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“Discomfort may be a doorway; don’t run from it.”
Joseph Deitch, Elevate: An Essential Guide to Life
“When in doubt, adopt an attitude of curiosity.”
Joseph Deitch, Elevate: An Essential Guide to Life
“We think we’re making a cogent decision about specific circumstances when we’re really just having a pre-programmed reflexive response.”
Joseph Deitch, Elevate: An Essential Guide to Life
“A key to dramatic growth is to recognize an amazing paradox: By accepting and actually embracing our limitations, we allow ourselves to open up to the knowledge, experience, and insights of others.”
Joseph Deitch, Elevate: An Essential Guide to Life
“Awareness is not a school quiz that can be passed by reading and memorizing some facts. It’s a journey that is fueled by our intent to be open, honest, and free.”
Joseph Deitch, Elevate: An Essential Guide to Life
“Fascination is much more enjoyable than frustration, and it’s far more productive. By attempting to sincerely understand something, we become open and curious, which is a great starting point for learning and growth.”
Joseph Deitch, Elevate: An Essential Guide to Life
“One of the points that all wise men and women agree on is this: If we want our world to improve, we should work on ourselves first. That’s where the significant gains are to be found. Focusing on the inadequacies of others, or the unfairness in the world, is often just a trap of our own making as we resist looking in the mirror.”
Joseph Deitch, Elevate: An Essential Guide to Life
“As you understand more, you will become more.”
Joseph Deitch, Elevate: An Essential Guide to Life
“Acknowledging our limitations prompts us to start asking questions, and from that precious moment on we move from limited to liberated.”
Joseph Deitch, Elevate: An Essential Guide to Life
“Paradoxically, too much information can contribute to our becoming less aware, especially if that information is narrow and biased.”
Joseph Deitch, Elevate: An Essential Guide to Life
“We must sense and confront our blockages and biases if we are to be open and grow.”
Joseph Deitch, Elevate: An Essential Guide to Life
“The “answer” doesn’t come in a formula or a one-sentence aphorism. Rather, the path to ongoing enlightenment begins by loosening our death grip on our opinions, beliefs, and ingrained behavior. When we let go, we create space to let in new insights and observations—we explore, we expand, and we become more aware. Letting go and opening up allows us to confront repressed feelings and fears, and allows love and compassion to flourish. That’s why one person’s “answer” might offer little insight to someone else.”
Joseph Deitch, Elevate: An Essential Guide to Life
“Paying attention is proactive. It is a conscious act that expands our consciousness.”
Joseph Deitch, Elevate: An Essential Guide to Life
“Let go and let in. When we avoid prejudging our sources of information, we become more receptive to what they have to offer. If we come to listening with a blank slate, our environment can write on it what we need to hear. Similarly, if our mental and sensory channels are open, there’s more room to import energy and information.”
Joseph Deitch, Elevate: An Essential Guide to Life
“If you want to get better, get coached.”
Joseph Deitch, Elevate: An Essential Guide to Life
“The Best Answers Come from the Best Questions.”
Joseph Deitch, Elevate: An Essential Guide to Life
“The key is to keep asking, keep probing, keep drilling down. If you activate your natural curiosity, every answer you get may generate new questions, and then new answers, followed by more questions, and so on, in an ever-rising ladder of understanding.”
Joseph Deitch, Elevate: An Essential Guide to Life
“Only when we recognize our shortcomings can we begin to remedy them. Only when we perceive our true strengths can we leverage their power. And only when we seek what we don’t know can we really start to learn.”
Joseph Deitch, Elevate: An Essential Guide to Life
“One rule of conduct that has served me well is this: I don’t make an important decision until my heart (intuition) and my head (intellect) are both in agreement.”
Joseph Deitch, Elevate: An Essential Guide to Life
“Awareness influences and enables all that we are and all that we strive for.”
Joseph Deitch, Elevate: An Essential Guide to Life
“As we become more open and accepting of others and appreciative of what they have to offer, they open up more to us in return.”
Joseph Deitch, Elevate: An Essential Guide to Life
“Generally, people like people who are like themselves.”
Joseph Deitch, Elevate: An Essential Guide to Life
“If we are to truly evolve and grow, it’s not enough to read about concepts. We must also incorporate them into our lives. Unless they are applied, and unless their worth is verified and validated through personal experience, their influence will be minimal. To really be effective, learning also has to be experiential.”
Joseph Deitch, Elevate: An Essential Guide to Life
“Don’t make listening a chore. It doesn’t have to be hard work. Make it fun. Make it a game. Make it a treasure hunt. What could be more interesting than discovering new things and increasing our powers of perception? Listening is a never-ending journey along an ever-improving road.”
Joseph Deitch, Elevate: An Essential Guide to Life
“The world we live in, i.e., the life we perceive, is a perfect reflection, a mirror image, of our internal reality.”
Joseph Deitch, Elevate: An Essential Guide to Life
“If everyone perceives a different reality based on their unique physical and psychological attributes, their histories, needs, and desires, then whose reality is accurate? The point is, our so-called reality, the world we think we live in, is actually a contrivance. It’s a projection of what we perceive, think, feel, and believe at any given moment. That may sound depressing, but it can be quite the opposite. It can be empowering. Why? Because, if our reality is contrived, it can be adjusted . . . and elevated.”
Joseph Deitch, Elevate: An Essential Guide to Life
“We need data and we need discernment.”
Joseph Deitch, Elevate: An Essential Guide to Life
“We don’t put up with having our computers hacked for the benefit of others, so why cede control of our minds and our very being to anyone else?”
Joseph Deitch, Elevate: An Essential Guide to Life
“Curiosity leads to clarity.”
Joseph Deitch, Elevate: An Essential Guide to Life
“You simply can’t fit a gallon of desires into a quart container. And yet we continually try to do just that. What we need is a different approach. A bigger bottle would also help.”
Joseph Deitch, Elevate: An Essential Guide to Life

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Joseph Deitch
Elevate: An Essential Guide to Life Elevate
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