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How to Get Pal Fluids

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Pal Fluids are a crucial resource in Palworld, essential for constructing useful facilities such as Hot Springs. These valuable materials can only be acquired by locating and defeating specific Water-type Pals found near bodies of water. If you’re wondering how to obtain Pal Fluids in Palworld, read on for more information.

  • The key to collecting Pal Fluids is to track down Water-type Pals. These aquatic creatures can be found spawning along shorelines, rivers, lakes, and oceans.
  • You can easily identify them by their icons, which indicate their Water type. Explore all waterways to discover new varieties of Water-type Pals that yield Pal Fluids. Once you encounter them, engage in combat. Lower their health using weapons, traps, or your own Pals until they are either capturable or defeated. Ranged tactics tend to be effective in these encounters.
  • Be prepared for counterattacks from the Water Pals. Dodge their attacks and continue chipping away at their HP. It’s advisable to have spare Pal Spheres on hand to capture defeated Pals.

Upon defeating or capturing a Water Pal, you will automatically obtain 1-3 vials of Pal Fluid, which will be added to your inventory. Most individual Pals provide 1-2 fluids.

If you’re looking for an efficient farming method, consider visiting early beaches where Pengullets are frequently found. Clearing out packs of Pengullets will allow you to accumulate a significant stockpile of fluids. Additionally, capturing some Pengullets can be beneficial, as they have specific uses for farming purposes.

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