List of mythological objects

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Mythological objects encompass a variety of items (e.g. weapons, armour, clothing) found in mythology, legend, folklore, tall tale, fable, religion, and spirituality from across the world. This list will be organized according to the category of object.

Personal armour

  • Helmet of Rostam, upon which was fixed the head of the white giant Div-e-Sepid, from the Persian epic Shahnameh. (Persian mythology)
  • Helm of Awe (also Helm of Terror or Ægishjálmr), an Icelandic magical stave. A physical object called "Helm of Terror" is referenced as one item Sigurd takes from the dragon Fafnir's hoard after he slays him in Völsunga saga. (Norse mythology)
  • Tarnhelm, a magic helmet giving the wearer the ability to change form or become invisible. Used by Alberich in Der Ring des Nibelungen. (Continental Germanic mythology)
  • Goswhit, the helmet of King Arthur, passed down to him from Uther Pendragon. (Arthurian legend)
  • Crown of Immortality, represented in art first as a laurel wreath and later as a symbolic circle of stars. The Crown appears in a number of Baroque iconographic and allegoric works of art to indicate the wearer's immortality.
  • Crown of thorns, a woven crown of thorns was placed on the head of Jesus during the events leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus. (Christian mythology)
  • Huliðshjálmr, a concealing helmet of the dwarves. (Norse mythology)
  • Halo (also Nimbus, Aureole, Glory, or Gloriole), is a ring of light that surrounds a person in art. They have been used in the iconography of many religions to indicate holy or sacred figures, and have at various periods also been used in images of rulers or heroes.
  • Veil of Isis, a metaphor and allegorical artistic motif in which nature is personified as the goddess Isis covered by a veil, representing the inaccessibility of nature's secrets. Helena Blavatsky, in Isis Unveiled in 1877, used the metaphor for the spiritual truths that her Theosophical belief system hoped to discover, and modern ceremonial magic includes a ritual called the "Rending of the Veil" to bring the magician to a higher state of spiritual awareness. (Western esotericism)
  • Sun Wukong's magical headband, Guanyin gives Xuanzang a gift from the Buddha. A magical headband which, once Sun Wukong is tricked into putting it on, can never be removed. With a special chant, the band will tighten and cause unbearable pain. (Chinese mythology)
  • Veil of Veronica, according to legend was used to wipe the sweat from Jesus' brow as he carried the cross is also said to bear the likeness of the face of Christ. (Christian mythology)
  • Iron Crown of Lombardy, said to be made from the nails used during the crucifixion of Christ. (Christian mythology)
  • Kappa's plate (sara), the easiest way to defeat a kappa was to make it spill the water from its sara on top of their head. The sara on its head is filled with water that is the source of its power. (Japanese mythology)
  • Cap of invisibility, a helmet or cap that can turn the wearer invisible. It is also known as the Cap of Hades, Helm of Hades, or Helm of Darkness. Wearers of the cap in Greek myths include Athena, the goddess of wisdom, the messenger god Hermes, and the hero Perseus. The Cap of Invisibility enables the user to become invisible to other supernatural entities, functioning much like the cloud of mist that the gods surround themselves in to become undetectable. (Greek mythology)
  • Ariadne's Diadem, a diadem given to her by her husband Dionysus that was made by Hephaestus as a wedding present. (Greek mythology)
  • Chrysaor, the golden sword of Sir Artegal in The Faerie Queene. It was tempered with Adamant, and it could cleave through anything. (Renaissance fiction)
  • Mmaagha Kamalu, a sword that belongs to the Igbo god of war Kamalu. This sword glows red when people with evil intentions are close by and it can cause tremors when struck on the ground. It gifts mere mortals victory in battle. (Igbo mythology)
  • Thuận Thiên (Heaven's Will), the mythical sword of the Vietnamese King Lê Lợi, who liberated Vietnam from Ming occupation after ten years of fighting from 1418 until 1428. (Vietnamese mythology)
  • Kladenets (also Samosek or Samosyok), the "self-swinging sword" is a fabulous magic sword in some Old Russian fairy tales. In English translations of Russian byliny and folklore, it may be rendered variously as "sword of steel". (Russian mythology)
  • Jokulsnaut, a sword belonging to Grettir which was later given to his brother Atli. (Sagas of Icelanders)
  • Flaming Sword, a sword glowing with flame by some supernatural power.
  • Cura Si Manjakini, a sword mentioned in the legends of the Malay Annals as originally possessed by Sang Sapurba, the legendary ancestor of Malay kings. (Malay folklore)
  • Kalevanmiekka, Kaleva's sword. (Finnish mythology)
  • Sword of Laban, after nearly being killed by a powerful and nefarious Laban, the young prophet Nephi later finds him drunk and unconscious. He’s then commanded of God to use Labans sword to kill him as he was wicked and would hurt future generations by witholding sacred records revealing God’s Plan of Happiness. The sword was made of "precious steel" with a hilt of "pure gold".[2] After slaying Laban, Nephi put on Labans armor (including the sword) to disguise himself to obtain the preciousness record and escape the city. He would later use it as a model for manufacturing similar weapons for his people's defense. Laban's sword was passed down through the centuries to future prophets, kings and warriors. (Book of Mormon)

