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Wikipedia:Wikipediholism test

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is an old revision of this page, as edited by GnomeNinja5 (talk | contribs) at 01:58, 3 January 2007 (Added mine @ #13). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

If you're not sure if you are a wikipediholic, you should take this test. The point value of answering 'yes' to each question is listed in parentheses ( ) at the end of the question. The higher the result, the more likely it is that you are a wikipediholic. New questions and modifications are of course welcome—good questions are those that measure current addiction (e.g., "have you edited a page in the last week", not "have you ever edited a page"), on the hypothesis that Wikipediholicism can be cured, or at least controlled to some degree. Formats should be added as #ENTRY (point value[, additional notes]) in order to be compatible with the automated version.

Give yourself at least an hour and 45 minutes because there are more than 1058 questions!

Don't want it to take that long? Then use the long automated version or short automated version!

  • If you use the automated version of the test, it will take you roughly over an hour.
  • If you check off all the boxes, you will receive 6791.45214451919 at last count.
  • The highest score possible from checking boxes is 1038670.6910796031 at last count.
  • Depending on your browser, browsing away from the automated test page may cause you to lose all of your progress. But real Wikipediholics don't do that anyway.

Current revision: -

The test

Completing the Wikipedia Test

  1. Have you actually managed to fully complete this Wikipediholic test by answering all the set questions? (75)
    1. Or do you object to the above question because it is impossible to do so? (74)

How often you use Wikipedia

  1. Do you typically use Wikipedia at least once a week? (1)
  2. Do you typically use Wikipedia at least once a day? (3)
  3. Do you typically use Wikipedia for more than an hour a day? (5)
    • ... more than two hours? (7)
    • ... more than four hours? (12)
    • ... more than six hours? (18)
    • ... more than nine hours? (30)
    • ... more than twelve hours? (50)
    • ... more than eighteen hours? (80)
    • ... more than twenty-four hours? (100 and a Junior book of time, so you can learn)
      • Or do you protest to the above question because a day is slightly longer than 24 hours? (10)
      • Or do you protest to the above question because you realise it's wrong, and a day is actually 23 hours 56 minutes and 4 seconds? (20)
      • Do you edit without breaks to eat? (50)
      • ... or drink? (75)
      • ... or to sleep? (100)
      • ... or to go to the toilet? (100)
        • ... because you edit Wikipedia on the toilet? (30)
        • ... because you wear a youth or adult diaper so you can spend more time using Wikipedia? (130)
        • ... because you bought and wear an external catheter so you can spend more time using Wikipedia? (200)
        • ... because you had medical personnel install an internal catheter so you can spend more time using Wikipedia? (500)
          • Do you protest the last question beacuse you have/had a medical condition that forced you to have one? (200)
          • Did you still edit even when you had this medical condition? (60)
  4. Is more than 60% of your time online spent at Wikipedia? (10)
    • ... more than 70%? (20)
    • ... more than 80%? (30)
    • ... more than 90%? (40)
    • ... more than 95%? (60)
    • ... more than 99.9%? (90)
    • ... 100%? (150)
    • ... just slightly less than 100% solely to look up information to add to Wikipedia? (100)
    • ... less than 10%? (-10... and you call yourself a Wikipediholic)
    • ... less than 0.1%? (-100; you may leave now)
    • ... 0%, except for taking this test? (-500; What are you doing here?)
  5. Have you been using Wikipedia for so long you forgot today is your day off? (5)
    • Do you want to protest the above question because today is not your day off? (3)
      • But you're on Wikipedia anyway? (9)
  6. Do you think you're using a significant portion of Wikipedia's bandwidth? (5)
  7. Do you feel guilty about not having enough time to edit Wikipedia? (5)
  8. Have you been using Wikipedia for, a day to a week? (2)
    • A week to a month? (5)
    • A month to two? (12)
    • Two months to three? (25)
    • Three months to six? (60)
    • Six months to nine? (75)
    • Nine months to a year? (90)
    • A year to two? (120)
    • Two years to three? (150)
    • Three years to four? (225)
    • Four years to five? (300)
    • More than five years? (400)
      • Only to vandalize? (-800)
        • But tried to do so but miserably failed because you are such a Wikipediholic? (20)
  9. Do you only use Wikipedia while browsing other sites at the same time? (-3)
    • Between 90 and 100% of the time? (-3)
    • Between 60 and 90% of the time? (-2)
    • Less than 60% of the time? (-1)
    • Never? (6)
      • Do you want to protest this question because you only browse the other sites for research? (15)
  10. Do you have Wikipedia bookmarked? (3)
  11. Is Wikipedia set as your homepage? (5)

Where you use Wikipedia

  1. Have you used Wikipedia from more than one computer in the past 7 days? (5)
    • ... more than five? (50)
    • ... more than ten? (100)
    • ... more than twenty? (200)
  2. Do you edit Wikipedia on a laptop? (10)
    • Did your laptop's fan go on by itself while you were at Wikipedia? (20)
    • Did your laptop melt (or show serious signs of melting) while you were editing Wikipedia? (150 bonus points, a new computer fan, and a wikibreak)
  3. Do you browse Wikipedia on a cell phone, PDA, PlayStation Portable (or any other mobile gadget) browser? (15)
    • Do you edit Wikipedia on that browser? (20)
    • Do you do anything other than Wikipedia on that browser? (-8)
  4. If you use dial-up, is your phone bill larger than before you discovered Wikipedia? (3)
    • Do you protest the last question because you don't have dial-up? (8)
    • Have you ever edited an article on Wikipedia while paying long distance charges to connect to the Internet? (6)
  5. Do you hook up to Wikipedia over a wireless Internet connection? (3)
    • Do you edit Wikipedia articles while over such a connection? (7)
    • Is that connection in a restaurant? (6)
    • Are you on a date in this restaurant? (50)
      • Or do you protest to the last question because you are too young to do so? (45)
    • Did you pick that restaurant because of that? (5)
    • Do you ever go to other restaurants? (-5)
      • Do you protest that question because you only go to other restaurants with a wireless internet connection? (6)
    • Do you edit Wikipedia while waiting for your meal? (10)
      • ... during your meal? (25)
      • ... while eating? (40)
      • ... with one hand on the keyboard, and one on your food? (50)
      • ... with one foot on the food and two hands on the keyboard? (100)
      • ... with four limbs on the keyboard and your head in your food? (130, plus the dexterity award)
  6. Are you on Lufthansa flight 411D, which recently added wireless access to the Internet during flight? (25)
    • Are you eating your meal on said flight while taking this test or writing an article? (50)
    • Did you choose this flight over another because of the access to Wikipedia? (100 plus a point for every $10 more you paid for this flight than the one you would have taken)
  7. Have you ever edited Wikipedia while taking a bath because you found it made the experience even more relaxing? (20, and an electrical shock risk)
    • Or do you just edit Wikipedia and forsake baths entirely? (10)
  8. Do you actually have a home, or do you just live on Wikipedia? (100, and a spot on CNN tomorrow night)
    • Did you realize that you receive 100 points if you have just one or the other? (20)
    • Have you tried to get in touch with an admin to demand your spot on CNN tomorrow night? (3)
    • Have you taken this quiz so many times that you no longer want that spot on CNN tomorrow night? (10)
    • Are you disappointed that the last three follow-up questions were worth 85 points fewer than the original question? (0.5)
  9. Do you work on Wikipedia in almost zero light because of an electrical power failure? (20)
    • Did you immediately just try to think of ways to get on Wikipedia with no electricity after you read the last question? (15)
    • Does it not matter because your home is off the grid? (50)
  10. While at a party or visiting a significant other, have you found yourself wanting to check your watchlist? (10)
    • Did you ask somebody if you could use their computer to check "your" Wikipedia? (50)
    • Did you leave the party/significant other so you could check it? (100)
    • Do you actually use Wikipedia at public computers, even though some pages advise you not to? (3)
      • Or do you uncheck the "Remember Me" button when logging in? (5)

