About the EZB

  1. Content of the Electronic Journals Library
  2. History of the Electronic Journals Library
  3. Electronic Journals Library is part of UR Library Services
  4. Papers, Reports, Publications
  5. Use of Cookies
  6. Contact Information

1. Content of the Electronic Journals Library

The Electronic Journals Library is a service to facilitate the use of scholarly journals on the internet. It offers a fast, structured and unified interface to access full-text articles online.

It comprises 117744 titles from all areas of research, 29353 of which are available online only. In addition, 146722 journals, which are provided by aggregators, are listed. The EZB contains 81949 journals which are accessible free of charge to anyone. Furthermore, the participating libraries provide their users access to the journals they subscribe to.

The journals are presented in lists sorted by research area. An updated list is generated by the database according to the member library's specifications each time it is accessed.

The availability of full-text access is indicated by traffic-light symbols according to the license situation of each member library:
Free access to full-text articles.
This institution has a license for this journal. Access to full-text articles is granted to users of this member library on the basis of a subscription.
Only some of the published volumes are accessible as full-texts for the member library.
No access to full-texts as the member library does not have a current subscription to this journal. However, tables of contents and abstracts are generally available free of charge.
For journals with an additional Euro symbol, individual articles can be accessed with costs on pay-per-view.
Hybrid Journals / News Feed:
Some journals in the EZB are marked as a hybrid journal. That means that this journals can contain some freely available articles (Open Access). In addition, some journals contain a news feed with information about the latest articles. This services are provided by JournalTOCs.

2. History of the Electronic Journals Library

The Electronic Journals Library was founded in 1997 by the University Library of Regensburg in co-operation with the University Library of Technische Universität München. The aim of this project was to present e-journals to the library users in a clearly arranged interactive form and to provide the EZB member libraries an efficient administration tool for e-journal licenses.

At the moment, 661 institutions actively take part in the Electronic Journals Library; in addition, the EZB is also used by virtual subject libraries and information services.

The co-operation between all EZB member institutions allows the collection of reliable access data concerning the e-journals and constant expansion of the vast collection of open access journals. Due to collective data management, the journal information in the EZB is of a high standard and constantly up to date.

Over the years, the University Library of Regensburg has constantly been developing the EZB and extending its functions. For instance, EZB users can now look up both print and electronic holdings via a mutual availability search tool that has been developed in co-operation with the ZDB. EZB member libraries can now easily manage various types of licenses. The flexible adaptation of the system to local requirements and special interfaces to other digital services complete the comprehensive service of the EZB.

The development of the EZB has been supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG), by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and by the Bavarian State Ministry of Sciences, Research and the Arts.

3. Electronic Journals Library is part of UR Library Services

The UR Library Services product family, newly founded in 2022, brings together the Database Informationsystem (DBIS), the Electronic Journals Library (EZB) and the Regensburg Union Classification (RVK) under the guiding principle of quality through cooperation. DBIS is a digital service that supports its users in selecting the right scientific database for their research. The EZB is an online service for the effective use of scientific electronic full-text journals. The RVK is a classification system for the systematic indexing of holdings in academic libraries and the largest classification system in the German-speaking world. These three library services operated by Regensburg University Library have been firmly anchored in the academic landscape for decades. Several hundred libraries and research institutions form a broad community that works together cooperatively on DBIS, EZB and RVK.

Further information can be found at www.ur-library.de.

4. Papers, Reports, Publications


  • Dellmann, Sarah; Deuter, Franziska; Hulin, Sylvia; Kuhlmeier, Antje; Matuszkiewicz, Kai; Schneider, Corinna; Schröer, Cäcilia; Weisheit, Silke: In wenigen Schritten zur Zweitveröffentlichung. Ein Leitfaden für Mitarbeiter:innen in Publikationsservices. 2024. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10489037
  • Schirmer, Vicky; Weisheit, Silke: Auswertung des EZB-Workshops zur Überarbeitung der Zeitschriftendetailseite am 15.11.2023. Regensburg, 2024. https://doi.org/10.5283/epub.55525
  • Schirmer, Vicky; Weisheit, Silke; Reisinger, Claudia: Jahresbericht 2022 / 2023 der Elektronischen Zeitschriftenbibliothek (EZB). Regensburg, 2024. https://doi.org/10.5283/epub.55472


