কিছুই জানি না।‌‌ আমাদের দেশের প্রেক্ষাপটে যা বুঝি, বুয়েট-চুয়েট-রুয়েট এসবে ভর্তির জন্য কতটা পরিশ্রম করতে হয়। এসব প্রতিষ্ঠানকে ঘিরে কত শিক্ষার্থীর কত স্বপ্ন‌ই-না থাকে! যারা টিকে যায়, তো আকাঙ্ক্ষিত প্রাসাদে প্রবেশের সুযোগ পেয়ে গেল … আর যারা পেল না, তাদের হতাশা কোথায় লুকিয়ে থাকে? আবার আরেকদল আছে, স্বপ্নের প্রাসাদে গিয়ে পড়ার চাপে হাঁফিয়ে ওঠে, মাথায় পাগলামি ভর করে। প্রচলিত শিক্ষাধারাকে চ্যালেঞ্জ করে বসতে ইচ্ছে জাগে!

উপন্যাসটা এক ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং কলেজ‌ নিয়েই– ভারতের সেরা প্রতিষ্ঠান, আইআইটি।‌ সেখানেই ভর্তি হ‌ওয়া তিন যুবকের বন্ধুত্ব ও পড়াশোনা নিয়ে কাহিনি। বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় জীবন যেমন রংবেরং আর পাগলামি, তার সবটাই তিন চরিত্রে ফুটে এসেছে পুরোপুরি, সাথে পারিবারিক কথাও।
ভালোই লেগেছে পড়ে। তবে বহুবার মুভিটা দেখে ফেলেছি বলেই হয়তো, ব‌ইয়ে মজা কম পেয়েছি।
Profile Image for Maninee.
155 reviews41 followers
August 26, 2016
This book is seriously overrated. I was in class five when I first read this book. Some of you might say that I was way too young to be reading such a book, but then we all need a break from kiddish stories once In a while in our childhood. I was in attending a school play (which was too long and pointless), when my eye caught this book in the hands of the girl next to me. She was definitely in class eight or nine. At that time the book was very, very popular since the movie was coming out and everyone wanted to know about the book as well. I had heard a lot about this book and so I begged the girl to let me read the book, promising her that I would take good care of It. As it turned out, the book wasn't that good at all. In fact the movie was way better.

The story is about three boys who go to IIT for engineering and get into the worst kind of mess possible. The book covers a variety of subjects (ragging, drinking, college love and so on) but fails to achieve it's basic objective: telling a good tale. Though some parts of it were interesting, most of it was so boring that I had to pinch myself in order to not fall asleep while reading it.
Profile Image for Silversnow.
40 reviews18 followers
June 22, 2013
It took effort! Real effort to give this 'immature diary entry' of a wannabe writer my valuable one star.

After such a long time I decided to review this book, just because my inner dedicated reader wanted appreciation for tolerating this horrendous piece of abomination in the name of literature.

Being an IITian or alumni of any other elite institute unrelated to literature for that matter, doesn't give you a license to write such books and throw it in the face of innocent beginners who think if they read one or two such books they will gather knowledge of all kind of books that ever existed.

What disgusts me is the fact that some clueless youngsters even manage to relate to these books (I seriously have no clue how they do that...Maybe they think such unrealistic things will happen to them in future or whatever).

I don't remember much of the story now but I managed to recall some of the flaws that irked me the most.
I just couldn't digest the discontinuous sentence structure with breaks and punctuation marks in unusual places.
The other problem was the choice of weird words. It is a good thing if you have a good vocabulary but flaunting it, every random chance you get irritates the targeted readers.

Some of the situations like breaking into the office to leak the papers, the protagonist entering the dean’s house and doing even more outrageous things (He got out unscathed btw) are utterly illogical.

