Quit drinking
30 Pins
103 Ways My Life Improved In 3 Years Without Alcohol. — HIP SOBRIETY
I had my last drink 3 years ago today, on April 13th, 2013. Whenever I celebrate these sobriety milestones, I tend to get a lot of congratulations for the fact I've made it some amount of time without alcohol. Which is, of course, a big, huge, crazy deal. For the last 1,095 days not a drop of alcohol has passed these lips. Not many people can say that, and being proud I don't drink will never get old. But if I'm being honest, sober time under my belt is far less interesting and impo...
Morning This really struck a chord with me If you read anyones successful recovery journey they succeed because they start being kinder to themselves. They eat better exercise more read books listen to other peoples stories. They eliminate toxic relationships & become more at one with the world & nature. Thet make better choices. They prioritise themselves. You have to start treating yourself as you would treat someone else. Think about how you would feel if you were watching someone else t