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Kegly (talk | contribs)
m Fixed display of Guidelines for creating subpages
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PLEASE read the header sections before randomly adding someone in the wrong place! Also, please make your additions are to the BOTTOM of the intended section.

[[Category:Wikipedia blocking]]
[[Category:Wikipedia user conduct]]

[[fr:Wikipédia:Vandalisme de longue durée]]

<!-- Interlanguage links go at the top of this page to prevent them getting mixed up by people who ignore the warning at the top of the page -->
{{shortcut|[[WP:LTA]]<br />[[WP:LONG]]}}

'''Long term abuse''' is a page intended to hold information describing editors or IPs who should be known by as many users as possible to aid in detecting and defeating their policy violations. Think of it as a "[[post office]] wall" with [[wanted poster]]s. This page has been confused with several other pages, so please check the "Explanation" section if this is your first time here.

== Explanation ==


This page should contain only properly categorized, unique entries on specific vandals with enough relevant and correct information to allow other people to identify them and their tracks. To keep this page functioning smoothly, please:

:'''Don't''' add an entry here requesting action, such as a block or page protect. This page is not scanned regularly, the same way [[WP:AIV]] or, to a lesser degree, [[WP:RFPP]] is. If you need someone blocked or a pages protected, please refer to those two links.
:'''Don't''' add entries for users who have never engaged in serious vandalism. Generally speaking, if their main account isn't blocked indefinitely, their "vandalisms" don't merit inclusion here. If you aren't sure, ask on the talk page.
:'''Don't''' add [[IP address]]es! Severe IP vandals should be reported to [[Wikipedia:Abuse reports]], not here.
:'''Don't''' use this page for discussions. If there needs to be a discussion, start it on the talk page and link to its section from this page. If there is a discussion going on elsewhere, link to it.
:'''Don't''' "sign" your entries, but ''do'' say who originally reported them, or who are the most knowledgeable about them so they can be contacted if need be.
:'''Don't''' use relative phrases like "recently" or "lately" without qualification. Try using "as of" to remedy this: "As of August 3rd, ..."
:'''Don't''' add entries without the vital information enumerated below; they will be almost guaranteed useless and will be removed.
:'''Remember''' to update entries with new or important information.


== Criteria for addition ==
Users listed should have a marked past of policy violations related to the entry. User accounts that are listed as vandals but only have minor blocks, or "major vandals"/"sockpuppets" that aren't blocked indefinitely, will likely be removed. The relevant logs should ''back up'' your assertions, not contradict them.

Note that shared IP addresses (EG. Schools, libraries, prisons, legislatures, etc.) engaging in egregious vandalisms should be reported [[WP:ABREP|on this page]] as they specialize in dealing with such IPs.

=== Criteria for removal ===

The most common causes of removal are:

# Archiving old entries of inactive vandals.
# Removing improper or useless additions.

== Adding to this page ==

#If this vandal was previously active over a year ago, check the archives. If they're listed in there, create a new section here and link to the archives.
#Check the subpages to ensure that they aren't already known about there.
#If the vandal's totally new, create an entry at the '''bottom''' of the appropriate section (see below for an explanation), with a descriptive heading, and under it a "[[Modus operandi]]" subsection. Use {{tl|userlinks}} to list registered users involved and {{tl|IPvandal}} for IP addresses.
#*This is '''vital''': Without information on what a certain "vandal" does or how they do it, it will be impossible for other readers to understand how to spot them. Entries without this information will almost certainly be removed. See below for more information.
#If they're already listed on this page, add new information if you have it (Such as new sockpuppets or MOs). Discussion should be kept to a minimum, such as an open ended question about a puzzling attribute. In this instance, if you post the answer, incorporate it into the entry and remove the question. This page is extremely long as it is, if there needs to be prolonged discussion, use a talk page and link to it from the entry. Off topic discussion should be removed by anyone and any large discussion that has idled may be summarized.

=== Necessary information in an entry ===

Entries <big>MUST</big> have the following information to have utility:

* A list of (some of) the accounts/IPs using by using {{tl|vandal}}/{{tl|IPvandal}} templates. If they have a category for their sockpuppets, link to it.

* A description of their [[modus operandi]]. Good detail is important; unneeded information will be trimmed out by others, but a under-explained entry will require other people to sift through links, or just remove it. Linking some "diffs" (revisions) of their vandalisms is a good way to provide information on their vandalism it will show ''exactly'' what the vandal has been doing. Note that linking to an IP's contributions or the history of a page is NOT passable: IPs get reassigned, pages keep getting edits. After a while, these will push the vandalism further into history and make the entry on the vandal(s) very hard to use.

In either report, you don't need to list more than five socks/examples, barring something extremely unusual. If there are more then that many sockpuppets, consider creating a category and tagging their userpages with sockpuppet tags.

If you aren't sure that your entry is correct, it is OK to request formatting help in then entry. If people have questions when they fix the format, they may ask you for more details.

== Sections ==

The page is divided up into sections as follows:
* The [[#Archives|Archives]] which are periodically created for old entries who have become inactive for a significant length of time.
* [[#Entries|Entries]], comprizing (in addition to regular entries):
** [[#Subpages|Subpages]] for vandals who are a serious enough threat to warrant a subpage for easy reference (Please read the guideline there before creating a subpage).
** [[#Serial_SPAMmers|Serial SPAMmers]] who literally do nothing but SPAM, frequently by inserting the same link into every article that's possibly related to what they're pushing.
* [[#To_be_correctly_filed|To be correctly filed]] — Holding pen where entries are added by default. If you're in a hurry you can add yours here, but you should try and find the correct section yourself.

== Archives ==

* [[Wikipedia:Long term abuse/Archive 1]] Created [[October 3]] [[2005]]
* [[Wikipedia:Long term abuse/Archive 2]] Created [[January 21]] [[2006]]

== Entries ==

=== Subpages ===

These pages contain information on more serious or unusual cases which merit a fixed location of reference. Before creating a new subpage, '''please read the guidelines'''. Frequently people jump directly to creating a subpage instead of listing a vandal on this page which often results in unnecessary pages which serve little purpose and end up getting deleted.

{{hidden|Guidelines for creating subpages:|Some questions to ask of the new subpage and its subject:
* Is the vandal a "long term" vandal? Remember the pages are subpages of LTA and have to fulfill the same criteria as entries on LTA.
* Does the vandal deserve a more permanent information location? Why can't they be listed on LTA like any other? There has to be a '''definite''' reason (or number of reasons) for giving them a subpage beyond "the LTA page section is too long" (e.g. engages in a very serious form of vandalism; appears to suffer from a mental disorder).
* Is their vandalism simple and easy to detect? If so, then there probably isn't much need to create a page describing it, as users will be able to pick up on and deal with it as typical vandalism without requiring any insight into previous vandalism and/or whether or not a particular person is responsible for it. Pages on vandals which provide little help beyond what could easily be discovered by simply monitoring recent changes serve little purpose. As above, prolixity doesn't by itself warrant a subpage.
* Is the increased exposure of the vandal outweighed by the increased visibility to the community and people who may run across them? An argument against these pages is that they may satisfy vandals' desire for attention and/or encourage other attention seekers to engage in vandalism with the hope of getting a page created on themselves.

Some example of "legit" subpages and why:

* '''Primetime''' — This vandal regularly engages in one of the most dangerous forms of vandalism: Wanton copyright infringement that could place the Wikimedia Foundation in serious legal danger. People should know how to spot him so as many people as possible will know and be prepared to counter his plagiarism.

* '''Lightbringer''' — This vandal is obsessed with inserting his extreme POV content into [[Freemasonry]] despite bans on doing so issued by the ArbCom and the community. To someone who doesn't know about this vandal and his MO, he may appear to be a participant in a legitimate content dispute rather than a vandal and banned user. Due to this, unneeded and (proven) useless dispute resolution may be pursued rather then his latest sockpuppet simply being blocked, wasting people's time.|white|left}}