When you use Wikipedia

  1. Do you use the shortcut keys when using Wikipedia? (3)
  2. Do you edit articles in your dreams while sleeping? (18)
  3. Do you edit articles in your dreams while awake (daydreaming)? (20)
  4. Do you curse out loud upon waking and realizing that you have to make all those edits over again? (2 points more)
  5. Or are the edits actually still there...? (100 bonus points, plus the Randi prize)
    • Did you actually get the prize? (28.3020101234512321432 to make almost sure you don't cheat so much)
  6. Have you gotten ideas about articles from your dreams? (40)
  7. Have you edited before 6:30 in the morning? (6)
    • ... until 2:00? (10)
    • ... until 4:00? (20)
    • ... until 6:00? (40)
    • ... until 8:00 or later? (70)
      • Did you give yourself 140-146 points since it is always 2:00, 4:00, 6:00, or 8:00 somewhere? (3 bonus points for cleverness :))
        • ... or did you just assume it meant UTC? (1)
          • ... even though you are not in a UTC time zone yourself? (3)
            • Do you want to protest the last question because you live in the UTC time zone? (3)
            • Or is it because you think it's not fair for others who do live there, because they don't get the 3 extra points? (3, we believe you...)
  8. Do you edit Wikipedia at night (i.e. after midnight) consuming drinks to keep you up? (4)
    • ...or do you stay up late to edit without the help of drinks? (4)
      • Do you want to protest the last questions because you are under the legal drinking age in your country? (3)
        • Or because it did not say it was an alcoholic drink? (0.4)
        • Or because you don't like to drink? (1)
          • Because the quality of your Wikipedia edits drops? (10, that's the "spirit"!)
    • Do you hold Wikipedia nights, that is, nights when you intentionally go to bed late, after spending a certain number of hours editing Wikipedia? (5)
      • Do you get people to join you in such an event? (16)
        • ... and continue in the morning, sacrificing important daytime things to continue editing? (80)
          • Has such behavior made you nocturnal? (150)
      • Do you hold Wikipedia break nights, that is, nights when you intentionally try and tear yourself away from Wikipedia to go to bed early, for the sake of your health/career/relations with your significant other/etc? (15)
        • Do you still find yourself on past midnight, anyway? (20)
  9. Do you wake up to find yourself editing Wikipedia? (75)
  10. Do you make edits while drunk or under the influence of other intoxicating substances and find that nobody reverts your changes? (3)
  11. Are you drunk right now? (40)
    • Do you want to protest that last question because you are under the legal drinking age in your country? (15)
      • ... or are you underage and drunk right now anyway? (-15; no points for lawbreakers)
  12. Have you not answered an e-mail or instant message on time because you were browsing Wikipedia? (5)
  13. Have you ever browsed Wikipedia while on the phone with your significant other/parents/boss? (5)
    • ... or did you break up with your significant other/run away from home/quit so you could spend possibly more time on Wikipedia? (30)
    • ... or did you never marry so you could spend more time on Wikipedia? (45)
      • ... because you're too young to do so? (15)
        • Do you get annoyed when these types of questions keep getting repeated? (2)
  14. Did you just switch the piece of paper you were writing on? (100)
  15. Have you broken some sort of rule just to visit Wikipedia? (6)
    • More than three? (24)
  16. Have you ever used Wikipedia for a research project and found yourself sidetracked to other articles that interest you? (5)
  17. How long does it take you to notice that the pages you originally visited for your research are not the pages you are currently reading? (1 point for every minute it took you to realise this)
    • Or did you never realize it, and kept going until you fell asleep? (10 and a bad grade in school/work/home)
  18. Have you taken a Wikibreak and you were successful? (-20)
    • ... or did you come back immediately during your Wikibreak? (20)
      • ... or do you not know what a Wikibreak is? (5, trust me, you don't want to know...)
  19. Have you ever put off using the bathroom for more than 5 minutes because you were using Wikipedia? (1)
    • More than 10 minutes? (5)
    • More than 30 minutes? (10)
    • More than an hour? (20)
    • More than 3 hours?! (50)
      • Or are you so addicted to this site that you forgot to go to the bathroom?! (90 and a doctor to clean your pants)
      • Or have you continued editing and realized that you didn't have to go to the bathroom? (35)
  20. Have you ever attempted to leave Wikipedia for good? (-300)
    • ...but failed miserably because you were so addicted to this site? (500)
  21. (for people who attend school and college) Are you so addicted to this site that you forgot to (or don't want to) do your homework or skip school? (250 and a bad grade in school)
    • Do you find the score unfair, because someone could just look up Wikipedia while not wanting to do their homework, but eventually doing it on time, and still getting 250 points? (1)
      • Or is this unrealistic, because you think no one in their right mind would remember to do their homework after they've started editing? (30)
  22. (for people who have a job) Are you so addicted to this site you forgot to (or don't want to) go to work? (350 and possibly fired at work)
    • Do you think this score is unfair, because someone could not want to go to work while looking up Wikipedia, but go to work on time anyways, and still get 350 points? (1)
      • Or is this unrealistic, because you think no one in their right mind would remember to go to work after they've started editing? (30)
    • Do you want to protest the last question because you attend school, but you get fewer points than those who have jobs? (10)
      • Because you're more addicted to Wikipedia than those who have jobs? (100)
        • Do you laugh now and realize that you actually got more amount of points than those who have jobs thanks to these follow up questions? (5)
    • Or do you work for Wikipedia? (40)
  23. Have you ever paid way too much money for airport wireless connection while waiting for a flight, just so that you could visit Wikipedia and make sure it had not fallen apart? (50 + $ paid for wireless)
    • ...More than once? (100)
    • ...More than 10 times? (200)
    • Do you want to contest the following questions because you do not fly that frequently? (50)
  24. Have you ever pulled your car up outside of a starbucks or some other restaurant with wireless so that you could, "borrow" their internet for a quick peek at Wikipedia? (100)
    • Do you want to contest this because you dont have a laptop or a car? (sorry, 0.001 points for contesting it but we can pretend like it is duly noted)
      • Or do you not have a laptop or car because you live editing Wikipedia on your desktop, and therefore don't need either? (50)

What you do on Wikipedia


  1. Did you edit a page before creating an account? (2)
  2. Have you started new articles? (3)
    • ... ½ an article? (0.5)
      • ... did you lie and say you've created ½ an article when it's not possible? (-0.7)
        • ... or is it because you recognize a stub as ½ an article? (0.65)
    • ... 1 or 2 articles? (1)
    • ... 3–5 articles? (2.5)
    • ... 6–10 articles? (5)
    • ... 10–25 articles? (10)
    • ... 26–50 articles? (25)
    • ... 51–100 articles? (50)
    • ... more than 100 articles? (100)
  3. Do you make redirect pages? (1)
    • ... and use the proper redirect templates to indicate their type? (10)
  4. Have you made more than 500 edits on Wikipedia? (15)
    • ... more than 1,000? (20)
    • ... more than 2,000? (25)
    • ... more than 3,000? (35)
    • ... more than 4,000? (50)
    • ... more than 5,000? (70)
    • ... more than 7,500? (100)
    • ... more than 10,000? (150)
    • ... more than 25,000? (300)
    • ... more than 100,000? (1200)
    • ... more than 200,000?! (2500)
    • Do you want to protest the above questions because you think they promote editcountitis? (15)
      • ... or because you have a smaller edit count, despite the fact that you've been here longer than the users with high edit counts? (40)
      • Or do you not care, because you have editcountitis anyways? (50)
  5. Have you made more than 1,000 edits in a single calendar month? (50)
    • ... more than 2,000? (100)
    • ... more than 3,000? (150)
    • ... more than 4,000? (200)
    • ... more than 5,000? (250)
    • ... more than 6,000? (300)
    • ... more than 7,000? (350)
    • ... more than 8,000? (400)
    • ... more than 9,000? (450)
    • ... more than 10,000? (500 + an investigation into whether you are a bot)
  6. Do you have an urge to edit this nonexistent article? (1)
    • Did you immediately try to edit the above nonexistent article? (10)
    • Do you protest the above question because it took you to the article talk page (a page that exists)? (1)
  7. Do you comment on articles or engage in discussions? (2)
  8. Do you wander on Wikipedia looking for something to contribute to? (5)
  9. Do you request that articles be created, improved, expanded, deleted, etc.? (1)
    • Do you protest the above question because you don't know how to delete an article, or have had an article deleted? (42)
      • Did you know 42 was the ultimate answer to life, the universe, and everything? (84)
  10. Do you fulfill such requests? (6)
  11. Have you, in your impatience for others to edit an article, brought an article all the way from a substub or stub to featured article status? (10 and a barnstar)
  12. Have you requested a new software feature, or reported a bug, in the last few weeks? (2)
  13. Have you ever wished the Wikipediholism RFE was fulfilled? (5)
  14. Have you ever edited a new article with over five internal links to articles that you have edited at some point or another? (2)
    • Were all these articles ones that you not only edited, but created? (2)
    • Did you read the last question and think it should have a score of –2 for creating walled gardens? (3)
      • Did you try to edit it because of that? (3)
  15. Have you ever wanted to edit someone else's edit summaries? (2)
    • Have you ever wanted to edit your own edit summaries? (2)
      • Are you really, really happy that Wikipedia finally allows you to preview your edit summaries? (4)
    • Do you try to put an edit summary on ALL of your edits? (3)
      • Do you get upset if you don't do so? (5)
        • Do you want to protest the last question because you always do so? (10)
    • Do you try to summarize edits on something outside Wikipedia? (7)
      • In real life?!? (12)
  16. Do you have a text file filled with Wikipedia templates? (15)
    • Do you not have to because you have all your templates on userpage subpages? (5)
    • Do you just know all of the Wikipedia templates? (30)
  17. Have you ever uploaded a picture or photograph to wikipedia? (10)
    • More than 1? (20)
    • More than 10? (50)
    • More than 50? (100)
    • Did you include the appropriate usage templates (10)
    • Did you upload copyrighted images and use false template to keep the picture from being deleted? (-150 Naughty, naughty)
    • Did you upload an image and claim appropriate fair use and appropriatley explained it? (30)
  18. Have you uploaded a picture you created, i.e. designed in photoshop, not taken with a camera? (50)
  19. Have you ever travelled more than two miles (three kilometres) out of your way just to take a photo for a Wikipedia article? (2)
    • ... more than 15 km (10 miles)? (4)
    • ... more than 40 km (25 miles)? (10)
    • ... more than 160 km (100 miles)? (50)
    • ... more than 400 km (250 miles)? (75)
    • ... more than 800 km (500 miles)? (100)
    • ... more than 1600 km (1000 miles)? (150)
    • ... more than 2400 km (1500 miles)? (200)
    • ... more than 3200 km (2000 miles)? (250)
    • ... more than 4800 km (3000 miles)? (300)
    • ... more than 8000 km (5000 miles)? (800, plus the Photographer's Barnstar)
    • ... to another country? (50)
      • ... whose border is less than 40 km (25 miles) away? (-10)
    • ... to another continent? (100)
      • ... which is less than 40 km (25 miles) away? (-10)
  20. Have you ever paid for (purchased) an item (archived article, song, book, etc.) solely to have access to it in order to improve the content of an article you were editing? (3)
    • ... more than five dollars US? (6)
    • ... more than 10 dollars US? (12)
    • ... more than 20 dollars US? (24)
    • ... more than 50 dollars US? (50)
      • Do you protest the above questions because you paid in a non-US currency and think the question's obviously US-centric author should have to calculate the value for you? (2)
    • Did you plagiarize the content you had purchased, rather than following Wikipedia standards for using sources? (-400)
      • Do you justify the plagiarism because at least the content's creator made some money off your purchase? (-1000)
  21. Have you ever successfully nominated a picture for Featured Picture status? (10)
    • 2-5 pictures? (15)
    • 6-10 pictures? (30)
    • 11-50 pictures? (50)
      • Did you take that/those picture(s) yourself? (20)
      • Or did you take it/them from this/another website? (5)
        • Or did you take the picture(s), put it on (an)other website(s), and put that on Wikipedia? (22.5)
  22. Have you ever successfully nominated an article for Featured Article status? (15)
    • 2-5 articles? (25)
    • 6-10 articles? (50)
    • 11-50 articles? (100)
      • Did you significantly add to that/those article(s)? (25)
      • Did you greatly add to that/those article(s)? (30)
      • Did you create that/those article(s)? (50)
      • Or did you just create a stub and someone else expanded it? (-25)
  23. Do you hate to do "serious" research on Wikipedia because it's more fun to edit it? (10)
  24. Do you regularly participate in AFDs (15)
    • Have you ever listed an article for AFD?(20)
  25. Do you belong to a Wikiproject? (8)
    • 2 or more ? (16)
    • 5 or more ? (40)
    • 10 or more? (80)
  26. Have you ever created a Wikiproject? (25)
    • Has it existed for at least 6 months and is active? (50)
  27. Have you ever nominated an article for speedy deletion? (5)
    • More than 10? (20)
    • More than 100? (80)
      • Is it because you are a new page patroller? (20)
      • Have you memorized all of the CSD criteria and appropriate tags?(100)
      • Or just a handfull? (10)
      • Or do you not know any of them (-1)
  28. When you see an article that needs to be wikified, do you place the {{wikify}} tag on it, and hope somebody else will get around to it? (1)
    • Or, do you wikify it yourself (15)
  29. Have you ever de-orphaned an article? (5)
    • More than 50? (100)
  30. Have you ever proposed an article for deletion with the prod template? (10)
    • More than 100? (100)
    • Were any of the prods contested? (15)
      • Did you then list the article for AfD? (15)
  31. Have you ever contested a prod on an article you created(5)
  32. Have you ever contested a prod on an article you had nothing to do with, but disagree with the prod?(10)
  33. Have you ever support a prod using the prod2 template?(10)
    • More than 100?(100)
  34. Have you ever participated in an WP:RFA? (7)
    • More than 50? (60)
    • Do you include reasons for your vote? (15)
      • Or do you just go with the flow and cause snowballs? (-10)
  35. Have you ever requested a page to be protected in response to heavy vandalism? (8)
    • Or do you request page protection because you don't want anybody to edit your "article" (-15)
      • Did that article you requested get protected because of the reason above? (1)
      • Or was it unprotected because isn't a good reason to protect the page? (-1)
  36. Do you think that without your crucial edits, Wikipedia would fall apart? (20)
  37. Do you edit every article linked to the Main Page? (50)

