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Son premier livre "The Fundamentals of Brand SERPs for Business" a été publié…
Articles de Jason
Do you want to transform your personal brand into a powerful leadership brand? Forget being "one of many" and become "the one among many"…
Do you want to transform your personal brand into a powerful leadership brand? Forget being "one of many" and become "the one among many"…
Partagé par Jason Barnard
🎉 Good News 🎉 - One of MultiplyMii's best clients in the eCommerce sector was recently acquired! 😢 Bad News 😢 - The acquirer chose not to retain…
🎉 Good News 🎉 - One of MultiplyMii's best clients in the eCommerce sector was recently acquired! 😢 Bad News 😢 - The acquirer chose not to retain…
Aimé par Jason Barnard
Thinking about building a billion-dollar company? 🤔 Then you definitely need an amazing blueprint for growing 2153% to achieve a $2B valuation…
Thinking about building a billion-dollar company? 🤔 Then you definitely need an amazing blueprint for growing 2153% to achieve a $2B valuation…
Partagé par Jason Barnard
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Expériences de bénévolat
10 Simple Steps to Analyze Your Brand SERP and Build an Effective Digital Strategy
Search Engine Land
Learn the key parts of a Brand SERP and ways to guide Google to show the information you want your audience to see.
Google Knowledge Panel: What you need to know
A Google Knowledge Panel is a search results feature that provides a concise summary of information about an Entity such as a company, person, or brand collected by Google from a variety of credible sources. It is Google’s understanding of the facts about your Entity.
How Google Universal Search Ranking Works – Darwinism In Search
Search Engine Journal
Since the introduction of universal search in 2007, the SERPs have become increasingly rich. Use this to make your site more visible on Google.
Practical Techniques to Improve Both Brand and Brand Review SERPs
Perfecting the SERPs / results returned by Google for a user query on your brand name is an essential part of your digital strategy. Like many of us, you may believe Google shows accurate, consistent and positive information to prospects, investors, partners, clients, journalists, job candidates, readers, subscribers, etc. Who search your brand name. Wrong. Here is how you can take back control!
Ecommerce Nation
With a quality on-page SEO, with the DSA, you can build profitable, low-maintenance AdWords campaigns.
read on to see how ! -
Une introduction au Machine Learning en SEO / AEO
Les citations suivantes résument très bien le Machine Learning.
Plus fluide
“Le Machine Learning est quelque chose de nouveau sous le soleil : une technologie qui se construit elle-même.”
Pedro Domingos
Plus intuitif
“Le Machine Learning est autant un art qu’une science. C’est comme la cuisine – oui il y a de la chimie, mais pour faire quelque chose de vraiment intéressant, vous devez apprendre comment combiner les ingrédients à votre disposition”. Greg Corrado…Les citations suivantes résument très bien le Machine Learning.
Plus fluide
“Le Machine Learning est quelque chose de nouveau sous le soleil : une technologie qui se construit elle-même.”
Pedro Domingos
Plus intuitif
“Le Machine Learning est autant un art qu’une science. C’est comme la cuisine – oui il y a de la chimie, mais pour faire quelque chose de vraiment intéressant, vous devez apprendre comment combiner les ingrédients à votre disposition”. Greg Corrado, (Google)
Plus flexible
“Le machine learning n’est pas un bout de code statique : vous lui fournissez des données en permanence. Nous mettons constamment à jour les modèles et l’apprentissage, ajoutons plus de données et ajustons la manière dont nous allons faire des prédictions. C’est comme si c’était une chose vivante. Il s’agit d’une différente sorte d’ingénierie.” Christine Robson (Google)
Cool !
Toutes ces citations de sources anglophones proviennent de ce super article.
Le machine learning c’est comme cuisiner
Cuisiner : des ingrédients, des équipements de cuisine et un flair pour la cuisine.
Machine learning : des données, des mathématiques et une intuition d’ingénieur. -
Ecommerce Nation
Avec un SEO on-page de qualité, vous pouvez construire des campagnes AdWords rentables qui nécessitent peu de maintenance grâce à DSA.
Brand SERPs You Really Should Be Tracking (and Improving)
Ignore {Brand} SERPs at your peril!
Search queries in the SERPs for your brand name are vital touch-points for both people and machines and are therefore absolutely essential to your business.
You should be tracking, evaluating, and improving them, consistently.
Read on ... -
A Detailed introduction to Machine learning in SEO / AEO
What is Machine Learning?
The following quotes really sum it up.
More fluid
“Machine learning is something new under the sun: a technology that builds itself.”