* <span id="Bonaparte" />[[User:Bonaparte/sockpuppetry|Bonaparte]] — "Malicious sockpuppetry", vote stacking, consenseusfraud, ethnic disruption related to [[Romania]] and [[Moldova]].
* <span id="General Tojo" />[[Wikipedia:Long_term_abuse/General Tojo|General Tojo]] — POV pushing on [[Parkinson's disease]].
* <span id="HeadleyDown" />[[Wikipedia:Long term abuse/HeadleyDown|HeadleyDown]] — Deliberate degradation of articles to extreme POV positions by using floods of sockpuppets and gaming the system. Claims to be doing it for "fun".
* <span id="Israelbeach" />[[Wikipedia:Long_term_abuse/Israelbeach|Israelbeach]] — Personal attacks and harassment; legal threats.
* <span id="JarlaxleArtemis" />[[Wikipedia:Long_term_abuse/JarlaxleArtemis|JarlaxleArtemis]] – Personal attacks, harassment, and e-mail bombing.
* <span id="Lightbringer" />[[Wikipedia:Long_term_abuse/Lightbringer|Lightbringer]] — POV pushing on [[Freemasonry]], personal attacks, and ban evasion.
* <span id="MascotGuy" />[[Wikipedia:Long_term_abuse/MascotGuy|MascotGuy]] — Inserting hoax information into specific articles; possibly [[autistic]].
* <span id="Primetime" />[[Wikipedia:Long_term_abuse/Primetime|Primetime]] [[meta:Vandalism reports#Primetime|and on Meta]] — Deliberate copyright infringement, personal attacks and harrassment on and off wiki, cross-wiki sockpuppetry.
* <span id="Randallrobinstine" />[[Wikipedia:Long_term_abuse/Randallrobinstine|Randallrobinstine]] — Childish vandalism to specific articles and images; creates socks with "Vrray" in their names; may be autistic. (Vandal is likely now inactive due to the indef blocking of his static IP address.)
* <span id="Roitr" />[[Wikipedia:Long_term_abuse/Roitr|Roitr]] — Adding false information on various militaries, especially Russia.
* <span id="Universe Daily" />[[Wikipedia:Long_term_abuse/Universe Daily|Universe Daily]] (No connection with website [[Universe Today]]) — Massive deceptive linkspam; personal attacks.
* <span id="VaughanWatch" />[[Wikipedia:Long_term_abuse/VaughanWatch|VaughanWatch]] — POV pushing on subjects related to [[Vaughan, Ontario]].
* <span id="SummerThunder" />[[Wikipedia:Long_term_abuse/SummerThunder|SummerThunder]] — POV pushing on subjects related to China.
* <span id="JB196" />[[Wikipedia:Long_term_abuse/JB196|JB196]] - Targets [[professional wrestling]] related articles; ban evasion, personal attacks, disruptive, sockpuppets designed to [[joe job]] wrestling websites and spurious deletion attempts.
* <span id="Cplot" />[[Wikipedia:Long_term_abuse/Cplot|Cplot]] - Adds nonsense to Wikipedia: related pages using sockpuppets to evade blocks/autoblocks.
* <span id="Cplot" />[[Wikipedia:Long_term_abuse/Mr oompapa|Mr oompapa]]- None stopping sock machine which targets [[Richard Gere]], [[Lindsay Lohan]], [[Curry]] [[Tibet]] and [[Starlight express]]. Uses open proxies to evade autoblocks and to create new accounts.

=== Serial SPAMmers ===
Consider also reporting these spammers to the [[meta:Spam blacklist]]. If the addition is successful, you may wish to immediately archive or remove the section here.

====Universe Today and sockpuppet-SPAMmers====

Operating most notabily from the shared {{IPvandal|}} this user is a sneaky sockpuppeting SPAMMer. All this info is at [[/Universe Daily]].

*{{IPvandal|}} and {{userlinks|Samsam2020}} continually adding links to commercial website. has almost one hundred edits going back to 24 October 2005, all adding the same link to multiple articles. He has been blocked four times. Check for new spammers by using {{linksearch|*.alloexpat.com|this linksearch}}. Original report by [[User:Ideogram]].
: This entry [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wikipedia%3ALong_term_abuse&diff=107740850&oldid=107726998 was blanked] by a user from {{IPvandal|}}. Like the previous case, this IP resolves to a host in Malaysia, suggesting that the spammer may have been trying (clumsily) to cover his/her tracks. -[[User:Changlc|Loren]] 04:08, 13 February 2007 (UTC)
Hi guys, sorry to interfere with you here, but we are not so familiar with wikipedia. We have discover through Google cache that our website was on wikipedia blacklist. We are very disappointed to read that Allo' Expat is treated this way. We can assure you that nobody in the Allo' Expat team is a spammer. We don t know how but we believe that somebody, maybe our competition as spam wikipedia on our behalf. We would be very thankful, if you could look into this matter and clear us from your spam section as it affect our company integrity. We will appreciate if you could send us some kind of warning (webmaster@alloexpat.com) if it happened again in the future. Once again sorry for the trouble that has been cause to you guys. Thanks for your support and understanding. The Allo' Expat Team.

====SexInRussia spammer====
*{{IPvandal|}} This and other IPs constantly vandalise articles and categories relating to pornography, or Russia, with some variation of [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Pornography&diff=prev&oldid=61296800 this edit].

====Car and Ringtone Spammer====
User keeps adding external links to his car website or ringtone/phone website, which only contains Wikipedia information (directly copied with no credit given to Wikimedia) and sponsored adverts. The links appear on many 'car' pages such as those of Aston Martin, Mercedes Benz, Land Rover etc (in the external links section). Spamming has continued to this day, despite a 24 hour ban by user [[User:RadioKirk|RadioKirk]]. 50+ articles have had links added, some have now been removed be me and others, but he is persistent...

==== Bulldog Spammer ====
: Using wikipedia to try to sell dogs, got final warning twice, still came back and spammed.

:: Cleaned up the links for now ({{linksearch|*.oldbulldogs.com|linksearch}}). Suggest blacklisting if the spammer persists.

====datasheet4u.com serial spamer====
Not surprizingly this spammer hits the [[Datasheet]] page ([http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Datasheet&action=history history]) and others related to electronics. The domain was [http://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Spam_blacklist&diff=357104&oldid=357094 Added] to the SPAM blacklist.

==== "We are all looking fsorward to a great sseason" ====
These SPAMmers, who may be running a botnet from [[zombie computer]]s, add [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Alexander_Hume&diff=prev&oldid=55105037 trash like this]. Many of the IPs are in [[LACNIC]]'s range). A [http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Awikipedia.org+%22We+are+all+looking+fsorward+%22 site-specific search on Google] reveals that it's been somewhat successful at getting some indexing. An example IP is {{IPvandal|}} on June 1 2006. These malefactors have hit up other websites as well: [http://www.google.com/search?q=%22We+are+all+looking+fsorward+to+a+great+sseason+in+2005%22]

====SPUSA spammer====
Anonymous IPs with similar IP numbers have persistently added links to the Socialist Party USA website and the wikipedia page on the organisation. These links number in the hundreds to any article on a social issue, such as [[black power]], and re-adds the links repeatedly after they've been reverted by other editors. They are usually in the "see also" and "external links section, but sometimes, the same editor removes content critical of the SPUSA, or adds links in the body of the article (e.g. [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Pacifism&diff=prev&oldid=60122808 this diff], [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Non-violent_revolution&diff=prev&oldid=60121702 this diff] and [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Antimilitarism&diff=prev&oldid=60122093 this diff]). Occasionally these links may be considered legitimate, but the vast majority are things like "the SPUSA cares about this issue too" (e.g. [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Harry_Hay&diff=64845482&oldid=61843981 this diff]). It's hard to tell if they are honestly trying to promote the group or turn people against it! The editor/s have used the the following IP addresses, among others:

* {{user|}}
* {{user|}}
* {{user|}}
* {{user|}}
* {{user|}}
* {{user|}}
* {{user|}}
* {{user|}}
* {{user|}}
* {{user|}}
* {{user|}}
* {{user|}}

=== CantStandYa ===
*'''Previous incident reports:'''
*[[Wikipedia:Requests for investigation/Archives/2006/01#October 2005]] -''Ich bin ein Berliner''
*[[Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/IncidentArchive46# al.]]
*[[Wikipedia:Requests for investigation/Archives/2005/11#IP Moderate]] (for
*[[Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/3RRArchive9#Increadible volume of vandalism on List of ethnic slurs]]
*[[Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/IncidentArchive64#Increadible volume of vandalism on List of ethnic slurs]] (crossposting of above)
*[[Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/IncidentArchive82#Socks of Shran/CantStandYa]]

*'''Previously identified sock accounts/IPs:'''
{| width="100%"
|- valign=top
*[[:Category:Suspected Wikipedia sockpuppets of Shran]]
*{{user|Prohibit0nions}} (Note: '''not''' [[User:ProhibitOnions]], but an impostor)

*'''More suspected sock accounts/IPs:'''
*{{user|Ashton Coochter}}="AC"

*'''New socks'''
*{{user|Ordre St Jean}}

*'''Newer socks''' (blocked as of January 2007)
*{{user|Omnivore Oprah}}
*{{user|Senator Cooter}}
*{{user|Avenging Anglo}}
*{{user|Willy LoMein}}
*{{user|Son of Berk's Dog}}
*{{user|The Reel World}}
*{{user|Jasper Texas Drag Racing}}

=== DickyRobert ===

{{vandal|DickyRobert}} was an editor who was blocked indefinitely for [[Wikipedia:Don't disrupt Wikipedia to prove a point|disruption]] on pages related to [[warez]] and threats. He regularly creates new sockpuppets but doesn't use them untill they're old enough to skirt semi-protection, then he'll flood his chosen targets with them, frequently using each account only once, whether or not it's been blocked.

His sockpuppet names generally are names of famous people ([[User:Issac Newton]]), or various productions. See [[:Category:Suspected Wikipedia sockpuppets of DickyRobert]] for the full list of suspected accounts.