Translations and interwiki

  1. Have you ever translated an article into another language? (50)
    • More than 1? (100)
  2. Have you ever translated a template, or something other than an articles into a foreign language?(25)
    • More than 1? (75)
  3. Do you know how to add a foreign language interwiki link to a page? (10)
  4. Have you ever followed an foreign language interwiki link to figure out what that word was in another language? (10)
  5. Have you ever added an foreign language interwiki to an articles? (25)
    • More than once?(50)
  6. Does your userpage have foreign language interwikis? (33)
    • More than 1? (75)
    • More than 5? (150)
    • Were any of these accounts in languages you did not speak? (5)
      • Did you try to get a translation that said more or less "Please leave message on my [[:en:User talk:username|english talk page]]? (25)
  7. Have you figures out that {{babel}} works in almost any language? (25)
  8. Have you ever edited the wikipediaholic test in a language other than your native language?(50)
    • More than 1?(150 + a job as a translator)

Special pages

  1. Do you click on "Random article" at least once a day (or just because you're bored)? (3.5)
    • When you click "Random article", do you, more often than not, find an article you have edited? (30)
    • Have you ever gotten the same random article twice in a row? (75)
      • ... three times in a row? (120, and add 30 more for each random page you have gotten in a row)
    • Do you hit Alt-X (or its equivalent on your keyboard) more than any other shortcut key? (3)
      • ... do you do this often just because you get bored? (3 more, and the Boredom Award)
    • Or do you click Alt-S more often because of your many edits? (10)
      • Do you know what these keys do? (1)
  2. Do you check "Recent changes" almost every day? (2)
    • Do you check Recent changes more than ten times a day? (7)
    • Do you have Recent changes bookmarked? (1)
    • Do you have Recent changes set as your start page? (15)
  3. Do you manage to get the same list of changes on Recent changes twice? (2)
  4. Do you check your watchlist almost every day? (1)
    • Do you check your watchlist more than ten times a day? (9)
    • Do you have your watchlist bookmarked (favorite)? (1)
    • Do you have your watchlist set as your start page (home)? (10)
  5. Did you just bookmark any of the above pages just so you could get the extra points? (5)
    • ... set any one of them as your home page? (15)
  6. Do you have more than 30 items in your watchlist? (2)
    • ... more than 100? (8)
    • ... more than 500? (35)
    • ... more than 1,500? (80)
    • ... more than 5,000? (150)
  7. Is this page on your watchlist? (4)
    • Do you check daily to see if this test has changed? (50)
      • Or do you not need to, because it is on your watchlist? (46)
      • ... and retake the whole test if it has changed? (50)
  8. Have you memorized all of the keyboard shortcuts? (15)
    • ... or don't bother to because you don't use Monobook? (15)
  9. Do you have Wikipedia bookmarked? (15)
    • Is it your home page? (25)
      • Did you realize these questions are found near the top of this page? (1)

Who you are

  1. Do you have a user account on Wikipedia? (2)
  2. Do you have a user account on several Wikipedias? (5)
  3. Did you edit before turning 18? (5)
    • ... 16? (12)
    • ... 15? (15)
    • ... 14? (25)
    • ... 12? (35)
    • ... 10? (55)
    • ... 5? (155, couldn't have)
  4. Are you under 18? (5)
    • ... 16? (7.5)
    • ... 14? (10)
    • ... 12? (15)
    • ... 10? (20)
    • ... 7? (40)
    • ... 5? (50, you lie)
    • ... 1? (-1000, you lie)
  5. Do the above questions upset you because they seem ageist? (20)
  6. Or because you have been editing Wikipedia for years now, and that would decrease your score? (70)
  7. Have you learned a new language or improved in one you already knew for the primary purpose of being able to read the Wikipedia in that language? (60)
    • ... or for some other reason, such as picking it up where you left it so many years ago? (10)
  8. Do you forget to think twice before you say something to real people, but re-check a hundred times what you have typed in before posting your comment in a talk page? (5)
  9. Have you ever publicly declared that you've quit Wikipedia but found yourself lingering about anyway? (7)
  10. Are you an ambassador for Wikipedia? (2)
  11. Are you an ambassador for more than one Wikipedia? (2 points more)
  12. Have you ever requested to be a sysop? (5)
  13. Are you a sysop? (25)
    • Did you become a sysop before turning 25? (15)
      • ... 20? (20)
      • ... 16? (50)
      • ... 12? (100)
    • Do you actually have sysop powers on more than one Wikipedia? (10 points more for each one)
  14. Have you ever requested to be a bureaucrat? (3)
  15. Are you a bureaucrat? (75)
    • Did you become a bureaucrat before turning 25? (25)
      • ... 20? (40)
      • ... 16? (100)
      • ... 12? (200)
  16. Are you a steward? (100)
  17. Did you translate the Wikipedia software? (5)
  18. Did you program part of it? (100)
  19. Have you argued with your sock puppets on talk pages? (7)
    • ... and lost? (3)
  20. Have you ever been the first to update a biography article with the date of the person's death after hearing its announcement on the news? (2)
    • ... have you cursed other Wikipedians because, no matter how fast you are, the article is always already updated with the breaking news? (3)
      • ... out loud on the IRC channel? (3)
      • Is it the same with the scores of sports events like the FIFA World Cup? (2.5)
  21. Are you a member of Harmonious editing club? (9)
  22. Were you a member of Esperanza? (10)
    • Even though it doesn't exist anymore do you still consider yourself a proud Esperanzian? (6)
      • Or do you think that Esperanza was a failure? (6, just to maintain NPOV)
  23. Are you a member of Concordia? (9)
  24. Are you a member of the Wikipedia Youth Foundation? (9)
  25. Are you a member of the Kindness Campaign? (8.5)
  26. Are you a member of Adopt-a-User? (8.5)
  27. Do you help out on the reference desk on a regular basis? (10)
  28. Are you on the Mediation Cabal? (5)
    • Did you immediately think of answering TINC for the last question? (10)
      • ... or were you outraged that someone is revealing the cabal? (15)
        • ... and did you think of editing out this question so it would stay a "secret"? (20)
  29. Are you on the Mediation Committee? (10)
  30. Are you on the Arbitration Committee? (15 — why are you reading this? Go arbitrate!)
  31. Do you have an award (not including barnstars)? (10)
    • Do you have 2-4? (15)
    • Do you have 5-9? (25)
    • Do you have 10-19? (40)
    • Do you have 20-49? (60)
    • Do you have more than 50? (100)
      • Did you receive the award/s while you were still considered a newcomer? (5)
        • Is that because you received the Exceptional Newcomer Award? (5)
          • Do you protest to the above question because you received a different award? (10)
  32. Do you have a barnstar? (15)
    • Do you have 2-4? (25)
    • Do you have 5-9? (40)
    • Do you have 10-19? (60)
    • Do you have 20-49? (100)
    • Do you have more than 50? (180, you must be Jimbo)
  33. Have you ever given someone a barnstar? (5)
    • More than one? (1 point for each one)
  34. Have you given yourself a barnstar? (-15)
    • ... for the purpose of raising your score? (-20)
    • ... because of vanity? (-25)
  35. Have you ever had an editor review? (6)
    • Did you listen to the suggestions made by others? (10)
      • Or dismiss it as nonsense? (-20)

