9 years ago

Jam Favorites: JS13KGames Jam

Some fantastic JavaScript games with tiny file sizes!

The JS13K Games Jam was a jam that challenged HTML5 developers to make a game with a file size limit set to 13 kilobytes. The theme for this jam was “reverse”. There were many games entered in this jam, I recorded all of them in my video compilation series. Below are some of my favorites, in a random order.


Turnometry is an arcade styled game where you must avoid rectangles. You are a triangle that is able to move to different sides of a central shape. As you move around, rectangles come out from different sides of the screen, moving towards the central shape. You must avoid these shapes in order to survive. At first this is pretty easy, as the rectangles stop just short of your shape, allowing you to position yourself out of harm’s way. That is, until the shape starts moving. The central shape starts to move - putting you directly in front of a rectangle with only a few seconds to dodge before the shape smashes down on you. You must keep dodging as the game gets harder and more colorful.


Bokosan is a puzzler with 20 levels where you are pulling boxes into different areas. You are working in a warehouse. It is your job to pull boxes back into their original places, since they were pushed into places they weren’t meant to be. On the floor of the warehouse there are slashed lines across squares that should not have blocks. You must pull the boxes from that area into normal tiles. Once all of the boxes are in their proper place you will go onto the next level. Some of these warehouse floors are equipped with spikes - sometimes hidden by boxes. Other times there might be big gaps in the floor that you can fall through. You must stay alive and get all of the boxes back into their places. Your job depends on it.


Reversed Sandwich Maker is a simple food game where you are taking apart sandwiches. Apparently, you do not know how to make sandwiches properly. Because of this, you have tons of open sandwiches to take apart so that their ingredients can be reused. You must take the top ingredient off the sandwich and move it back to its original plate. If you drop the ingredient, or put it in the wrong place, you will lose a life. There is also a time limit to correcting your mistakes, so make sure you pull apart those sandwiches fast.


Grav Bot is a challenging platformer that has you reversing gravity. You are a small egg shaped box, hunting for energy crystals. These crystals are hidden around various levels, guarded by spikes and locked doors. You must reverse gravity to jump and overcome different obstacles. Some spikes move while others stay in the same place. Sometimes you will have to gather keys or change gravity midair to make it further in this game. Can you get all of the energy crystals?


Behind Asteroids shows you what is behind the Asteroids screen. You are inside an arcade machine, looking to make the most money possible from the players wanting to take a turn at your game. You must shoot out asteroids at the player’s ship in order to kill them. To shoot off an asteroid you must hit the letter listed on the asteroid, as the arrow points towards the player’s ship. Watch out for asteroids that turn red before you fire them, as when the asteroid is in the red zone it will instantly explode. You only have a limited number of rocks to hurl at the player. After you have killed the ship, the player will be forced to insert more money to continue. Your goal is to kill off the players as fast as possible to make the most amount of money before closing time.


Fruit Rev. has you doing the opposite of most fruit slicing games - putting the fruit back together! Two separate pieces of fruit will fly up onto your screen. You must click and drag one side of the fruit to another half of the same fruit. After a level more than one different type of fruit starts flying, so you must make sure that the right fruits are connecting with their other half. Each level has a bar on the bottom - you must make sure that the bar does not deplete from you missing too many fruits. Are you up for the challenge of putting all those sliced fruits back together?


Please, Die is a simple platformer with one goal - kill the player. There are many ways to do this; electricity, fire, bombs, spikes and holes. You must kill the player within the time limit. Sometimes combining objects makes the player lose health faster - like electricity and water or fire and tnt. Each hazard only hurts the player for a limited amount of time, wearing off after its use. You must make the best use of the time it has. There are also rainbows dotted around some levels. These rainbows must be avoided as they make the player happy. Happy players don’t want to die and instead can gain health in rainbow mode. Kill all of your players fast in each level to move on.


Fantastic Monster Chronicles has you avenging your town! A bunch of warriors have raided your town, taking all of your eggs. As a monster who needs their eggs back, it is up to you to go and collect them all. At first this puzzler is quite easy: collect the blue eggs which open a treasure chest with a key to the next level. Sometimes some rocks need to be pushed out of the way, but most of the time it’s easy. Then you start to get close to the warriors. These warriors stand guard around the eggs. Once they see you, or that the eggs are taken, they start to fire off swords. If you are hit once by a sword, you will die. You must get creative, moving rocks in front of them or just avoiding them, in order to save your eggs.


Trapventure is a charming puzzler where you are fighting off the undead with traps! You are in a dungeon full of wall-raising traps. These traps start off as grey colored floor which can be turned into a full wall. This wall will throw anyone who is on top of it into the air. Zombies are dotted around each level, looking to kill you. You must use the walls to throw the zombies up into the air, killing them. Once all of the zombies in a floor are killed you are able to move deeper into the dungeon. Use your traps wisely - as if you kill yourself or get caught you will have to try again. Go forth and find the treasure.


Dungeon Advisor has you in charge of creating your own dungeon! Dungeons are filled with all sorts of adventure - but so far yours only has an entrance. With little gold - and players approaching fast - you must purchase different rooms for your dungeon. Add a sewer so that the players can fight, a church so they can confess, a hospital to heal them, an inn to drink - and manage all of that. Sewers, arenas and other places for the players to fight need monsters. You must buy them, as well as their levels, to keep the game interesting. You can also set prices for stuff like food, drink, confessions, etc. You must manage your dungeon well, as players will get to leave a review at the end. Keep them happy and keep the money flowing in.


It’s Raining… Boxes?! is a charming game about keeping a character safe. It is raining boxes and you are stuck on a platform. The water is rising, due to the rain, so you must get up to higher ground. Luckily, the sky is literally raining boxes down onto your platform. You can push these boxes around and jump on top of them to get to higher ground. Getting hit by the falling boxes will kill you and end the game, so be careful! Over time, events start to happen: earthquakes can cause your platform to shake, knocking down loose boxes; the rain can speed up, droping boxes without much warning; the platform itself can start tilting to one side, and much more. Keep your player alive and out of the water!

#js13k #Turnometry #Bokosan #ReversedSandwichMaker #GravBot #BehindAsteroids #FruitRev #PleaseDie #FantasticMonsterChronicles #Trapventure #DungeonAdvisor #ItsRainingBoxes



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