=== Blocked [[User:Gibraltarian]] ===
<span id="Gibraltarian" /><!-- NOTE BEFORE CHANGING THE HEADING OR MOVING THIS SOMEWHERE ELSE! This page and section is linked to by {{tl|Gibraltarian}}, so any move must be reflected by a similar update in that template. -->

{{vandal|Gibraltarian}} was indefinitely blocked in mid-December 2005 for constant sockpuppetry, personal attacks, malice and POV pushing. His sockpuppets can be seen [[:Category:Suspected Wikipedia sockpuppets of Gibraltarian|here]] and [[:Category:Wikipedia sockpuppets of Gibraltarian|here]].

He uses the most major dial-up ISP in the territory, hence blocking them or individual IPs will result in collateral damage to most of Gibraltar. Keep the blocks short: Enough to make him impatient to re-dial-up. Also note that {{vandal|}}, which is occasionally used by {{User|Gibnews}}, is legitimate. A history of the IPs he's used may be seen [[Special:Whatlinkshere/Template:Gibraltarian|here]].

Comments made by Gibraltarian may be signed "Gibraltarian": [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Talk:History_of_Gibraltar/1&diff=prev&oldid=31761519 (Example)].

His purview is mostly the following, and can be identified by extreme POV edits:

* {{article|Algeciras}}
** {{article|Talk:Algeciras}}
* {{article|Bay of Gibraltar}}
* {{article|Disputed status of Gibraltar}}
** {{article|Talk:Disputed status of Gibraltar}}
* {{article|Falkland Islands}}
** {{article|Talk:Falkland Islands}}
* {{article|Gibraltar}}
** {{article|Talk:Gibraltar}}
* {{article|Gibraltar}}
** {{article|Talk:Gibraltar}}
* {{article|History of Gibraltar}}
** {{article|Talk:History of Gibraltar}}
* {{article|La Línea de la Concepción}}
** {{article|Talk:La Línea de la Concepción}}
* {{article|Los Barrios}}
** {{article|Talk:Los Barrios}}
* {{article|San Roque, Cádiz}}
** {{article|Talk:San Roque, Cádiz}}

=== SpongeBob/The Shining vandal ===
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{ipvandal|}}
* {{ipvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}

:*All clearly the same person. This anon keeps adding nonsense "trivia" to articles and promoting false information, especially concerning a hoax [[SpongeBob SquarePants]] episode called "The Shining". All attempts to communicate, including many blocks, with this anon have failed, and the anon refuses to abide by wikipedia policy by removing AfD notices and refusal to cooperate with others in editing. This user lurks Disney, Pokémon, and SpongeBob articles, and is easily noticed by reversal to his own edits. --[[User:Apostrophe|Apostrophe]] 04:56, 3 December 2005 (UTC)
:*I believe this vandal is far more prolific, ive seen similar IPs adding to various episode lists like the simpsons and the fairly odd parents usually adding fake episodes he wishes were real or screaming for the page to be unlocked to anon editing. [[User:Discordance|Discordance]] 18:26, 4 February 2006 (UTC)
:*He's moved on from his SpongeBob version of ''The Shining'', but is still fixated on ''Brother Bear'' and ''SpongeBob''; lately he's been hitting [[Bill Fagerbakke]], [[Brother Bear]], [[List of Disney animated features]] and [[List of notable Disney feature films]] (adding unreleased films), [[List of SpongeBob SquarePants episodes]], and [[Zathura]] [[User:Tregoweth|tregoweth]] 04:02, 5 February 2006 (UTC)
:*This vandal reminds me of {{IPvandal|}}, or as I like to call him/her/it 'The Cartoon Network Vandal'. They have the same style of attack, and are both persistent in their vandalism. Lately, {{IPvandal|}} has been hitting [[The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy]], [[Zatch Bell!]], [[Codename: Kids Next Door]], [[Chibi-Robo!: Plug Into Adventure!]], and [[Happy Tree Friends]]. I would also like to note that this user vandalizes the userpage(s) of anyone who posts on their talk page, my own userpage included. -- [[User:PinkDeoxys|PinkDeoxys]] 18:56, 17 March 2006 (UTC)
::*Proof has arrived! Look at the contributions of {{IPvandal|}}. Now look at the contributions of {{IPvandal|}}. Finally, look at the contributions of {{IPvandal|}}. There isn't anything to guarantee that these are all the Shining Vandal, but according to what I have found, they all seem to go after the same articles and have the same method of attack. -- [[User:PinkDeoxys|PinkDeoxys]] 21:20, 17 March 2006 (UTC)
:::*The Cartoon Network vandal returned recently. Look at {{IPvandal|}}. The user has been blocked for six months because it is a sock puppet of {{IPvandal|}}. [[User:Squirepants101|Squirepants101]] 21:42, 12 November 2006 (UTC)
:*A user named {{User|Uytku}} made many vandal edits to the [[List of experiments from Lilo & Stitch]] on January 1st, claiming that the characters appeared in SpongeBob Squarepants episodes, and also as puppets in The Muppets and Sesame Street. I remember seeing this same vandalism on the page earlier in December with a different account (this account was only used on the 1st). Could it be the same person? [[User:Miriam The Bat|Miriam The Bat]] 09:28, 7 January 2007 (UTC)

===Tooj117/The Geek Vandal===
<span id="Tooj117" />[[user:Tooj117|Tooj117]] is a vandal that started vandalizing the page [[Geek]] by repetedly adding a ridiculous picure of a stereotypical geek. The vandal the began adding this picture on various pages, or just doing other vandalism such as page blanking, and false information. The user was blocked indefinitely. Tooj117 kept creating sockpuppets and had accounts doing the same vandalism from different IPs. The vandalism by tooj117 of the page geek still happens frequently, but not nearly as often as before. Tooj117 has claimed to be more than 3 people working as a "team" to create sockpuppets and vandalize pages. Another user [[user talk:Stroon|Stroon]] was thought to be an impersonator, but is simply a member of the Tooj117 "unit".The Geek Vandal still vandalizes pages freqeuntly. Mostly [[geek]], Joe Lieberman, and Admin's user pages (Particularly [[User:Ohnoitsjamie|Ohnoitsjamie]]). Tooj117 has started vandalizing across wikis and creating impersonations of Admins user pages.
* If adding a new suspected socks, see instructions here for how to add a new one: [[Wikipedia:Requests_for_checkuser/Case/Tooj117]]

=== Sollog ===
Followers of a self-styled god named [[Sollog]] frequently vandalise the Wikipedia. They at one point had a website at <nowiki>http://www.wikipediasucks.com</nowiki>.

Articles regularly hit up on are:

* {{article|God}}
* {{article|Jesus}}
* {{article|Devil}}
* {{article|Jimmy Wales}}
* {{article|George W. Bush}}
* {{article|Britney Spears}}
* {{article|Nostradamus}}
* {{article|Adolf Hitler}}
* {{article|Einstein}}
* {{article|Sollog}}
* {{article|Wikipedia}}
* And articles linked to from the [[Main Page]].

Sockpuppets / Meatpuppets of Sollog will usually make themselves known by invoking the name of Sollog or linking to the aforementioned site or <nowiki>http://www.247news.net/2004/20041211-wikipedia.shtml</nowiki>, also sharing a similar writing style, using UPPER CASE for emphasis. See [[Talk:Sollog]] for information on their past behavior. An example of Sollog vandalism can be seen in [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Henry_VIII_of_England&diff=prev&oldid=9081360 this edit] to [[Henry VIII of England]]:

In the past the following proxies have been used:

* {{vandal|}} — At a Kinkos.
* {{vandal|}} — At a Starbucks possibly, used by T-Mobile.
* {{vandal|}} — An open proxy from http://www.surffreedom.com/
* {{vandal|}}
* As well as others from public libraries, public wifi networks, and open proxies.

The physical location for most of the attacks seems to be [[Atlanta, Georgia]] and from northeastern [[Broward County, Florida]], possibly [[Pompano Beach, Florida]] and/or [[Lighthouse Point, Florida]].

===Super Nintendo vandal===
This vandal vandalizes pages by replacing the page title or keyterms with the word '''Super Nintendo'''. This vandal moves at very high speed. I only have 2 IP's for this vandal but I'm almost positive that there are more.--[[User:Yamamoto_Ichiro|Ichiro]] <small>([[User talk:Yamamoto Ichiro|会話]]|<span class="plainlinks">[http://en.wikipedia.org/w/wiki.phtml?title=User_talk:Yamamoto_Ichiro&action=edit&section=new +]</span>|[[Special:Contributions/Yamamoto_Ichiro|投稿記録]]|[[Special:Emailuser/Yamamoto_Ichiro|メール]])</small> 04:43, 26 January 2006 (UTC)

*It is also possible that the Super Nintendo is responsible creating accounts that imitate WoW and tCv. This vandal also blanks his talk page linking to WoW and tCv when blocked. --[[User:Yamamoto_Ichiro|Ichiro]] <small>([[User talk:Yamamoto Ichiro|会話]]|<span class="plainlinks">[http://en.wikipedia.org/w/wiki.phtml?title=User_talk:Yamamoto_Ichiro&action=edit&section=new +]</span>|[[Special:Contributions/Yamamoto_Ichiro|投稿記録]]|[[Special:Emailuser/Yamamoto_Ichiro|メール]])</small> 02:15, 29 January 2006 (UTC)