User pages

  1. Do you have your own User page? (2)
    • Do you edit it at least once a month? (3)
      • ... at least once a week? (5)
      • ... at least once a day? (8)
      • ... more than once a day? (12)
      • ... more than once an hour (20)
      • ... never? (-10)
        • ... because you think that reverting vandalism and other quality edits is more important than your user page? (18)
  2. Do you have a user subpage? (3)
    • 2-5? (10)
    • 6-10? (20)
    • 11-20? (30)
    • 21-35? (40)
    • 36-50? (50)
    • More than 50? (65)
      • Because you're trying to use Wikipedia as a free web-host? (-400 and a ban)
    • Do you use your user subpages to prepare a template? (15)
    • ... to prepare an article? (25)
      • ... an entire group of articles? (100)
    • ... to improve a WikiProject? (10)
  3. Have you ever edited another user's user page (not vandalize)? (2)
    • Have you vandalized that user's page? (-15)
      • Have you vandalized other user's pages? (-50)
  4. Does your talk page have an archive? (5, plus 1 for each archive after the first)
  5. Does your user page/subpage have userboxes? (1)
    • ... more than 5? (10)
    • ... more than 10? (50)
    • ... more than 50? (75)
    • ... more than 100? (150)
    • ... more than 200? (250)
    • ... more than 300? (300)
    • ... more than 400? (350)
    • ... more than 500?! (400)
    • Have you memorized the number of userboxes on your user page/subpage? (4)
      • ... because you have none? (-100)
      • ... because you have none, other than language boxes? (-200)
  6. Have you ever seen a userbox you created on someone else's user page/subpage? (5)
    • ... two userboxes on the same page/subpage? (10)
    • ... three? (20)
    • ... four or more? (30 and the Userbox Skills award)
    • ... or do you not know what userboxes are? (-5)


  1. Do you vandalize while under an IP? (-50)
  2. Do you vandalize while logged in? (-200)
    • ... on a non-primary account? (-5... you think you're so smart)
    • ... only on your own user page or vandal boxes/pages? (-200)
      • ... with a sock puppet? (1-0)
  3. Are all of your contributions vandalism? (-400)
    • ... more than half? (-100)
      • ... less than 0.1%? (2)
        • ... none? (4)
          • Do you realise that none is less than 0.1%? (1)
  4. Are you the Communism vandal? (-600. That's it, you lose.)
  5. Are you Willy on Wheels? (-1000)
    • Do you know what these vandals did? (1)
  6. Have you been banned? (-1000)
  7. Is your main goal in life to vandalize Wikipedia? (-99000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
  8. Have you ever made nonsensical edits to pages that no one will ever see anyway just because you can? (1)
    • Have you ever reverted those changes out of guilt? (3)
      • ... and then reverted them back (and maybe back again) to increase your edit count? (6)
        • Did you just regret making those changes because you know they'll show up on Recent Changes? (1)
        • ... or did you regret them because you'll violate 3RR? (1)
          • ... or did you not care because 3RR states that self-reversions are allowed? (2)
  9. Have you ever reverted vandalism? (5)
    • ... more than twice? (10)
    • ... more than 10 times? (50)
    • ... more than 50 times? (150, and a barnstar)
    • ... more than 100 times? (200)
    • ... more than 300 times? (400 + 2 barnstars)
    • ... more than 700 times? (600)
    • ... more than 1000 times (800 + 3 barnstars)
    • Are you on some sort of vandalism patrol? (25)
    • Do you warn the vandals appropriately? (10)
      • More than 10? (20)
      • More than 50? (40)
      • More than 100? (60)
      • More than 1000? (100)
      • More than 5000? (250)
    • Have you ever reported a vandal to WP:AIV? (10)
    • More than 5? (15)
      • More than 10? (20)
      • More than 50? (50)
      • More than 100? (100)
      • More than 500? (250)
      • More than 1000? (500)
    • Do you use tools like VandalProof to do so? (40)
      • ... or do it by hand because you don't use Windows? (30)
      • ... or do you vandalize with them instead? (-50 and removal from the permissions list)
  10. Have you ever created a custom userspace template used to warn vandals? (50)
  11. Do you ever dream nightmares about vandals? (25)
  12. When you see graffiti, or real life vandalism, do you have the urge to revert the changes (15)
    • Have you somehow reverted the real life vandalism (100 + real-life anti-vandalism barnstar)
  13. Are you totally unfazed by the words poop, penis, and anus because of the massive amounts of it you have seen while on vandalism patrol? (150)
    • Have you ever added these words to an article? (-200)
      • Do you want to contest this because there are legitimate uses for those words? (eg. an article on Human feces) (240)
  14. Have you ever had a disgruntled vandal create an Personal attack article named after you or your username that was speedily deleted as a personal attack? (10)
    • More than once? (20)


  1. Do you run a bot? (30 per bot)
    • Do you think that last question is unfair because your bot does the work of three? (30)
    • Are/Is your bot(s) running right now? (10 for each)
    • Did you properly request bot status before running it? (5)
  2. Have you written a bot? (10 for each)
  3. Has a sysop ever requested that your (human) account be flagged as a bot? (10)
    • Were they right in doing so, because you actually are a bot, programmed to take this quiz? (25)
  4. Do you at least want to run a bot? (5)
  5. Do you even know what a bot is? (1)
  6. Do you not know what a bot is? (-2)

How Wikipedia has affected you

Physical behavior

  1. Are you not getting enough sleep because of time on Wikipedia? (12)
  2. Are you sleeping in after 8:00 in the morning because you edited Wikipedia overnight? (5)
    • after 9:00? (10)
    • after 10:00? (20)
  3. When you wake up in the night and can't get back to sleep due to some nagging worry, do you get up and start working on Wikipedia so that you will get tired and have something relaxing to fill your mind when you go back to bed? (8)
    • Does that work? (6)
    • Or were you so engaged on Wikipedia you forgot to go back to bed? (10)
  4. Do you lose sleep because you think you may have misspelled a word like mispelled on some talk page? (6)
    • Did you wake up to check if you misspelled it? (6)
  5. Have you ever dreamed about Wikipedia? (3)
    • Have you ever dreamed about other Wikipedians? (5)
    • Do you wake up in the night in a cold sweat wondering whether your latest submission was truly written from the NPOV? (6)
    • Do you have nightmares about vandalism? (7.5)
      • Did you notice that this question is 2 sections above this? (5)
  6. Have you woken up at night to realize you're at your computer editing Wikipedia? (80)
    • ...more than once? (40 more for each occurence)
  7. Have you been forced to switch your mousing hand because your shoulder/arm was in terrible pain from using Wikipedia all day? (30)
    • ... and did you have to switch back because you screwed up the other arm too? (50)
      • Did you need arm/shoulder surgery shortly after that? (2% of the cost of the surgery in United States dollars)
    • Are you morbidly obese because you spend so much time editing that you never exercise? (5)
      • ... or do you burn all the calories you need to to stay healthy because of the energy you use typing? (15)
  8. Do you wake up early in order to edit Wikipedia? (5)
    • Before 7:00 a.m. (where you live)? (8)
    • Before 6:30 a.m. (where you live)? (15)
    • Before 6:00 a.m. (where you live)? (25)
    • Before 5:30 a.m. (where you live)? (35)
    • Before 5:00 a.m. (where you live)? (50)
    • Before 4:30 a.m. (where you live)? (75)
    • Before 4:00 a.m. (where you live)? (100)
      • Did you try to wake up at one of those times in order to get the extra points? (10)
        • But failed miserably because you're not "a morning person"? (-6)
        • Or did you succeed because you knew it was for the good of Wikipedia? (15)
          • Or do you protest to the above question because waking up early decreases the quality of your edits and is thus not for the good of Wikipedia? (15)
            • Or do you make better edits in the early morning? (20)
              • Do you think the previous question has a POV score? (10)
  9. When you are reading a book, is the first thing you do to flip to the index and search for "Wikipedia"? (10)
    • Do you actually find it? (15)
      • If you don't find it, do you tremble with frustration and disappointment? (20)
      • If you do, do you immediately flip to the corresponding pages and spend a considerable amount of time reading about Wikipedia? (25)
        • Do you protest to the above two questions because you didn't find it and received fewer points than those who did? (5)
    • Or do you protest to this whole question, because you are so busy on Wikipedia that you have no time for reading about it? (50)
  10. Do you not care about your dental health because you are too into Wikipedia? (50)
    • Do you not visit the dentist because you are too busy editing Wikipedia? (100, go have a Wikibreak now!)
    • Do you not use Listerine, even if the dentist advise you to do so? (1)
    • ...Or do you ONLY brushed your teeth once? (10)
    • ...or do you never brush your teeth at all? (100, and go see a dentist now!)
      • Do you protest the above questions because you cannot afford to buy Listerine? (-5, that is just sad)
      • Do you protest the above questions because you cannot afford to buy toothbrush? (-20, that is very sad)
        • Or you cannot afford to buy both Listerine and toothbrush? (0.001, be generous to the poor, not to be mean)
    • Or do you protest the whole question about dental health because you visit your dentist regularly, brush regularly, and rinse your mouth after every meals? (50, and a dental award)

