Average cost Markov control processes with weighted norms: existence of canonical policies

Evgueni Gordienko; Onésimo Hernández-Lerma

Applicationes Mathematicae (1995)

  • Volume: 23, Issue: 2, page 199-218
  • ISSN: 1233-7234


This paper considers discrete-time Markov control processes on Borel spaces, with possibly unbounded costs, and the long run average cost (AC) criterion. Under appropriate hypotheses on weighted norms for the cost function and the transition law, the existence of solutions to the average cost optimality inequality and the average cost optimality equation are shown, which in turn yield the existence of AC-optimal and AC-canonical policies respectively.

How to cite


Gordienko, Evgueni, and Hernández-Lerma, Onésimo. "Average cost Markov control processes with weighted norms: existence of canonical policies." Applicationes Mathematicae 23.2 (1995): 199-218. <http://eudml.org/doc/219126>.

abstract = {This paper considers discrete-time Markov control processes on Borel spaces, with possibly unbounded costs, and the long run average cost (AC) criterion. Under appropriate hypotheses on weighted norms for the cost function and the transition law, the existence of solutions to the average cost optimality inequality and the average cost optimality equation are shown, which in turn yield the existence of AC-optimal and AC-canonical policies respectively.},
author = {Gordienko, Evgueni, Hernández-Lerma, Onésimo},
journal = {Applicationes Mathematicae},
keywords = {discounted cost; average cost optimality equation; long run average cost; (discrete-time) Markov control processes; average cost optimality inequality; weighted norms; Markov control processes; average cost (in-)equality; discrete; average optimal cost},
language = {eng},
number = {2},
pages = {199-218},
title = {Average cost Markov control processes with weighted norms: existence of canonical policies},
url = {http://eudml.org/doc/219126},
volume = {23},
year = {1995},

AU - Gordienko, Evgueni
AU - Hernández-Lerma, Onésimo
TI - Average cost Markov control processes with weighted norms: existence of canonical policies
JO - Applicationes Mathematicae
PY - 1995
VL - 23
IS - 2
SP - 199
EP - 218
AB - This paper considers discrete-time Markov control processes on Borel spaces, with possibly unbounded costs, and the long run average cost (AC) criterion. Under appropriate hypotheses on weighted norms for the cost function and the transition law, the existence of solutions to the average cost optimality inequality and the average cost optimality equation are shown, which in turn yield the existence of AC-optimal and AC-canonical policies respectively.
LA - eng
KW - discounted cost; average cost optimality equation; long run average cost; (discrete-time) Markov control processes; average cost optimality inequality; weighted norms; Markov control processes; average cost (in-)equality; discrete; average optimal cost
UR - http://eudml.org/doc/219126
ER -


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Citations in EuDML Documents

  1. Xiaolong Zou, Xianping Guo, Another set of verifiable conditions for average Markov decision processes with Borel spaces
  2. Fernando Luque-Vásquez, Onésimo Hernández-Lerma, Semi-Markov control models with average costs
  3. Evgueni Gordienko, Onésimo Hernández-Lerma, Average cost Markov control processes with weighted norms: value iteration
  4. Evgueni I. Gordienko, Francisco Salem-Silva, Estimates of stability of Markov control processes with unbounded costs
  5. J. Minjárez-Sosa, Nonparametric adaptive control for discrete-time Markov processes with unbounded costs under average criterion
  6. Fernando Luque-Vásquez, J. Adolfo Minjárez-Sosa, Empirical approximation in Markov games under unbounded payoff: discounted and average criteria
  7. Oscar Vega-Amaya, Fernando Luque-Vásquez, Sample-path average cost optimality for semi-Markov control processes on Borel spaces: unbounded costs and mean holding times
  8. Onésimo Hernández-Lerma, Oscar Vega-Amaya, Infinite-horizon Markov control processes with undiscounted cost criteria: from average to overtaking optimality

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