'''IPs used by the Super Nintendo vandal'''

===[[User:Zephram Stark|Zephram Stark]]===

After being [[Wikipedia:Requests for arbitration/Zephram Stark|banned six months]] by the Arbitration Committee for POV-pushing on [[Terrorism]] and related pages, personal attacks (including a racial slur [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User_talk:Zephram_Stark&diff=prev&oldid=22814466]), and unwillingness to cooperate with his fellow editors, he created [[:Category:Suspected Wikipedia sockpuppets of Zephram Stark|multitudes of sockpuppets]] to circumvent his ban, which has been reset several times. --[[User:TML1988|TML1988]] 21:39, 27 March 2006 (UTC)


Frequently, he will upload an image. It can either be a strange one that he created, or just a random one that he swiped from the web. He also creates sockpuppets and uploads images to Wikipedia Commons. (See [http://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special%3AContributions&offset=0&limit=50&target=Zephram_Stark&namespace=6], [http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/Tim], [http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Kaspersky_Доверие], [http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Jamal_al_din]). They're all Zephram sockpuppets, many of the same images have been deleted from Wikipedia. If anyone uses any of these images here, he is most likely a sockpuppet. For example [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User:War_on_Sockpuppetism&diff=prev&oldid=46016175 War on Sockpuppetism]. --<b>[[User:JW1805|JW1805]]</b> <small>[[User talk:JW1805|(Talk)]]</small> 17:02, 29 March 2006 (UTC)

'''Currently identified sockpuppets:'''

{| width="100%"
|- valign=top
|width="50%" class=small |
*{{user|A bird in the hand}}
*{{user|American Saga}}
*{{user|Ayn Rant}}
*{{user|Bat Boy}}
*{{user|Battery electric factory flat truck Resident Super Expert Elite}}
*{{user|BBQ Cheddar Bunnies}}
*{{user|Bonfire Knight 0511}}
*{{user|Burke's voracious guile}}
*{{user|Buster Hawthorn}}
*{{user|C Haworthia Kalikimaka}}
*{{user|Cheese Curd}}
*{{user|Crawfords Mole}}
*{{user|Cunning Linguist}}
*{{user|Disaster Recovery}}
*{{user|Doctor Nicetan}}
*{{user|Fee autist foamily gnome ass prints}}
*{{user|Felice L'Angleterre}}
*{{user|Frank Lloyd Wrong}}
*{{user|Fred Veraxamin}}
*{{user|Gay Cowboys Unite!}}
*{{user|Go Cowboys}}
*{{user|Gpg dearmor}}
*{{user|Harold M. Gauss}}
*{{user|Harold Mead Gauss}}
*{{user|History Repeats}}
*{{user|Jamal al din}}
*{{user|Jeff Iceni}}
*{{user|Jorge Diego}}
*{{user|Julie Cruise Director}}
*{{user|Kaspersky Trust}}
*{{user|Lady in Red}}
*{{user|Larnue the dormouse}}
*{{user|Legal Tender}}
*{{user|Lester Darling}}
*{{user|Liquid Love}}
|width="50%" class=small |
*{{user|Maori head}}
*{{user|Mayor Roy}}
*{{user|Mark Breeder}}
*{{user|Mr. Stark}}
*{{user|Osteodentine M. Spooner}}
*{{user|Palmetto State}}
*{{user|Pandora Rodriguez}}
*{{user|Peace Inside}}
*{{user|Peter McConaughey}}
*{{user|Phallus Man}}
*{{user|Phil Anthropist}}
*{{user|Pinot noir}}
*{{user|Poor Conductor}}
*{{user|Postponed Longhorn}}
*{{user|Public Servant of the United States Federal Government}}
*{{user|Quaking Bog}}
*{{user|Raith Preston}}
*{{user|Rudolf Nixon}}
*{{user|Sappho of the Far Hemisphere}}
*{{user|Sigmund Fraud}}
*{{user|Society of Friends}}
*{{user|SR Bryant}}
*{{user|Survival Instinct}}
*{{user|Starways Common}}
*{{user|Swami Sathvaatsanjaatha Jnaanaaya Namah}}
*{{user|Team Shocker}}
*{{user|The Cleaning Lady}}
*{{user|Transformed Man}}
*{{user|Uncle Skull}}
*{{user|Urban Designer}}
*{{user|Vision Core}}
*{{user|Vista Delay}}
*{{user|Willy Pete}}
*{{user|Yellow Ribbon}}
*{{user|Zephram Stark Does Not Give Up}}
*{{user|Zephram Stark... Non Stop Running ArbCom}}
*{{user|لæmäļ al diη}}

'''Articles to watch (and associated talk pages):'''
* {{article|Caffeine}}
* {{article|Control card}}
* {{article|Coving (urban planning)}}
* {{article|Guarana}}
* {{article|Guaranine}}
* {{article|Inalienable rights}}
* {{article|Talk:Freedom of movement}}
* {{article|Terrorism}}
* {{article|Terrorist}}


*{{vandal|Krabs502}} seems to create multiple sockpuppets with usernames Krabs5**. Creates articles with dubious validity and inserts uncited (most likely hoax) information into articles. Attempts to contact the user have failed since whenever one username gets warned the user just creates another one to continue editing in the same manner. Most used account seems to be {{vandal|Krabs514}} and the most recent is {{vandal|Krabs520}}. Krabs520 removed an AFD tag from an article Krabs514 created. --[[User:TheKoG|TheKoG]] ([[User talk:TheKoG|talk]]|[[Special:Contributions/TheKoG|contribs]]) 13:32, 10 May 2006 (UTC)
**Krabs502 just tried to remove the AFD off of the same article ([[The Girl Who Turned to Stone (video game)]]) again. Has created yet another hoax article ([[The Smallest People in the World (video game)]]). --[[User:TheKoG|TheKoG]] ([[User talk:TheKoG|talk]]|[[Special:Contributions/TheKoG|contribs]]) 18:47, 10 May 2006 (UTC)
**I might as well note his IP address {{vandal|}}, which he also makes similar hoax edits under. --<font color="#2020C0"><b>[[User:Oakster|Oakster]]</b> <sup>[[User talk:Oakster|(Talk)]]</sup></font> 15:36, 11 May 2006 (UTC)
:Continued vandalism of this kind from Krabs and associated socks[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Wikipedia:Suspected_sockpuppets_of_Krabs502], most recently [[User:Krabs600]]. [[User:Kaisershatner|Kaisershatner]] 15:47, 19 May 2006 (UTC)
:See [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/Krabs600], and [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=The_Girl_Who_Turned_to_Stone&diff=prev&oldid=54045767] [[User:Kaisershatner|Kaisershatner]] 15:48, 19 May 2006 (UTC)
::Why isn't this guy blocked at all? Any real edit he makes is drowned by the dozens of vandalistic ones he makes. - [[User:Hahnchen|Hahnch]][[Evil|<span title="WP:Esperanza"><font color="green">e</font></span>]][[User:Hahnchen|n]] 18:15, 28 May 2006 (UTC)

==={{vandal|Erlopez2}} blocked===

<span id="Erlopez2" />I have blocked this [ab]user for 6 months for causing repeated disruption (blanking, uncivil comments, suspected sockpuppetry) in [[Anti-semitism]]
[http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Anti-Semitism&diff=58170966&oldid=58094662] and [[Anti-Christian prejudice]] [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Anti-Christian_prejudice&diff=prev&oldid=57983001] and for ad hom attack [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User_talk%3AHumus_sapiens&diff=58171392&old]. ←[[User:Humus sapiens|Humus sapiens]] <sup>[[User talk:Humus sapiens|ну?]]</sup> 08:17, 12 June 2006 (UTC)

===[[User:Hryun]] (D.A. Arbatsky vandal)===
<span id="Hryun" />User has declared a "war" against Wikipedia because it did not allow the article on a purported scientific theory of Dmitri Arbatsky (who is probably the vandal) to survive. As such has created many single-edit sockpuppets and has made various edits to quantum physics articles, many of them intentional vandalism (inserting incorrect statements, moving or deleting sections) or variations of self-promotion spam. See [[:Category:Suspected Wikipedia sockpuppets of Hryun]] for a list of them. They all have very similarly uninventive names and usually link to a diff of his declared "war" on Wikipedia, lord knows why. It would be great if we could assess whether or not the ISP, who is obviously assigning dynamic IPs, is worth contacting or just worth blocking alltogether. --[[User:Fastfission|Fastfission]] 00:08, 17 June 2006 (UTC)

===Unemployed, living in basement, aka Brando(n)03, aka Louisville Vandal===

<span id="Unemployed" /><span id="Unemployed, living in basement" /><span id="Brandon03" />{{vandal|Unemployed, living in basement}} is a troll account which was indefinely blocked for repeated vandalism. He attempts to harass users who deal with his trollery by vandalising their user and user talk pages (Including using malicious redirects) and creating fraudulent impostor usernames and attempting to ruin their reputation. He has also made homophobic vandalisms against gay users. According to [[User:Chris24]], his name is Jxxxxxx Bxxxxxx Mxxxxx.

