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Watchdog commands a group of skilled mercenaries that make their living from stealing weapons technology and supplying them to the highest bidder. Currently working for Shadow Nation, Watchdog and his group are only as loyal as their next paycheck. More of a businessman and thug than a soldier, he's here to make sure that the job gets done at a minimal cost to the group itself.
Watchdog commands a group of skilled mercenaries that make their living from stealing weapons technology and supplying them to the highest bidder. Currently working for Shadow Nation, Watchdog and his group are only as loyal as their next paycheck. More of a businessman and thug than a soldier, he's here to make sure that the job gets done at a minimal cost to the group itself.

==Field Commander World Championships==
There is a very hardcore group of Field Commander players who have their own Forum at http://fc.ueuo.com/Forum/. Also, there is a World Championship League (in Season II now) where the best players in the world compete against each other for the "Field Commander World Championship Cup". You can find all details of this and a healthy discussion on Field Commander at http://fc.ueuo.com/Forum/.

The First EUROPE server League Champion was BRADDY. The First USA Server League Champions was JULYDEREK.

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Revision as of 10:20, 2 March 2007

Field Commander
Developer(s)Sony Online Entertainment
Platform(s)PlayStation Portable
ReleaseNorth America April 24 2006
Genre(s)Turn-Based Strategy
Mode(s)Single player, Multiplayer (WiFi)

Field Commander is the first turn-based war game for the PSP set in the modern era. It is often compared to Nintendo's Advance Wars games. The player takes on the persona of a new recruit to ATLAS (Advanced Tactical Legion for Allied Security), a world alliance of military technology and expertise. The player battles Shadow Nation, a crime empire, on various missions.

The multiplayer options include Infrastructure, Ad-Hoc, Hot Swap, and a unique feature called Transmission mode, which is somewhat similar to the "Play By Email" system of older PC games. While playing in Transmission mode each player takes turns and sends them off to the server.

Players can choose a CO that has no effect on gameplay - it acts more as the player's avatar. Divisions, however, determine the player's allegiance (ATLAS or Shadow Nation) as well as Division Bonuses that can be activated.

Fuel and ammunition is finite, depending on unit types (all infantry, for example, have unlimited fuel while secondary weapons, like the machine guns on tanks, have unlimited ammunition) and when fuel is exhausted, there is a high chance the unit will explode. Running out of ammunition prevents them from attacking altogether or being unable to use the weapon which lacks ammunition. All units can be resupplied by either trucks, transports, or cities at no cost.


There are 18 types of units; each with different strengths and weaknesses.


Grunts cost $1,000 and are equipped with low-powered machine guns. They are generally effective against infantry, but are ineffective against all other targets. They can pay for their cost, however, as they are capable of capturing buildings.

Special Operatives (Spec Ops) are more versatile than Grunts, and are able to capture buildings and have a higher cost. They are equipped with long-range mortars effective against light armour and vehicles. They also are capable of laying mines to stop enemy advances. In addition, Spec Ops who walk over mines automatically disable them instead of triggering them.

Snipers, as their name suggests, are capable of long-range attacks. Unlike traditional snipers, however, they can prove effective sometimes against light vehicles. They have the uncanny ability to stealth themselves so they become invisible, revealing themselves only when an enemy unit moves adjacent to it.


Scouts are fast motorbikes with a quick attack. Capable of seating a single infantry agile and easily destroyed by heavier fire;power.

Trucks are unarmed and are generally fast, capable of seating 2 infantry units. Even without infantry, however, trucks are useful since they are capable of resupplying allied forces with ammunition and fuel. They do not, however, regenerate lost health.

Halftracks are scaled-down tanks with more mobility and are able to cross swampy terrain, but pack less offensive power than tanks. Their main weapon is quite capable of dealing moderate damage to other halftracks and scouts, but light damage to fully-fledged tanks. Their machine gun is also capable of dealing with all targets, including gunships.

Tanks are the king of land-based warfare. They are extremely tough to destroy. They are best countered with artillery pieces, mortars, tank buster aircraft, or other tanks. They are extremely effective against vehicles and infantry alike and make a formidable opponent. They are also capable of firing at gunships with their machine gun.

