Are you a Shadowhunter or mundane? Take our very first ‘Shadowhunters’ quiz
We know Shadowhunters fans are dedicated, doing whatever in their power it takes to save their beloved Freeform show. We’re talking Twitter campaigns, excessive award show voting, ads in Times Square, banners over Netflix HQ, and so much more.
The Shadowfam is making it clear it’s hard to make you quit. But how about a short break from storming the internet? Even the mightiest heroes need a break every once in a while to brush up on their Shadowhunters knowledge.
We know you’ve been rewatching the show like crazy in the fight for Shadowhunters S4. The question is: do you remember every part of the show? The quiz below is only for the most dedicated fans who know this show inside and out. If you’re up for the challenge, take a shot below.
After you’ve finished, tweet us your results at @FilmDailyNews and let us know how you did. We want to see if the Shadowfam is up to the challenge (and we know you guys like a challenge!).
Karmyn Dippelhofer
honestly made me think unlike some of the quizzes! thenk you!
January 30, 2020