{{vandal|Brandon03}} shows strong knowledge of WpA process and culture, suggesting this vandal has done his research or has been around for a while. Many of his IPs are registered to [[Qwest]] in [[Louisville, Kentucky]], hence the name.

See also, [[:Category:Suspected Wikipedia sockpuppets of Unemployed, living in basement]].

He has claimed that he is going to stop vandalising. [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User_talk:Kungfuadam&curid=5780880&diff=66248379&oldid=66240871] [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User_talk:EngineerScotty&curid=5765778&diff=66247892&oldid=66239923] Note that this was one of the hallmarks of the "North Carolina vandal".

He's still vandalising and spamming. Hopefully the following information will help catch him:
:His name is Jxxxxxx B. Mxxxxx and he attends the University of Louisville http://louisville.edu/~jbmxxxxx/

===Fursecution Vandal===
A user has been repeatedly attacking articles related to [[Furry fandom]], [[Therianthropy]] and [[Otherkin]]. The user violates [[WP:HA]]. The vandalism often involves insults aimed at these various subsultures and/or bad-faith merge requests. The vandalism also involves user page vandalism, hate speech, and is not just blanking.

[[User:Fursecution vandal]]'s sock puppets list is [[:Category:Suspected Wikipedia sockpuppets of Fursecution vandal|here]].

'''September 3'''

Since August 24, attacks on this group of pages are still being observed, but if they are from the same editor, the MO may be taking a turn for the more subtle. Rather than delete entire sections or add merge requests, recent attacks have been [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Draconity&diff=73286628&oldid=71662967 single sentences] or even [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Therianthropy&diff=72657459&oldid=72399154 single words], continuing the pattern of [[WP:HA]], but from accounts not flaunting an obvious connection with TFV. These may be unrelated incidents, but I would caution editors to keep a close eye out regardless. [[User:Baxil|Baxil]] 09:07, 3 September 2006 (UTC)

May be also disrupting WikiFur etc. May be Blue Aardvark, since he has also disrupted WiiFur. ~[[user:Crazytales|'''Crazytales''']][[user:Crazytales/IP|<small>&nbsp;(IP locations!)</small>]] 13:41, 23 January 2007 (UTC)

'''IP Addresses for this vandal'''

This user is also vandalizing OtherkinCommunity.net, going under the name of TFV and TFV 2 (re-registered after banned). He has used the following IP addresses when posting in the forums:


This user engages in circular redirect vandalism (Pointing two pages at each other via redirects). His original account was {{vandal|Armking}}, and he has since started creating socks. Most of his accounts begin with "arm" or end with "mra" (arm backwards)

=== [[Asian fetish]] vandal ===
User logs in from a randomized German IP 80.138.x.x to post racist, anti-semitic, and sexist material under the rubric of "anthropology." Uses white supremecist sources. Most notorious for persistent vandalism to [[Asian fetish]]. Also attacks [[Beethoven]], [[Racial fetishism]], [[Anti-relativity]] (Deleted), [[Mongoloid]], [[Special relativity]], [[Anthropology]], [[Virago]] and possibly other pages. Insults other editors based on assumptions about their gender, religion, or ethnic background. Banning is impractical due to the range of IP addresses used.

Original report: [[User:Durova]]

January through March 2006 addresses used:
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}
* {{IPvandal|}}

Returned in 4/2007:
* {{IPvandal|}}

=== "The Blasphemy Guy" ===
This person repeatedly vandalizes the [[dinosaur]] article by blanking it and replacing it with a [[Young Earth creationism|Young-Earth]] [[fundamentalist Christian]] creed that states that dinosaurs did not exist. An example of this can be seen [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Dinosaur&diff=prev&oldid=63513803 here]. He or she also makes personal attacks against reverters; for example: [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Talk%3ADinosaur&diff=63330735&oldid=63330451] [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_talk:Omicronpersei8/Archive_3#Blasphemous_article] [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User:Omicronpersei8&diff=next&oldid=74811125].

Some IPs used:


He or she may also hit articles relating to Islam.

===The Middle East Conflict Man===

{{userlinks|The Middle East Conflict Man}}, indefinitely banned from three Wikipedias (English and both Norwegians), uses numerous sockpuppets to make a highly POV edit to [[Socialism]], as well as making inflammatory/vandalistic edits to various other socialism-related articles. As of late July 2006 he has 50 [[:Category:Suspected Wikipedia sockpuppets of The Middle East Conflict Man|suspected sockpuppets]]. Blocks on his IP are apparently ineffective.

The sockpuppets variously claim to be from two different people: given their similar behaviour, they may be treated as one entity in accordance with [[Wikipedia:Requests_for_arbitration/Iasson#One_user_or_several.3F|Arbitration Committee rulings]]

===Banned [[User:Irate]]===

<span id="Irate" />Banned user persistently returning using revolving IPs in the 84.9.x.x and 87.75.x.x range. This user uses the edit summary "revert vandalism" or "rvv".

<!-- NOTE BEFORE [RE]MOVING THIS SECTION!! The arbitration case page links here! -->
{{vandal|Emico}} was banned from editing [[Iglesia ni Cristo]] related articles for one year from August 21, 2005 (provided he doesn't violate his parole) by the arbitration comittee: [[Wikipedia:Requests for arbitration/Emico]]. He has not honored that decision and continues to cause disruption at the article and users involved with his ArbCom hearing. Emico is also believed to be using proxys to evade blocks, making it nearly impossible to confirm using checkuser functionality. A member of the Arbitration Comittee has declared explicitly that Emico's edits and edits edits of suspected sockpuppets may be reverted "without comment": [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Talk:Iglesia_ni_Cristo&diff=23284313&oldid=23265209]

====[[Modus operandi]]====
The following is a list of editing patterns which are common with Emico and his sockpuppets:

* Posts only at [[Iglesia ni Cristo]] and its related articles.
* Personal attacks or negative opinions aimed the contributers who are against him (mostly the ones who have participated in his ArbCom hearing). This includes, but is not limited to, comments about contributers' past policy violations or/and lack of knowlege of the subject matter.
* New usernames where the majority of contributions are of the above point.
* Posts coming from proxy addresses. A checkuser result has proven Emico posts from different IPs from all over the world.
* Article edits which are nearly identical to Emico's initial edit pattern, which is explained at [[Wikipedia:Requests for comment/Emico]].
* Insult usernames which parodies current contributers' screen names (eg [[User:Starbucks]], [[User:LenlenBunting]])
* Massive ommisions of sourced content which are critical of the Church.
* Use of sockpuppets (See [[:Category:Suspected Wikipedia sockpuppets of Emico]] and [[:Category:Wikipedia sockpuppets of Emico]])
* Use of [[open proxies]]

===Nokhc / aluminium, sulfur===
{{vandal-s|Nokhc}} is a vandal who attacks articles with unsourced comments and outright bias. His main targets are [[aluminium]] and [[sulfur]], where he claims that the spellings are [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Aluminium&diff=prev&oldid=71891259 "a vulgar error that should not be perpetuated"] and [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Sulfur&diff=prev&oldid=71889774 "a ridiculous spelling"], respectively. He also seems to be homophobic (per [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Jeremy_Bentham&diff=prev&oldid=63839616 this edit]) and mysinogynistic (per [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Stanford_prison_experiment&diff=prev&oldid=77120150 this]). He may be "{{vandal|EnthusiastFRANCE}}".

Other targets include [[Jeremy Bentham]], [[Stanford prison experiment]], [[Prostitution]], [[Foreskin]], [[Morality]], [[Naturism]].

Userpage vandalism and personal attacks, signs himself as [[User:Nokhc]] (indef blocked). IPs used:
*{{IPvandal|}} - University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA
*{{IPvandal|}} - University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA
*{{IPvandal|}} - University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA
*{{IPvandal|}} - University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA
*{{IPvandal|}} - University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA
*{{IPvandal|}} - University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA
*{{IPvandal|}} - Minnesota State University System, MN, USA
*{{IPvandal|}} - Comcast Cable Communications Holdings, Inc. MINNESOTA-1
*{{IPvandal|}} - Comcast Cable Communications Holdings, Inc. MINNESOTA-1
Creates one-time socks: [[User:Diched]], [[User:Dichead]], [[User:RESURGAM]], [[User:V----l Sch----l]], [[User:Dududuh]], [[User:Duh duh duh]], [[User:Not the duke of Devonshire]], [[User:Master of the prick]], [[User:TICK TOCK]], [[User:DINGGGGG!]], [[User:At the speed of light]], [[User:Wikipedia is immoral]], [[User:Porud!!!]]

===Disney/Barney vandal===
*{{IPvandal|}} (shared Los Angeles school IP; used by other vandals and legitimate editors)
Since late May 2006, this user has vandalized several articles related to [[The Walt Disney Company]], [[Barney & Friends]] and [[Public Broadcasting Service]]. Occasional targets include articles related to [[The Simpsons]] and [[The Land Before Time]], along with miscellaneous television and media topics. His/her modus operandi is to introduce inaccuracies and bad formatting, much of it subtle to inexperienced users or those who know little about either subject. Edits from all IPs are identical, so it's virtually certain they are operated by the same user.

