Last words in The X-Files media

The following is a list of last words in assorted The X-Files media.

Television Series (1993-2002)


Season 1

  • Brad...why?
    • Who: Central Operating System (C.O.S.)
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Ghost in the Machine"
    • Note: Said as it is being shut down by a computer virus planted by Mulder; the C.O.S., an artificial intelligence, thinks Mulder is actually its creator, Brad Wilczek. The machine is later revived at the episode's conclusion.
  • We're not who we are. We're not who we are. It goes no further than this. It stops right here, right now.
    • Who: John Richter
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Ice"
    • Note: Said as character is giving a satellite tramission from an Alaskan science outpost, after being exposed to a fatal Arctic worm; he and another scientist named Campbell kill themselves soon after.
  • All right. Give me the damn jar.
    • Who: Bear
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Ice"
    • Note: Said before character strikes Mulder with the jar; dies shortly afterwards as the agents extract the Arctic worm from his body.
  • Hello?
    • Who: Deputy Jason Wright
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Fallen Angel"
    • Note: Said before character is attacked and fatally burned by an invisible alien creature.
  • Wh-wh-what have you—what have you done? [Eve Twins: Your soda—three ounces of foxglove. Extracted from a digitalus plant. This much is a lethal dose. We cultivated them ourselves.] Wh-wh-why? [Eve Twins: You tell us. You made us. We're your mistake.] I'll correct that mistake.
    • Who: Dr. Sally Kendrick/"Eve 7"
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Eve"
    • Note: Character says this after being poisoned by genetically-engineered twin girls.
  • Good night, Starbuck. How's work? Good? [Scully: Yup. It's good.] All right.
    • Who: Bill Scully
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Beyond the Sea"
    • Note: Character talks to Dana Scully shortly before dying of a coronary offscreen.
  • You come for some unfinished business. You want your father's message. Not now. Be there tonight. My witness. When they got me in that chair, and they open up that shield, you get your message.
    • Who: Luther Lee Boggs
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Beyond the Sea"
    • Note: Character, a psychic inmate on death row, talks to Scully about getting a message from her late father, Bill; these are his last words spoken before being executed by gas chamber in the next scene.
  • Freeze! Drop the gun! FBI! Drop the gun now!
    • Who: Agent Jack Willis
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Lazarus"
    • Note: Character says this before being fatally shot by Warren Dupre at the start of the episode.
  • Dupre?
    • Who: Tommy Phillips
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Lazarus"
    • Note: Character realizes that Jack Willis, who has broken into his apartment, has his body possessed by Dupre; character is shot by Willis/Dupre shortly afterwards.
  • No.
    • Who: Lula Phillips
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Lazarus"
    • Note: Character responds to a question by Jack Willis/Warren Dupre, about whether she remembers "the light I talked about" in the afterlife; Phillips is then shot to death by Willis/Dupre.
  • You remember that light I talked about? It's beautiful. There's nothing to be afraid of.
    • Who: Warren Dupre
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Lazarus"
    • Note: Dupre says this before shooting Lula Phillips, then succumbing to a diabetes-induced death in Willis' body.
  • Yeah? So?
    • Who: Agent Reggie Purdue
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Young at Heart"
    • Note: Character says this during a phone conversation with Mulder, right before he is strangled by John Barnett.
  • How about it, Mulder? Just like old times, huh? Huh?!
    • Who: John Barnett
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Young at Heart"
    • Note: Character dares Mulder into shooting him, which he quickly does.
  • I like art.
    • Who: Eugene Victor Tooms
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Tooms"
    • Note: Said during a conversation with his counsellor, Dr. Monte; last line spoken before Tooms is killed a few scenes later after being caught in an escalator mechanism.
  • no one.
    • Who: Deep Throat
    • Source: The X-Files episode "The Erlenmeyer Flask"
    • Note: Deep Throat says this as he dies in Scully's arms after being shot by an assassin of the Cigarette-Smoking Man.