Swords from Celtic mythology

  • Caladbolg (also Caladcholg), the sword of Fergus mac Róich and powerful enough to cut the tops off three hills; related to the Caledfwlch of Welsh mythology.
  • Caledfwlch, often compared to Excalibur. This sword is used by Llenlleawg Wyddel to kill Diwrnach Wyddel and his men.
  • Ceard-nan Gallan, the Smith of the Branches, sword of Oisín.
  • Claíomh Solais (Sword of Light), the sword of Nuada Airgeadlámh. The sword glowed with the light of the sun and was irresistible in battle, having the power to cut his enemies in half.
  • Cosgarach Mhor, the Great Triumphant One, sword of Oscar.
  • Cruadh-Chosgarach, the Hard Destroying One, sword of Caílte mac Rónáin.
  • Dyrnwyn (White-Hilt), the Sword of Rhydderch Hael. When drawn by a worthy or well-born man, the entire blade would blaze with fire. Rhydderch was never reluctant to hand the weapon to anyone, hence his nickname Hael "the Generous", but the recipients, as soon as they had learned of its peculiar properties, always rejected the sword.
  • Fragarach (also Sword of Air, Answerer or Retaliator), forged by the gods, wielded by Manannán mac Lir and Lugh Lamfada. No armour could stop it, and it would grant its wielder command over the powers of wind.
  • Mac an Luin, the Son of the Waves, sword of Fionn mac Cumhaill.
  • Moralltach (also Morallta), a sword given to Diarmuid Ua Duibhne by his father Aengus, which left no stroke or blow unfinished at the first trial.
  • Beagalltach (also Begallta), a short sword given to Diarmuid Ua Duibhne by his father Aengus. It broke in two pieces after hitting a boar with it.
  • Singing Sword of Conaire Mór, a sword that would sing in battle.
  • Cruaidín Catutchenn, the sword of Cú Chulainn.
  • Orna, the sword of the Fomorian king Tethra, which recounts the deeds done with it when unsheathed. It was taken by Ogma and it then recounted everything it had done.
  • Mimung, a great sword that Wudga inherits from his father Wayland the Smith.
  • Nagelring, the sword of Dietrich von Bern.
  • Eckesachs (Seax of Ecke), the sword that belonged to the giant Ecke before he was killed by Dietrich von Bern, who then took it for himself (replacing Nagelring).
  • Balmung or Nothung, the sword from Die Walküre, wielded by Siegfried the hero of the Nibelungenlied.
  • Blutgang (also Burtgang or Blodgang), the sword of Háma.
  • Adylok or Hatheloke, the sword of Torrent of Portyngale, according to The Romance Torrent of Portyngale. Forged by Wayland the Smith.

Swords from Anglo-Saxon mythology and folklore of the British Islands

Swords from the Matter of Britain

  • Arondight, Lancelot's sword.
  • Clarent, a sword of peace meant for knighting and ceremonies as opposed to battle, which was stolen and then used to kill Arthur by Mordred.
  • Coreiseuse (Wrathful), the sword of King Ban, Lancelot's father.
  • Excalibur, it is also sometimes referred to as: Caliburn, Caledfwlch, Calesvol, Kaledvoulc'h, Caliburnus due to inconsistencies within the various Arthurian legends. Sometimes attributed with magical powers or associated with the rightful sovereignty of Great Britain. Stated that it was forged on the Isle of Avalon.
  • Galatine, the name of the sword given to Sir Gawain by the Lady of the Lake.
  • Grail Sword, a cracked holy sword which Sir Percival bonded back together, though the crack remained.
  • Secace, The sword that Lancelot used to battle the Saxons at Saxon Rock. It is translated as Seure (Sequence) in the Vulgate Cycle.
  • Sword in the Stone, a sword in the Arthurian legend which only the rightful king of Britain can pull from the stone; sometimes associated with Excalibur. In Mallory, the sword in the stone is not Excalibur and is not named. When the sword is broken in a fight with King Pellinore, the Lady of the Lake gives him Excalibur as a replacement. At Arthur's death, Excalibur is returned to the Lady of the lake by Sir Bedivere.
  • Sword with the Red Hilt, One of the swords wielded by Sir Balin. After his death, Merlin sealed it in the float stone where it remained until it was drawn by Sir Galahad. After Galahad, the sword passes to his father, Sir Lancelot who fatally wounds Sir Gawain with it.
  • Courtain (also Curtana, Cortana, Sword of Mercy), it is linked to the legendary sword carried by Tristan and Ogier the Dane. Its end is blunt and squared, said to symbolize mercy. The story surrounding the breaking of the weapon is unknown, but mythological history indicates that the tip was broken off by an angel to prevent a wrongful killing.
  • Egeking, a sword in the medieval poem Greysteil. Sir Graham obtains the sword 'Egeking' from Eger's aunt, Sir Egram's Lady. (Arthurian legend)