Articles frequented by this user include:

'''Disney articles''':
*{{la|The Walt Disney Company}}
*{{la|List of Disney theatrical animated features}}: Fans of Disney animated films know there is an "official canon", and that not all Disney films are part of it, including live action films combined with animation, direct-to-video films and films distributed but not produced by Disney. This user continually adds two live-action films that include animation to the "official canon" list: ''[[The Reluctant Dragon]]'' and ''[[Pete's Dragon]]''. She/he also removes explanatory notes from the list, removes verified future films and introduces a no-longer-accurate claim that Disney will never produce another traditionally animated feature film: [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_Disney_theatrical_animated_features&diff=prev&oldid=72758687], [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_Disney_theatrical_animated_features&diff=prev&oldid=72751766], [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_Disney_theatrical_animated_features&diff=prev&oldid=72902651]. In the past, the vandal has removed information on feature film premieres: [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_Disney_theatrical_animated_features&diff=prev&oldid=60377782]
*{{la|Touchstone Pictures}}: removes entries from the list of Touchstone films, removes a perfectly good image and changes good links to disambiguation links
*{{la|Hollywood Pictures}}
*{{la|Miramax Films}}
*{{la|Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy}}
*{{la|Spyglass Entertainment}}
*{{la|Caravan Pictures}}

'''Barney and PBS articles''':
*{{la|Barney & Friends}}
*{{la|List of Barney & Friends episodes and videos}}: Makes changes that compromise this page's accuracy; removes videos from the list: [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_Barney_%26_Friends_episodes_and_videos&diff=prev&oldid=60404539], [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_Barney_%26_Friends_episodes_and_videos&diff=prev&oldid=60304474]
*Episodes of Barney & Friends
*{{la|PBS idents}}
*{{la|An Adventure in Make-Believe}}, [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=An_Adventure_in_Make-Believe&diff=prev&oldid=116129292 adds] Sesame Street information to Barney & Friends episodes. Make make some edits that look [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Hola_Mexico&diff=prev&oldid=115903479 believable] but then makes [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Up_We_Go%21&diff=prev&oldid=115898415 these] edits

*{{la|The Land Before Time}}
*{{la|Columbia TriStar Television}}
*{{la|List of The Simpsons episodes}}
*{{la|The Simpsons DVDs}}
*{{lt|The Simpsons}}

===[[User:Kenwood 3000]]===
<span id="Kenwood 3000" />
This vandal has two targets:

#The article on jazz fusion band [[Brand X]] and related articles, replacing tracklistings and band lineups with fake ones, occasionally inventing entire imaginary albums. A giveaway is including an 'Ian Hart-Stein' in the lineup.
#Libellous vandalism against biographies of living persons, the majority black celebrities.

Has created [[:Category:Suspected Wikipedia sockpuppets of Kenwood 3000|numerous sockpuppets]], and further ones should be blocked and rolled back on sight.

=== [[User:Enlighter1]] & [[Wikipedia:Sock puppetry|sock puppets]] ===
<span id="Enlighter1" />
* [[:Category:Suspected Wikipedia sockpuppets of Enlighter1|List of known sock puppets]]
* [[User_talk:Nlu/archive22|Background discussion]]
* [[Wikipedia:Requests for checkuser/Case/Enlighter1|Previous request for CheckUser]]
Original report by [[User:Cafzal|clearthought]] Sept 2006

Seems to always vandalize [[Reuters]], [[Agence France-Presse]], [[Associated Press]] the most (sometimes other news and non-news articles too), as well as making personal and vile attacks against users. Always reverts the reverts people do to his/her (Enlighter1's) vandalism by saying something like "rv vandalism" or "I am not the real vandal" in the edit summary. Has edits and actions aforementioned consistent to all of this users IP and registered user sock puppets. Also, when registering a username, tends to have the name end in "1" or have something to do with "AllPowerful" or "AllKnowing". A vandal profile page keeping an eye on this vandal is needed (like what has been done with the 'communism' and 'on wheels' vandals, but obviously not as serious). I myself, and others, have spent much time trying to take care of this vandal, so I think that the Wikipedia community — as well as admins who can actually do something when help is needed — should be made known to this new serial vandal. Still very active 30.11.2006: [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wikipedia:Long_term_abuse&diff=prev&oldid=91164249] activity includes "archiving" aka blanking of larger talkpages as well as targeting specific talkpages. See [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/] [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/] [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/] for typical patterns. Often uses webproxies - some open - some backslashing.
*Has disrupted IRC numerous times. Works from a [[Chello]] isp in austria apparently. He's banned from many Wikimedia IRC channels. I'm at school atm so I can't look up his static IP in the ban list. ~[[user:Crazytales|'''Crazytales''']][[user:Crazytales/IP|<small>&nbsp;(IP locations!)</small>]] 13:39, 23 January 2007 (UTC)

<span id="Outoftuneviolin" />This vandal uses similarly named sockpuppets to vandalize. His edits follow few, set patterns. Their vandalisms are usually written in "AOL speak" or just poorly spelled. For the most part, they're trollish posts attacking evolution and users they think are "evilutionists" [sic].

His sock puppets:
[[:category:Wikipedia sockpuppets of Outoftuneviolin]]
[[:Category:Suspected Wikipedia sockpuppets of Outoftuneviolin]]

=== Galatasaray, etc POV pushers ===

[[Galatasaray]] and some other Turkish football articles are repeatedly hit on by an IP-hopping, sockpuppeting vandal who will engage in midless reverts of these pages to "their" version regardless of the differences. When partially protected, this vandal uses sockpuppets such as {{vandal|Burak18}} and {{vandal|Johnny200}} to perpetrate the same reversions.

A sampling of IPs used by this vandal will show their typical [[modus operandi|MO]]:
{{vandal|}},{{vandal|}}, {{vandal|}}, {{vandal|}} {{vandal|}} and {{vandal|}}

Most vandalic edits involve "Turkifying" Galatasaray or other clubs by removing lists of foreign coaches. They also add unsourced conjectures ("X'll be coach of Galatasaray next year", etc.) and removing dispute tags calling attention to their unsourced assertions.

Administrator {{vandal|Robdurbar}} has been helping out with dealing with this vandal, concerns (New sockpuppets, etc) sent to him may be understood more quickly.

*(This was also posted to [[WP:ANI]] [[Wikipedia:Administrators%27_noticeboard/Incidents#long_term_abuse_on_Galatasaray_and_Turkish_related_football_articles|here]])

=== [[Ionocraft]], [[Lifter (ionic propulsion device)]], and [[Biefeld–Brown effect]] ===
An AOL user has been using AOL's proxies to persistently revert two articles (one of which was moved to a new name). Their edits are always exactly the same; replacing the entire article with an old version that they wrote in a bot-like fashion. They could easily be countered by a bot that watched the page and looked for their signature edit. Page protection logs (due entirely to this vandal): [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Log&page=Lifter_(ionic_propulsion_device) Lifter] (now entitled [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Log&page=Ionocraft Ionocraft]), [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Log&page=Biefeld%E2%80%93Brown_effect Biefeld–Brown effect] — [[User:Omegatron|Omegatron]] 19:15, 17 October 2006 (UTC)

===Jinxtengu Vandal===
<span id="Jinxtengu" /><span id="JINXTENGU" />Operating from the main account called {{vandal|JINXTENGU}} this vandalizer persistently launches personal attacks, creates a large amount of malicious sock puppets, creates imposter/spoof accounts, and many of his accounts have been blocked but one in particular was blocked for issuing a death threat (see [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User_talk:Jinxtengu&diff=prev&oldid=86007216 this post]) JINXTENGU is also being reported at [[Wikipedia:Suspected sock puppets/JINXTENGU]] and this [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wikipedia:Requests_for_checkuser&diff=88554563&oldid=88540295 check user report] caused one of the static IPs to be blocked for a month. This user has also claimed to have written a program specifically aiming to create large amounts of sockpuppet accounts to override bans (see [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User_talk:Persian_Poet_Gal&diff=89369550&oldid=89361830 this]).

Their sockpuppets can be seen at: [[:category:Suspected_Wikipedia_sockpuppets_of_JINXTENGU]]. Note that {{vandal|Prussian Poet gal.}} and {{vandal|Tunisian Prophet poet}} are both attacks on [[User:Persian Poet Gal]].

