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Black theology

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Black theology or Black liberation theology is a Christian theology of liberation. The field of black liberation theology received its name in the 1960s and includes in its history Pan Africanists from earlier centuries who used the teachings of Christianity and/or the vehicle of the black church as foundational to their efforts for securing a self-determining existence for Africans.

Theological basis

Black liberation theology is theology from the perspective of oppressed people. It seeks to interpret the gospel of Jesus against the backdrop of historical and contemporary racism. The message of black theology is that the African American struggle for liberation is consistent with the gospel--every theological statement must be consistent with, and perpetuate, the goals of liberation.

This theology maintains that African Americans must be liberated from multiple forms of bondage—social, political, economic and religious. This liberation involves empowerment and seeks the right of self-definition, self-affirmation and self-determination.

The modern American origins of contemporary black liberation theology can be traced to July 31, 1966, when an ad hoc group of 51 black pastors, calling themselves the National Committee of Negro Churchmen (NCNC), bought a full page ad in the New York Times to publish their "Black Power Statement," which proposed a more aggressive approach to combating racism using the Bible for inspiration.[1]

James Cone and Dwight Hopkins are considered the leading theologians of this system of belief, although now there are may scholars who have contributed a great deal to the field. It was Cone who in the spring of 1969 published the seminal work that systemized black liberation theology, Black Theology and Black Power (1969). In the book, Cone asserted that not only was black power not alien to the Gospel, it was, in fact, the Gospel message for all of 20th century America.

In his 1970 book, A Black Theology of Liberation, Cone asserts that one particular aspect of this theology involves God's identification with "blackness":

The black theologian must reject any conception of God which stifles black self-determination by picturing God as a God of all peoples. Either God is identified with the oppressed to the point that their experience becomes God's experience, or God is a God of racism...The blackness of God means that God has made the oppressed condition God's own condition. This is the essence of the Biblical revelation. By electing Israelite slaves as the people of God and by becoming the Oppressed One in Jesus Christ, the human race is made to understand that God is known where human beings experience humiliation and suffering...Liberation is not an afterthought, but the very essence of divine activity. (A Black Theology of Liberation, pp. 63-64)

South African Black theology

Black Theology was popularised in southern Africa in the early 1970s by Basil Moore, a Methodist theologian in South Africa. It helped to give rise to, and developed in parallel with, the Black Consciousness Movement. Black Theology was particularly influential in South Africa and Namibia for motivating resistance to apartheid.

Southern African black liberation theologians include Barney Pityana, Allan Boesak, Itumeleng Mosala and Zephania Kameeta.

Black religious scholars

North American black liberation theologians include:

In the United Kingdom, Dr Robert Beckford is the most well known black liberation theologian. He was the first theologian in the UK to develop and teach a course on Black Theology at an academic level. The International Journal of Black Theology is produced within the UK. It is edited by Dr Anthony Reddie, who has written over 40 journal articles and essay, and is therefore, the most prolific Black theologian in the UK.

