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A.E. Via A.E. Via > Quotes


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“Day leveled Ronowski with a stern glare. “Ronowski, you are gay, man. You’re tightly closeted. But you are indeed gay, ultra-gay. You’re fuckin’ Marvin Gay. You crash landed on Earth when your gay planet exploded.” Day moved away from God and stood in front of an openmouthed Ronowski. “Come out of the closet already. It’s so bright and wonderful out here. Dude, I’ve seen Brokeback Mountain too, don’t believe that bullshit. No one cares who you fuck…ya know…like you tell me every. Single. Day. Of. My. Life,” Day said exaggeratedly.”
A.E. Via, Nothing Special
“Day had gotten a little nervous during one session when the doctor asked God how he would handle someone hurting Day now and his lover responded by jerking one side of his leather coat open and pulling his long blade from its sheathe.

“Easy, I’d cut their fucking arm off and beat the shit out of them with it,” he’d said.

But Day quickly started laughing and told the concerned doctor that his partner was just playing.

After popping God hard in his stomach, God agreed and said he was indeed joking. When the doctor went back to writing on her legal pad, God mouthed to him, “No I’m not.”
A.E. Via, Nothing Special
“You drink way too much coffee, Day. I mean all day every—”
“And you fuck too much. I mean all day every day.” Day cut God off. “Do I tell you to stop? No. Instead I feed your addiction. Can’t you provide me the same courtesy?”
A.E. Via, Nothing Special
tags: lol
“So just talking would be nice…would you like to come over to my place tonight for a glass of wine?”
“Not even if Jesus was pouring it,” Day responded quickly."
--Johnson-the-Stalker to Day”
A.E. Via, Nothing Special
tags: funny
“Day had gotten a little nervous during one session when the doctor asked God how he would handle someone hurting Day now and his lover responded by jerking his leather coat open and pulling his long blade from its sheathe.

"Easy, I'd cut their fucking arm off and beat the shit out of them with it," he'd said.”
A.E. Via, Nothing Special
“God saw Hansen tighten his chokehold on Day and he could see his lover fighting to breathe. Day’s ears and neck were bright red. His lips were turning a darker color as his body was deprived of oxygen. Hansen pressed the barrel in deeper and yelled.

“Two minutes and fifteen seconds before I get to zero and I provide the great state of Georgia the luxury of one less narc.”

God’s mind exploded at the thought of not having Day in a world he lived in. He looked into his partner’s glistening eyes and saw he was turning blue and possibly getting ready to faint. Day was still looking at him, looking into God’s green eyes.

No, no, no! He’s saying good-bye.

God closed his eyes and released a loud, gut-wrenching growl cutting off the SWAT leader’s negotiations.

“Godfrey, get yourself under control,” his captain said while grabbing for him.

God jerked himself away from the hold and stepped forward, his angry eyes boring into Hansen’s dark ones. Hansen stared at him as if God was crazy. Little did he know God was at that moment.

“Godfrey, get back here and stand down. That’s an order, Detective!” his captain barked.

God’s large hands clenched at his sides fighting not to pull out his weapons. He ground his teeth together so hard his jaw ached.

“Do you have any idea of the shit storm you’re about to bring down on your life,” God spoke with a menacing snarl while his large frame shook with fury. “In your arms you hold the only thing in this world that means anything to me. The man that you are pointing a gun at is my only purpose for living. You are threating to kill the only person in this world that gives a fuck about me.”
God took two more steps forward and was vaguely aware of the complete silence surrounding him. Hansen’s finger hovered shakily over the trigger as he took two large steps back with Day still tight against his chest.

God growled again and he saw a shade of fear ghost over Hansen’s sweaty face.

“If you kill that man, I swear on everything that is holy, I will track you to the ends of the earth, killing and destroying any and everything you hold dear. I will take everything from you and leave you alive to suffer through it. I will bestow upon you the same misery that you have given to me.”

Hansen shook his head and inched closer to the door behind him.

“Stay back,” he yelled again but this time the demand lacked the courage and venom he exhibited before.

“You kill that man, and you’ll have no idea of the monster you will create. Have you ever met a man with no heart…no conscience…no soul…no purpose?” God rumbled, his voice at least twelve octaves lower than the already deep baritone.

God yanked his Desert Eagle from his holster in a flash and cocked the hammer back chambering the first round. Hansen stumbled back again, his eyes gone wide with fear.

God’s entire body instinctually flexed every muscle in his body and it felt like the large vein in his neck might rupture. His body burned like he had a sweltering fever and he knew his wrath had him a brilliant shade of red.

“I’m asking you a goddamn question, Hansen! No soul! No conscience! I’m asking you have you ever met the devil!” God’s thunderous voice practically rattled the glass in the hanger.

