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Sigonia the Unclaimed Desolation Overview and effects

2 Set Effect

When enemies are defeated, the wearer’s CRIT DMG increases by 4%, up to 10 times.

Sigonia the Unclaimed Desolation Recommended Character

Following characters are recommended to use Sigonia the Unclaimed Desolation.

Sigonia the Unclaimed Desolation Story

“Avgin” means “honey” in the Sigonian language. This is a commonplace derogatory term emphasizing the cunning, persuasive, and treacherous nature of the Avgins.

This perception is not entirely baseless, as the Avgins possess naturally appealing features, captivating eyes, and exceptional emotional intelligence borderline that of sorcery, enabling them to easily win the favor of strangers. This inborn talent helps them to navigate between major clans and ethnic groups, effortlessly obtaining whatever they desire — though mostly resorting to less-than-legal means. Nowadays, the Avgins has gained notoriety throughout the entire universe as smugglers, stowaways, swindlers, gamblers, thieves, robbers, and occasional social butterflies.

The Avgins exhibit a particular fondness for intricately patterned fabrics and are drawn to jewelry crafted from precious jade, with a special affinity for Sigonian Calameteorite. This gemstone is the only one capable of rivaling the resplendent divine body of Gaiathra Triclops in their mythology, who is believed to have been reborn from death.

Known as Fenge Biyos, their Mother Goddess reigns over all matters related to fertility, travels, and trickery. Depictions of the Mother Goddess in the Avgins’ religion often portray her as a left palm adorned with three eyes. The Avgins primarily express reverence for her through spoken prayers alone, believing that the Mother Goddess is as silent and unassuming as the mountains of Sigonia, and that crafting statues or composing hymns for her would only create distance from her protective embrace.

The Avgins view the world through the body of the Mother Goddess — the earth, the mountains, and all that exists on the land are a part of the Mother Goddess’ divine body. And at the end of each calendar year, her divine body will perish.

On that significant day, her divine essence ascends as a resplendent aurora in the night sky and is reborn in the following day. Hence, Avgins celebrate the first day of the new year through their grand festival called “Kakava.” During this festival, they weave sacrificial vessels known as “Knots of Cyclicality” and toss them into bonfires to commemorate the Great Goddess’ birth.

According to the incident report from the Marketing Development Department, the second tragedy that claimed the lives of the entire Avgin clan occurred on the night of Kakava. Despite stormy winds and cloud-covered skies that swallowed up the light of the celestial auroras, the Avgins were more excited than ever even though such sights should generally regarded as ill omens. When questioned about this, a maiden from the clan provided the following response.

“Rain is a gift from the Mother Goddess. She is calling to us, urging us to take up arms and fight for our future.”
“This rain will be accompanying us eternally and protecting us. We shall meet our honorable demise in the rain.”