☁️ Nextcloud server, a safe home for all your data
Open Source PHP Framework (originally from EllisLab)
Build a full-featured administrative interface in ten minutes
短视频去水印:抖音,皮皮虾,火山,微视,微博,绿洲,最右,轻视频,快手,全民小视频,巴塞电影,陌陌,Before避风,开眼,Vue Vlog 小咖秀,皮皮搞笑,全民K歌,西瓜视频,逗拍,虎牙,6间房,梨视频,新片场,acfun,美拍...
图标工场 - 移动应用图标生成工具,一键生成所有尺寸的应用图标和启动图
ThinkPHP 整合 Auth 权限管理、支付宝、微信支付、阿里 OSS、友盟推送、融云即时通讯、云通讯短信、Email、Excel、PDF 等等,基于 ThinkPHP 扩展了大量的功能,而不改动 ThinkPHP 核心,非常方便的升级、移植和使用。
免费开源的中文搜索引擎,采用 C/C++ 编写 (基于 xapian 和 scws),提供 PHP 的开发接口和丰富文档
API接口大全不断更新中~欢迎Fork和Star(✎ 1.一言(古诗句版)api ✎ 2.必应每日一图api ✎ 3.在线ip查询 ✎ 4.m3u8视频在线解析api ✎ 5.随机生成二次元图片api ✎ 6.快递查询api-支持国内百家快递 ✎ 7.flv视频在线解析api ✎ 8.抖音视频无水印解析api✎ 9.一句话随机图片api✎ 10.QQ用户信息获取api✎11.哔哩哔哩封面图获…
Laravelium Sitemap generator for Laravel.
restful-api风格接口 APP接口 APP接口权限 oauth2.0 接口版本管理 接口鉴权
Wikitten is a small, fast, PHP wiki, and the perfect place to store your notes, code snippets, ideas, and so on.
This is a PHP script for FFmpeg which allows you to upload a video and convert it into html5 (mp4 h264, webm, ogv)
Several tools to help you in development
This package is not maintained anymore! A simple Laravel 4 service provider with some basic configuration for including the TCPDF library
A php library based on PHPExcel to convert html tables to excel files.
Pili Streaming Cloud server-side library for PHP