Season 2

  • Good night.
    • Who: Augustus Cole
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Sleepless"
    • Note: Character, a telekenetic illusionist whose ability to sleep had been eradicated, has been fatally shot by Krycek.
  • I'm sorry. They had to take her. I hope they're not hurting her too much with the tests. I'm sorry.
    • Who: Duane Barry
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Ascension"
    • Note: These are the last words the character, who is referring to the abducted Agent Scully, says on the show before being poisoned by Alex Krycek; Krycek tells Mulder that Barry had also said Scully's abduction was a "stairway to Heaven".
  • I'm tasting the blood of a believer. [The Son: But you haven't taken a life.] I'll take mine.
    • Who: Kristen Kilar
    • Source: The X-Files episode "3"
    • Note: Characters, both vampires, are referring to ritualistic requirements to kill themselves; Kilar takes her own life to kill John and his vampire coven, by blowing up her gasoline-drenched house.
  • Don't do that! DON'T DO THAT! DON'T! DON'T! DON'T! DON'T! DOOOOOOON'T!!!
    • Who: The Son
    • Source: The X-Files episode "3"
    • Note: Character, a vampire, is killed when Kristen Kilar blows them up in her gasoline-drenched house.
  • I'll be okay. I don't want to miss the final.
    • Who: Shannon Ausbury
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Die Hand Die Verletzt"
    • Note: Character says this before being possessed by her demonic teacher, Mrs. Paddock, into slitting her wrists with a scalpel during a dissection.
  • [Mulder: You just need to get him out of the car, make him think we're going to make a trade. We need one shot.] To the base of the neck.
    • Who: "Samantha Mulder"
    • Source: The X-Files episode "End Game"
    • Note: Character says this shortly before taking part in a hostage exchange, which results in her death after falling in a river with an Alien Bounty Hunter.
  • Forgive me.
    • Who: Bill Mulder
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Anasazi"
    • Note: Character says this to his son, Fox Mulder, after being shot in the head by Alex Krycek.

Season 3

  • Okay, I'll see you then.
    • Who: Melissa Scully
    • Source: The X-Files episode "The Blessing Way"
    • Note: Character arranges to meet her sister, Dana Scully, at her apartment; she later arrives only to be accidentally killed by Alex Krycek and Luis Cardinal.
  • I'm wasting my time.
    • Who: Jack Hammond
    • Source: The X-Files episode "D.P.O."
    • Note: Character says this before being electrocuted in his car.
  • Hey...that's not the way it's supposed to happen...
    • Who: Puppet
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose"
    • Note: Character, a psychic who kills other psychics, has just been shot in the chest by Scully.
  • "My neighbor, Mrs. Lu, passed away last night. Please see that the remains of her remains are taken care of. Would you like a dog? He is paper-trained and well-behaved regardless of his actions last night, which you can't really blame him for."
    • Who: Clyde Bruckman
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose"
    • Note: Scully reads a note left by character before he committed suicide by suffocating himself with a plastic bag.
  • Yeah. I've been here eleven years, fifty-six days, and now you're gonna murder me. The Lord says, "Thou shalt be merciful and just." I know no mercy. Allah says, "The spirit shall rise again and be reborn into this life. The soul shall be recast, born unto the new flesh." I will return to avenge all the petty tyranny and the cruelty I have suffered. I will be recast, reincarnated -- a reunion of spirit and flesh. Mark my words: five men will die. Five men will go down! This will be my justice! This will be my law! This will be my capital punishment! And no stay of execution will be granted, for there is no witness, no evidence to be admitted, no lawyer who desires to perform his job! These men will die righteous dea—
    • Who: Napoleon "Neech" Manley
    • Source: The X-Files episode "The List"
    • Note: Character is giving his last words before his execution; Neech is killed in the electric chair in mid-sentence.
  • I can tell you. [Warden Brodeur: Tell me what?] I can tell you what I know: Neech's list got one man left to die.
    • Who: John Speranza
    • Source: The X-Files episode "The List"
    • Note: Character says this to Warden Brodeur before he is beaten to death, referencing a list of Neech's five victims that includes the warden.
  • She's cold...she's cold and wet...
    • Who: Lucy Householder
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Oubliette"
    • Note: Character, who shares a telepathic link with a teenage abduction victim, is telling Mulder that the girl is in a river; character later dies from drowning while sitting in a car.
  • Nobody's going to spoil us.
    • Who: Carl Wade
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Oubliette"
    • Note: Character, a child abductor, says this before attempting to drown a teenage girl; he is shot in the back and killed by Mulder.
  • Why you arrogant little...
    • Who: "Dr. Bugger"
    • Source: The X-Files episode "War of the Coprophages"
    • Note: Character, an exterminator, dies after being seemingly attacked by a horde of cockroaches.
  • You are one of them!
    • Who: Dr. Jeff Eckerle
    • Source: The X-Files episode "War of the Coprophages"
    • Note: Character, having encountered seemingly fatal cockroaches, believes Mulder to be "a cockroach" and shoots at him, causing a factory filled with methane gas to explode.