I don't think I would ever recommend reading any of his books to anybody because I don't want any sensible reader to suffer like I did.
I personally know some first time readers who refrain from reading any other books after reading this.
Profile Image for Kushal Srivastava.
159 reviews28 followers
July 29, 2009
Utter garbage by any standard, this book is considered to polarize opinion among masses. People who have sanity left in them and have actually read some books before know that this is the stuff of toilet paper on the other extreme are dumb wannabe 'cool' guys who wanna put this trash onto their social networking profile column of books.
Profile Image for Venkat.
30 reviews9 followers
January 31, 2010
The story revolves around three students at IIT Alok, Hari and Ryan. They are thick friends but do not have anything common attributes. Each character is different, have different objectives and strengths and weakness. The story is told mainly by the POV of Hari and it narrates their four years in IIT and how they overcome their weakness and obstacles but still stick together and graduate from IIT...

I just wanted to read the novel to see what similarities it has with the movie 3 idiots. It seems that around 20% of the book has been used in the movie. It is sad to see the director not giving credit to the author in the movie :( It is not a very serious novel, but is very fast paced. I finished it in 2 hours. It is a light read, without any boring details, which just makes you retrospect on your college days memories. I liked the characters and the narrative and some light humour tags itself along in the way. There is not much in terms of the plot if you are looking for it. Overall, I would give it a 3/5.

Verdict: A good read especially if you have been a college graduate at some part of your life and wanting to cherish back the memories. If you are a serious fiction aficionado, then this book is not for you

Profile Image for B.
131 reviews168 followers
August 19, 2019
Thời sinh viên thì có gì 🙄 ko biết nhưng đại khái bây giờ khi ngồi tại các tụ điểm ăn chơi, mình thấy mình rất già 🙄 hôm nào ví dụ như quên cạo râu có bị các em gọi bằng chú. Mà bây giờ chúng nó còn kiểu mang sách vở ra học bài ở giữa chốn ầm ĩ inh ỏi ấy, mình thường phải dằn cơn máu chó lại, xét cho cùng xé sách xong túm tóc từng đứa một là ko nên 🙄
Trường mình giờ xây nhiều công trình hoành tráng lắm nhận ko ra. Lên confession thì thấy ko ai kêu ca về tín chỉ khiêu vũ nữa cả, chắc bỏ cái môn tào lao ấy rồi. Bạn nữ mình kết hồi ấy hôm trước thấy lên hẳn phim về nhà đi con, độ chừng 1 giây, con tiêm mình ko còn xao xuyến nữa 🙄
Thế thôi. Còn truyện này dở hơn phim nhiều, tự dưng kết cái rụp.
Đọc mấy cuốn kiểu này thì nghe bài gì cho hợp?
Xe đạp chăng? 🙄
Profile Image for Vaiibhav Nigam.
Author 5 books31 followers
February 27, 2015
I first read it a good six years ago and had loved it. Six years ago i also loved Himesh reshammiya music too.(got my point now) well, earlier i was not a avid reader but now i am a voracious reader and i can say that don't read this book at all, yes if you are new in your reading phase then you might try this title or any other Chetan Bhagat books ( though all sucks big time) but still there are tonnes of amazing books you can read and save your time and money, dont go by the buzz, It is no literary masterpiece and if you even thinking of comparing it with the movie, believe me you will be very disappointed. Go read some good awesome titles and thank me later..till then Happy Reading
Profile Image for Rebecca.
856 reviews60 followers
June 20, 2011
An Indian book! Like from India! This is something you would never find in the US. And it was even weird finding this book in New Zealand. It was about three friends with different goals and from different walks of life who all end up going to what is considered the “best university” in India. It’s something I can’t really relate to at all, but I know people who for them, this is the biggest decision of their lives. I don’t get it at all. And reading about it all, makes me so glad we live in the society we do. One of the kids is a real leader and is rich, so kind of doesn’t care what happens. The first person in this book, is a follower and does whatever the leader says. And the third guy has the most at stake and just wants to do well so he can get a good job and support his family, a very Indian thing to want to do. The title has to do with a point system they are all on and they all get in the 5’s, out of 10, so it’s not great. Stuff happens and they cheat and ultimately get into trouble, but everything works out in the end. It was an interesting read. Written a little funny, something seemed off about it. And I don’t want to say it was the translation, because I think this book was written in English, but I am not sure. It could just be their way of speaking which is kind of off from our way anyway.

