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Jericho, Kansas (fictional town)

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Jericho, Kansas (fictional)
File:Jericho 1x01 "Pilot".jpg
Region NW Kansas
Population 5000
Area N/A
Founded 1923 (City Hall inscription)
Website www.cbs.com/primetime/jericho/map.shtml

Jericho, Kansas, a fictional town, is the setting of the CBS TV series Jericho. It is described as being located in the fictitious "Fillmore County", east of Denver, Colorado, close to the Colorado border. Parts of the show were filmed in the real Kansas town of North Lawrence, temporarily renamed Jericho for a day during filming. The pilot episode was filmed on location in Fillmore, California, and sets for Jericho were built at a studio in Van Nuys, California.

There was an actual location in Kansas named "Jericho". It was a post office in Larabee Township, Kansas in Gove County,[1] and folded in 1923. Oakley is the closest community that matches the fictional Jericho's apparent location, and some route numbers from the "official" CBS map of Jericho match, but Oakley is in Logan County.

The setting

Episode and mapping observations on the location of Jericho

  • According to an "official" map of Jericho shown on the CBS website,[2] Interstate 70, State Route 83, and State Route 40 converge in Jericho; but in the real world, Interstate 70, U.S. Route 83, and U.S. Route 40 converge in Oakley, Kansas, which is 70 miles from the Colorado border. Despite the similarity in numbered routes to the real-life convergence of highways in Oakley, the map shown by CBS does not conform to any known actual road configuration.[3]
  • Also according to the "official" CBS map, a railway line passes through Jericho which approaches from the east and splits into a northern route and a southern route. In the real world, this also occurs in Oakley. [4]
  • In the pilot episode, the people of Jericho witness a nuclear explosion "from the west" which is believed to have occurred at Denver and is clearly visible over a nearby mountain range. In the real world, however, the Rocky Mountains are not visible from Kansas.
  • Also in the pilot, Jake Green is seen driving along a two-lane highway leading from Denver into Kansas, and passes a road sign that lists distances to Jericho, Wichita, and Kansas City.
  • In episode 2, Fallout, Jericho is established in dialogue as being near Interstate 70 and northeast of Goodland, Kansas. This would locate Jericho near Colby, Kansas, the only point on I-70 in Kansas which is northeast of Goodland.
  • In episode 3, Four Horsemen, a map is seen on the wall which places Jericho in the same location as Ness City, Kansas.
  • In episode 11, Vox Populi, Robert Hawkins is tracked via a Google Earth-type program which focuses on a location in west-central Kansas, rather than northwest Kansas.
  • In episode 15, Semper Fidelis, the Marine unit that appears in Jericho makes a specific reference to being in "northwest Kansas." The Marines, however, are later revealed to be impostors.
  • In episode 19, Casus Belli, Jericho is shown on a map as being located at the intersection of County Road 122 and Route 6. This contradicts all previous evidence, including the "official" CBS map.
  • In episode 22, Why We Fight, Robert Hawkins accesses Google Earth coordinates which place Jericho a few miles north of Hays, Kansas; and the Heather Lisinski character finally establishes in dialogue that Jericho is in "Kansas, not far from the Colorado border."


Although the show depicts Jericho as having rolling hills, trees, and a salt mine, the northwest corner of Kansas is flat farmland. There are very few trees or hills, and no salt mines. The Kansas salt mines are located in the south-central part of the state near Hutchinson, Kansas. In the first episode, Jake sees the mushroom cloud while looking over mountainous terrain a short drive from Jericho. Mountains are not visible from Kansas, not even near the Colorado border; they are visible only within 90 miles from Denver in clear weather. Because the Smokey Hill River does exist, the Smokey Hill Bridge mentioned in the third episode could exist, but it would be at least a 90-minute drive south of Jericho, and that would not fit into the time-frame of the show. The third episode also depicts airplanes landing on the highway near the Smokey Hill Bridge. In actuality, all the highways that cross the Smokey Hill River are two lanes and too narrow to land large aircraft. Pilots of large aircraft would have to glide north and attempt to land on Interstate 70 or in a field.

In the real world, Jericho would be in one of Greeley, Hamilton, Sherman, or Wallace counties. All other counties in Kansas are in the Central Time Zone, but Jericho is in the Mountain Time Zone. In the pilot, a clock shows six o'clock shortly after a bomb in Denver explodes. In "The Day Before", it is established that the bombs were to explode at 8:05 pm Eastern time, during the President's address, which would be 7:05pm in Central Time and 6:05 in Mountain Time.


The fictional town of Jericho is portrayed as having a demographic trend opposite to what is actually found in western Kansas: there are no small towns in western Kansas that have grown from 1,000 to 5,000 in population in the past 50 years.

Military presence

In the third episode, Jericho's mayor mentions that Goodland, a town southwest of Jericho, has a National Guard unit and alludes that tanks seen driving on the interstate might have been of that unit. While Goodland, Kansas is the actual home to a National Guard unit, it is a small, maintenance company and would not have tanks.[citation needed] Goodland is the home of Det 1 170th Maint Co (UIC: VHHA1). Since this unit is a detachment, the size of the unit would roughly equal a platoon (40-60 soliders).

Points of Interest

A panorama of Main Street, after the attacks by New Bern. Church, Cyber Cafe, Gracie Leigh's Supermarket and Town Hall are visible (left to right).

Town hall

  • Jericho's town hall is located on the end of Main Street, intersecting Spruge Lane. This two-story building was built in 1923 and houses the mayor's office, the Jericho Sheriff's Department, and a fallout shelter that can hold 300 people.
  • Since the Town Hall fallout shelter was well maintained it could be used in Fallout .