Pedro Domingos
More intuition
“Machine learning is as much art as it is science. It’s like cooking — yes, there’s chemistry involved but to do something really interesting, you have to learn how to combine the ingredients available to you.” Greg Corrado, (Google)
More flexibility
“The machine learning model is not…What is Machine Learning?
The following quotes really sum it up.
More fluid
“Machine learning is something new under the sun: a technology that builds itself.”
Pedro Domingos
More intuition
“Machine learning is as much art as it is science. It’s like cooking — yes, there’s chemistry involved but to do something really interesting, you have to learn how to combine the ingredients available to you.” Greg Corrado, (Google)
More flexibility
“The machine learning model is not a static piece of code — you’re constantly feeding it data. We are constantly updating the models and learning, adding more data and tweaking how we’re going to make predictions. It feels like a living, breathing thing. It’s a different kind of engineering.” Christine Robson (Google)
Cool !
Machine Learning is like cooking
Read on... -
Understanding and Credibility: a Simple Approach to AEO
Hopefully, understanding and credibility is an approach
that will save you the need to dig too deeply
into the inner workings of Google's algorithm :)
Please read on... -
The New Face of SEO: Answer Engine Optimization
There are few reliable truths in this world. Death, taxes, and SEO algorithm changes. It’s hard to keep up with the fleeting whims of Google’s search algorithm, favoring links, mobile pages, good bounce rates, user experience, and more.
But there’s one major aspect of the search engine behemoth that’s relatively new and unexplored.
Resulting from the rise of voice search, Google is now providing answers for a given search query. This is best experienced when users…There are few reliable truths in this world. Death, taxes, and SEO algorithm changes. It’s hard to keep up with the fleeting whims of Google’s search algorithm, favoring links, mobile pages, good bounce rates, user experience, and more.
But there’s one major aspect of the search engine behemoth that’s relatively new and unexplored.
Resulting from the rise of voice search, Google is now providing answers for a given search query. This is best experienced when users perform a voice query, whether it’s on Siri, Alexa, or Google Now’s platform. Rather than getting a list of responses, users often receive one singular answer.
Read on.... -
Le futur du SEO / AEO : compréhension et crédibilité
Quand quelqu’un lance une recherche sur Google (ou Bing), la personne exprime un problème qu’elle souhaite résoudre, ou une question pour laquelle elle cherche une réponse. Et le but principal de Google et Bing a toujours été de guider rapidement les utilisateurs vers le meilleur résultat possible.
Avec la montée en puissance de la recherche vocale, Google et Bing s’appuient de plus en plus sur la compréhension et la crédibilité pour identifier une seule (la meilleure)…Quand quelqu’un lance une recherche sur Google (ou Bing), la personne exprime un problème qu’elle souhaite résoudre, ou une question pour laquelle elle cherche une réponse. Et le but principal de Google et Bing a toujours été de guider rapidement les utilisateurs vers le meilleur résultat possible.
Avec la montée en puissance de la recherche vocale, Google et Bing s’appuient de plus en plus sur la compréhension et la crédibilité pour identifier une seule (la meilleure) solution.
Que devez-vous faire pour en tirer profit ?
Vue d’ensemble de la situation -
The Key to the Future of SEO / AEO – Understanding and Credibility
When someone searches on Google (or Bing), they are expressing a problem they are seeking to solve, or a question they need the correct answer to. The "raison d'être" of Google and Bing has always been to guide their users quickly and simply to the best available result.
With the rise of voice search, Google and Bing increasingly rely upon understanding and credibility to provide the one, single, best solution.
What should you be doing to take advantage? -
Techniques avancées pour gagner la Position 0 (Featured Snippet)
Featured Snippet, Answer Boxe ou Position 0... il y a beaucoup d’articles sur la manière d’atteindre cette position convoitée pour apparaître au dessus de la SERP.
Advanced Techniques to Be the Featured Snippet: Position 0 — a Guide
In this article, I will show you several little-known techniques to gain a decisive advantage over your competition and get the featured snippets you deserve.
Read on... -
Semantic HTML5 for Content Writers – The Essential Guide
Google and Bing love semantic HTML5, so it is great for SEO! This article provides a simple guide to the essential semantic HTML5 tags that content writers and copywriters should be using to better communicate with Google and Bing (and machines in general). Your competitors probably do not even come close to best practices, so the correct use of semantic HTML5 tags in your content will push you one step ahead in 2018 and beyond. So read on...