Season 4

  • "SRSG"
    • Who: X
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Herrenvolk"
    • Note: Character is shot by the Grey-Haired Man, an assassin of the Cigarette Smoking Man. The character then writes these initials in his own blood on the floor, directing Fox Mulder to his new source of information at the United Nations building, Marita Covarubbias.
  • Andy, what is it?
    • Who: Barbara Taylor
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Home"
    • Note: Character says this before she and her husband are beaten to death by the malformed Peacock Brothers.
  • Hide. Under the bed. I'm going for the gun.
    • Who: Sheriff Andy Taylor
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Home"
    • Note: Character says this before he and his wife are beaten to death by the Peacock Brothers.
  • I'm going in.
    • Who: Deputy Barney Paster
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Home"
    • Note: Character says this before entering the Peacocks' house, and is killed by a booby trap at their front door.
  • No, I think what it means is that I don't have much time left.
    • Who: Gerry Schnauz
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Unruhe"
    • Note: Character is referring to "thoughtography" photos of himself, showing his lifeless body; he is soon shot and killed by Mulder.
  • I have one left. How are you going to find her without me? How sure are you it's not Samantha? Huh? How do you know?
    • Who: John Lee Roche
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Paper Hearts"
    • Note: Character, a serial killer, taunts Mulder by claiming that he kidnapped and murdered Samantha; he is then shot by Mulder after holding a little girl hostage.
  • I'm sorry, but you've got something I need.
    • Who: Leonard Betts
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Leonard Betts"
    • Note: Character, a mutant subsisting on cancer, says this before he attacks and is killed by Scully; this line quietly reveals that Scully has cancer.
  • Just do it for me, Eddie! Do it!
    • Who: "Betty"
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Never Again"
    • Note: Character, a tattoo on the arm of a mentally compromised man named Ed Jerse, urges him to kill Scully before he sticks his arm into a furnace, "killing" her.
  • Teager, Nathaniel J. Segeant: Green Beret detachment B-1-1. Service number: 82278. Date of birth: March 7, 1952. Teager, Nathaniel J...
    • Who: Nathaniel J. Teager
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Unrequited"
    • Note: Character repeats this line as he dies, after he is shot by Mulder following an assassination attempt.
  • It's better that we never were.
    • Who: Future Jason Nichols
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Synchrony"
    • Note: Character has travelled back in time to kill his younger self, to prevent him from developing time travel technology; he sets himself and his younger self on fire.
  • What is this, Babcock?
    • Who: Arlinsky
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Gethsemane"
    • Note: Character address a man who has betrayed him before being shot by a Defense Department assassin, Scott Ostelhoff.

Season 5

  • No...Stop now...stop...
    • Who: Robert Patrick Modell
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Kitsunegari"
    • Note: Character says this before his heart is telepathically stopped by his twin sister, Linda Bowman.
  • Karin's dead.
    • Who: Karin Matthews
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Schizogeny"
    • Note: Character, a mentally ill therapist with an ability to control trees, speaks as her dead abusive father; she is then killed with an axe by orchard keeper John Ramirez after saying this line.
  • I want to play. I want to play. I want to play. I want to play. I want to play. I want to play. I–
    • Who: Chinga doll
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Chinga"
    • Note: "Character", a possessed doll, repeats the line before being put into a microwave by Agent Scully.
  • Upload.
  • "BITE ME"
    • Who: Esther Nairn
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Kill Switch"
    • Note: First line is spoken when character hooks herself to an artificial intelligence and is subsequently electrocuted; second line is seen in a message to the Lone Gunmen onto their computer, suggesting her consciousness lives on in cyberspace.