Medical Clinic

  • The Jericho Medical Clinic is a full-service clinic with a fallout shelter that can hold 200 people. Because the shelter had not been maintained, it could not be used in "Fallout". The Medical Center relies on a generator that can provide power for up to four days in the event of a power failure. Since the detonation of the EMP, the clinic has been on emergency power due to the low levels of diesel to power the generator left by the airdrop. The new power supplies from the New Bern windmill generators have been a great help. It currently has a staff of several nurses and numerous volunteers.

Gracie Leigh's supermarket

  • Gracie Leigh's supermarket is on Main Street in Jericho. The food in the store was used to provide food at the fallout shelters in the second episode. It has a freezer that former owner Gracie Leigh used to store valuables that were traded for food. In the third episode, Dale Turner found a train full of food that was supposed to be delivered to the store but never arrived. Mitchell Cafferty murdered Gracie Leigh, which made Dale Turner the owner of the store. Dale was very close to having to close the store due to lack of stock. He has now partnered with Skyler (whom he also has a romantic relationship with), and "hired" two new employees from the refugees.

Merthy's Gas station

  • Merthy's Gas is owned by the Nuralco Gas Company. It has a convenience store and four gas pumps.


  • The church was shown in multiple episodes. In the fourth episode, there was a service for the dead refugees from Denver. Emily sits inside of it and daydreams about her wedding day in the ninth episode. A refugee center is set up in the church when new refugees arrive and became the center of a vicious standoff. According to episode seventeen, the name of the church is Main Street Presbyterian, and it was established in 1963. Reverend Frank Young is the head of this church.

Bailey's tavern

  • Bailey's is a local bar that is located next to town hall. It has a jukebox and a TV with a satellite dish. According to the tenth episode, there is one case of soda, one case of liquor, and fourteen bottles of mustard in the tavern. The Bar was only powered in episodes "Vox Populi" and in "The Day Before" when the owners decided to use their "generator rations".

Strategic location

Sheriff's Department

(See article: Jericho Sheriff's Department)

Fire Department

Jericho has a volunteer fire department, with at least three fire trucks and two other vehicles. One of the trucks, along with half of the department and the Fire Chief, went to Denver, Colorado to help with the relief effort. Throughout the first season, the Jericho Fire Department has been called out three times. The first was in the pilot episode to stop a fight at Murphy's gas station and to help establish an emergency plan. The second was in "Four Horsemen" when they were called to dig out the survivors that were taking shelter in the town mine. The third was in "Federal Response" when the fire department was called out to extinguish several fires around town. In Heart of Winter they were recruited by Eric to assist in the rescue of Jake Green whose leg was pinned by a wrecked truck.

Chief Carol

Chief Carol, portrayed by Alex Carter, was the Fire Chief in Jericho. He played a major role in calming down the town's people. He was the second person to meet Robert Hawkins. He helped break up a fight at Merthy's Gas Station. In "Federal Response" it is mentioned by former Mayor Green that Chief Carol went to Denver to assist in relief effort.

Fire Captain

The Fire Captain, played by Butch Hammett, was first seen in the episode "Fallout" in which he uses the public address system on the fire engine to warn the town about the fallout. In "Federal Response", he was the lead firefighter and was referred to as "chief".

Jerichos Armaments

Jericho has a small ranger organization that has been running since the middle of season one. It was organized due to Mayor Green's wishes to protect the town from groups like Ravenwood. After mortar attack from New Bern, Jake Green distributes significant quantities of small arms donated by Hawkins to everyone able bodied and over 16 years of age. The weapons that have been seen in the groups possession are G36's, M-14's and M1 Carbines. He also hand out M-16/A2's and various handguns. The most commonly used handgun in the show is a Berretta 9mm, used by the US Armed Forces.

Jericho also possesses an M1 Abrams tank that was confiscated from a group of con-artists posing as US Marines assessing the town's needs for relief efforts. The tank is stored in Stanley Richmond's barn.

Emergency Medical Service (EMS)

Jericho's EMS includes at least two ambulances and four EMS technicians. One of the ambulances is run by the medical clinic, and the other is run by the fire department. They were seen in the pilot with the sheriff's deputies and in "Fallout" helping put the injured people from the clinic into the town hall's fallout shelter. In "The Walls of Jericho", they went with Jake Green, Emily Sullivan, Eric Green, Bill Kohler, and Jimmy Taylor to rescue the survivors that were at Bass Lake. In "Federal Response", they went with Dr. Green to the fire at the library to help revive Emily, who had been knocked unconscious by the live electric wire that caused the fire. They were once again called to aid in the rescue of Jake Green who was pinned under a truck and suffering from hypothermia in "Heart of Winter".

April Green

Dr. April Green, played by Darby Stanchfield, is a doctor that works in the Jericho Medical Clinic. Unfortunately, she died as a result of complications from her pregnancy. She was replaced by a doctor that came to Jericho with Jake Green when he first encountered Ravenwood while searching for medical supplies to save his father's life.

Kenchy Dwuhalia

Kenchy Dwuhalia was brought from Rogue River by Jake and Eric. Originally a plastic surgeon in Las Vegas, he volunteered for the relief effort to escape Vegas, which without power was very unpleasant. He suffers from post traumatic stress disorder due to his encounter with Ravenwood in Rogue River. After the death of April Green, Dr. Dwuhalia performed intermittent duties as doctor in the medical clinic.

See also


  1. ^ http://skyways.lib.ks.us/genweb/archives/1912/j/jericho.html
  2. ^ http://www.cbs.com/primetime/jericho/map.shtml
  3. ^ "Jericho Map". Retrieved 2006-10-11.
  4. ^ http://www.ksdot.org/archive/burrail/rail/publications/dnstymp01.htm