Les secrets des balises structurelles du HTML5 sémantique
Si vous connaissez un peu le HTML, vous savez que les balises HTML sont principalement utilisées pour l’affichage de la page - ces balises indiquent au navigateur comment afficher le contenu de la page. Elles ne donnent aucune indication sur le type et le rôle du contenu présenté.
Le HTML5 sémantique comble cette lacune en définissant des balises spécifiques pour indiquer clairement le rôle du contenu qu'elles englobent. Cette information explicite aide les machines comme Google et Bing…Si vous connaissez un peu le HTML, vous savez que les balises HTML sont principalement utilisées pour l’affichage de la page - ces balises indiquent au navigateur comment afficher le contenu de la page. Elles ne donnent aucune indication sur le type et le rôle du contenu présenté.
Le HTML5 sémantique comble cette lacune en définissant des balises spécifiques pour indiquer clairement le rôle du contenu qu'elles englobent. Cette information explicite aide les machines comme Google et Bing à comprendre les rôles et l'importance relative de différentes parties de votre page. -
The Secrets of Semantic HTML5 for Document Structure — a Guide
What is semantic HTML5?
If you know a little about HTML you will know that HTML tags are (mostly) used to format content - these tags tell the browser how to display the content on the page. They give no indication as to what type of content they contain or what role that content plays in the page.
Semantic HTML5 addresses this shortcoming by defining specific tags to indicate clearly what role is played by the content those tags contain. That explicit information helps…What is semantic HTML5?
If you know a little about HTML you will know that HTML tags are (mostly) used to format content - these tags tell the browser how to display the content on the page. They give no indication as to what type of content they contain or what role that content plays in the page.
Semantic HTML5 addresses this shortcoming by defining specific tags to indicate clearly what role is played by the content those tags contain. That explicit information helps robots/crawlers like Google and Bing to better understand which content is important, which is subsidiary, which is for navigation, and so on. By adding semantic HTML tags to your pages, you provide additional information that helps Google and Bing understand the roles and relative importance of the different parts of your page.
read on... -
Comment mettre en place un balisage Schema parfait pour votre entreprise
ans cet article, je vous ferai parcourir les meilleures pratiques pour la mise en place du balisage Schema.org Corporation (Entreprise) sur votre site web : le format à utiliser, les informations que vous devez fournir (et pourquoi), comment choisir une catégorie pour votre entreprise, comment écrire un balisage Entreprise hors pair, comment tester votre balisage... et plusieurs conseils et astuces importants, mais peu connus.
How to Write Great Schema Markup for Your Company
In this article, I will take you through the steps and best practices when adding structured Schema.org markup for your company to your website... including which format to use, what information you should provide (and why), how to choose a category, how to push your markup further, how to test your markup ... and several little-known tips and tricks that will lift your markup above the competition's :)
All Companies Should Add Schema.org Organization Markup on Their Websites
Read on.. -
Introduction to Schema Structured Markup. What is it?
It is machine-readable information in the HTML code of the page that helps machines understand the information presented on the page.
The code is not visible to humans. It simply corroborates the information on the page that humans understand in a machine readable format. -
Ecommerce Nation
In this article, I will address the issue of successfully optimizing your Google Merchant feed. Product specifications are here. A note on the quality of the landing page: the quality of this page is vital. If you are present and relevant on Google Shopping and you are attracting users who are looking for what you sell, but if your page is not convincing, you are wasting your time.
Read on... -
Ecommerce Nation
Dans cet article, j’aborde la question d’optimisation d’un flux qui fonctionne correctement. Des spécifications pour les flux sont ici. Un petit mot sur la qualité de la landing page. La qualité de cette page est vitale. Si vous êtes présent et pertinent lors de votre campagne Google Shopping, vous attirerez des visites qualifiées. Mais si cela n’est pas le cas, vous perdez votre temps.
Introduction simple au balisage Schema.org
Aujourd'hui, l'utilisation des micro-données est essentielle pour améliorer votre visibilité en ligne. Si vous n'avez jamais utilisé les données structurées, cet article vous aidera à comprendre les bases du balisage Schema. Dans ce post, vous allez apprendre :
ce que représentent les données structurées Schema,
pourquoi il est important de les utiliser,
comment faire vos premiers pas dans le balisage Schema.org de votre site.
Ecommerce Nation
Dans ce mini guide, je présenterai des stratégies SEO simples à réaliser soi-même pour un référencement naturel à court, moyen et long terme pour votre site de e-commerce. Assemblés, ces trois travaux constituent une stratégie SEO gagnante pour votre entreprise, qui vous permettra de dépasser votre concurrence aujourd’hui pour être référencé devant demain.