Swords from Norse mythology

  • Angurvadal (Stream of Anguish), a magical sword of Viking, and later Frithiof. The sword was inscribed with Runic letters, which blazed in time of war, but gleamed with a dim light in time of peace.
  • Dáinsleif (Dáinn's legacy), king Högni's sword that gave wounds that never healed and could not be unsheathed without killing a man.
  • Sumarbrandr (Summer Sword), the sword of the Norse god of summer, Frey, it is a magic sword which fought on its own. It might be Lævateinn.
  • Gram, the sword that Odin struck into the world tree Barnstokkr which only Sigmund the Völsung was able to pull out. It broke in battle with Odin but was later reforged by Sigmund's son Sigurd who used it to slay the dragon Fafnir. After being reforged, it could cleave an anvil in half.
  • Hǫfuð, the sword of Heimdallr, the guardian of Bifröst.
  • Hrotti, the sword is mentioned in the Völsung cycle. It was part of Fafnir's treasure, which Sigurd took after he slew the dragon.
  • Lævateinn, a sword mentioned in an emendation to the Poetic Edda Fjölsvinnsmál by Sophus Bugge. it was forged by the elf Völundr.
  • Legbiter, the sword of Magnus III of Norway.
  • Mistilteinn, the magical sword of Prainn, the draugr, later owned by Hromundr Gripsson and it could never go blunt.
  • Quern-biter, sword of Haakon I of Norway and his follower, Thoralf Skolinson the Strong, said to be sharp enough to cut through quernstones.
  • Ridill (also Refil), sword of the dwarf Regin.
  • Skofnung, the legendary sword of Danish king Hrólf Kraki. It was renowned for supernatural sharpness and hardness, as well as for being imbued with the spirits of the king's twelve faithful berserker bodyguards. A cut made by Skofnung will not heal. The only way to stop this is by touching the cut with the Skofnung stone.
  • Tyrfing (also Tirfing or Tyrving), the cursed sword of Svafrlami with a golden hilt that would never miss a stroke, would never rust and would cut through stone and iron as easily as through clothes. The dwarves made the sword, and it shone and gleamed like fire. However, they cursed it so that it would kill a man every time it was used and that it would be the cause of three great evils.
  • Dragvandil, the sword of Egill Skallagrímsson.
  • Gambanteinn, A sword which appears in two poems in the Poetic Edda.

Swords from the Matter of France

  • Almace (also Almice or Almacia), sword of Turpin, Archbishop of Reims.
  • Balisarda, the sword of Rogero from Orlando Furioso made by a sorceress, and capable of cutting through enchanted substances.
  • Corrougue, the sword of Otuel.
  • Durendal (also Durandal or Durlindana in Italian), the sword of Roland, one of Charlemagne's paladins, (Orlando in medieval Italian verse) — alleged to be the same sword as the one wielded by Hector of Ilium. It was said to be the sharpest sword in all of existence.
  • Froberge, the sword of Renaud de Montauban.
  • Hauteclere (also Halteclere or Hauteclaire), the sword of Olivier. It is described as being of burnished steel, with a crystal embedded in a golden hilt.
  • Joyeuse, sword of Charlemagne. Some legends claim Joyeuse was forged to contain the Lance of Longinus within its pommel; others say the blade was smithed from the same materials as Roland's Durendal and Ogier's Curtana.
  • Murgleys (also Murgleis), sword of Ganelon, traitor and cousin of Roland. Its "gold pommel" held some kind of a "holy relic".
  • Précieuse, sword of Baligant, Emir of Babylon.
  • Sauvagine, second of the two magical swords of Ogier the Dane.
  • Merveilleuse, the hero's sword in Doon de Mayence. It was so sharp that when placed edge downwards it would cut through a slab of wood without the use of force.
  • Joan of Arc's sword, Joan's "voices" told her that a magical and holy sword would be found in the Church of Saint Catherine of Fierbois. It had five crosses upon it and that the rust was easily removed.