“If you kill the man I love, you better make your peace with God, because I’m gonna meet your soul in hell.” His voice boomed.”
A. E. Via
tags: day, god
“What the fuck are you laughing at, Godfrey?” Johnson moved away from Day.
“You, daddy’s boy.”
“Fuck you. I know Day is just showing off for you.” Johnson turned back to look at Day. “I’ll be sure to catch you when you’re alone.”
“I’ll be sure to have my rape whistle,” Day retorted.”
A.E. Via, Nothing Special
tags: lol
“God sat on the bed and pulled Day in between his legs. “I want to tell you before we go downstairs and celebrate our partnership with our friends and family that I love you more than I ever thought possible to love someone. Before I partnered with you I was a shell of a man going through life, simply existing. I felt like I was nothing special… but you believed I was someone worthy of your love. You’ve given me purpose, sweetheart; purpose to live. You saved me and I’ll love you and only you forever for it.” God leaned in and kissed Day softly. “This is for you.” God held the box out to him. Day”
A.E. Via, Nothing Special
“You know that man’s story already. He’s just starting to believe what Day’s been saying to him for years, but he’s scared as fuck. If you hurt him in any way, Day will hurt you.” Johnson stopped grinning and looked back at God. “I thought Day hated him?” “Day is complex, Johnson. He’s crazy about Ronowski, that’s why he rides the man so hard.” “I get that,” Johnson responded. “All right. I don’t mind doing the slow thing. We’ll start with wings and a game tonight.” Johnson shrugged and started inching toward his car. “Next week, maybe dinner and a movie.” “Sounds good, bro.” God waved and climbed in his truck. Now that he was done playing Chuck Woolery and there were no more love connections to be made. He was going home to his sweetheart.    ”
A.E. Via, Nothing Special
“Michaels, is it our turn to take a fuck break?” Day shone that shit-eating grin he was famous for. “I mean that sounded like fun up there… I want a turn too. I worked hard today.”
A.E. Via, Don't Judge
“God thought he could orgasm right there in the dirty alley from the way Day was tongue fucking his mouth. God took as much as he could before he yanked his face away and gasped for air. “Jesus, sweetheart.” Day groaned. “Need you so fucking bad right now. Come home with me.” It was a demand not a request. Day grabbed God’s cock and gave it a hard squeeze. “Ugh. Fuck yes,” God hissed. “Want you out of this dirty alley and in my bed in one hour, and don’t fucking keep me waiting,” Day demanded and turned to walk away without a backward look. Yeah, make me pay, sweetheart. God”
A.E. Via, Nothing Special
“You're a ray of bright light in my very dark world, Ric. It's like when I step outside and take my sunglasses off to let the sun shine on my face. It gets a little lighter in here.' Pres gently tapped his pointer finger against his temple.
'When I'm in my office ..... there's no light. When I'm in my bedroom alone ..... there's no light. When I sit in my bedroom alone ..... there's no light. When I sit in my kitchen, eating my very carefully prepared meal - for one - there's no light. But when I'm around you, wrapped in your arms, kissing you, laughing with you, making love to you, everything's do damn bright ..... like sunshine.”
A.E. Via, You Can See Me
tags: pres
“Being the stud that I am… I gave the kid a few pointers.” “Stud, huh?” God smiled. “Yeah. I don’t mind taking the little tyke under my homosexual wing and showing him how to fly.” Day grinned.”
A.E. Via, Nothing Special
“Day barked a humorless laugh. “Like… did you just say like? Judge you are way beyond me not liking you. You’re not even standing close to the word like. You’re standing two blocks from the corner of despise and hate.”
A.E. Via, Don't Judge
“God began to slowly bend his knees and slide down Day’s torso, bringing his eyes level with his partner's. “What are you doing?” Day whispered. God brought his arms up and slid them under Day’s, securing them behind his back as if he was positioning them for another hug. “Cash.” Day breathed his name into his cheek while bringing his arms up around his neck. God squeezed his eyes shut and enjoyed the contact for a few seconds before lifting Day completely off his feet, up into a bear hug and turning him around so that he was no longer blocking the door. He slowly set his friend back down and did something that shocked the hell out of both of them… he kissed Day gently on the forehead before turning to leave.  ”
A.E. Via, Nothing Special
“Do me a favor, Ro,” Day said calmly.

“What’s that?” Ronowski peeked around Johnson again.

“Johnson won’t be with you all the time. Remind me to kick your ass later,” Day said.

Ronowski came to stand in front of Day, looked at his watch and smirked. “Sure, what time works for you?”

Day looked at his watch too. “Uhhh, let’s see. How’s five thirty, is that good?”

“I just remembered I’m busy at five thirty.”

“So what time can you be there?”

“I can do five thirty-five.”

“Damn, that’s cutting it close. I might be a little late, but wait on my ass whippin’.”