See also



  • Aldred, Joe Preaching With Power London: Cassells, 1998
  • Aldred, Joe Sisters with Power London: Continuum, 2000
  • Aldred, Joe Praying With Power London: Continuum 2000
  • Anderson, Gerald H. Asian Voices in Christian Theology Maryknoll: Orbis Books, 1976
  • Andersson, Efraim Churches at the Grassroots London: Lutterworth Press, 1968
  • Andrews, Dale P. Practical Theology for Black Churches Luisville: John Knox Press, 2002
  • Bailey, Randall C. and Grant, Jacquelyn (Eds.) The Recovery of Black Presence: An Interdisciplinary Exploration Nashville, Tenn.: Abingdon, 1995
  • Barton, Mukti Scripture as Empowerment for Liberation and Justice Bristol: Centre for Comparative Studies in Religion and Gender, 1999
  • Beckford, Robert Jesus is Dread DLT 1998
  • Beckford, Robert Dread and Pentecostal SPCK 2000
  • Beckford, Robert God of The Rhatid DLT 2001
  • Beckford, Robert God and the Gangs Darton Longman and Todd 2004
  • Black Theology: An International Journal Equinox Publishing Ltd., published twice yearly. Dr A Reddie, Ed, email: agr@queens.ac.uk
  • Boff, Leonardo Jesus Christ Liberator London: SPCK, 1972
  • Boff, Leonardo and Boff, Clodovis Introducing Liberation Theology Tunbridge Wells: Burns & Oats, 1987
  • Boff, Leonardo and Elizondo, Virgil Any Room For Christ In Asia? London: SCM Press, 1993
  • Byron, Gay L. Symbolic Blackness and Ethnic Difference in Early Christian Literature New York: Routledge, 2002
  • Cannon, Katie G. Black Womanist Ethics: Atlanta, Georgia, Scholars Press, 1988
  • Cannon, Katie G. Katie’s Cannon New York: Continuum, 1995
  • Cone, James H. ‘Black Theology And The Black Church: Where Do We Go From Here?’
  • Wilmore, Gayraud and Cone, James H. (Eds.) Black Theology: A Documentary History, 1966-1979 Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books, 1979. pp.350-359
  • Cone, James H. Black Theology and Black Power (20th Anniversary Edition) New York: Harper SanFrancisco, 1989
  • Cone, James H. For My People: Black Theology and the Black Church New York: Orbis Books, 1984
  • Cone, James H. God of the Oppressed New York: Seabury Press, 1975
  • Cone, James H. My Soul Looks Back New York: Orbis Books, 1986
  • Cone, James H. The Spirituals and the Blues New York: Seabury Press, 1972
  • Cone, James H. Black Theology and Black Power New York: Seabury Press, 1969
  • Cone, James H. and Wilmore, Gayraud S. Black Theology A Documentary History: Vol1. 1966-1979 New York: Orbis Books, 1992
  • Cone, James H. and Wilmore, Gayraud S. Black Theology A Documentary History: Vol2. 1980- 1992 New York: Orbis Books, 1993
  • Couture, Pamela D. Blessed are the Poor Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1991
  • Douglas, Kelly Brown The Black Christ New York: Orbis Books, 1994
  • Dube, Musa W. And Staley, Jeffrey L. John and Postcolonialism London: Sheffield Academic Press, 2002
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  • Duffield, Ian K. (ed) Urban Christ: Responses to John Vincent Sheffield: UTU, 1997
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  • Evans, Jr., James H. We Have Been Believers An African American Systematic Theology Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1992
  • Felder, Cain Hope The African Heritage Study Bible Nashville, Tenn. The James C. Winston Publishing Company, 1993
  • Felder, Cain Hope Stony The Road We Trod: African American Biblical Interpretation Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1991
  • Frazier, E. Franklin The Black Church in America New York: Shocken Books, 1964
  • Genovese, Eugene Roll Jordan Roll Vintage Books, 1980
  • Gerloff, Roswith I. H. A Plea for British Black Theologies Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1992
  • Gibellini, Rosino The Liberation Theology Debate, London: SCM Press Ltd, 1987
  • Grant, Jacquelyn White Women’s Christ, Black Women’s Jesus: Feminist Christology and Womanist Response: Atlanta, Georgia, Scholars Press, 1989.
  • Grant, Paul and Patel, Raj (Eds.) A Time to Speak. Birmingham: A joint publication of ‘Racial Justice’ and the ‘Black Theology Working Group’ 1990
  • Grant, Paul and Patel, Raj (Eds.) A Time To Act: Kairos 1992 Birmingham: A joint publication of ‘Racial Justice’ and the ‘Black Theology Working Group’ 1992
  • Gutierrez, Gustavo We Drink From Our Own Wells London: SCM Press, 1984
  • Hood, Robert E. Must God Remain Greek?: Afro-Cultures and God-Talk Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1990