Swords from Spanish mythology

Swords from Greek mythology

  • Harpe, an adamantine sword was used by the hero Perseus to decapitate Medusa.
  • Sword of Peleus, a magic sword that makes its wielder victorious in the battle or the hunt.
  • Sword of Damocles, a huge sword hanged above the throne where Damocles sat on the throne, it was held at the pommel only by a single hair of a horse's tail.
  • Sword of justice, in Themis right hand, she is seen to have a sword that faces downward. This sword represents punishment.

Swords from Roman mythology

Swords from Hindu mythology

  • Aruval, the Tamils revere the weapon, a type of billhook, as a symbol of Karupannar. (Tamil mythology)
  • Asi, a legendary sword mentioned in the epic Mahabharata.
  • Chandrahas, the divine sword Chandrahas was given to Ravana with a warning that if it was used for unjust causes, it would return to the three-eyed Shiva and Ravana's days would be numbered.
  • Girish, special sword of Shiva with unique characteristics.
  • Khanda (also Mahābhārata Sword), Khanda is represented as wisdom cutting through ignorance. In Hinduism, the Khanda is a symbol of Shiva. Khanda often appears in Hindu, Buddhist and Sikh scriptures and art.
  • Nandaka (also Nandaki), the sword of the Hindu god Vishnu.
  • Nistrimsha, the sword of Pradyumna, son of Krishna.
  • Pattayudha, the divine sword of Lord Veerabhadra, commander of Lord Shiva's armies.

Swords from Japanese mythology

  • Kusanagi-no-tsurugi (also Ama-no-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi and Tsumugari no Tachi), sword of the Japanese god Susanoo, later given to his sister Amaterasu. It is one of three Imperial Regalia of Japan.
  • Totsuka-no-Tsurugi, the sword Susanoo used to slay Yamata no Orochi.
  • Ame-no-Ohabari (also Ama-no-Ohabari), used by Izanagi to kill his offspring, Kagu-tsuchi.
  • Futsu-no-mitama (August-Snap-Spirit), the sword of Takemikazuchi.
  • Juuchi Yosamu (10,000 Cold Nights), crafted by Muramasa – in a contest, Sengo Muramasa suspended the blade in a small creek with the cutting edge facing the current. Muramasa's sword cut everything that passed its way; fish, leaves floating down the river, the very air which blew on it. A monk who had been watching explained what he had seen; the Muramasa is a blood thirsty, evil blade, as it does not discriminate as to who or what it will cut. It may just as well be cutting down butterflies as severing heads.
  • Yawarakai-Te (Tender Hands), crafted by Masamune – in a contest, Masamune Okazaki lowered his sword into the current and waited patiently. Only leaves were cut. However, the fish swam right up to it, and the air hissed as it gently blew by the blade. A monk who had been watching explained what he had seen; the Masamune was by far the finer of the two swords, as it did not needlessly cut that which is innocent and undeserving.
  • Kogitsune-maru (Little Fox), Inari Ōkami and its fox spirits help the blacksmith Munechika forge the blade Kogitsune-maru at the end of the 10th century.
  • Kogarasu Maru (Little Crow), a unique tachi sword believed to have been created by the legendary smith Amakuni during 8th century CE.

Swords from Chinese mythology

  • Gan Jiang and Mo Ye, the legendary Chinese twin swords named after their creators.
  • Glory of Ten Powers, a legendary Chinese sword allegedly forged in Tibet by husband-and-wife magicians of the ancient Bön tradition.
  • Lü Dongbin's sword, a sword that dispels evil spirits.

Swords from Buddhist mythology

  • Chandrahrasa, legendary sword of Manjusri, according to Swayambhu Purana used to found Kathmandu Valley, forms the centerpiece of flag of Kathmandu.
  • Houken, a metaphorical Buddhist sword used to cut away earthly desires, it is wielded by Acala.
  • Khanda represents wisdom cutting through ignorance. Hindu and Buddhist deities are often shown welding or holding khanda sword in religious art. Notably, Buddhist guardian deities like Acala, Manjushri, Mahākāla, and Palden Lhamo.