MLRS Rocket Launchers are artillery pieces with minimum range and heavy firepower. They are effective against any target in range, especially infantry, warships, and aircraft. However, they are fragile and easily destroyed if cornered.

Concealed tanks are capable of camouflaging themselves to the same effect as the snipers. However, these tanks consume fuel quickly when cloaked, preventing them from staying hidden for extended periods. They can deliver strong firepower at long range when using their cloaking technology, but are only as powerful as half-tracks when not in stealth mode.

AA guns are, as their name suggests, effective against aircraft. They are also effective against infantry, but they should not be used against vehicles unless left with no choice.


Transports are available from the start of the game and are essentially trucks on the water. Capable of loading two units and ferrying them across water, they are also difficult to destroy except by submarines, which often kill them in a single attack. They are capable of refuelling and resupplying any units (including land and air units) and often make the workhorse of any fleet, often resupplying battleships for their long-ranged attacks.

Corvettes use depth charges against other warships, to devastating effect on submarines but only minor damage against a battleship. Against nearby land and air units, they lock a pair of guided missiles fired from the sides of the ship.

Submarines are capable of submerging and concealing themselves at the expense of less movement for more fuel cost. They are extremely effective against enemy battleships, but are easily defeated by corvettes.

Battleships are artillery warships which, while effective against corvettes, have a minimum range that prevents them from retaliating from a short-ranged corvette attack. However, their cannons are more than capable of devastating anything it can reach, even other battleships.


Utility helicopters are skyborne transports and refuelling platforms. While extremely mobile, they require fuel themselves to stay airborne, and are incapable of resupplying themselves. They can ferry a pair of infantry units to anywhere on the map.

Gunships are similar to halftracks in that while effective against most targets, they do not excel in any category. They are best used against enemy infantry, since infantry have a difficult time returning damage to them. Against tanks, however, they are capable of dealing only light damage. They fall easily to anti-aircraft emplacements.

Tank busters are, as their name suggests, more than capable of eliminating tanks. Their bombs are also capable of devastating enemy infantry units, and their hull is extremely powerful, capable of occasionally surviving an AA hit. However, they fall prey to repeated AA strikes (two will often be more than enough to down a tank buster) stealth fighters, and MLRS units. They are also extremely quick, making it difficult to keep up with them except with stealth fighters.

Stealth fighters are capable of concealing themselves to the same degree as a sniper or submarine. They sport only air-to-air missiles, however, and as such are ineffective against any non-aerial target. Their missiles are more than capable of eliminating other air units.


Headquarters is often the goal of many games. If captured by a grunt, the player who captured it is declared the winner. There is always one HQ per map for each side. It also provides a steady influx of resources ($1,000 per turn)

Sparse cities improve the defences of allied units parked inside. They also slowly regenerate lost health and resupply them. They also supply a steady influx of resources. ($500 per turn)

Dense cities do everything sparse cities do, except twice as well. However, they can be destroyed and reduced to the sparse city rating. It provides $1,000 per turn.

Factories, seaports, and airports produce land, sea, and air units respectively, if owned by a player.

Control rooms are secret weapons which can be activated to devastating effect. It takes approximately two rounds to be able to activate the weapon.

The Napalm Strike launches a series of deadly missiles which creates a ring of napalm which damages all nearby units and hinders movement. The napalm spreads out over a series of three turns.

The Orbital Satellite Laser strike is a devastating attack which strikes all nearby targets for a lot of damage. The air strike control room calls in a wing of bombers to devastate the enemy position with a series of well-placed bombs.

The EMP and the Concussion Burst weapons merely disable enemies for a set period of time. EMP works only against vehicles and ships - the concussion burst disables infantry and air targets. Both attacks cause no damage.

Commanding Officers

Players can choose from a multitude of COs. This has no effect on gameplay, and merely determines the player's avatar.


Kenneth "Brick" Cuthbert (Chief training Officer)

A former drill sergeant, Brick now serves as the chief training officer for ATLAS. Tough as nails and as hardheaded as a hammer, Brick ensures that those who make it through the legion's basic training program are worthy of the tasks set before them.

Elizabeth "Shellcase" Lexington (Quartermaster)

As the ATLAS Quartermaster, Shellcase is in charge of assigning andoverseeing the transfer of all equipment to Field Commanders in ATLAS operations. Liz definitely has an unconventional way of doing things, but nonetheless manages to do her job better than anyone else who's ever held her position.

