To celebrate Face Folio going Gold Metal Best Seller on DriveThruRPG, I’m making available 10 community copies of Face Folio: COMMUNITY COPY CODE
Of course, the idea is for people to use the code if they cannot afford to buy a copy (life stuff). There is no date limit on this offer, but after 10 uses the code will expire.
On a related note, a few days ago my ‘Hex Flower Cookbook’ went Platinum Metal Best Seller on DriveThruRPG. I couldn’t be more pleased because this product is Pay-What-You-Want (so in effect it is already a community version).
When people pay for a PWYW version, it gives me validation as to what people like and helps to steer my creative efforts! For anyone that might not know, Hex Flowers are a bit like a random table, but with a ‘memory‘.
All my finished Hex Flower Stuff can be found on DriveThruRPG.