Swords from Medieval Legend

Clubs and staffs from Hindu Mythology
  • Kaumodaki, the mace of the Hindu god Vishnu. Vishnu is often depicted holding the Kaumodaki in one of his four hands, it is also found in iconography of some of Vishnu's avatars.
  • Kaladanda, the staff of Death[9] is a special and lethal club used by God Yama or God of Naraka or Hell in Hindu mythology. It is very ferocious weapon. It was once granted by Brahma or God of creation. It was ultimate weapon, once fired would kill anybody before it. No matter what boons he had to protect himself.
  • Gada, the main weapon of the Hindu god Hanuman, an avatara of Shiva.
  • Mace of Bhima, a club that was presented by Mayasura. It was as weapon of Danavas King Vrishaparva.
  • Caduceus, the staff carried by Hermes or Mercury. It is a short staff entwined by two serpents, sometimes surmounted by wings, and symbolic of commerce. (Greek mythology)
  • Merlin’s staff, the staff of the legendary wizard of Camelot, advisor and mentor to king Arthur. (Celtic mythology)
  • Prospero’s staff, staff belonging to Prospero, the wizard in Tempest, in the end Prospero breaks his staff and drowns his magical books and renounces magic.
  • Gambanteinn, appears in two poems in the Poetic Edda. (Norse mythology)
  • Gríðarvölr, a magical staff given to Thor by Gríðr so he could kill the giant Geirröd. (Norse mythology)
  • Rod of Asclepius, a serpent-entwined rod wielded by the Greek god Asclepius, a deity associated with healing and medicine. (Greek mythology)
  • Ruyi Jingu Bang, the staff of Sun Wukong; the staff of the Monkey King could alter its size from a tiny needle to a mighty pillar. (Chinese mythology)
  • Thyrsus, a staff tipped with a pine cone and entwined with ivy leaves. These staffs were carried by Dionysus and his followers. (Greek mythology)
  • Khaṭvāṅga, in Hindu mythology, the god Shiva and Rudra carried the khatvāṅga as a staff weapon and are thus referred to as khatvāṅgīs. In Buddhist mythology, it is a particularly divine attribute of Padmasambhava and endemic to his iconographic representation and depicted as an accoutrement of his divine consorts, Mandarava and Yeshe Tsogyal. In the twilight language, it represents Yab-Yum.
  • Aaron's rod, was endowed with miraculous power during the Plagues of Egypt that preceded the Exodus. Was carried by Aaron. (Jewish mythology)
  • Staff of Moses, the staff was used by Moses to produce water from a rock, was transformed into a snake and back, and was used at the parting of the Red Sea. (Jewish mythology)
  • Ruyi (As Desired or As [You] Wish), is a curved decorative object that serves as a ceremonial sceptre in Chinese Buddhism or a talisman symbolizing power and good fortune in Chinese folklore. (Chinese folklore)
  • Was (Power or Dominion), a scepter associated with the gods (such as Set or Anubis) as well as with the pharaoh. Was scepter also represent the Set animal. In later use, it was a symbol of control over the force of chaos that Set represented. It appears as a stylized animal head at the top of a long, straight staff with a forked end. (Egyptian mythology)
  • Circe's staff, Circe was renowned for her vast knowledge of potions and herbs, through the use of these and a magic wand or a staff, she transformed her enemies, or those who offended her, into animals. (Greek mythology)
  • Cronus' scythe, Cronus castrated his father Uranus using an adamant sickle given to him by his mother Gaia. (Greek mythology)
  • Death's scythe, a large scythe appearing in the hands of the Grim Reaper. This stems mainly from the Christian Biblical belief of death as a "harvester of souls".
  • Scythe of Father Time, during the Renaissance, Father Time was depicted as wielding the harvesting scythe, and became the representative of the cruel and unrelenting flow of time which, in the end, cuts down all things.
Spears from Celtic Mythology
  • Areadbhar (also Areadbhair), belonged to Pisear, king of Persia. Its tip had to be kept immersed in a pot of water to keep it from igniting, a property similar to the Lúin of Celtchar. (Irish mythology)
  • Brionac, the spear of Lugh that was said to be impossible to overcome. (Celtic mythology)
  • Crann Buidhe, the spear of Manannán. (Irish mythology)
  • Del Chliss, Cú Chulainn's spear that first belonged to Nechtan Scéne, and used to kill the sons of Nechtan Scéne. Formerly the name for the charioteer's goad, a split piece of wood. (Irish mythology)
  • Gáe Buide (Yellow Shaft), a yellow spear that can inflict wounds from which none could recover. The spear of Diarmuid Ua Duibhne, given to him by Aengus. (Irish mythology)
  • Gáe Bulg, the spear of Cú Chulainn. (Irish mythology)
  • Gae Assail (Spear of Assal), the spear of Lugh, the incantation "Ibar (Yew)" made the cast always hit its mark, and "Athibar (Re-Yew)" caused the spear to return. (Irish mythology)
  • Gáe Derg (Red Javelin), the red spear of Diarmuid Ua Duibhne, given to him by Aengus. In mythology, it does not nullify magic, unlike some fiction might say. (Irish mythology)
  • Lúin of Celtchar, the name of a long, fiery lance or spear belonging to Celtchar mac Uthechar and wielded by other heroes, such as Dubthach, Mac Cécht and Fedlimid[disambiguation needed]. (Irish mythology)
