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Boris Aprilov

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Boris Aprilov
Montage of a photo of Boris Aprilov with his new book in the hand, taken in his home in Sofia 1975, his yacht "Ahasfer" on a trip in the Black see 1986, and the surface of the Dead see, Israel 1992.
Montage of a photo of Boris Aprilov with his new book in the hand, taken in his home in Sofia 1975, his yacht "Ahasfer" on a trip in the Black see 1986, and the surface of the Dead see, Israel 1992.
Resting placeCarmel Hayfa, Israel
OccupationNovelist, Short story writer, Dramaturge,

Boris Aprilov (Bulgarian: Борис Априлов) (21 March 1921 – 10 April 1995) was a Bulgarian writer, playwright, satirist and humourist, dramaturge, well known for his novels, plays and screenplays, but mostly for his children's literature.

Also known as: Ahasver[1], Aho, Ahoto, and other aliases in the humorist journal “Sturshel” ("Hornet").

Biography (in build)

“Boris Aprilov” is the pseudonym of Atanas Vassilev Djavkov, born march 21st 1921, in the small Bulgarian town Malko Tarnovo, where his parents’ families found shelter after the banishment of Bulgarians from the historical Bulgarian lands, left over as Turkish after the Russian-Turkish war, so called Thracian Bulgarians. His fathers Vassil's family lived on welfare in Lozengrad until the liberation of Bulgaria from the Turkish occupation. His mother Nanka was an analphabet orphan from a peasant family, given very young to a much older war invalid in an arranged marriage.

Soon after Boris Aprilov was born, his family moved to the big seaside town Burgas, where his brother Georgi was born.

Boris Aprilov got his education in Burgas, where since his early school years he started publishing short stories, satiric essays, poetry and prose in local newspapers.

In 1945 Boris Aprilov married Shela (Rachel) Abraham Cohen, born in Burgas (06.12.1918 - 09.02.1996, Tel-Aviv). They met in the Burgas town library, brought together by their shared passion for literature. They lived together until their last days, had two daughters: Djina Vassileva – fine artist, born in Burgas 15.11.1945, and Laura Vassileva – writer, born in Sofia (30.05.1950 - 09.02.1991 Hayfa, Israel).

In 1947 Boris Aprilov was invited by the poet Radoy Ralin to work as a columnist for the satiric journal “Sturshel”, and the family moved to the capital of Bulgaria - Sofia, where they remained for the rest of their life.

In 1956, the midst of the cold war, Boris Aprilov traveled to London and Western Europe with his wife. This trip cost him his career as a journalist at “Sturshel”.

An anonymous letter from an unknown envier pointed Boris Aprilov out. It said that from his young age “Nasko” had been working as a British spy, that he sang aloud famous hits from English and American movies, and choose to travel to London instead of Moscow. For the communist regime in Bulgaria in those times that was enough. Fortunately Boris Aprilov was warned on time by Chelkash, the leading editor of the Journal, and decided to resign before he was fired. As a result of this incident, Boris Aprilov was blacklisted by the authorities. Unable to find any employment as a journalist or editor, he lived exclusively from his literature work...

From 1959-1963 Boris Aprilov served as a lead dramaturge and screenplay editor in the Bulgarian State circuses.

Between 1977-1980 he served as a lead dramaturge of the Sliven's Theater for Drama, earning the right to a pension.

This sums up his work as an employee.

Boris Aprilov was awarded many prizes and honorable medals by festivals for his work, puppet theater plays, literature and other.

Boris Aprilov, with his wife, spent the last three years of his life in Tel Aviv, Israel, with their daughters, who fled the communist regime three months before its fall.

In 1991 his younger daughter passed away after a long disease. Shortly after that, Boris Aprilov became sick himself. He died on 10.4.1995, in a Tel-Aviv hospital. His wife also passed away a few months later in Tel Aviv.

They have two grand-daughters and one grandson: from Djina: April - 08.2.1977, Gabriella - 15.8.1982, from Laura: Maxim - 8.12.1983


  1. ^ *

His beloved book as young boy


Published books

(waits for translation)

