Ya' gotta kiss a few.

Before you find your prince, you gotta kiss alot of frogs. It's ok, I like frogs.
68 Pins
a frog that is standing in the grass with a piece of food in it's mouth
Pictures of the day: 22 June 2015
Kung-fu fighter frog (Reinwardt's flying frog)
a frog sitting on top of a flower in the rain with a quote above it
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a small colorful frog sitting on top of a finger
Daily Video
wow! look at this little fellow! i want him! :)
a frog sitting on top of a flower in the rain with a quote above it
Beautyzoomin on Twitter
Have safe week peace and love
a purple and black frog sitting on top of a rock
Meet Atelopus varius... or the "Costa Rican Clown Frog." These little guys are critically endangered, but so amazingly designed they look like they've had a splash of paint added to the skin. They haven't though- they evolved that colorful splash to indicate toxicity to predators. It's the frog's way of saying, "Hey, don't eat me! I'm poisonous." Indeed, A. varius contains tetrodotoxin, a very potent neurotoxin. This is one frog a predator would not get away with digesting.
two small green and orange lizards on top of an orange plant with fruit attached to it
Tagging along frogs
a frog sitting on top of a pink flower
a blue frog sitting on top of water
Poison Blue
a frog sitting on top of a mossy plant in the rain
a frog sitting on top of a red flower
a green frog hanging upside down in the air
swollen toes
two small yellow lizards with eyes sitting on a mossy branch
Imbabura Tree frogs...