Social life

  1. Have you ever told someone about your countless edits? (5)
    • Did that ruin your social life? (15)
      • Do you protest that question because you do not have a social life? (25)
        • Is Wikipedia to blame? (50)
          • Or a medical condition once in a featured article? (50)
  2. Do you have a Wikipedia T-shirt (or another Wikipedia product)? (10)
    • More than one? (20)
      • Do you at least want one? (5)
      • Did you click the link and spend the last 5 minutes reading all the different shirts? (12)
  3. Is something you have thought was important, such as social life, career or studies, suffering because you spend so much time on Wikipedia? (10)
  4. Do you judge people you know in "real life" partly on the basis of their Wikipedia contributions? (10)
    • ... fully on the basis of their Wikipedia contributions? (30)
      • Do you think quality of contributions to Wikipedia is an important criterion in choosing a partner for a close relationship? (15 and a crash course in dating)
  5. Do you argue that contributions to Wikipedia are "productive" or "useful" - unlike "wasting time" playing games or watching football? (10)
    • Did you feel the need to disambiguate the link to football in the last question? (10)
      • ... or did you not because you knew someone from across the pond would just change it? (5)
        • Did you actually change it, just to see if someone would put it back? (15)
          • Did you put it back so that these questions wouldn't be inappropriate? (10)
        • Do you like football or any sport more than Wikipedia? (-50)
      • More than one sport? (-100, you think you're a wikipediaholic?
  6. Have you ever phoned another Wikipedian? (2)
  7. Have you ever met another Wikipedian in "real life"? (3)
  8. Do you live with another Wikipedian? (40)
  9. Are you "in a relationship" (boyfriend/girlfriend) with another Wikipedian? (20)
    • Did you "recruit" them to Wikipedia by telling them how amazing it is? (70)
    • Have they asked if Wikipedia is more important to you than they are? (30)
      • ... and did they break up with you because you said yes when they asked you if you think Wikipedia is more important than they are? (50)
    • Did you break up with them because they answered no when you asked them if Wikipedia was more important than you are? (150, and call your psychiatrist NOW!)
  10. Are you engaged with another Wikipedian? (25)
  11. Have you married another Wikipedian? (45)
    • Do you want to protest to the previous question because you're too young to do so/unable to do so for whatever reason? (15)
    • Do you have Wikipedian children? (65)
      • Do you want to protest to the previous question because you're too young to do so/unable to do so for whatever reason? (20)
  12. Have you chosen to edit Wikipedia instead of being "intimate" with your partner? (15)
    • Do you want to protest to the previous question because you're too young to do so/unable to do so for whatever reason? (10)
  13. Are you dating a non-Wikipedian? (-6)
    • Do you have NPOV issues with the negative score attributed to the previous question? (6)
  14. Have you told your significant other/parent something from Wikipedia while on the phone? (10)
    • Was he or she impressed? (8)
    • ... or bored? (-5)
  15. Are you someone who is considered a social outcast? (5)
    • Because of Wikipedia? (50)
  16. Do you promote Wikipedia in person or by mentioning it on Usenet, IRC, forums or message boards, web pages, mail signatures, etc.? (10)
    • ... practically every day? (15)
    • ... for more than 2 hours a day? (35)
      • Do you want to protest the above question because you promote the growth of Wikipedia for hours, and only receive 35 points? (15)
        • Or that you spend all your time on Wikipedia because other sites interfere with the productivity of your edits? (75)
    • ... so often that others are fed up hearing about it? (20)
      • Have they actually complained? (25)
        • More than once? (30)
  17. Have you ever been banned from an IRC channel for linking to Wikipedia too many times? (15)
    • Banned from an entire network? (50)
  18. When people ask you questions, is your answer invariably a wiki link? (5)
  19. Has your constant Wikipedia use scared off your friends? (25)
    • ... your family? (50)
    • ... your cat? (75, and $20 to go get a life)
      • Do you find the feline-centric nature of the last question abhorrent and demand 75 points and $20 for scaring off any pet? (25)
        • ... and did you actually scare off that pet? (50)
        • Did you realize that the use of United States dollars is both irrelevant and a product of systemic bias? (20)
          • Did you realize that it did not actually say US dollars? (10)
  20. Do you have more Wikipedia articles open than pictures of your spouse/family? (3 points for each one)
  21. Do you use terms like "dab", "lk", "sp", "revert", "blanking", "content", "NPOV", "vanity page", "minor edit", "vandal", "troll", "developer", "double brackets", "diff", "hist", "todo", "watchlist", "wikimarkup", or other terms in their Wikipedia sense in unrelated contexts? (5)
  22. Did you take an expensive language course just to edit Wikipedia in more languages? (125)
    • Did this cost more than $100? (40)
      • More than $250? (90)
        • More than $500? (200)
  23. Would you risk your family members' lives just to edit an article? (200)
  24. Have you ever referred to alter egos outside of Wikipedia, online or otherwise, as "sock puppets"? (2)
      • Did you just discover for the first time that alternate accounts are not called "sock puppets" on non-Wikipedia sites by reading the line above? (4)
  25. Do you just have no social life because you're too tired from editing on Wikipedia? (40)
    • Did you notice that a similar question is just a few questions above this one? (1)
  26. Do you dress up as Wikipe-tan at cosplay/anime conventions? (100)
    • ...even if you're a guy? (200)
      • Do you want to protest the above question because you're not a guy? (1)
        • Do you want to protest the above question because it seems sexist because of the low score? (10)
  27. Do you find yourself prefixing ordinary words with "wiki-" for no reason whatsoever? (12)
  28. Were you upset because another user from Wikipedia is leaving? (20)
    • Did you actually cry and sob just because a Wikipedian is leaving? (50)
      • Did you suffer chronic depression because of the above question? (200 and a psychiatrist appointment)
    • Did you beg them not to leave? (15)
      • More than once? (20)
  29. Did you learn the Python programming language just to be able to write Wikipedia bots? (20)

Computing habits

  1. Do you have a Wikipedia keyword or search plugin for your browser? (2)
  2. Do you type in wiki markup code? (10)
    • Only on Wikipedia? (-8)
    • ... talk in wiki markup code? (25)
    • Have you typed a report in wiki markup code? (35 and a bad grade)
    • Have you installed your own wiki? (50)
      • ... so that you could rewrite Wikipedia articles? (5)
      • ... or implemented the same markup from scratch on your own website? (50)
        • ... and then release a plugin for others to use? (10)
  3. Have you ever tried to transclude a template into a plain old text file? (5)
    • Have you done so successfully (without copying and pasting)? (100)
  4. Have you ever spent more than 15 minutes making one edit? (5)
    • ... more than 30 minutes? (10)
    • ... more than an hour? (25)
    • ... more than 2 hours? (75)
  5. Do you subscribe to Wikipedia-L or any other Wikipedia mailing list? (2)
    • Do you actually read the posts to that mailing list? (2)
    • Do you find yourself refreshing the mailing list, hoping that something new has arrived? (5)
      • ... or do you have an automatic notifier, and laugh because you only have to refresh whenever the notifier tells you to? (7)
        • If you have one, did you make it yourself specifically for the Wikipedia mailing lists? (10)
  6. Did you buy a second monitor so you could devote an entire display to Wikipedia? (10% of the cost of the second monitor in United States dollars)
  7. Have you donated money to Wikipedia? (20)
    • Have you wanted to, but been too young to do so? (19.5, it's the thought that counts.)
  8. Have you ever thought about editing a normal webpage? (4)
    • Have you ever looked for the edit button? (7)
      • Did you actually find it? (10)
        • Because you switched back to Wikipedia without noticing? (20)
        • Or because you consider Wikipedia a normal website? (45)
  9. Do you try to provide edit summaries when filling out forms on non-Wiki web sites? (5)
    • ...when renaming files on your own computer? (8)
  10. Have you ever instinctively reached for the edit link to correct an unfortunate wording while reading a newspaper, book, etc? (4)
    • ... while listening to someone? (30)
      • ... was that someone your teacher, lecturer, professeur, spouse, parents, significant other, etc? (35)
        • ... did you forget to listen because you wanted to edit? (40)
          • Did you actually edit what they were saying (by talking in wiki-markup code)? (50)
  11. Do you save offline copies of long pages (i.e., WP:AN, WP:RFAR) or the mailing list so you can read them later when you are offline? (5)
  12. Do you classify links as internal and external on other sites (of course wrongly!) based on the color in your Wikipedia skin? (2)
  13. Have you made "Wikipedia" the name of a MUD character? (5)
  14. Are you surprised when you click on a normal link and it doesn't take you to a Wikipedia article? (1)
  15. Are all of your bookmarks Wikipedia-related? (5)
  16. Have you installed the Wikipedia Firefox extension? (5)
    • Have you installed the extension but found you never ever use it because you know all the details of Wikimarkup by heart anyway? (10)
    • Have you installed it, realized it doesn't work as intended, and fixed it on your computer? (3)
      • Did you submit the fix back to the mycroft project? (10)
        • Are you upset that they still haven't posted your fix? (2)
    • Did you just realize said extension existed, stop the test to install it, and continue where you left off? (5)
      • After trying to install it, did you find out that it didn't work with Firefox 1.5, cursed, and continue with the quiz? (5)
  17. Do you have the Wikipedia widget on your Dashboard? (5)
    • Do you want to protest the above question because your Macintosh runs the Panther operating system or older? (6)
      • Because your Macintosh is too old to run any version of Mac OS X? (7)
        • Because you don't use a Macintosh? (8)
          • Do you think that the previous questions are POV? (10)
  18. Do you have the Wikipedia gadget on your Google desktop? (10)
  19. Have you ever wanted to edit a chat or IRC message you just sent? (5)
    • Was that in a Wikipedia-related channel? (3)
      • Wikipedia itself? (10)
  20. Have you ever signed a real e-mail or any other message not associated with Wikipedia with ~~~~? (1)
    • More than 10 times? (10)
    • More than 50 times? (50)
    • More than 100 times? (100)
    • On every e-mail? (200)
  21. Have you ever put double brackets around a word outside of Wikipedia? (3)
    • ...more than ten times? (15)
    • ...more than fifty times? (60)
    • ...on every word you type?!? (200)
      • Or do you want to protest the last question because it promotes overlinking? (10)
  22. Have you joined a Wikipedia community on a non-Wikipedia website? (3)
  23. Do you refuse to use social networking sites like Facebook or MySpace because your Wikipedia user page is "better than that crap"? (8)
    • Do you protest to the last question because you do use Facebook or MySpace but insist your Wikipedia user page is still better? (10)
      • Do you link to your Wikipedia user page from your Facebook or MySpace profile? (15)
        • Do you think that the two previous questions are non-wikipediholic? (25)
  24. Have you begun to say "bullet apostrophe apostrophe apostrophe Support/Oppose apostrophe apostrophe apostrophe tilde tilde tilde tilde", like in WP:FAC or WP:FPC, when you agree/disagree with someone in real life? (20)
    • Have you ever found yourself interjecting with Comment when in a real life conversation with somebody over something you are trying to gain consensus over? (20)
  25. Are you opposed to Britannica and all other encyclopedias because Wikipedia is better? (5)
    • Are you in support of Britannica, but you think Wikipedia is better? (40)
  26. Are you opposed to Google because Wikipedia is better? (15)
    • Are you in support of Google, but you think Wikipedia is better? (75)
  27. Have you ever stopped using touch-typing tutor CDs/having touch-typing courses because you've learnt how to touch-type becuase of Wikipedia? (5)
    • Did you actually throw away the CD? (6)