  • Hood, Robert E. Begrimmed and Black: Christian Traditions on Blacks and Blackness Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1994
  • Hope, Marjorie and Young, James The South African Churches in a Revolutionary Situation Maryknoll: Orbis Books, 1979
  • Hopkins, Dwight N. (Introducing) Black Theology of Liberation New York: Orbis book, 1999
  • Hopkins, Dwight N. Down, Up and Over: Slave Religion and Black Theology Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2000
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  • Hopkins, Dwight N. (Ed.) Black Faith and Public Talk: Critical Essays on Jams H. Cone’s Black Theology and Black Power New York: Orbis Books, 1999
  • Jennings, Theodore W. Good News to the Poor Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1990
  • Jones, William R. Is God A White Racist? Boston: Beacon Press, 1998
  • Kalilombe, Patrick A. Doing Theology at the Grassroots Gweru, Zimbabwe: Mambo Press, 1999
  • Kirk, J. Andrew Liberation Theology Atlanta: John Knox Press, 1979
  • Lincoln, C. Eric The Black Church in the African American Experience Durham, N.Y.: Duke University Press, 1990
  • Mitchem, Stephanie Y. Introducing Womanist Theology New York: Orbis, 2002
  • Oduyoye, Mercy Amba Hearing and Knowing MaryKnoll: Orbis Books, 1990
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  • Pinn, Anne and Anthony B. Black Church History Fortress Press, 2002
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  • Pinn, Anthony B. Terror and Triumph: The Nature of Black Religion Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2003
  • Reddie, Anthony Legacy Methodist Publishing House, 2000
  • Reddie, Anthony Faith, Stories and the Experience of Black Elders Jessica Kingsley, 2001
  • Reddie, Anthony Nobodies to Somebodies: Practical Theology for Education and Liberation Peterborough: Epworth Press, 2003
  • Rabateau, Albert Slave Religion Oxford University Press, 1978
  • Society for Biblical Literature Reading The Bible in The Global Village: Cape Town No.3 Atlanta: Society for Biblical Literature, 2002
  • Singleton III, Harry H. Black Theology and Ideology Collgeville, Minnesota: The Liturgical Press, 2002
  • Sobrino, Jon and Ellacuria (eds) Systematic Theology: Perspectives from Liberation Theology London: SCM Press, 1996
  • Stewart III, Carlyle Fielding Black Spirituality and Black Consciousness Trenton, New Jersey: Africa World Press, 1999
  • Sugirtharajah, R. S. (ed) Frontiers In Asian Christian Theology Maryknoll: Orbis Books, 1994
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  • Sugirtharah, R.S. The Post Colonial Bible Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998
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  • Sugirtharah, R.S. Post-Colonial Criticism and Biblical Interpretation Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002
  • Taylor, Michael Good for the Poor London: Mowbray, 1990
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  • Terrell, JoAnne Marie Power in the Blood?: The Cross in the African American Experience New York: Orbis books, 1998
  • Townes, Emile M. Womanist Justice, Womanist Hope: Atlanta, Georgia, Scholars Press, 1993.
  • Trompf, G. W. The Gospel is not Western Maryknoll: Orbis Books, 1987
  • Verhelst, Thierry G. No Life Without Roots London: Zed Books 1990
  • Vincent, John and Rowland (eds), Chris British Liberation Theology 1 – Liberation Theology UK Sheffield: UTU, 1995
  • Vincent, John and Rowland (eds), Chris British Liberation Theology 2 – Gospel From The City Sheffield: UTU, 1997
  • Vincent, John and Rowland (eds), Chris British Liberation Theology 3 – Liberation Spirituality Sheffield: UTU, 1999
  • Vincent, John and Rowland (eds), Chris British Liberation Theology 4 – Bible and Practice Sheffield: UTU, 2001
  • Ware, Frederick L. Methodologies of Black Theology Cleveland, Ohio: The Pilgrim Press, 2002
  • Weems, Renita J. Battered Love: Marriage, Sex, and Violence in the Hebrew Prophets Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1995
  • Weems, Renita J. Just a Sister Away: A Womanist Vision of Women’s Relationships in the Bible Philadelphia: Innisfree Press, 1988
  • Wilkinson, John Church in Black and White St. Andrews Press, 1994
  • Williams, Delores Sisters in the Wilderness: The Challenge of Womanist God-Talk: Maryknoll, New York, Orbis Press, 1993
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and the Black Experience" by Ron Rhodes]