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If one is able to become deeply aware of the negative consequences of desires, one will not become involved in them. This is what is meant by renouncing desire.

Zhiyi (February 16, 538 - August 3, 597) is the founder of the Tiantai tradition of Buddhism in China.



The Essentials of Buddhist Meditation

as translated by Bhikshu Dharmamitra (Klavinka Buddhist Classics: 2009)
  • If one's mind correctly gauges the import of these words, then, in the blink of an eye, one's qualities of wisdom and severance will become so great as to defy measurement and one's spiritual understanding will become unfathomably deep.

    If, however, one disingenuously seizes on passages out of context or, due to personal sentiments, distorts the instructions of the text, then the months and years will be needlessly drawn out while actual realization will have no basis for development. One's circumstance would then be like the pauper who spends his time calculating the wealth of other men. What possible benefit could this have for oneself?

    • p. 35
  • If one is able to become deeply aware of the negative consequences of desires, one will not become involved in them. This is what is meant by renouncing desire.
    • p. 53
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