  • Doß, Brigitte; Häusler, Ines; Schüller-Zwierlein, André; & Weisheit, Silke: Qualität durch Kooperation: UR Library Services. O-Bib. Das Offene Bibliotheksjournal / Herausgeber VDB, 10(4), 1-8, 2023. https://doi.org/10.5282/o-bib/5955
  • Reisinger, Claudia; Schirmer, Vicky: EZB-Anwenderschulung. Online-Course on 5th December 2023, slides.
  • EZB community meeting on 15th November 2023 in Regensburg, protocol.
  • Doß, Brigitte; Hartlmüller, Lisa; Häusler, Ines; Lehenmeier, Constantin; Schüller-Zwierlein, André; Weisheit, Silke: Starke Synergien für Bibliotheken: DBIS und die UR Library Services setzen auf institutionelle Kooperationen und effektive Vernetzung, Poster presentation at the 24th DINI Annual Conference in Stuttgart on 4th October 2023, Poster.
  • AG Systemlandschaft E-Ressourcen (2023): Die AG Systemlandschaft stellt sich vor. , Poster presentation at the 24th DINI Annual Conference in Stuttgart on 4th October 2023, Poster.
  • Sippl, Colin: openCost: Transparenz von Publikationskosten durch neue Funktionen in der Elektronischen Zeitschriftenbibliothek (EZB), Award in the poster competition of the Open Access Days 2023 in the category "Most Learned" in Berlin from 27th to 29th September 2023, Poster on Zenodo.
  • Weisheit, Silke: EZB-ZDB Cooperation at ZDB Community Meeting, Online-event on 22nd September 2023.
  • Schirmer, Vicky; Weisheit, Silke: Presentation on the Electronic Journals Library and the UR Library Services at the 11th General Meeting of the French Mir@bel Network, Straßburg on 20th July 2023, Slides.
  • Reisinger, Claudia; Schirmer, Vicky: EZB-Anwenderschulung. Webinar on Regensburg am 13th Juni 2023, Slides.
  • Weisheit, Silke: EZB-ZDB Cooperation at ZDB Community Meeting on BiblioCON 2023 in Hannover on 25th Mai 2023.
  • Doss, Brigitte; Häusler, Ines; Schüller-Zwierlein, André; Weisheit, Silke: UR Library Community Treffen: DBIS, EZB and RVK in Hannover om 25th Mai 2023.
  • Schirmer, Vicky; Weisheit, Silke: Online talk and Q&A about EZB datasharing. Online event on 28th April 2023.
  • Hubrich, Jessica; Rolschewski, Johann; Weisheit, Silke: Online talk to JOP. Online event on 26th April 2023, Slides.
  • Hubrich, Jessica; Rolschewski, Johann; Schirmer, Vicky: Online workshop for the redesign of HTML output of JOP. Online event on 28th march 2023, Slides, protocol.
  • Reisinger, Claudia; Schirmer, Vicky: Online talk and Q&A about EZB datasharing. Online event on 21st March 2023.
  • Weisheit, Silke: Dasselbe in Grün: EZB-Tool zur automatisierten Identifizierung von Publikationen mit Zweitveröffentlichungspotenzial. Post on the blog of DINI AGs FIS & EPUB, 2023. https://doi.org/10.57689/dini-blog.20230227.
  • Weisheit, Silke; Schirmer, Vicky: Änderung des EZB-Anwendervertrages. Was bedeutet eine etwaige Freigabe der lokalen EZB-Daten (Lizenzangaben) und IP-Ranges unter der Lizenz Creative Commons Zero (CC0 1.0)? VÖB-Kommission für Periodika und Serienpublikationen. Online talk and Q&A about EZB datasharing on 27th January 2023.


  • Weisheit, Silke: Dasselbe in Grün: Analysetool zur automatisierten Identifizierung von Publikationen mit Zweitveröffentlichungspotenzial. In O-Bib. Das Offene Bibliotheksjournal / Herausgeber VDB, 9(4), 1-12. https://doi.org/10.5282/o-bib/5871
  • Reisinger, Claudia; Schirmer, Vicky: EZB-Anwenderschulung. Online-Course on 8th December 2022.
  • Reisinger, Claudia; Schirmer, Vicky: EZB-Anwenderschulung. Online-Course on 6th December 2022.
  • Rupp, Daniel; Weisheit, Silke; Horn, Moritz: GOKb-Infostunde: Datenaustausch zwischen EZB und GOKb. Online on 5th December 2022.
  • Reisinger, Claudia; Schirmer, Vicky: EZB-Anwenderschulung. Online-Course on 22nd November 2022.
  • EZB DBIS community meeting from 13th to 14th October 2022 in Regensburg, protocol.
  • Sippl, Colin: Spreading publication cost information with the Electronic Journals Library (EZB). Talk at expert workshop: openCost: the road to publication cost transparency from 5th to 7th October 2022 in Hamburg.
  • Weisheit, Silke: Dasselbe in Grün: Analysetool zur automatisierten Identifizierung von Publikationen mit Zweitveröffentlichungspotenzial. Talk at 8th Bibliothekskongress 2022 in Leipzig on 2nd June 2022.
  • Weisheit, Silke; Schirmer, Vicky; Reisinger, Claudia: Jahresbericht 2020 / 2021 der Elektronischen Zeitschriftenbibliothek (EZB). Regensburg, 2022.


  • Weisheit, Silke: Kollaborativ und vernetzt: Die Zukunft der Verwaltung von elektronischen Ressourcen in Bibliotheken. Bericht zum Online-Workshop des EZB-Beirates am 10. und 11. Mai 2021. In Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie (ZfBB) 68 (2021) 5, p. 290-294.
  • Reisinger, Claudia; Doß, Brigitte: Freely available e-journals and databases, Talk at INCONECSS Community Meeting No. 2: 'Access to business and economic information without paywall barriers' on 14 July 2021
  • Weisheit, Silke: Die Integration der EZB-Daten in Alma / CDI / SFX aus EZB-Sicht, Talk on DACHELA annual conference on 19 May 2021
  • EZB Workshop 'Wie verändern ERM-Systeme zukünftig die Infrastruktur wissenschaftlicher Bibliotheken?' on 10. and 11 May 2021

+/- Archive

5. Use of Cookies

The settings for the graphical user interface are stored on your device using the cookie "ezb_user_settings". It contains the following setting: show or hide the license color selection (yes/no). The cookie is automatically deleted when closing the browser.

6. Contact Information

Contact person in your institution:
For access problems or activation requirements please call the contact person in your institution.

EZB team:
For questions or suggestions concerning the EZB or for EZB participation requirements the EZB team is pleased to help you:
EMail: info.ezb@ur.de
Tel: ++49 941 943-3905 or ++49 941 943-3907

Head of EZB:
Silke Weisheit

University Library of Regensburg
Electronic Journals Library
93042 Regensburg
English Homepage: https://ezb.uni-regensburg.de/?lang=en