Grade: C
Profile Image for Disha Roy.
3 reviews14 followers
February 16, 2011
From my very childhood i used to be a bright student. i used to study whenever i want and whatever i want. I was treated as a good student at my school as well as my college. But when i was supposed to choose my career at the graduation, i asked myself what i actually wanted to be. I knew what i wanted to be but no one was there to support me. even my parents also moved back. I wanted to be a corporate geek actually but my parents got me admitted at a dental surgery college forcefully and then when actually i was reading the book. and after finishing the book i escaped from the college. thats how the book influenced me. those who are settled on their life track and read the book, they wont have any idea what the book indicates........and those who are like me, can get idea of their own-self by reading the book, they can hear the voice of their heart.....
Profile Image for Avani ✨.
1,832 reviews435 followers
December 19, 2021
Chetan Bhagat was the phase when I first started reading. I've read all of his older books and never touched the new ones. Will I be reading the new ones ever? No.
185 reviews9 followers
December 30, 2021
Does not look like a real one.

For a book this is dramatic enough.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Shenanigan.
12 reviews20 followers
October 1, 2010
If you are an IITian,or a product of any of the proffessional institute/college, you will probably relate very well to this light-hearted narrative about the life of three average guys at the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi (And if you are an IITian you would also know what “average” in IIT means). If you are not an IITian, you will still enjoy this book like a lot of my friendz who are not even techiez. Five Point Someone: What Not to Do at IIT may be about life in IIT, but the characters are as interesting as in any other book and are very un-IIT like (That says a lot). According to the author, Chetan Bhagat, this book is not about how to get into IIT or what to do once you are in, but what not to do there. The autobiographical account lends itself to fine character development. The book is fast paced and has very funny conversational style plus lingo typical to those who come from the institution. A little eccentric (little may be the understatement of the year), IITians may be, but they are considered to be one of the most elite groups in the world. Wouldn’t say that about the three guys in Five Point Someone who manage to scrape through IIT, not without a few hair-raising incidents here and there. I would definitely give this book more than a five point something on a ten-point scale.

I came across "five point someone" , four years back. I started reading it but had some emergency issues in life to address and so could not complete it.Another reason was it reminded me of my college days and how bad i was in my grades!!!!!

Next time I heard about this best selling book was when movie '3 IDIOTS' was released. The author of the book , chetan bhagat accused producers of movie of not giving him due credit , while producers maintained that their movie was loosely inspired and they had given chetan , credit for the movie.

Never the less "3 IDIOTS" went on to become the all time block buster in bollywood and did business with 2-3 superhits combined , end up doing.

Yesterday I went to home early and was re arranging my library when I found this book. I started reading it and it was a journey in itself for me. I could relate with characters who were back benchers , their hostel life , peer pressure , professors and of course the narrator's girlfriend!!!!!!!

"Five Point Someone" is fun ride . The novel which takes important issues with funny take and has fascinating plot.

"Five Point Someone" is story of three friends and their journey of 4 years in IIT . The IIT (Indian Institute Of Technology) are most prestigious institutes for engineering.

The novel has been written from point of view of narrator called hari. Hari is out of shape , short and confused guy who makes into IIT. He is fascinated by his friend Ryan who is carefree , confident , smart with athlete structure.

Ryan is leader of his group of three. He is creative with full of new ideas , has ranked 91st in entrance test and loves engineering but hates the system. The system which does not encourage original ideas , believes in making engineering who have mugged up theoretical aspects and rates students not of basis of how they think but how much grades they get.

This group of three include ALOK. ALOK is poor , has paralytic dad , elder sister who has reached age to get married and mother who is only bread winner in the house.

