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Far Cry Wiki

This article appeared in Far Cry

« Jack, I'm tracking Crowe's signal near you. Keep an eye out for him. He seems to be heading in your direction. »


Catacombs is the fifteenth level in Far Cry. After successful sabotage of all of Krieger's radio towers, Jack's hopes for returning home are put on hold, as Doyle informs him about the need to retrieve critical information stored on a device known as a PDA. Jack is transported by yacht to the island of Pagao near the ruins of an ancient temple complex where Doyle's colleague Dr. Andersen, who had the PDA before he was reported missing, died.


Having arrived on Pagao, Jack begins his journey to find the PDA at the brink of a precipice and Doyle assures him that Valerie, who had come to Pagao earlier, must still be safe since he has not seen reports of anyone spotting her. Right from the start, he witnesses an unarmed Fat Boy attacking two mercenaries, one of which is immediately killed. He can intervene or choose the rear path and bypass the fight. He descends into a wooded swampy valley abounding in ruins of stone monuments of some ancient civilization and mercenary patrols. Doyle warns him about the nerve gas being used by the mercenaries in the vicinity against the trigens. Jack notices corpses of Squeakers and a Fat Boy lying around a boulder. One of the mercenaries can be seen doing something with a screwdriver to the dead Fat Boy.

Near the temple, a sudden explosion can be heard. Jack reaches the entrance to the temple but he finds himself barred from entering it because the entrance has been blocked by rubble as a result of a deliberate explosion, probably to keep the trigens locked in. Doyle advises him to find explosives and reuse them to clear the debris. Fortunately, a demolition pack can be taken from an open crate at the second entrance to the temple (also sealed off) which is nearby down the path.

Jack descends into the underground temple complex. While there, he can hear a few more explosions. Suddenly, a group of stealth trigens falls down into the temple through a hole in the ceiling along with broken off stone fragments. Jack encounters more trigens as he makes his way through the dimly lit temple. Some of them get trapped and die from the fumes from the nerve gas bottles which have been placed in the narrowest passages. Jack accidentally catches a whiff of the gas and reports to Doyle of a burning sensation in the lungs. Doyle warns him to keep away from the fumes and mentions the possibility of dispersing them by destroying the containers.

Jack finds the PDA and an explosive pack on the upper level of the complex. Doyle sends him the coordinates to the mobile uplink, where the information from the device will be relayed. As he heads for the secondary exit from the temple, two teams Biohazard Guards are in the middle of a chaotic battle with the trigens. A helicopter drops additional three biohazard guards into the building through gaps in the ceiling. Once Jack makes his way through the battle, he plants and detonates explosives on the rubble to exit the complex. Subsequently, he is notified about Crowe's signal getting closer to his position.


  • Follow the path to the ancient temple
  • Retrieve the missing PDA
  • Find some explosives
  • Find a way out of the catacombs


See also[]


  • In the pre-release version, Catacombs and River levels were merged into one level titled "Temple".