“Will you dumb asses shut up? Lord help us…they’ve bonded.” The captain tried to suppress his laugh. “God, how the hell do you put up with Day’s mouth?”

“I got something that’ll make him shut him up,” God said in a deep voice.

Everyone groaned and scrunched their faces up in disgust.

“We don’t want to hear that shit, God. Ugh,” the captain said while pouring his cup of coffee.

God looked at Day and saw he wasn’t the slightest bit fazed and if he knew his lover—which he most certainly did—Day would not let him get the last word.

“It’s all a mind game that I play with God. He thinks he’s shutting me up…but when he’s finished with my mouth…I start talking again.” Day winked.

“I’m leaving. I should write your asses up for inappropriate conduct in front of a superior.” The captain hauled ass out of the room.

Johnson and Ronowski were shaking their heads too and telling Day “he sure knew how to clear a room.”

“I got to get back across town,” Johnson said and bent down and whispered something in Ronowski’s ear that made the man turn red.

God tried to pull Day away but he refused to budge. When Johnson said good-bye to them and left out the room, Day mock whispered to Ronowski. “I told you. One good pounding is all you—”

“For fucks sake, Leo,” Ronowski groaned, grabbing his soda hightailing it out of there before Day could finish his sentence.”
A. E. Via
tags: day, god, johnson, ro
“He finally let his eyes focus on God’s. “I didn’t save her.” Ronowski wrung his hands together. “Day did. He saved both of us. I treat him like shit all the time because he knows the truth about me and he almost got himself killed to save me.” God”
A.E. Via, Nothing Special
“I wasn’t going to turn away one of the most talented designers and hardest working laborers I’d ever encountered just because years ago some guy he dated didn’t know how to stand up to his daddy and took the bitch way out.”
A.E. Via, Defined By Deceit
“Day hissed and it made God latch his mouth onto the tender spot on Day’s neck and suck as hard as he could. He was still satisfying his craving to mark Day as his own. If he could have he’d probably have branded him with his name too. Somewhere very visible—maybe his forehead—God’s Property.    ”
A.E. Via, Nothing Special
“God caught Day’s falling body before he was able to hit the floor. He dropped to his knees with his lover in his arms and held him close. “Breathe, Leo.” God coaxed while rubbing Day’s cheek. He felt Day take in a few quick breaths before he opened his eyes and stared up at him. God closed his eyes and pressed their foreheads together, not wanting to see what Day was saying. “If he had killed you, I would’ve swallowed my own gun. There’s no life without you,” God whispered just for Day to hear. He felt Day grab onto his neck, holding him close. “Let the paramedics take a look at him, Detective Godfrey.” God raised his head at his captain’s order and slowly lowered Day’s head while he moved back to let them tend to his partner. God watched them closely while they took a few quick vitals before placing him on the stretcher. One of them turned to look at God and his captain. God stepped forward. “His blood pressure’s high and pulse is erratic, so we're going to take him to the hospital to be monitored. He’ll be at St. Mary’s.” “I’m riding with him,” God demanded. “I’m sorry sir, but regulations don’t allow that.” The thin guy answered him as the other paramedic wheeled his man away. God bared his teeth right before he felt a hand come down hard on his shoulder. “Let them do their jobs, because you still have one to do too, Detective. Is that going to be a problem?” His captain leveled a hard stare on him. God paused for a second, then gave a quick jerk of his head and turned in the opposite direction that his love had gone. God walked through the hangar aware of the many eyes that were on him. He just wanted to finish his job so he could go home.    ”
A.E. Via, Nothing Special
“Yep. We’re his Lieutenants,” Day answered, picking up the largest coffee cup Furi had ever seen and taking a huge gulp. “You guys had a trying evening last night, so we thought we’d check in on you.”

Syn just nodded. “Hmm. Right.”

“Nice bandage.” God peeked around his paper again angling his head at Syn’s hand. “Nothing broken?”

Syn looked at his hand. “Furi wrapped it up for me last night. Just a little torn skin, it’s nothing really.”

“He tried to be all tough but I had to blow on it to make it feel better.” Furi’s teasing had Syn smiling.

“Glad you’re okay, Syn.” Day winked mischievously.

Furi looked at Syn. “You just don’t realize how awesome it is to have such great bosses. Came to check up on you, considerate enough to bring you breakfast, I mean just all around awesome guys.”

“Just wait for it, Furi,” Syn cut him off.

“What?” Furi’s brow creased in confusion.

“All the warm compliments you’re giving God and Day ... just wait for it.”

Furi looked confused. “I don’t know what you’re–”

“What else did you have to blow on to make feel better?” Day said around a snort. “Really hate to have missed that show, spanky.” Day smiled broadly at Furi.

Furi groaned and dropped his head as he ran both hands through his hair. “You guys watched my videos.”

“Hell yeah.” Day grinned.

