Author Spotlight: Brent Abell #horror and #darkfiction #author #Dragonflies #SmallTownTerrors #WhiteCreek #Book #Release @Sirens_Call @BrentTAbell

Author Spotlight

Brent Abell

Brent Abell resides in Southern Indiana with his wife and Drake the Puggle. Brent enjoys anything horror related. In his writing career, he’s had stories featured in over 30 publications from multiple presses. His books Southern Devils, Southern Devils: Reconstruction of the Dead, In Memoriam, The Calling, Phoenix Protocol, Dying Days: Death Sentence, Dying Days: Zealot, Death Inc., and Wicked Tales for Wicked People are available now. He is also a co-author of the horror-comedy Hellmouth series. Currently, he is working on a multitude of projects. You can hang out with him at for some rum and a good cigar.

Visit Brent on his website: Our Darkest Fears

Visit Brent’s Amazon Author Page: Brent Abell on Amazon