  • Spear of Lugh, Lugh had no need to wield the spear himself. It was alive and thirsted for blood that only by steeping its head in a sleeping-draught of pounded fresh poppy seeds could it be kept at rest. When battle was near, it was drawn out; then it roared and struggled against its thongs, fire flashed from it, and it tore through the ranks of the enemy once slipped from the leash, never tired of slaying. (Irish mythology)
Spears from Japanese mythology
  • Amenonuhoko (Heavenly Jewelled Spear), the naginata used by the Shinto deities Izanagi and Izanami to create the world – also called tonbogiri.
  • Ama-no-Saka-hoko (Heavenly Upside Down Spear) is an antique and mysterious spear, staked by Ninigi-no-Mikoto at the summit of Takachiho-no-mine, where he and his divine followers first landed, according to the legend of Tenson kōrin.
  • Nihongo, is one of three legendary Japanese spears created by the famed swordsmith Masazane Fujiwara. A famous spear that was once used in the Imperial Palace. Nihongo later found its way into the possession of Masanori Fukushima, and then Tahei Mori.
  • Otegine, is one of three legendary Japanese spears created by the famed swordsmith Masazane Fujiwara.
  • Tonbokiri, is one of three legendary Japanese spears created by the famed swordsmith Fujiwara no Masazane, said to be wielded by the legendary daimyō Honda Tadakatsu. The spear derives its name from the myth that a dragonfly landed on its blade and was instantly cut in two. Thus Tonbo (Japanese for "dragonfly") and kiri (Japanese for "cutting"), translating this spear's name as "Dragonfly Slaying spear".
Spears from Chinese mythology
  • Erlang Shen's three-pointed, double-edged Spear.A long three-pointed Spear with two cutting edges of a Saber used by Erlang Shen. This Spear is powerful enough to penetrate and cleave through steel and stone like wool.
  • Green Dragon Crescent Blade, a legendary weapon wielded by Guan Yu in the historical novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms. It is a guandao, a type of traditional Chinese weapon. It is also sometimes referred to as the Frost Fair Blade, from the idea that during a battle in the snow, the blade continuously had blood on it; the blood froze and made a layer of frost on the blade.
  • Jiuchidingpa (Nine-tooth Iron Rake), the primary weapon of Zhu Bajie.
  • Octane Serpent Spear, Zhang Fei's spear from the Three Kingdoms period in China.
  • Spear of Fuchai, the spear used by Goujian's arch-rival King Fuchai of Wu.
  • Yueyachan (Crescent-Moon-Shovel), a Monk's spade that is the primary weapon of Sha Wujing. A double-headed staff with a crescent-moon (yuèyá) blade at one end and a spade (chǎn) at the other, with six xīzhàng rings in the shovel part to denote its religious association.
  • Bident, a two-pronged implement resembling a pitchfork. In classical mythology, the bident is associated with Pluto/Hades, the ruler of the underworld. (Greek mythology)
  • Devil's pitchfork, depicted as a bident or two-pronged pitchfork belonging to the devil. (Christian mythology)
  • Isis' harpoon, Isis brought some yarn and made a rope. She then took an ingot of copper, melted it, and made a harpoon. She tied the rope to the harpoon's end. Isis could also command her harpoon to release its victim. (Egyptian mythology)
  • Bleeding Lance, a sacred object, imbued with magic, in Grail ceremonies. Drops of blood issue from its point. When the Grail is Christianized, this weapon transforms into the Holy Lance, the spear that pierced the side of Jesus by the hand of a Roman soldier named Longinus. The blood is that of the lamb and drips eternally into the Grail. From the Vulgate Cycle on the Lance is also the weapon that inflicted the Grail-keeper's wound even though it is often attributed with healing powers. (Arthurian legend)
  • Bradamante's lance, a magical lance that unhorses anyone it touches. (Matter of France)
  • Lance of Olyndicus, wielded by the Celtiberians' war chief Olyndicus, who fought against Rome. According to Florus, he wielded a silver lance that was sent to him by the gods from the sky.[10] (Spanish mythology)
  • Holy Lance, also called the Spear of Longinus, is the name given to the lance that pierced the side of Jesus as he hung on the cross, according to the Gospel of John. (Christian mythology)
  • Kongō, A trident-shaped staff which emits a bright light in the darkness, and grants wisdom and insight. The staff belonged originally to the Japanese mountain god Kōya-no-Myōjin. It is the equivalent of the Sanskrit Vajra, the indestructible lightning-diamond pounder of the king of the gods/rain-god Indra. There the staff represents the three flames of the sacrificial fire, part of the image of the vajra wheel. (Japanese mythology)
  • Trident of Poseidon, associated with Poseidon, the god of the sea in Greek mythology and the Roman god Neptune. When struck the earth in anger, it caused mighty earthquakes and his trident could stir up tidal waves, tsunamis, and sea storms. (Greek mythology)
  • Trident of Madhu, Madhu handed everything over to his son Lavanasura including his trident before drowning himself in the ocean because of shame. (Hindu mythology)
  • Trishula, the trident of Shiva, stylized by some as used as a missile weapon and often included a crossed stabilizer to facilitate flight when thrown. Considered to be the most powerful weapon. (Hindu mythology)