Sun "Mercury" Zhang (Special operations infantry chief)

An expert in both hand to hand combat and guerilla warfare, Mercury earned his codename from his reputation for his fluid like movements in combat and cool sharpness when it comes to flashpoint operations. As special operations infantry chief for ATLAS, Mercury is in charge of Special forces advanced infantry training and serves a special advisory role to Field Commanders who must rely heavily on their Grunts and Special Ops units.

Sayid "Broken Arrow" Simantob (Senior tactical flight officer)

A true fighter ace, Broken Arrow joined ATLAS after serving 2 terms in the force. While somewhat cocky and arrogant, his reputation cannot be understated as his dog fighting skills in the air are second to none. Broken Arrow's chief role these days is one of long range scouting and air support for governments who can't "legally" shoot down enemy aircraft. He also serves as an advisor to Field Commanders just looking to get a feel for what their air units can accomplish.

Gregory "Whirlpool" Taylor (Chief submarine specialist)

A former surfing champion in his youth, Whirlpool joined ATLAS after giving up a promising career in the Royal Guard. A master of tides and currents, Whirlpool is a whiz when it comes to submarine navigation and stealth combat. His ambushes of enemy forces by sea have been so successful that he now serves as an advisor to all field commanders engaged in naval combat operations.

Joseph "Flintlock" Krechnik (Senior artillery specialist)

Flintlock's ability to hit targets with indirect fire at amazing distances is attributed to both his mastery of geometry and his innate abilityto analyze terrain conditions. Truly a master of his craft, Flintlock is said to spend hours staring at the ground upon which a battle will soon take placeand taking into account all of its variables. When not serving as a commanderor an advisor on operations, Flintlock spends most of his time at the ATLAS live fire testing grounds, constantly tuning and reconfiguring Rocket launcher firing systems.

"Ghost" (Stealth ambush specialist)

Only General Banner knows the true origins of Ghost, because that was Ghost's mastery of stealth technology and techniques have put ATLAS well beyond the cutting edge of modern stealth warfare. Although mostly serving as an absent advisor, Ghost has engaged in several operations during his time since joining up and every one of them was a complete success.

Susan "Diamond" Casey (Chief mobile armor specialist)

As cool as ice and as hard as her codename suggests, Diamond is in charge of the ATLAS tank and armor divisions. A dedicated soldier through and through, Diamond prides herself on defensive tactics and leads her troops into battle with the understanding that everyone is going to take a hit eventually, it's whoever's shell cracks first that ends up losing. Diamond's tanks are some of the toughest in the world, just like their commander.

Dennis "Spider" Nesmet

One of the world's most brilliant hackers, Spider was on his way to a 20 year prison sentence for computer fraud when ATLAS offered him a get out of jail free card. Since that day, Spider has proved an invaluable part of ATLAS operations. A natural code breaker and mathematician, Spider's command style is to gather so much intelligence beforehand that he's nearly able to predict the enemy's every move in combat. With a spy network that stretches the globe, Spider is usually the first to know when a situation arises that might require ATLAS's intervention, a fact that he likes to brag about regularly.

General Robert Banner (Commander in Chief)

General Banner took over command of ATLAS at the turn of the century, and has personally overseen the assignment of every single operation ever since. A highly decorated General, Banner had worked with ATLAS from time to time on top secret joint ventures. General Banner seeks to lead ATLAS in establishing the safety and security of all the world's people from the likes of Shadow Nation and other lawless organizations.

Shadow Nation COs

Yuri "Redclaw" Zarovich (Infantry Commander)

A former commander, the great bear of a man known as Redclaw was discharged and exiled from his home country for being far too eager to sacrifice his troops in battle. His suicidal charges, while inflicting heavy casualties on his own men, were nonetheless both deadly and effective. Redclaw is known for having a bad temper and refusing to back down from a challenge, making him easily baited.

Jonathan "Fragfest" Harrows (Infantry Specialist)

Dishonorably discharged, Sergeant Jonathan Harrows, or Fragfest as he's now known, is a violent killer through and through. Fragfest has been charged with over 67 war crime violations but has yet to be caught by any proper authorities. His ruthless behavior makes him an ideal Shadow Nation agent, and the soldiers assigned to him generally share his blatant disregard for human life.