Season 6

  • Mr. Mulder, could you go a little faster, please? Just a little more is all I need. [Mulder: Sure.] Just a little bit faster.
    • Who: Patrick Crump
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Drive"
    • Note: Character, who has been affected by a government-engineered illness that causes his head to explode if he isn't in constant movement, dies shortly after talking to Mulder.
  • I just wanted what everyone wants.
    • Who: Wayne Weinsider
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Terms of Endearment"
    • Note: Character, a bigamist demon who wanted a human child, says this after being shot by a policeman.
  • They locked the doors. You forgot to lock the front door.
  • NO!
  • He's got a bomb, he's got a bomb, he's got a bomb, he's got a bomb...
    • Who: Fox Mulder
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Monday"
    • Note: Lines spoken take place in different repetitive timelines where Mulder and Scully are killed in a bank robbery.
  • Bernard, she's not dead. You're not a murderer yet.
    • Who: Dana Scully
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Monday"
    • Note: Lines spoken take place in different repetitive timelines where Mulder and Scully are killed in a bank robbery.
  • Yeah, it does.
  • You tripped the alarm.
  • HEY, HEY! Get your hands out where I can see 'em! Do it! Do it now!
    • Who: Bernard Oates
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Monday"
    • Note: Lines spoken take place in different repetitive timelines, when Oates tries to stage a bank robbery and eventually resorts to detonating a bomb strapped to his chest.
  • This never happened before.
    • Who: Pam
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Monday"
    • Note: Character, Bernard's girlfriend, says as she dies after taking a bullet for Mulder and Scully; her action has broken the repetitive cycle of Bernard's bank robbery, and is the "first" time she dies during Bernard's robbery.
  • Wow...
    • Who: Josh "Ex" Exley
    • Source: The X-Files episode "The Unnatural"
    • Note: Character, an alien disguised as a Negro Leagues baseball player, has been stabbed by a Bounty Hunter disguised as a Klansman; before he dies, Ex marvels at how his normally toxic alien blood has become human.
  • You're not Dr. Sandoz.
    • Who: Dr. Merkmallen
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Biogenesis"
    • Note: Character address Dr. Barnes, a scientist posing as Dr. Sandoz, before being murdered.