The following is a list of diff pages tracking some of his vandalism/personal attacks throughout 2006:
*[http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User:Persian_Poet_Gal&diff=84997276&oldid=84993168 1]
*[http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User:Persian_Poet_Gal&diff=84992821&oldid=84986946 2]
*[http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User_talk:Persian_Poet_Gal&diff=87941244&oldid=87763355 3]
*[http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User_talk:Persian_Poet_Gal&diff=prev&oldid=84996626 4]
*[http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User_talk:Persian_Poet_Gal&diff=84991319&oldid=84981135 5]
*[http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User_talk:Persian_Poet_Gal&diff=87289156&oldid=87286270 6]
*[http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User_talk:Persian_Poet_Gal&diff=prev&oldid=87279810 7]
*[http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User_talk:Persian_Poet_Gal&diff=87271508&oldid=87212820 8]
*[http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User_talk:Persian_Poet_Gal&diff=85003303&oldid=84999435 9]
*[http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Texas&diff=prev&oldid=54310718 10]
*[http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User:Kuru&diff=prev&oldid=54311440 11]
*[http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User_talk:Suicidal_tendancies&diff=prev&oldid=86008576 12]
*[http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Saddam_Hussein&diff=prev&oldid=85839667 13]
*[http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Samuel_Lount&diff=prev&oldid=85631191 14]
*[http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User_talk:Jinxtengu&diff=prev&oldid=86007216 15- Death threat] which got {{vandal|Jinxtengu}} blocked indefinitely.
*[http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User_talk:Persian_Poet_Gal&diff=88341847&oldid=88340731 16]
*[http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User_talk:Persian_Poet_Gal&diff=prev&oldid=85437432 17]
*[http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User_talk:Persian_Poet_Gal&diff=89225805&oldid=89216109 18]
*[http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User_talk:Persian_Poet_Gal&diff=next&oldid=89225805 19]
*[http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User_talk:Persian_Poet_Gal&diff=next&oldid=89226836 20]
*[http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User:JINXTENGU&diff=89231109&oldid=88498968 21]
*[http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User_talk:Yetiman2200sam&diff=89351328&oldid=88003730 22]

===Suki vandal===
{{IPvandal|}} and {{vandal|}}: see [[Talk:Suki]]. Long-term hoax edits every month or so, notably to [[Suki]] and [[New World Religion]], asserting the existence of a major world religion called "SUKI(tm)", despite repeated consensus to delete due to absence of reliable sources. Some examples: [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Suki&diff=prev&oldid=66305287], [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Suki&curid=1868984&diff=66314358&oldid=66308889].

The IP above attempted to remove this section [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wikipedia:Long_term_abuse&diff=66333350&oldid=66331989] and is noted for ranting wildly and making borderline personal attacks on people he runs in to.

Update: active again, now via {{IPvandal|}} [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Suki&diff=prev&oldid=113229514], [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Talk:Suki&diff=prev&oldid=113230101], [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Talk:Suki&diff=prev&oldid=113253185], [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Talk:Suki&diff=prev&oldid=113425851],
[http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Talk:Suki&diff=prev&oldid=113556186]. [[User:Tearlach|Tearlach]] 13:26, 8 March 2007 (UTC)

===Sports television vandal===
Keeps vandalising [[:Category:Sports television in the United States]] articles. Blocked several times but keeps on adding the nonsense after the blocks expire. [[User:Zzyzx11|Zzyzx11]] [[User talk:Zzyzx11|(Talk)]] 19:00, 25 February 2006 (UTC)
*Tends to add the phrase "robertsrobert" or something similar to some of the vandalism. [[User:Zzyzx11|Zzyzx11]] [[User talk:Zzyzx11|(Talk)]] 19:03, 25 February 2006 (UTC)

=== [[Joan of Arc]] vandal ===
<span id="AWilliamson" />This vandal edits [[Joan of Arc]], [[homosexuality]], [[cross-dressing]], [[Catholicism]] and related articles, particularly on topics where these interests intersect. Uses AOL (64.12.116.x, 152.163.100.x, 205.188.11x.x) and sockpuppets.

This vandal alters pages toward a devoutly Catholic, anti-homosexual POV. Favored methods include deletion of cited material, deceptive edit summaries, and edit warring. Sometimes engages in lengthy talk page debates; at other times avoids talk pages and conducts disputes through edit summaries. Has been known to add inaccurate statements to cited passages, degrade existing footnotes, and fabricate fraudulent citations. Deletes material from talk pages. Has created at least one account to impersonate an established editor. Highly persistent vandal can read sources in French and attempts to mask destructive activity as legitimate editing disputes. Active since October 2004.

On 16 December 2006 [[User:AWilliamson]] was community banned as the (dormant) sockmaster of this sockfarm. Sockpuppets have also been banned although new and unidentified socks may remain active.

See also:
* [[User:Durova/Complex vandalism at Joan of Arc]]

Original report by [[User:Durova]].

===The name vandal ===
*'''Modus operandi/analysis'''
IP ( add one after another unsourced/false first & middle names,mostly in professional wrestlers[http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Sting_%28wrestler%29&diff=prev&oldid=66547404][http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Brian_Heffron&diff=prev&oldid=71608565][http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Jayson_Paul&diff=prev&oldid=85921325][http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Jerry_Lawler&diff=prev&oldid=88803149][http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Marc_Lloyd&diff=prev&oldid=85922703]/Football articles[http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wayne_Rooney&diff=prev&oldid=71168167][http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ronaldinho&diff=prev&oldid=71157984][http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Les_Ferdinand&diff=prev&oldid=77536383][http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Theo_Walcott&diff=prev&oldid=71167724][http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Theo_Walcott&diff=prev&oldid=82231481], Googling shows no results verifying users edits with rare exceptions., the vandal will sometimes revert own earlier vandalism when someone discovers his activities; an example: ([http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Matthew_Bloom&diff=prev&oldid=81053392 vandalism] [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Matthew_Bloom&diff=prev&oldid=82115574 another user removes fictionalize middle name][http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Matthew_Bloom&diff=prev&oldid=84417055 the vandal will later add the true middle name back]), will also engage in blatant vandalism in articles[http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ars%C3%A8ne_Wenger&diff=prev&oldid=86126596][http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_characters_in_Grand_Theft_Auto:_San_Andreas&diff=prev&oldid=71779105][http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Patrick_Vieira&diff=prev&oldid=85507067][http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Charlie_and_the_Chocolate_Factory&diff=prev&oldid=85851884][http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Marty_Wright&diff=prev&oldid=84113901] and on user pages.

Known Ip's

* {{IPvandal|}} July 28-29
* {{IPvandal|}} August 22
* {{IPvandal|}} August 24-25
* {{IPvandal|}} August 26
* {{IPvandal|}} August 28-29
* {{IPvandal|}} September 3-4
* {{IPvandal|}} September 15
* {{IPvandal|}} September 17-18
* {{IPvandal|}} September 19
* {{IPvandal|}} September 20-21
* {{IPvandal|}} September 23
* {{IPvandal|}} September 24
* {{IPvandal|}} September 29
* {{IPvandal|}} September 30
* {{IPvandal|}} October 3-4
* {{IPvandal|}} October 15
* {{IPvandal|}} October 18
* {{IPvandal|}} October 21
* {{IPvandal|}} October 22
* {{IPvandal|}} October 23
* {{IPvandal|}} October 27
* {{IPvandal|}} October 28
* {{IPvandal|}} October 29-30
* {{IPvandal|}} November 2
* {{IPvandal|}} November 3-7
* {{IPvandal|}} November 10
* {{IPvandal|}} November 10-14
* {{IPvandal|}}November 15-17
* {{IPvandal|}} November 19-20
* {{IPvandal|}} November 20-21
* {{IPvandal|}} November 22-23
* {{IPvandal|}} November 28-29
* {{IPvandal|}} November 30-December 3
* {{IPvandal|}} December 7-9
* {{IPvandal|}} December 10

[http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User_talk: ''" you wikipedia assholes think u can stop me ha ha ha ha ha"'']
[http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User_talk: insulting a sysop]
- [[user:Sirex98|Sirex98]] 16:06, 5 December 2006 (UTC)

=== Sneaky Stats Vandal ===
* {{userlinks |Alm93}}
* {{IPvandal |}}
* {{IPvandal |}}
* {{IPvandal |}}
* {{IPvandal |}}

See also
* [[Wikipedia:Requests for investigation/Archives/2006/07]]
* [[:Category:Suspected Wikipedia sockpuppets of Alm93]]

'''Modus operandi'''

Sneaky vandal, alters statistics about population, race and skin colour, entering fabricated or poorly-calculated values. Turn-ons include weather, human height, and blonde hair colour. Also categorizes people into ethnic categories (many of these are legit edits). This vandal used to edit from Canadian IP addresses, but has recently started using Brazilian dynamic IP.


*[http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ukrainians&diff=prev&oldid=91909344 Fabricating population figures]
*[http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Human_height&diff=prev&oldid=82812030 Altering table statistics]
*[http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Human_height&diff=prev&oldid=82812030 Creating race categories] by aggregating actual multiple-response statistics, which should not be added
* Compiling race statistics by looking at high-school yearbook photos[http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Human_height&diff=prev&oldid=82812030]

===The ISV recruiter===
* {{vandal|Bobby Boulders}} and others, see

==== Modus operandi ====

These vandals post a nonsensical screed about an "International Society of Vandals", which is dedicated to destroying Wikipedia. His contributions often are the replacement of a page with his essay, or the addition of the essay to an article. The essay and other contributions frequently use foul language, personal attacks and hate speech.