  • “Worries”. Humorous stories and feuilletons. 1953. („Тревоги“. Хумористични разкази и фейлетони. 1953);
  • “The Peak of Impertinence”. Humorous stories. Publisher “Sturshel”. 1957. („Върхът на нахалството“. Хумористични разкази, библиотека „Стършел“. 1957);
  • “ The Adventures of Foxy”. Humorous novel. 1957. („Приключенията на Лиско“. Хумористична повест. 1957);
  • “Knock-out”. Humorous stories. Publisher “Sturshel”. 1959. („Нокаут“. Хумористични разкази, библиотека „Стършел“. 1959);
  • “The Sea is Everybody's”. Modern stories. 1963. („Морето е на всички“. Разкази за възрастни. 1963);
  • “Pirate Romance”. Humorous stories. Publisher “Sturshel”. 1964. „Пиратска романтика“. Хумористични разкази, библиотека „Стършел“. 1964);
  • “A Touch”. Modern stories. 1965. („Докосване“. Разкази. 1965);
  • „A Ball in the Sea“. “Fairy tale”. 1965. („Топка в морето“. Приказка. 1965);
  • “The Foal Poncho”. “Fairy tale”. 1967. („Кончето Пончо“. Приказка. 1967);
  • “The Boss' Muffin”. Humorous stories. Publisher “Sturshel”. 1968. („Кифлата на началника“. Хумористични разкази, библиотека „Стършел“. 1968);
  • “The Love-bird and The Butterfly”. Fairy tale”. 1968. („Папагалчето и пеперудката“. Приказка. 1968);
  • “The Adventures of Foxy at the Sea”. A novel for children and adults. 1968 (1982) (2001)(„Приключенията на Лиско по море“. Роман за деца и възрастни. 1968. (1982)(2001);
  • “Autumn dunes”. Modern stories. 1969; („Есенни дюни“. Разкази. 1969.);
  • “An Accident". Play. 1969; („Произшествие“. Пиеса. 1969.);
  • "One Small White Cloud". Fairy tale. 1970; („Едно малко бяло облаче“. Приказка. 1970.);
  • “Selected stories and novels” . 1971. („Избрани разкази и повести“. 1971.);
  • “The New Adventures of Foxy”. Novels for children. 1973. („Новите приключения на Лиско“. Повести за деца. 1973;
  • “The Latest Adventures of Foxy”. Two novels for children. 1975. („Най-новите приключения на Лиско“. Привидението и Голямата награда. Повести за деца. 1975.);
  • “Foxy and The Square Beings”. A novel for children. 1975. („Лиско при квадратните същества“. Роман за деца. 1975;
  • “The Six Little Pinguins”. A novel for children. 1978. („Шестте пингвинчета“. Повест за деца. 1978.);
  • “A Story with a Swan”. Humorous stories. Publisher “Sturshel”. 1979. „История с лебед“. Хумористични разкази, библиотека „Стършел“.. 1979;
  • “Ten Adventures of Foxy”. Chosen children novels. 1981. („Десет приключения на Лиско“. Избрани творби за деца. 1981;
  • “The Deffence Of Sparta”. Modern stories and novels. 1982. (“Отбраната на Спарта“. Разкази и новели. 1982.);
  • “Four Novels”. 1984. “Четири повести“. 1984;
  • „Часът на източния бриз“. Разкази и новели. 1986;
  • „Деликатно настроение“. Разкази и новели. 1986;
  • „Далечно плаване“. Повести. 1988;
  • „Хавайските острови“. Роман издаден посмъртно в 1997;
  • „Траверстаун“. Недовършен роман…

"The Little Foxy" row

(wait for translation)

  • „Приключенията на Лиско в гората“ (1957)
  • „Приключенията на Лиско по море“ (1968)
  • „Новите приключения на Лиско“ (1971) Съдържа повестите:
    • „Не пипай куфара“
    • „Чими“
    • „Часовникът“
    • „Червената шапчица“
    • „Дупката“
    • „Питонът“
  • „Приключенията на Лиско в страната на квадратните същества“ (1975)
  • „Най-новите приключения на Лиско“ (1975) Съдържа повестите:
    • „Привидението“
    • „Голямата награда“
  • „Десет приключения на Лиско“ (1987) Съдържа осемте повести от предните книги, както и две нови:
    • „Стената“
    • „Синьото фламинго“

Books for children

  • „Топка в морето“ (1965)
  • „Кончето Пончо“ (1967)
  • „Папагалчето и пеперудката“ (1968)
  • „Едно малко бяло облаче“ (1970)
  • „Шестте пингвинчета“ (1978)

Увлечен силно в драматургията, Априлов пише много театрални и куклени пиеси, както за деца, така и за възарстни. Много от тях са играни в чужбина. С особена популярност е пиесата за куклен театър „Чими“, играна в много театри по света в продължение на десетки години. По нея е направен и филм в ГДР.


Mouvie Screenplays

The next movies are made over his screenplays:

There are some cartoon movies made over his children stories:

Novels and short stories

many of them published in the cultural journals and newspapers:

(wait for more)


  • for literature:
  • for puppet theatre plays:
  • others:

(in Bulgarian)