Sebastian "Necro" Sirakov (Covert Ops Commander)

An expert in stealth and ambush tactics, Necro prefers to lure his enemies into tight passages and then strike at them from the shadows. As a division commander, he is usually so careful about hiding his ranged units that one is never too sure just how many enemies they are up against. Even his own troops fear Necro as he rarely talks and says anything other than the order he is giving.

"Whisper" (Unknown position)

Whisper and his or her (no one is really sure) division are the worldwide masters of stealth and ambush tactics. Almost every operations believed to have been carried out by this assassin was over before anyone even knew they were under attack. Entire bases have been known to just disappear with not a trace of evidence or battle left behind.

Karl "Strike Zone" Stranost (Bomber Wing Commander)

Strike Zone and his division of bombers and fighters are some of the deadliest air combatants on the globe. Pinpoint accuracy defines the deadliest of his talents, with the ability to hit minute targets from several thousand feet in the air.

"Chameleon" (Intelligence Operation Commander)

Chameleon is a master of disguise, able to assume alternate identities as easily as a normal person changes their clothes. Taken in by Shadow Nation early in his career, they have since turned him into a master spy, making him one of their key intelligence operatives. As a commanding officer, Chameleon uses his various talents to conceal his troops and to confuse his enemies.

Victor "Scavenger" Helsin (Second Line Captain)

A former supply master, Victor Helsin defected to Shadow Nation when too many questions started being asked about missing equipment. Although not the most brilliant of military minds, Scavenger has a knack for putting together ragtag divisions of troops from seemingly nowhere and sending them into battle. Shadow Nation seems to hold some value in his talents nonetheless, which makes him an enemy not to be underestimated. Scavenger is also known for collecting trophies at the end of his battles, both in the form of scrap from busted tanks and human body parts.

Shannon "Alacrity" Murphy (Tactical Colonel)

As beautiful as she is deadly, Alacrity is one of the youngest agents ever to serve as an officer for Shadow Nation. A former terrorist operative, Alacrity is best known for her blinding speed and efficienty. With a knack for demolitions and mechanics, most divisions that serve under her are said to move much further and much faster than one could possibly believe.

William "Aqualung" Barton (Commodore)

Called one of the last "true" pirates, Aqualung excels at naval combat and navigation. Wanted on crimes of piracy and murder, Aqualung gladly took up a position within Shadow Nation and now serves as their chief naval officer. With a gut instinct for Battleship range and an uncanny knowledge of where enemy Submarines are hiding, it's no wonder he has never been caught or defeated at sea.

James Edward "Patriarch" Porter (Commander in Chief)

James Edward Porter, or Patriarch as he's called these days, is the man behind Shadow Nation. An inherited billionaire, Patriarch spent his years as a young man turning his family's engineering company into one of the world's largest private defense contractors and arms dealers. Without notice or warning, Porter simply disappeared one day and was not seen until ten years later, when it is believed that he founded Shadow Nation. A brilliant commander, tactician, and inventor, Patriarch now leads his private army on a personal crusade of terrorism, warfare, and global domination.

"Watchdog" (Mercenary Group Commander)

Watchdog commands a group of skilled mercenaries that make their living from stealing weapons technology and supplying them to the highest bidder. Currently working for Shadow Nation, Watchdog and his group are only as loyal as their next paycheck. More of a businessman and thug than a soldier, he's here to make sure that the job gets done at a minimal cost to the group itself.

Field Commander World Championships

There is a very hardcore group of Field Commander players who have their own Forum at http://fc.ueuo.com/Forum/. Also, there is a World Championship League (in Season II now) where the best players in the world compete against each other for the "Field Commander World Championship Cup". You can find all details of this and a healthy discussion on Field Commander at http://fc.ueuo.com/Forum/.

The First EUROPE server League Champion was BRADDY. The First USA Server League Champions was JULYDEREK.


The game has received a 79% on GameRankings [1] and a 77/100 on MetaCritic [2].


  • Received IGN's award for Best PSP Strategy Game of 2006 [3].


See also
