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Welcome to the School of Chemistry!

Todo list: edit · history · watch · refresh
  • Help develop a sequential curriculum of courses and the associated Wikibooks to be used to take them (a course catalog).
  • Help structure the subdivisions of the School of Chemistry.
  • Help make a good list of prerequisites, common for all subjects. Specific prerequisites should be listed in the subjects page.
  • Build courses based on available learning materials on Wikiversity, Wikibooks and Wikipedia.
  • Add courses based on the classes that you are currently teaching/taking. Add a page on the contents of each day of class at the end of the day. You will learn the material better and help us all learn.
  • Set learning free!

RENOVATION: A redevelopment of the School has begun which will fulfill all these tasks. Watch as over time the School gets bigger and better!

Fundamentals of Chemistry

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Key Concepts

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Key Topics

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Learning resources

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Youtube Videos

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GENERAL CHEMISTRY explained in 19 Minutes - Wacky Science

  • This video offers an 18-minute and 49-second concise overview of General Chemistry, beneficial for review and serving as a brief introduction to the subject.

Active participants

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The histories of Wikiversity pages indicate who the active participants are. If you are an active participant in this school, you can list your name here (this can help small schools grow and the participants communicate better; for large schools it is not needed).

Please re-sign (with a date stamp) your username here at least once each year. If your datestamp here is older than one year, you may be listed under inactive particpants.

Things you can do!

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  • Clean up Draft:Chemicals and move it to become a subpage of a supporting main page learning project.
  • Clean up Draft:Chemistry and move it to become a subpage of a supporting main page learning project.
  • Clean up Draft:Phosphate biochemistry and move it to become a subpage of a supporting main page learning project.

School news

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  • 25 August 2006 - School founded!
  • September 2006 - Two journals started on the Academic Publishing Wiki [wiki] which are relevant to Chemistry: Interpretations in the Physical and Computational Sciences [[1]] and Education in the Sciences [[2]].
  • 10 October 2012 - Radiation astrochemistry announced on Main Page News!
  • 8 July 2013 - Renovation of the School begins!
  • 1 January 2015 - The full-semester course Principles of radiation astronomy is up and running, including the lecture Radiation astronomy/Chemistry.
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Take a break and prevent your head from exploding.

Rules of the lab

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1. When you don't know what you're doing, do it neatly.

2. Experiments must be reproduceable, they should fail the same way each time.

3. First draw your curves, then plot your data.

4. Experience is directly proportional to equipment ruined.

5. A record of data is essential, it shows you were working.

6. To study a subject best, understand it thoroughly before you start.

7. To do a lab really well, have your report done well in advance.

8. If you can't get the answer in the usual manner, start at the answer and derive the question.

9. If that doesn't work, start at both ends and try to find a common middle.

10. In case of doubt, make it sound convincing.

11. Do not believe in miracles---rely on them.

12. Team work is essential. It allows you to blame someone else.

13. All unmarked beakers contain fast-acting, extremely toxic poisons.

14. Any delicate and expensive piece of glassware will break before any use can be made of it. (Law of Spontaneous Fission)

Brief guide to scientific literature

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It has been long known = I haven't bothered to check the references

It is known = I believe

It is believed = I think

It is generally believed = My colleagues and I think

There has been some discussion = Nobody agrees with me

It can be shown = Take my word for it

It is proven = It agrees with something mathematical

Of great theoretical importance = I find it interesting

Of great practical importance = This justifies my employment

Of great historical importance = This ought to make me famous

Some samples were chosen for study = The others didn't make sense

Typical results are shown = The best results are shown

Correct within order of magnitude = Wrong

The values were obtained empirically= The values were obtained by accident

The results are inconclusive = The results seem to disprove my hypothesis

Additional work is required = Someone else can work out the details

It might be argued that = I have a good answer to this objection

The investigations proved rewarding = My grant has been renewed

Synthesised according to standard protocols = Purchased


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Remember, if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate!

Never replicate a successful experiment -Fett's law.

It takes alkynes to make a world.

A couple of months in the laboratory can frequently save a couple of hours in the library.

Make it myself? But I'm a physical organic chemist!

Old Chemists never die, they just fail to react.

First law of Laboratorics: Hot glass and cold glass look alike!

See also

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{{Phosphate biochemistry}}