The rest of the world

  1. Did you scoff at this header because Wikipedia is the world? (50)
  2. Have you ever edited Wikipedia in a country that you don't live in? (10)
    • ... in two or more? (20)
      • ... in five or more? (50)
      • ... in ten or more? (110)
  3. Are you currently in a Wikipedia cult/clan? (15)
    • ... Are you leader of that clan? (30)
    • ... that wars with other encyclopedia clans? (45)
      • ... with another Wikipedia clan? (70)
        • Do you protest the above question, because you don't war against other Wikipedians? (80)
  4. Did you stop using your expensive CD-ROM encyclopedia and use Wikipedia for everything instead? (2)
    • Did you throw away that encyclopedia? (6)
    • Or did you keep that encyclopedia to cite as a source in Wikipedia articles? (10)
      • ... and did so correctly? (5)
      • ... or went ahead and added the material without providing a source? (-10)
  5. Have you ever submitted an assignment for work or school that cited Wikipedia? (6)
    • Did it cite an article that you had edited? (10)
    • ... created? (25)
      • And did the teacher give you a bad grade, because he/she is biased against Wikipedia? (10)
        • Do you think this unfair? (15)
  6. Do you think Uncyclopedia [1] is better than Wikipedia? (-200)
    • Do you actually believe the (of course fake) content on Uncyclopedia? (-10)
      • Or is Wikipedia better? (25)
        • Do you hate uncyclopedia so much you could smash your computer? (99)
          • But didn't as doing so would disable your editing abilities? (99)
  7. Have you ever seen some of your work from Wikipedia published in a newspaper or other form of press? (50 points for each occurrence)
  8. Have you written your Wikipedia username as your name on homework assignments? (10)
    • ... because your username is your real name? (-9)
  9. Do you take out library books to help you write or edit articles on subjects you know very little about? (8)
  10. Have you ever bought a CD, movie, video game, book or other media product so you can write the article, scan the cover and upload it to Wikipedia? (5)
    • Did you pay full price for it? (5)
      • ... or even more? (10)
    • ... or did you steal it? (-40, no points for lawbreakers)
  11. Have you ever considered running a wiki version of your school's site? (3)
    • Have you ever done so? (5)
  12. When you applied for community service, did you volunteer to "revert vandalism"? (15)
  13. Have you listed your work on Wikipedia on your curriculum vitae or resumé? (10)
    • Or will you do it when you apply for a job or university in the future? (5)
  14. Do you believe that nearly all of your success in your workplace or school comes from information gained on Wikipedia? (4)
  15. When you see vandalism in real life, do you think "These must be the type of people that vandalize Wikipedia"? (2)
  16. Have you ever recommended Wikipedia to any of your real family or friends? (4)
    • Did they join Wikipedia and contribute? (8)
      • Have they themselves become Wikipediholics? (12)
  17. During driver's education, did you ask everyone you crashed into to give you a break instead of biting you? (4)
    • Did thinking about Wikipedia cause you to crash in the first place? (-3)
    • Or are you too young to drive, so you stay at home editing Wikipedia instead? (10)

Wikipedia knowledge and opinion

  1. Do you know who Jimbo Wales is? (2)
    • If you don't, did you just look for his article? (5)
    • Has he ever talked to you on your user talk page? (6)
      • ... or are you Jimbo Wales? (1000000)
        • Did you lie to the above question to win the test? (-1000025)
        • Or are you Jimbo Wales, but not the Jimbo Wales? (2)
        • ... and do you talk to yourself on your user talk page anyway? (5)
        • Are you upset that Jimbo has not claimed his undoubtedly permanent top spot on the top 20 highest scoring users? (5)
          • Or do you think that eventually someone will get over 100000 points? (5)
  2. Do you know where the Wikimedia Foundation is based? (10)
  3. Do you know when Wikipedia was founded? (11.52001)
  4. Did you discover Wikipedia from Larry Sanger's message? (40)
    • Do you know what this refers to? (50)
  5. Have you ever thought about the social impact of Wikipedia? (10)
    • Have you ever been asked about it in an interview (e.g. for a newspaper)? (25)
  6. Do you think Wikipedia will be better than every other encyclopedia soon? (8)
    • ... or you think it is already better than every other encyclopedia? (18)
      • ... because you can change the spelling of the last word in the last question to "encyclopædia"? (2)
        • Have you actually tried to change it? (5)
          • More than once? (5)
  7. Do you consider Wikipedia to be the closest thing to a precursor for "the computer" in Star Trek? (5)
  8. Do you honour Wikipedia like it's a king? (40)
  9. Have you ever cheered out loud when you look at the updates on the Wikipedia Awareness Statistics? (5)
  10. Have you ever written a book about Wikipedia? (150)
    • ... and written an article about that book? (-5 for not following WP:COI)
      • ... then had someone correct a slip you made in the article? (5)
    • Are you really mad about the fact that you wrote an entire book about Wikipedia yet got only 150 points? (5)
  11. Do you know how many users Wikipedia has? (10)
    • ... or do you protest to the above question because the number of users change every minute? (5)
      • ... but then you realize you don't need to know the exact number of users (estimation) to answer yes to the above question? (5)
    • Do you know approximately how often a new user account is created? (5)