  • Arash's bow, Arash used the bow to determine the border between Persia and Tooran, it is said that the arrow was traveling for three days, and Arash sacrificed himself while firing the bow by putting his life force in the arrow. (Persian mythology)
  • Fail-not, the bow of Tristan. It was said to never miss its mark. (Arthurian legend)
  • Houyi's bow, the God of Archery used his bow to shoot down nine out of ten sun-birds from the sky. (Chinese mythology)
Bows from Classical Greek and Roman mythology
  • Apollo's bow, a bow that was crafted of sun rays. To protect his mother, Apollo begged Hephaestus for a bow and arrows. (Greek mythology)
  • Artemis's bow, a golden bow that was crafted of moonlight and silver wood or made of gold. She got her bow for the first time from the Cyclops, as the one she asked from her father. (Greek mythology)
  • Cupid's bow, which, along with dove- and owl-fletched arrows, could cause one to love or hate (respectively) the person he/she first saw after being struck. (Roman mythology)
  • Heracles's bow, which also belonged to Philoctetes, its arrows had been dipped in the blood of the Lernaean Hydra, which made them instantly lethal. (Greek mythology)
  • Eurytus' bow, Eurytus became so proud of his archery skills that he challenged Apollo. The god killed Eurytus for his presumption, and Eurytus' bow was passed to Iphitus, who later gave the bow to his friend Odysseus. It was this bow that Odysseus used to kill the suitors who had wanted to take his wife, Penelope. (Greek mythology)
Bows from Hindu mythology
  • Pinaka, the great bow of Shiva, arrows fired from the bow could not be intercepted.
  • Vijaya (also Vijaya Dhanush), the bow of Karna, one of the greatest hero of the Hindu epic, Mahabharata.
  • Gandiva, created by Brahma and given by Varuna to Arjuna on Agni's request and used by Arjuna during the Kurukshetra war.
  • Kodandam, Rama's bow.
  • Shiva Dhanush (Shiva's bow), a bow given by Shiva to Janaka and broken by Rama during Sita's swayamvara.
  • Sharanga, the bow of the Hindu God Vishnu.
  • Kaundinya's bow, a magic bow wielded by the Brahman Kaundinya, who used it to make the Naga princess Mera fall in love with him.[11]
  • Sharanga, the bow of Krishna.
  • Indra's bow, the rainbow is depicted as an archer's bow. Indra, the god of thunder and war, uses the rainbow to shoot arrows of lightning.
  • Apollo's arrow, an arrow that was crafted of sun rays. It could cause health or cause famine and death in sleep. (Greek mythology)
  • Artemis's arrow, an arrow that was crafted of moonlight and silver wood or made of gold. She got her arrow for the first time from the Cyclops, as the one she asked from her father. The arrows of Artemis could also bring sudden death and disease to girls and women. (Greek mythology)
  • Arrow of Brahma, the demi-god Rama faced the demon king of Sri-Lanka, Ravana. Rama fired the arrow of Brahma that had been imparted to him by Agastya. The arrow of Brahma burst Ravana's navel, and returned to Rama's quiver. (Hindu mythology)
  • Teen Baan, Shiva gave Barbarika three infallible arrows (Teen Baan). A single arrow was enough to destroy all opponents in any war, and it would then return to Barbarika's quiver. (Hindu mythology)
  • Elf-arrow (also Pixie Arrow), were arrowheads of flint used in hunting and war by the aborigines of the British Isles and of Europe generally, as they still are among native people elsewhere. Elf-Arrows derived their name from the folklore belief that the arrows fell from the sky, and were used by the Elves to kill cattle and inflict Elfshot on human beings. Elf-Arrows were sometimes worn as amulets, occasionally set in silver, as a charm against witchcraft. (English folklore)
  • Carnwennan (Little White-Hilt), the dagger of King Arthur. It is sometimes attributed with the magical power to shroud its user in shadow, it was used by Arthur to slice the Very Black Witch in half. (Arthurian legend)
  • Dagger of Rostam, a glittering dagger that Rostam used to behead the white daeva Div-e Sepid. (Persian mythology)
  • Knife of Llawfrodedd the Horseman, Llawfrodedd Farchog (from marchog "the Horseman"), or Barfawc "the Bearded" in other manuscripts, is said to have owned a knife which would serve for a company of 24 men at the dinner table. (Welsh mythology)