Ecommerce Nation
In this mini guide I will present one simple DIY strategy for each of : short, mid and long-term SEO strategies for your e-commerce site. Done together, these three build into a winning SEO strategy for your business that will get you the jump on your competition today and keep you ahead tomorrow.
All are equally important, and all should be started today (if you only spend time on the short-term quick wins, you will win the battle, but lose the war). -
Paid UK Review Platforms: Which is the Right Choice for SEO?
In this post I will go over extensive and independent research to evaluate which is the strongest review platform for SEO.
The four platforms considered for this article are:
trustpilot.com -
Online Reputation Management Managing online brand experience through Search and Content Optimization
n today’s connected world – prospects, customers, partners, future employees, investors – they are all highly likely to make at least one brand search before choosing to do business with you. Whether your company has a strong online presence or not, the people you want to do business with are almost certainly online and checking up on you.
How to do ORM right – A Searchmetrics WhitepaperOther authorsSee publication
Kalicube Pro SaaS for Agencies: Offer Profitable New Services to Your Clients
Kalicube Pro is a groundbreaking SaaS platform that empowers digital agencies to future-proof their clients' digital brand. You can count on our expertise. You can rely on our support.
Kalicube Pro is the only cloud-based software-as-a-service that provides you with all the data and tools you need to optimise, manage, track, measure and report on Brands across search. We started in 1998, we have over 25 years' experience and our team is second to none. Count on us.Other creatorsSee project -
Kalicube: industry-leading digital marketing agency
Kalicube is a digital marketing agency and groundbreaking software company that helps business leaders future-proof their digital search strategy and provides digital agencies with state of the art service offerings that are effective, easy to sell and hugely profitable. Kalicube provides services, tools, and its unique software, Kalicube Pro, to perform brand (entity) optimization for SEO and AI, online reputation management, and create bespoke digital marketing strategies that drive revenue…
Kalicube is a digital marketing agency and groundbreaking software company that helps business leaders future-proof their digital search strategy and provides digital agencies with state of the art service offerings that are effective, easy to sell and hugely profitable. Kalicube provides services, tools, and its unique software, Kalicube Pro, to perform brand (entity) optimization for SEO and AI, online reputation management, and create bespoke digital marketing strategies that drive revenue. Jason Barnard is the CEO and founder of Kalicube.
Other creatorsSee project
Prix et distinctions
Google AdWords Certified
Black Belt - Searchmetrics Certified Professional (SCP)
Bilingue ou langue natale
Bilingue ou langue natale
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I had the privilege of speaking to a motivated group of students in Dana Humphrey's class at Baruch College. Engaging with the future's thinkers…
I had the privilege of speaking to a motivated group of students in Dana Humphrey's class at Baruch College. Engaging with the future's thinkers…
Aimé par Jason Barnard
The Art of Not Pissing Everyone Off in Influencer Deal Flow: Part 1 :) It’s not easy. However, if you are familiar with the flow of a creator…
The Art of Not Pissing Everyone Off in Influencer Deal Flow: Part 1 :) It’s not easy. However, if you are familiar with the flow of a creator…
Aimé par Jason Barnard
It's always an honor to honored and named as a top influential voice shaping the future of retail, but even more humbling when it's among your…
It's always an honor to honored and named as a top influential voice shaping the future of retail, but even more humbling when it's among your…
Aimé par Jason Barnard
I've worked with many businesses as a mentor / advisor, and "strategy for success" is often a missing puzzle piece. All plan for customer acquisition…
I've worked with many businesses as a mentor / advisor, and "strategy for success" is often a missing puzzle piece. All plan for customer acquisition…
Aimé par Jason Barnard
Dr. Jeremy M. Levin, biopharma industry leader and previous Chair of the Board of the Biotechnology Innovation Organization, makes a clear case for…
Dr. Jeremy M. Levin, biopharma industry leader and previous Chair of the Board of the Biotechnology Innovation Organization, makes a clear case for…
Aimé par Jason Barnard
"Journalism, at its best, is not just a record of who said what. There is always subjectivity – for example, in choose what to report out of the…
"Journalism, at its best, is not just a record of who said what. There is always subjectivity – for example, in choose what to report out of the…
Aimé par Jason Barnard
What can you do to influence Google positively about your brand? You need to know that your Homepage is for your audience, for your human audience…
What can you do to influence Google positively about your brand? You need to know that your Homepage is for your audience, for your human audience…
Aimé par Jason Barnard
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Operations Manager, Information Security Risk Management at U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
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Product Manager
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