  1. Have you ever taken this quiz more than once simply to correspond with the most recent version? (3)
  2. Have you cheated on this test? (-40)
    • ... A lot? (-100)
    • ... to get into the Top 20 below? (10)
      • ... even though you know there is no visibly official top 20 below list? (7)
  3. Did you immediately think of ways to improve this test, or adjust the scores so that they neatly add up to 100? (3.141592653589)
    • ... such as changing the score of the previous question to π? (1.61803398875)
    • Do you remember when the scores actually added up to 100 and laugh now that there are more questions than that on the test? (57)
      • Do you protest to the above question because you didn't know about Wikipedia when the score was 100 (3)
      • Do you find it funny that all of these scores are mathematically-important numbers? (6.67E-9)
  4. Have you edited this test? (14)
    • ... and then taken it again? (4)
      • ... and you got a higher score? (16)
        • ... was that only because you edited the tests to get a higher score? (-50, no cheating)
    • ... so you could remain in denial about your affliction? (8)
    • ... or so you could claim bragging rights? (12)
    • ... totally reorganized this test, because you were sick of using automated tests and wanted to fix counting it by hand once and for all? (50)
  5. Do you think your score is too high and maybe you'll do something about it after "a few more edits"? (7)
    • ... or are you so proud of it that you retake the test every month or more often to see how much more addicted you've become? (10)
  6. Have you ever clicked back in order to score a question because you forgot it? (1)
  7. Did you notice that there is a different number of questions in the automated version? (2)
    • Do you protest to the above question because the two tests appear to be completely identical to you? (1)
    • Were you annoyed to find out you didn't have to be adding up your score manually? (2)
      • Were you then relieved to find that the automated version wasn't working? (2)
        • ... then check back again and find that it had been fixed? (1)
    • Did you read through all of these questions without keeping score and are relieved that there was an automated page? (1)
      • Did you do this test with a calculator or paper because you didn't know there was an automated version? (10)
        • ... or did know but added your score manually anyway? (40)
          • ... without a calculator? (50)
            • ... even though there was one right in front of you? (20)
              • Will you put a calculator in front of you the next time you take this test, so you can get those 20 points? (10)
          • ... solely in your head? (250)
        • ... or do you have parental controls on your browser that don't allow you to take the automated version? (50)
          • ... or have you used PeaceFire to get by your parental controls so you can take the automated version? (15)
          • ... or did you see the automated version and decide to do the manual instead? (10)
      • Did you take both tests, compare the scores, and see which one gives you more points? (4)
  8. If you have a web page, do you proudly display your score from this test on it? (5)
    • Did you notice that your user page could technically be your web page, and are displaying the score there to get 5 extra points? (5)
      • Have you ever not updated your user page Wikipediholic test score because it had gone down? (50)
        • Did you purposefully retake the test, letting your score fall, so that you could add 50 points to it by answering yes to the last question? (-51 — that is just sad)
  9. Did you realize you've just read — with academic interest! — a list of hundreds of questions and added up your score? (2)
    • ... and ignore the fact that the open nature of this quiz prevents your score from ever being objective? (2)
    • ... or did you create an automated version of this test so you wouldn't have to add up your score? (100)
      • ... because you didn't know there already was one? (100)
        • ... or did know but made one anyway? (100)
          • ... or did you just create one before one existed? (125)
    • Did you ask the creator to fix it when it failed? (20)
  10. Upon seeing the top 20 scores at the bottom there, did you go back into the test to see if you could squeeze more points from it? (15)
    • ... did you realize that since this test is dynamic and ever-changing, it really doesn't matter? (1)
      • ... and did you not care? (3)
      • ... or realize that you can add a question worth a large number of points and then remove it to claim the top score? (3)
  11. Were you extremely addicted early on (score above 400 in your first three months)? (30)
    • Did you score above 600 in your first three months? (45)
    • Did you score above 800 in your first three months? (75)
    • Did you score above 1000 in your first three months? (100)
    • Did you score above 1200 in your first three months? (125)
    • Did you score above 1500 in your first three months? (150)
    • Did you score above 2000 in your first three months? (200)
    • Did you score above 3000 in your first three months? (250, are you okay?)
    • Did you score above 5000 in your first three months? (400, and a ticket for one free life)
    • Did you score above 10,000 in your first three months?!?! (500, and a possible investigation)
    • Did you score above 15,000 in your first three months? (700)
    • Did you score above 20,000 in your first three months? (800)?!?! (you are screwed)
      • Do you protest to this question because when you were in your first three months, the scores weren't that high? (100)
  12. Did you delay taking this test because you were too busy editing other Wikipedia article(s)? (5)
  13. Have you wanted to move this page to conform to Wikipedia's naming conventions? (5)
    • ... have you done so? (15)
    • ... did you just check to see if there was a redirect? (2)
  14. Have you added together all of the point values on this test just to see how many points are possible? (5)
    • Do you know the number off the top of your head? (40)
    • Are you going to do this after you finish? (2)
    • Do you get upset because people cause the maximum score to change often? (2)
  15. Do you have something you should be doing, and are procrastinating by reading all of these questions? (10)
  16. Do you take this test on a yearly basis or more? (1)
    • On a monthly basis or more? (12)
    • On a weekly basis or more? (52.1785)
    • On a daily basis OR MORE? (365.2422)
  17. Is this the first time you have taken this test? (1)
    • Are you planning to retake it? (5)
  18. Have you taken this test more than once? (2)
    • More than 5 times? (10)
    • More than 10 times? (20)
    • More than 20 times? (40)
    • More than 40 times? (80, how do you keep count?)
    • More than 50 times? (100, Medic, quick, it's an emergency!)
    • More than 150 times? (300, Go see a doctor NOW!!!)
      • ... because you have OCD or wikiholic syndrome or editcountits? ("0.11111111", go see a doctor if your score is above 1992.52525252)
        • ... and you are obsessed or compulsed or wikiholicified or editcountitsified or something else with Wikipedia? (10)
          • ... did you even bother to read or pronounce the above question, or fix it because there are words that don't exist (see neologisms)? (15)
            • Or did you read them, because you are an obsessed, cumpulsed, wikipediholic, editcountitic, Wikipedian? (20)
  19. Do you have over 10 edits to this page? (10)
    • Over 50? (50)
      • Over 100?! (100)
        • Over 200?!? (200)
  20. Have you ever added the toolong template to the top of this page, for humor purposes only, as the test seems to grow weekly? (10)

Bonus questions

You don't get many points for these questions, since they may be redundant or not provide a good measure of current addiction. However, the answers may provide useful information for your health worker:

  1. Do you vigorously complain that articles are not from the NPOV? (0.5)
  2. Have you ever requested an image of a chemical compound? (0.5)
  3. Do you know what Larry Sanger did? (1)
  4. Have you ever argued with Larry Sanger? (1)
  5. Have you edited/created pages in three or more different language Wikipedias? (2.5)
  6. ...FIVE or more different language Wikipedias? (10)
  7. Have you used a web translation tool to translate an other-language article on your favourite topic, decide that it is incoherent rubbish and replaced it with a web translation tool version of "your" article? (0.06 just to be mean)
  8. Have you ever removed outdated questions from this test? (0.5)
  9. Have you ever neglected to maintain personal hygiene in favor of Wikipedia? (2)
  10. Have you ever broken up with a significant other/run away from home, because they didn't think the wiki was "all that"? (1.5)
  11. Do you read non-Wikipedia webpages using red hyperlinks by default and click on them, thinking "I could write an article on that!"? (0.5)
  12. ... Did you get excited while reading THIS question? (2)
  13. Are you upset that the previous question wasn't an article that you could edit? (5)
  14. Do you create your own Wikipedia neologisms? (0.5)
  15. Are you upset that you wrote the article Wikipediaddiction and someone said it sounded "like the grammar and speech patterns of a Wikipedian?" (0.5)
  16. ... and then it got deleted by VfD? (0.4, you should have expected it)
  17. Have you created a page full of red links, and then made a decision to put everything else on hold until you could (a) either fill in all the (red) blanks or (b) until your body could take it no further or (c) your computer couldn't? (1.29E-15)
  18. Have you added RAM to your machine so you could copy more text to the clipboard? (0.101110101)
  19. ...Edit long pages? (0.3)
  20. ...Load pages faster? (0.6)
  21. ...Open multiple pages at the same time? (0.9)
  22. ...while transwikiing content? (1.2)
  23. ...to read talk and article at the same time? (1.5)
  24. ...to copy content to or from other articles? (1.8)
  25. ...to keep an eye out for vandalism while writing new articles? (2.1)
  26. Do you have other pages open right now editing them? (2.4)
  27. Do you use tabbed browsing to open multiple wiki pages at the same time? (2.7)
  28. Have you edited Wikipedia pages during intermittent power outages? (0.4)
  29. Are you considering the purchase of an uninterruptible power supply solely because you 'lost a good edit' while doing so? (0.2)
  30. Did you actually buy it? (0.5)
  31. The best one you could afford? (1)
  32. Is it after 6 a.m. local time and you have been up all night editing? (2)
    • Did you realize that it takes a huge toll on your health? (2.5)
      • ... and did you not care? (10)
    • ...and now you can't go to sleep, no matter what your spouse/parents say(s) because you're "in the middle of this test and you just have to finish it!"? (25)
  33. Are you eager to add questions to this test? (0.4)
  34. Are you proud to be a Wikipediholic? (4)
  35. Do you sometimes perspire profusely when editing talkpages? (0.75 and a chill pill)
  36. When you type a URL for a non-Wikipedia website into your web browser's address bar, do you habitually start typing "en.wikipedia.org" and correct yourself? (2)
  37. Did you interrupt taking this quiz in order to click on any of the interspersed links? (0.5)
  38. ... or finish this quiz and scrolled back through the page to go to all of those links? (0.5)
  39. ... or open the links in background tabs or windows? (0.5)
  40. Do you keep track of every vandal you catch? (3)
  42. Do you use an Internet browser to contribute? (0.01)
  43. When you show off your knowledge of something, do you give credit to Wikipedia (as an attempt to get people interested), even though you learned the facts from elsewhere? (2)
  44. Did you take this test, lose the results, and took the test again despite its lengthiness? (6)
  45. Did you actually take the whole test without scrolling to the bottom to see how many questions there were? (5)
    • ...because you've already taken the test before? (3)
  46. Did you ever add up all the points to see what the highest posible score is? (3)
    • Then find that your result is different than the one at the bottom of this page and then change it so it matches your result? (2)
  47. Do you use the sandbox even though you're not a newbie? (5)
    • ...just so you can have something to do on Wikipedia? (7)
      • ...after finishing your normal Wikipedia stuff? (5)
        • ...or before doing so? (-2)
          • Do you want to protest the above question because you spend your time at the sandbox checking whether someone has removed the sandbox heading? (9.5)
            • Do you read the heading? (15)
              • Even though you know that a bot reads it every so often? (25)
                • Because you're getting rid of vandalism? (35)
  48. Do you refuse to answer these questions because they originally had no point values? (25)
  49. Did you try to increase the point values to increase your score? (5)
  50. Want to get more points just to be able to take a vacation? (-200)
    • Or was it because you want to be a famous Wikipedian!? (25)
  51. Did you get this question because you get one point for clicking it anyway? (1)
  52. Will you round up your score just to get another point? (1)
  53. Will you round off your score for the sake of having the right number of significant figures in your total? (5)
    • Are you protesting the previous question because you prefer other ways of representing uncertainty? (2.00±.02)
    • Are you unsure of which digit to round off to, because you're not sure whether to interpret the integer point values as having or not having zero uncertainty? (5.000)
  54. Are you nearing the end of this test? (2)
  55. Did you skip questions? (-4)
  56. Did you at any point cheat or delete a question or questions just so you could do better? (-40)
    • Did you delete the previous one? (-25)
  57. Did you FALSELY report your score below just to get some face? (-10, and a tub of water to drown yourself in pour over your computer so you won't edit Wikipedia!)
  58. Did you bother to look up the term in the score here? (3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679...)
    • Did you realize it's pi, and just pressed the π button on your calculator? (0.1)
    • ... Or did you just have the value of pi memorized? (8)
      • ... more than 100 digits? (50)
      • ... more than 1000 digits? (500)
        • ... MORE THAN 10,000 DIGITS?!? (3000, go see a doctor NOW!)
  59. Do you get annoyed when people add questions to the test without providing a score? (0.01)
    • ... have you ever fixed a question without a score? (0.2)
    • ... are you one of the people who forget to add a score to a question? (-0.1)
  60. Have you edited the test while taking it? (0.3)
  61. Have you reverted someone who got top score just because you think you're better? (-1500)
  62. Have you changed "between" questions to "more than" questions, so you could select more choices? (1)
  63. Do you find some of these questions to be humorous? (5)
  64. Do you laugh to yourself because of this? (6)
  65. Do you laugh outloud? (7)
  66. Are you laughing now? (8)
  67. Are you trying to stop? (9)
  68. Because you want to see your score? (9)
  69. Because you want to add yourself to the Top 20 list below? (10)
  70. Did you notice that the above 7 questions have progressively larger scores? (0)
  71. Are you annoyed with the last question's value? (1)
  72. Did you try to change it? (1)
  73. Was it reverted? (2)
  74. Did you add more points for free just to get in the top 20 below? (-1000)
  75. Was your score removed? (-1000)
  76. Did you get crushed by an elephant? (1)
  77. Did it hurt? (1)
  78. Are you sure? (1)
  79. Or are you immortal? (10, and an immortality barnstar)
  80. Are you flabergasted because you earn points for the above questions? (2)
  81. Did you know what "flabergasted" meant? (3)
  82. Did you realize that "flabergasted" is actually spelled "flabbergasted"? (5)