“For evidence and research purposes only,” God chimed in.

“Five times,” Day yelled, punching God in his large bicep.

“Okay guys. Shut up," Syn huffed.

“I’m just saying, you lucky fuck. You get to date a hot porn puppy and we can’t say anything.” Day stared at Furi, completely ignoring Syn’s fuming.”
A. E. Via
tags: day, furi, god, syn
“Forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could have been any different.”
A.E. Via, The Secrets in My Scowl
“Syn was inching towards the back but hit the deck hard when bangs as loud as grenades pierced the night. He and Ro both flinched and gripped each other firmly. Day knew who it was. His fiancé’s presence was almost frightening – even to him. Knew the sound of that overwhelming, chest-rattling firepower. The sound of Desert Eagle handguns. “You hear that, Ro? Hang in there. He’s here.” Day”
A.E. Via, Nothing Special V
“But it wasn’t a performance was it, Godfrey.” God figured it wasn’t a question so he didn’t answer. He simply stared the man in his eyes until he spoke again. “I think I’d know your response if I told you that I don’t let couples partner together in my precinct.” The captain leaned forward. “After what I witnessed today; you’d probably tell me to kiss your ass and no doubt Day would follow suit, and then I’d lose the best damn narcotics detectives in Georgia.” The captain looked hard at him and pointed a thick finger in his direction. “If”
A.E. Via, Nothing Special
“Syn grunted and pushed his ass back for more. Furi knew the man was thriving under his words of praise. Syn was that type of man. He had to be the best at everything he did. He was a bottom, so he was gonna be the best bottom Furi ever had. “No”
A.E. Via, Embracing His Syn
“Holy hell. All Michaels saw was a tall, walking Adonis. Decked out in leather except for the tight, black shirt hugging his thick chest. As he got closer his eyes appeared dark and mysterious, he seemed to keep his eyes on target but take in everything around him too. People watched him, but didn’t engage him. It was obvious he wasn’t a criminal because of the gold badge hanging around his neck, but damn he looked like he was on his way to kick someone’s ass. Moving through the precinct like he was the Captain. Confident and sure. He wasn’t frowning but he damn sure wasn’t smiling or giving off an approachable vibe. Michaels stood and swallowed hard. Jesus. The man had to be six-foot-three, maybe -four. Taller than his own six one. It was all the hair. Oh, my damn. That beard, that looked course but possibly soft to touch. Damn, he hoped so. Trimmed neatly with a smattering of grays, at least five to six inches of hair beneath his chin. Enough to pull. Shit. “We all thought you loved yourself, Michaels,” Day said, out of nowhere, watching along with everyone else as the bounty hunter approached. Michaels frowned at his Lieutenant. It really was not the fuckin’ time.  Day’s eyes bugged and Michaels turned back just in time to see what everyone else did as Judge reached for the door. Day leaned toward God and hissed, “Why the fuck is he bringing a horse into our office?”
A.E. Via, Don't Judge
“The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is how to love. The greatest thing you’ll ever feel is being loved in return. But love, I’ve come to understand is more than three words uttered in the dark at bedtime. Love is sustained by action, a pattern of devotion in the things we do for each other every day. Syn”
A.E. Via, Embracing His Syn
“Jaxson, I’m fine really, and I won’t be home alone. God is living with me now… remember?” Day tried to reason with his stubborn big brother. Jaxson maneuvered the small sedan into Day’s driveway and Day’s heart rate picked up at the sight of God’s truck already there. “Oh and when did Cashel get a medical degree?” Jaxson huffed. “You may require medical attention in the middle of the night, and I won’t be there.” Day smirked. “The only attention I’ll require in the middle of the night won’t require you being there to give it to me.” Day winked. “The right man for the job will be there.” “You’re a perv.” Jaxson laughed. “Okay, okay. Just take it easy for the next few days and call me tomorrow.” “All right.” Day leaned over and gave Jaxson a wet, sloppy kiss on the cheek until the man was pushing at him to get away. Day”
A.E. Via, Nothing Special
“Day grabbed God’s hand off his cock and licked the calloused palm from wrist to fingertips before guiding it back to his dick. Holy fuck that was hot.”
A.E. Via, Nothing Special
“No more goddamn fingers. Fuck me already,” Syn hissed over his shoulder. Furi slapped Syn’s ass a few times with his hard cock. “Damn, you are a bossy bottom, aren’t you? Look at you. Aching for my cock,” Furi moaned, rubbing his sheathed cock up and down Syn’s crease. He grabbed the lube and drizzled it messily over Syn’s hole. “Damn,”
A.E. Via, Embracing His Syn

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A.E. Via
Nothing Special V (Nothing Special, #5) Nothing Special V
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Ex Meridian (Nothing Special, #7) Ex Meridian
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Promises Part 4 (Bounty Hunters, #4) Promises Part 4
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