Season 7

  • Hey in there! Guy?
    • Who: Donald Pankow
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Hungry"
    • Note: Said before character, a customer at a fast food restaurant, is pulled through a drive-thru window and has his brains eaten by Rob Roberts.
  • Oh, brother. What?
    • Who: Steve Kiziak
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Hungry"
    • Note: Character, a private investigator, is then killed and consumed by Roberts outside of his apartment.
  • Rob? You looking for these? Deal's off, buddy. You know that guy you iced, Pankow? I just heard he didn't have a brain in his head. You're one sick little freak, man. Got a lot of problems. If I were the FBI, I'd want you real bad -- Public Enemy Number One and all that. Lots of reward money. So I'm gonna turn you in myself, lucky boy.
    • Who: Derwood Spinks
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Hungry"
    • Note: Said before discovering Roberts in his mutant form, who then kills him by piercing his forehead with a tentacle.
  • I can't be something I'm not.
    • Who: Robbie "Rob" Roberts
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Hungry"
    • Note: Character, a reluctant cannibalistic monster, explains why he has committed suicide by cop by charging at Mulder and Scully.
  • All I ever wanted was for you to be my friend, Tony. You stuck a knife in my back. Now I'm gonna mess you up.
    • Who: Max Harden
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Rush"
    • Note: Character, a teenager with acquired abilities for speed, tries to attack another boy named Tony Reed; he is then shot in the back by his girlfriend, Chastity.
  • I'm sorry, Tony. I can't go back.
    • Who: Chastity Raines
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Rush"
    • Note: Character, who has abilities similar to Max's, addresses Tony before stepping in front of the bullet she used to shoot her boyfriend.
  • Now be good, and don't cause me any problems.
    • Who: Donnie Pfaster
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Orison"
    • Note: Character says this as he holds Dana Scully captive; it is his last line spoken before later being shot by Scully during a joint confrontation with Mulder.
  • Fox, it's your mother. I'd hoped you'd call upon your return, but I haven't heard from you. I'm sure you're busy. There are so many emotions in me, I wouldn't know where to much that I've left unsaid for reasons I hope one day you'll understand.
    • Who: Teena Mulder
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Sein und Zeit"
    • Note: Character leaves this voicemail message on Mulder's answering machine shortly before committing suicide.
  • Oh...well hello, ladies! Here comes Anson. That's right...c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, change, change! All right...oh, here we go. Need a little roadside assistance, do ya? Well, not to worry. Here comes Anson...AUUGGHH!!!
  • What did you do to me? [Leslie: Wh–You're back from the dead, man! What kind of gratitude is that?] What did you DO to me?! [Leslie: I wasted two wishes on you, that's what I did!] I can't feel my heart. I–I can't feel my blood. I am yellow! I'm cold. [Leslie: You know what? Screw this.] I'm cold...I'm cold...I'm cold...I'm cold...
    • Anson Stokes
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Je Soulhaite"
    • Note: First line comes after Anson is made invisible by a genie named Jenn; he tries to approach two women repairing a bicycle when he is hit by an unwitting trucker. Second line comes after his brother Leslie wishes him back to life; Anson is covered by a yellow powder used by Scully during his autopsy. Anson commits suicide by lighting a match in front of a gas oven, blowing up his trailer.
  • Wait, I got it: legs!
    • Leslie Stokes
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Je Soulhaite"
    • Note: Said when character, who is confined to a wheelchair, decides on his final wish with Jenn the genie; he then dies when his brother Anson causes their trailer to explode.
  • Ray? Oh my God.
    • Detective Miles
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Requiem"
    • Note: Character says this when he finds a sheriff's deputy incapacitated in his patrol car, and sees a Bounty Hunter with the deputy's likeness; he is killed off-screen and has his indentity assumed by the Bounty Hunter.

Season 8

  • What the hell? What the hell is that?
    • Who: George
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Patience"
    • Note: Character says this upon seeing a bat-like creature in the rafters of his front porch, which promptly kills him.
  • George?
    • Who: Tahoma
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Patience"
    • Note: Character, George's wife, sees the bat-like creature feasting on George's body before she too is killed.
  • God!
    • Who: Detective Yale Abbott
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Patience"
    • Note: Character says this upon finding the bat creature sleeping inside a tree; the creature then chases and kills him.
  • No.
    • Who: Ernie Stefaniuk
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Patience"
    • Note: Character says this while talking to Agent Scully, moments before being snuck upon and killed by the bat creature.
  • Mom, you're not watching! Mom!
    • Who: Billy Underwood
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Invocation"
    • Note: Character, a little boy, says this before being kidnapped and later killed; his mute ghost reappears ten years later.
  • It's not enough! He can get to me! He–
    • Who: Carlton Chase
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Surekill"
    • Note: Character is confined to a police station cell before he is shot by Randall Cooper, a killer who can see and travel through walls.
  • You know what you gotta do.
    • Who: Dwight Cooper
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Surekill"
    • Note: Character tells his brother, Randall, to kill his love interest, Tammi Peyton; Randall decides to shoot Dwight through a series of walls, between the eyes.
  • It's going to take more bullets than you can ever fire to win this game. But one bullet, and I can give you a thousand lives.
    • Who: Alex Krycek
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Existence: Part 2"
    • Note: Says the line during a failed attempt to kill Mulder, before being shot by Walter Skinner.