Interpreting your score

Score range in red are negative, black is positive. If you think it is a broken link, add 100 to your score :)

Score Result
(∞) - (2000) You are a really evil vandal.
(1000) - (2000) You are an evil vandal.
(1000) - 0 You are a vandal or you have no intention of helping Wikipedia.
0 - 250 You are a newbie or you have never edited.
250 - 500 You are an IP address user or a sock puppet.
500 - 750 You are an average contributor.
750 - 1000 A well-balanced attitude that may benefit by spending more time on Wikipedia.
1000 - 1250 You have normal experience with Wikipedia.
1250 - 1500 This is the optimal, most productive range.
1500 - 1750 You are slightly overdoing yourself. Take a wikibreak for a couple of days.
1750 - 2000 You are addicted to Wikipedia.
2000 - 2250 Scores in this range are sometimes fatal.
2250 - 2500 You are really overdoing yourself.
2500 - 3000 You are editing too much! Get a real life!
3000 - 3500 You are at the stage of advanced Wikipediholism.
3500 - 4000 Go see a doctor NOW!
4000 - 4500 Seriously, you "need" a doctor.
4500 - 5000 You are in very serious trouble. It is very rare to turn away from Wikipedia at this range.
5000 - 5500 Your chances of turning away from Wikipedia are slim to none.
5500 - 6500 You need a month long wikibreak or more.
6500 - 7500 Your chances of turning away from Wikipedia are lower than slim to none. But try this anyway.
7500 - 10000 You need to understand that you need help.
10000 - 12500 Seriously, you need to listen to the advice given above this field.
12500 - 15000 Chance of turning away from Wikipedia: less than 0.0001% - You need to find a psychiatrist now!
15000 - 20000 Very few psychiatrists can cure people at this range.
20000 - 35000 Only the the world's best psychiatrist can cure you at this range.
35000 - 50000 Wikipediaholism is impossible to cure at this range. No therapist can save you now.
50000 - 1000000 You are a maniac.
1000000 - ∞ You are Jimbo Wales.

You can use the {{User Wikipediholic}} template to display your score on your user page. ({{User Wikipediholic|score|-}})

Top 20 scores

This user scored {{{1}}} on the Wikipediholic test.
The Top 20 Club has its own userbox: add {{User top20}} to your user page.
This user scored {{{1}}} on the Wikipediholic test.
The Top 15 Club has its own userbox: add {{User top15}} to your user page.
This user scored {{{1}}} on the Wikipediholic test.
The Top 10 Club has its own userbox: add {{User top10}} to your userpage.
This user scored {{{1}}} on the Wikipediholic test.
The Top 5 Club has its own userbox: add {{User top5}} to your userpage.
This user scored {{{1}}} on the Wikipediholic test.
The Top Scorer has his/her own userbox: add {{User top}} to your userpage.

Warning: Posting fake scores is punishable by crushing by elephant. (It hurts.)

Current Competitors
Ranking Score User Name Comment(s)
1st 25590 D•a•r•k•nes•s•L•o•r•di•a•n•••CCD••• Your attempts are pitiful. But I am the number one wikiholic and will always be the number one wikiholic. >:)
2nd 22178.79083939693 Chrislk02 Hmmmm, the test keeps growing, the scores keep growing, My addiction keeps growing. Well, back to work (editing).
3rd 18195 AndonicO Talk | Sign Here Where are my $20 for scaring my pet fish away??? This is an outrage! You're really getting on my nerves DarknessLord. Someday... Top ten came on 09/30/06; top five on 10/28/06.
4th 17946.81514050693 littleghostboo I REALLY CAN"T IMAGINE IT!! I AM THIRD AND THIS IS THE THIRD MONTH ONLY!!MAN, I AM REALLY ADDICTED!! OOHYEAH...Littleghostboo[ talk ] 03:49, 1 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
5th 17913.323039396924 ¿Why1991 ESP. | Sign Here It will be so hard to get any higher than this on the list (...moan...). By the way PLEASE CLICK HERE and sign my signature book!!!
6th 17437.64191929593 RedPooka Waaaaa I wanted first!!! I'm not even in the top five. But DANG... maybe I really do need medical attention... oh well. *sigh*
7th 15444.121512062322 The Duke Of Copyeditting Yes, there are two ts in that name... Oh, and I've removed my previous scores (6-odd thousand and 4-odd thousand) to be fair. Now: here the words of your WikiGod: Visit this now! Also, Chris, your name is very NPOV: it could be either Christopher or Christine! Oh, and I am David P. A. Hunter, Esq., but I changed my display name...
8th 14101.354960630382 Smcafirst is Glad to serve you, click hereChit-Chat with meWhat I give at 15:20, 27 December 2006 (UTC)[reply] Wow, this is my second time doing the test. My score drstically improved, and from the 8th, I jumped to the 5th. I am such a Wikipediholic... I simply log on to Wikipedia everyday for more than 3 hours!!! (Despite the fact I am kid under 12, I am consider the genius at my school.)The following message is not bragging: Some even say I am smarter than a 10th grader, I don't believe that saying anyways. I am just a regular kid, just like everyone else.-- Smcafirst is Glad to serve you, click hereChit-Chat with meWhat I give at 15:20, 27 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
9th 10670.6027027545898 Paidgenius Heaven's sake, a) I'm a kid under 10, b) I'm in my first three months on Wikipedia!!! c) Chrislk02 above says "wikication" which I've changed to "wikivacation"! I will sign off now, I'm going off to edit the future World's Longest Poem! I am amazed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!True Wikipediholics will know that there are 276 exclamation marks after the word "amazed". I counted. Paidgenius 13:08, 23 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]
10th 9601.99233040593 AMK152 Wow! Top 8! Hmmm... I don't know any psychiatrists. Oh well. I guess I'll just have to edit Wikipedia for the rest of my life.
11th 8886.642381102454 (revision 93277975) Will (Tell me, is something eluding you, Sunshine?) I keep getting addicted...
12th 7941.615053083712 Oreos I'm not lying. Seriously. Oh, and sorry ST47...
13th 7707.161229 GnomeNinja5 Wow. On my first try. Though not the top 10. :( *tear*...
14th 7532.442330405928 American Patriot 1776 Proud to be addicted!
15th 7514.516277785591 Kschwerdt514 I took the automated version of this test, and I was amazed by the results. Mom always said I'd turn out well... (I retook the test... ssssh! Don't tell!)
16th 7491.51161113172 Pronoun This is my second score, but I didn't make first. Now I'm a sad emoticon :-(...

But glad I got to the 20 highest scores list :-D.

17th 7483.606710428974 BratX Perfectly true result of mine... i took it in the automated version and was amazed.... love to take it again sometime soon..
18th 7227.571746743339 FF7Freakzorz Hmm... my third time... I'm ashamed it took me three times. To ye who reads this, salute, and please sign my Signature book.
19th 6900 (rounded up) Cheers to 2007! User:Sp3000 Wikipedia is like a rollercoaster, you go up and down the Top 20...
20th 6814.82 LuciferPercival There are way too many grammatical mistakes in Wikipedia......