*[http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User_talk:Bobby_the_Lordgod&diff=prev&oldid=107223854 the most recent version of his essay. Note the edit summary]
*[http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User:Wiseman_Jim&diff=prev&oldid=96323682 an different version of the essay]
*[http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Biri&diff=prev&oldid=72441788 attacking sysops]
*[http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Dolphin&diff=prev&oldid=62672524 the original essay]

=== Bogdanov sockpuppets ===

Sockpuppets have been attacking the article [[Bogdanov Affair]] since 2005. The sockpuppets are easily recognisable; all use long edit summaries, never post to the talk page, and are completely unsubtle as to their reverts (that is, the diffs of each individual sockpuppet, when checked, will be identical or near-identical).

Until recently [[WP:SPA|single-purpose accounts]] were used exclusively, since February 2007 the sockpuppeteer(s) have somehow begun resurrecting dormant accounts and using those. For example:
*[[Special:Contributions/Bester]], made four edits in July 2005, resurrected in February 2007.
*[[Special:Contributions/Stern]], made over 500 edits from 2004 to August 2006, resurrected in February 2007.
*[[Special:Contributions/Tron]], made around a score of edits in Feburary 2004, resurrected ''three years'' later.

The above accounts showed none of the telling characteristics (long edit summaries etc) until their resurrection, when they began showing the signs listed above. None (as of Feb 2007) have edited Bogdanov Affair before falling dormant, but after resurrection they only edited [[Bogdanov Affair]], even though they may have had diverse edit histories prior to being compromised. Whether these accounts have been hacked or willingly given over is not important unless the accounts request unblocking; as of Feburary 2007 none of them have done so.

Note that the arbitration committee has ruled several times (e.g. [[Wikipedia:Requests_for_arbitration/Iasson#One_user_or_several.3F|RFAR/Iasson]]) ''"For the purpose of dispute resolution when there is uncertainty whether a party is one user with sockpuppets or several users with similar editing habits they may be treated as one user with sockpuppets"''. In this particular case ''"the criteria for determining external involvement shall be a review of their edit history, it being presumed that if the vast majority of their edits are to the Bogdanov Affair they are not Wikipedia editors but persons involved in the external dispute."'' (see [[Wikipedia:Requests for arbitration/Regarding The Bogdanov Affair|RFAR/Regarding The Bogdanov Affair]])

In summary, all accounts which display the above obvious characteristics should be reverted and blocked on sight. Accounts which suddenly begin showing these characteristics despite a previous edit history which bears no resemblance to the Bogdanov sockpuppetry should be considered compromised and also blocked. If the compromised accounts request unblocking, that can be dealt with when it comes.

See also [[:Category:Banned Wikipedia editors involved in the Bogdanov Affair]].

===Puppets of NoToFrauds===
<span id="NoToFrauds" /><span id="Watchtower Sentinel" />
* {{Vandal|Watchtower Sentinel}} is a new user who has thrown himself into a dispute that involves me. He is very likely to be a sockpuppet of a user [[user talk:NoToFrauds|who was blocked indefinitely by ArbCom]] and [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User_talk:Sfacets&diff=116166146&oldid=115951230#block_evasion|who has evaded this block numerous times]. '''[[Wikipedia:Requests for checkuser/Case/Watchtower Sentinel|RFCU]]''' has not proceeded because it has been more than 30 days since his last post as the previous sockpuppet, however if you compare the similarity in these edits, you can come to your own conclusions:[http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User_talk:Kkrystian&diff=116622495&oldid=116128825],[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_talk:Hamsacharya_dan/Archive_1#Edit_warring| see post by NoToFrauds],[http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Talk:Yogiraj_Gurunath_Siddhanath&diff=prev&oldid=100777278],[http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Yogiraj_Gurunath_Siddhanath&diff=prev&oldid=100739430|see see edit summary],[http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Yogiraj_Gurunath_Siddhanath&diff=prev&oldid=100423932| see edit summary]. There are many more examples... --[[User:Hamsacharya dan|Hamsacharya dan]] 08:22, 21 March 2007 (UTC)

*More extensive evidence for sockpuppet abuse and block evasion [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Suspected_sock_puppets/Watchtower_Sentinel|is presented here] --[[User:Hamsacharya dan|Hamsacharya dan]] 22:52, 24 March 2007 (UTC)
**Comment: the above is probably valid, but should be viewed in context of the edit war between {{user|Watchtower Sentinel}} and {{User|Hamsacharya dan}}. The former appears to have been extensively involved in sockpuppetry and block evasion; but the latter is in major and long-running breach of [[WP:COI]] [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wikipedia:Conflict_of_interest/Noticeboard&diff=prev&oldid=117268491]. I advise treating both with extreme suspicion. [[User:Tearlach|Tearlach]] 02:00, 25 March 2007 (UTC)

{{vandal|BenH}} was [[User talk:BenH|repeatedly warned]] for vandalism and infantile edits to television station articles (I've fixed at least two of them). He's had an [[Wikipedia:Requests for comment/BenH|RfC]] pending on him for almost a year and hasn't bothered to respond--he's been indefinitely blocked since July. Moreover, he's been suspected of using [[:Category:Suspected Wikipedia sockpuppets of BenH|numerous sockpuppets]]. An administrator mentioned that he'd blocked one of them since BenH was [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Log&type=block&page=User:Benhallums1 permanently banned], but there's no notation in his [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Log/block&page=User:BenH block log] of this. One of his suspected sockpuppets was active as late as [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/ March 20].

This guy obviously has no intentions of being a meaningful contributor, and the block hasn't stopped him.

====Modus operandi====
He makes unsourced and low-quality edits to TV station and other miscellaneous articles. Some of the things he does are add unsourced and false dates to TV station foundings, and stubbing articles that are way past stub status.

Enough for a subpage by itself, so here are some of the really bad ones:

===Banned user [[User:Ararat arev|Ararat arev]]===
<span id="Ararat arev" />
*[[:Category:Suspected Wikipedia sockpuppets of Ararat arev]]
*[[:Category:Wikipedia sockpuppets of Ararat arev]]

====Modus operandi====
The categories give a sample, but by no means an exhaustive list. User also at times edits anonymously, and will use "sleeper" socks to evade semiprotection. Almost always concentrates on making similar disruptive edits to [[:Turkey]] ([http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Turkey&diff=120114646&oldid=120113711]) and [[:Armenia]] ([http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Armenia&diff=120234211&oldid=120214866]) regarding Armenians being native in Turkey's eastern highlands, and east Turkey being "Armenian land". Edit summaries will often refer to "references".

User is banned, so reverting such edits is ''not'' subject to the [[WP:3RR|three-revert rule]] and should be done on sight. Report obvious socks or IPs to [[WP:AIV]], no need to go through the standard warning procedure.

{{vandal|Lyle123}} and sockpuppets

**[[:Category:Suspected Wikipedia sockpuppets of Lyle123]]

This vandal uses sockpuppets to create hoax articles about purported animated films. Many of his articles either copy the wikitext of a legitimate film article or an article about a children's book. For example, {{la|Sir Tod (1974 film)}} is a copy of {{la|The Jungle Book (1967 film)}}. Some of his accounts combine legitimate and vandalous edits.

Those dealing with this user may want to watchlist his articles, as he frequently removes deletion tags and reposts deleted pages.

When he creates a hoax article, he will often add it to a list or template, such as the following:
*{{la|Aardman Animations}}
*{{la|Imagi Animation Studios}}
*{{la|List of animated feature-length films}}
*{{la|List of computer-animated films}}
*{{la|List of Disney theatrical animated features}}
*{{lt|Disney direct-to-video animated features}}
*{{lt|Disney theatrical animated features}}
*{{lt|Sony Imageworks Films}}
*{{la|Sony Pictures Television}}

He also adds links to his articles in the "filmography" section of actors he claims are starring in the films [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=John_Goodman&diff=prev&oldid=105582591 (example)].

Administrator [[User talk:Tregoweth|Tregoweth]] has been watching Lyle123's activities since January 2007, and is probably the most knowledgeable about his activities.

{{vandal|Freddy Rantol}} - this ''might'' be Lyle123's "original" account, from December 2006. This user created a fake animated feature article and added it to the "list of animated feature films" ([http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Log/delete&page=The_Dave_the_Barbarian_Movie]). He also created an article about a 12-year-old boy which was deleted. Since then this account has had no edits.

====Examples of Lyle123 hoaxes====
*{{la|Animal Olimpics (film)}}
*{{la|Cat The Movie}}
*{{la|Cat the Movie}}
*{{la|A Car's Film}} - threatened other users to not delete it
*{{la|Dinosaurs (film)}}
*{{la|The Farm Pair}}
*{{la|The Freedom Life}} - deleted twice
*{{la|The Great Koala Detective}} - deleted twice, copy of legit article [[The Great Mouse Detective]]
*{{la|Petz (film)}}
*{{la|Pinocchio (1990 Film)}}
*{{la|Sir Tod (1974 film)}} - copy of legit article [[The Jungle Book (1967 film)]]
*{{la|Scratch and Oscar}}
*{{la|The Search For Mickey Mouse}}
*{{la|The Wild II}} - deleted thrice
*{{la|The Wild Forest}} - salted

In addition, he constantly re-created the article {{la|Cat Tale}}, a now-canceled film that was to be released (but not produced) by Disney. The title has since been protected. "Cat the Movie" may be an attempt to revive the article under a different title.

Revision as of 21:33, 2 May 2007