Toric embedded resolutions of quasi-ordinary hypersurface singularities

Pedro D. González Pérez[1]

  • [1] Université Paris VII, Institut de Mathématiques, UMR CNRS 7586, Équipe Géométrie et et Dynamique, Case 7012, 2 place Jussieu, 75251 Paris Cedex 05 (France)

Annales de l’institut Fourier (2003)

  • Volume: 53, Issue: 6, page 1819-1881
  • ISSN: 0373-0956


We build two embedded resolution procedures of a quasi-ordinary singularity of complex analytic hypersurface, by using toric morphisms which depend only on the characteristic monomials associated to a quasi-ordinary projection of the singularity. This result answers an open problem of Lipman in Equisingularity and simultaneous resolution of singularities, Resolution of Singularities, Progress in Mathematics No. 181, 2000, 485- 503. In the first procedure the singularity is embedded as hypersurface. In the second procedure, which is inspired by a work of Goldin and Teissier for plane curves (see Resolving singularities of plane analytic branches with one toric morphism, loc. cit., pages 315-340), we re-embed the singularity in an affine space of bigger dimension in such a way that one toric morphism provides its embedded resolution. We compare both procedures and we show that they coincide under suitable hypothesis.

How to cite


González Pérez, Pedro D.. "Toric embedded resolutions of quasi-ordinary hypersurface singularities." Annales de l’institut Fourier 53.6 (2003): 1819-1881. <>.

abstract = {We build two embedded resolution procedures of a quasi-ordinary singularity of complex analytic hypersurface, by using toric morphisms which depend only on the characteristic monomials associated to a quasi-ordinary projection of the singularity. This result answers an open problem of Lipman in Equisingularity and simultaneous resolution of singularities, Resolution of Singularities, Progress in Mathematics No. 181, 2000, 485- 503. In the first procedure the singularity is embedded as hypersurface. In the second procedure, which is inspired by a work of Goldin and Teissier for plane curves (see Resolving singularities of plane analytic branches with one toric morphism, loc. cit., pages 315-340), we re-embed the singularity in an affine space of bigger dimension in such a way that one toric morphism provides its embedded resolution. We compare both procedures and we show that they coincide under suitable hypothesis.},
affiliation = {Université Paris VII, Institut de Mathématiques, UMR CNRS 7586, Équipe Géométrie et et Dynamique, Case 7012, 2 place Jussieu, 75251 Paris Cedex 05 (France)},
author = {González Pérez, Pedro D.},
journal = {Annales de l’institut Fourier},
keywords = {singularities; embedded resolution; discriminant; topological type; embedded reolution},
language = {eng},
number = {6},
pages = {1819-1881},
publisher = {Association des Annales de l'Institut Fourier},
title = {Toric embedded resolutions of quasi-ordinary hypersurface singularities},
url = {},
volume = {53},
year = {2003},

AU - González Pérez, Pedro D.
TI - Toric embedded resolutions of quasi-ordinary hypersurface singularities
JO - Annales de l’institut Fourier
PY - 2003
PB - Association des Annales de l'Institut Fourier
VL - 53
IS - 6
SP - 1819
EP - 1881
AB - We build two embedded resolution procedures of a quasi-ordinary singularity of complex analytic hypersurface, by using toric morphisms which depend only on the characteristic monomials associated to a quasi-ordinary projection of the singularity. This result answers an open problem of Lipman in Equisingularity and simultaneous resolution of singularities, Resolution of Singularities, Progress in Mathematics No. 181, 2000, 485- 503. In the first procedure the singularity is embedded as hypersurface. In the second procedure, which is inspired by a work of Goldin and Teissier for plane curves (see Resolving singularities of plane analytic branches with one toric morphism, loc. cit., pages 315-340), we re-embed the singularity in an affine space of bigger dimension in such a way that one toric morphism provides its embedded resolution. We compare both procedures and we show that they coincide under suitable hypothesis.
LA - eng
KW - singularities; embedded resolution; discriminant; topological type; embedded reolution
UR -
ER -


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