Season 9

  • What the hell are you doing? Let go! You're going to kill us!
    • Who: Carl Wormus
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Nothing Important Happened Today"
    • Note: Said before character's car crashes into a river by passenger Shannon McMahon; character is later pulled underwater by the superhuman McMahon.
  • You didn't trust me.
    • Who: Shannon McMahon
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Nothing Important Happened Today II"
    • Note: Said after decapitating Knowle Rohrer and saving Agent Doggett, before being killed by Rohrer's headless corpse.
  • Erwin, what are you doing? Erwin, what are you doing? Erwin, no–
    • Who: Miriam Lukesh
    • Source: The X-Files episode "4-D"
    • Note: Character says this right before being murdered by her son, Erwin Lukesh, with a straight razor.
  • You ruined everything, you bitch. You made made me do this. [Reyes: Lukesh, don't–] Shut up. Shut up. But you know what? This time, I get to bleed you slow.
    • Who: Erwin Lukesh
    • Source: The X-Files episode "4-D"
    • Note: Character attacks Agent Reyes with the razor, but is shot in the head by Agent Follmer.
  • Buddy, you fight the good fight.
  • Both of you.
  • Never give up.
    • Who: The Lone Gunmen
    • Source: The X-Files episode "Jump the Shark"
    • Note: The line -- spoken by Frohike, Langly, and Byers, respectively -- addresses Jimmy Bond and Yves Adele Harlow, after the characters are locked in a room with a deadly virus.
  • Shoot me, Agent Doggett. If you think it will make a difference this time.
    • Who: Knowle Rohrer
    • Source: The X-Files episode "The Truth"
    • Note: Character, a Super Soldier, says this before being shot by Agent Doggett; character then dies after being fatally exposed to magnetite.
  • My power comes from telling you – seeing your powerlessness hearing it. They wanted to kill you, Fox. I protected you all these years, waiting for this moment. To see you broken. Afraid. Now you can die.
    • Who: Cigarette-Smoking Man
    • Source: The X-Files episode "The Truth"
    • Note: Character is addressing Fox Mulder and Dana Scully, later perishing during a helicopter attack.



The X-Files (1998)

  • What the–
    • Who: Stevie
    • Source: The X-Files
    • Note: Character, a young boy, says this before being taken over by the black oil. After being taken by government agents, his body is found at the site of a bombing in Dallas.
  • Did you hear what I said? Get out.
    • Who: Darius Michaud
    • Source: The X-Files
    • Note: Character says this to Mulder and Scully, shortly before being killed in a bomb blast.
  • What are you doing? What are you doing?! Oh God.
    • Who: Ben Bronschweig
    • Source: The X-Files
    • Note: Character says this as he is buried alive with an alien organism, which promptly kills him.
  • You have precious little time. What I have given you, the alien colonists do not yet know exists. The vaccine you hold is the only defense against the virus. Its introduction into an alien environment may have the power to destroy the delicate plans we have so insiduously protected for the last fifty years. [Mulder: What do you mean, "may have"?] Find Agent Scully. Only then will you realize the scope and grandeur of the project. Go. Go now.
    • Who: Well-Manicured Man
    • Source: The X-Files
    • Note: Character says this right before being killed by a car bomb.

The X-Files: I Want to Believe (2008)

  • I saw him.
    • Dakota Whitney
    • Source: The X-Files: I Want to Believe
    • Note: Character refers to a suspect she is pursuing, Janke Dacyshyn, who appears in front of her and pushes her down an elevator shaft.

Comic Books


Topps Comics

  • Oh, shi–
    • Who: David
    • Source: The X-Files comics - "Night Lights (Part 1 of 2)" (June 1996)
    • Note: Character, a scientist, says this before being vaporized by one of the Brown Mountain Lights.
  • Here I am! Here! I have come for you!
    • Who: Welfft Gunthers
    • Source: The X-Files comics - "Family Portrait (Part 2 of 2)" (August 1996)
    • Note: Character, an elderly man, is overwhelmed and killed by an angry, loose incubus.
  • You stupid, hairy ape! You killed my dog!
    • Agent John Waltham
    • Source: The X-Files Comics Digest - "Big Foot, Warm Heart" (December 1995)
    • Note: Character addresses a Sasquatch before he is shot in the back.
  • Yes!
    • Jim Spencer
    • Source: The X-Files Comics Digest - "Big Foot, Warm Heart" (December 1995)
    • Note: Character says this upon seeing keys in the ignition of a truck, unaware that it's connected to a car bomb.