Novel begins with ragging episode where athletic ryan comes to rescue of hari and alok . This event makes them friends with Ryan ,mostly taking decisions for the group. They end up messing up with their grades in first semester . They manage 'five point something' is their exams. Eventually group splits with alok joining "nine point someone grader" , before they unite again after one year to regroup.

Hari on other hand comes across a girl(neha) who is daughter of head of department. He eventually falls in love with her. The HOD who treats five graders as useless people has his own daughter fall for five grader hari!!!!!!

The trios journey continue in the college , with their poor grades , their ideas to beat the system , their enjoyment which includes from vodka to smoking grass.

Time flies and it is one semester away from campus.Poor grades might not land them to job . For Alok job is as important as oxygen and hari loves his girl . To make sure he is introduced by neha to her dad , he needs A in his subject.

Would hari manage to get A grade? Would he manage to get his girl as well as job?. Would alok be able to come out of his miseries which have lasted since years?. What is it about Ryan?. Would Ryan be able to implements his innovative scientific ideas?

Well for that you would need to read "FIVE POINT SOMEONE". It is a novel which would make you laugh your soul out. For those who have stayed in hostel , this novel would make you take ride back to your memory lane.

The most important thing of this novel is that it addresses serious issues like system , peer pressure but with funny touch. Full credit to chetan bhagat for it.

This "Five Point Someone" graders gets 10 plus on grading of ten. His first novel in must read novel and one of best novels one would come across.
Profile Image for Ayushi.
66 reviews52 followers
February 14, 2016
The plot revolves around 3 IIT student dealing with all sorts of issues faced by the students (Romance, Drugs, Ragging etc) They try to deal with the education system and try to find a way out of it and they realize that they cannot.

RATINGS = 1.5* (and only because I found this worth reading and it holds a good spot on my shelves and also it was one of the very first books I read)

I read this book when I was in class 9 (2008-09) and CB was one of the most spoken around in our school. Those days all I could do was praise how wonderful his imagination is,
BUT BUT BUT when I actually read it back in 2011, oh how utter rubbish I realized my opinion was. It was just another piece of garbage written by authors around in here

LOVE-SEX-DRAMA-BLAHBLAH (not to forget bad bad bad storyline)


Suggested to and only those who are very new to reading or are super massively bored and just want to waste your time.

Profile Image for Harsh Gopal.
174 reviews26 followers
February 24, 2013
Ok... i thought i should write a review for this though i had read this pretty long back. Chetan Bhagat's first book and also his first book that i had read... the story doesnt stay with you. it just gets lost in the wild entertainment 'masala' that he puts into his books. personally i read a book for the joy of it and it would be really amazing when the author is able to create characters that does not seem like characters but real people who lives around you. CB miserably fails in that aspect. his characters are so loose that they dont even seem like characters at all.
now for the story...
if u only want to read a book to just spend time nothing else, u can go ahead and read this for every bit of fun he has put into it. you will not be bored with the book and once u finish the book, you'll not want to read it again anyways.
Profile Image for Ali.
39 reviews11 followers
June 9, 2017
An interesting read. Chetan Bhagat's first book , on which the famous movie 3 Idiots is loosely based. A must read for students vying to get to the best universities of their country. Especially current or former Engineering students would appreciate the writers perspective. The book is full of laughs and has a fair share of the emotional scenarios as well. Written from a point of view of aspiring Engineering students with hopes of a better brighter future. Chetan Bhagat's writing style especially while introducing romanticism and life lessons in a life of engineer is worth a praise. It's an easy read will leave you with alot of life lessons.
Profile Image for Semi Murderous ^_^.
26 reviews7 followers
August 19, 2021
Guys don't look at me like that, I Swear I only read this because I got this from the School Library. I repeat, I DID NOT CHOOSE TO READ THIS. I was high on sadness and bored af. DON'T JUGDEEEE ME, you motherlover.

P.S I was bullied into giving it one star.
I wouldn't have given it any if I could. Thanks.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,551 reviews

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