Daggers from Malay Folklore

  • Kris Mpu Gandring, a cursed kris of Ken Arok. The unfinished or incomplete kris would kill seven men, including Ken Arok. (Folklore of Indonesia)
  • Kris Taming Sari (Flower Shield or Beautiful Shield), one of the most well-known kris in Malay literature, said to be so skilfully crafted that anyone wielding it was unbeatable. (Malay folklore)
  • Kris Setan Kober, belong to Arya Penangsang, the mighty viceroy (adipati) of Jipang who was killed by his own kris called Setan Kober ("devil of the grave"). Forged by Empu Bayu Aji in the kingdom of Pajajaran, and had 13 luk on its blade. (Folklore of Indonesia)
  • Axe of Perun, the axe wielded by the Slavic god of thunder and lightning, Perun. (Slavic paganism)
  • Forseti's axe (also Fosite's axe), a golden battle axe that Forseti (or Fosite in the Frisian mythology) used to save the old sages of the wreck and then threw the axe to an island to bring forth a source of water. (Norse mythology)
  • Hephaestus's Labrys, Hephaestus slices open the head of Zeus with a double-headed axe to free Athena whose pregnant mother Zeus swallowed to prevent her offspring from dethroning him. (Greek mythology)
  • Lightning axe, the Maya rain deity Chaac strikes the clouds and produces thunder and rain with his lightning axe. (Maya mythology)
  • Parashu, the battle-axe of Shiva who gave it to Parashurama. (Hindu mythology)
  • Pangu's axe, Pangu began creating the world: he separated yin from yang with a swing of his giant axe, creating the Earth (murky yin) and the Sky (clear yang). (Chinese mythology)
  • Paul Bunyan's axe, Paul was walking while dragged his large heavy axe behind him, carving the Grand Canyon in the process. (American folklore)
  • Shango's axe, the axe of the Yoruba thunder god which produces thunder. (Yoruba mythology)
  • Zeus's Labrys, at Labraunda there were depictions of Zeus who was called Zeus Labrandeus (Ζεὺς Λαβρανδεύς) with a tall lotus-tipped sceptre upright in his left hand and the double-headed axe over his right shoulder.
  • Mjölnir, the magic hammer of Thor. It was invulnerable and when thrown it would return to the user's hand. (Norse mythology)
  • Ukonvasara (also Ukonkirves), the symbol and magical weapon of the Finnish thunder god Ukko, and was similar to Thor's Mjölnir. (Finnish mythology)
  • Uchide no kozuchi, a legendary Japanese "magic hammer" which can "tap out" anything wished for. In popular belief, magic wooden hammer is a standard item held in the hand of the iconic deity Daikoku-ten. (Japanese folklore)
  • Hammer of Hephaestus, the hammer of the Greek smith-god Hephaestus which was used to make the Greek gods weapons. It was also seen as an axe on various Greek pots and vases where Hephaestus was seen carrying it, usually riding on a donkey. (Greek mythology)
  • Sling-stone (also Cloich Tabaill), was used by Lugh to slay his grandfather, Balor the Strong-Smiter in the Cath Maige Tuired according to the brief accounts in the Lebor Gabála Érenn. (Irish mythology)
  • Thunderbolt, lightning plays a role in many mythologies, often as the weapon of a sky god and weather god. Thunderbolts as divine weapons can be found in many mythologies. In Greek mythology, the thunderbolt is a weapon given to Zeus by the Cyclops, or by Hephaestus in Greek mythology. Zibelthiurdos of Paleo-Balkan mythology is a god recognized as similar to the Greek Zeus as a wielder of lightning and thunderbolts. In Igbo mythology, the thunderbolt is the weapon of Amadioha and in Yoruba mythology, the thunderbolt is the weapon of Shango.
  • Xiuhcoatl, a lightning-like weapon borne by Huitzilopochtli. (Aztec religion)
  • Holly Dart or Mistletoe, Baldr is killed by a holly dart, mistletoe, an arrow, or a spear gotten from his father's mischievous blood-brother Loki. (Norse mythology)
  • Tathlum, the missile fired by Lugh from the Sling-stone. (Irish mythology)
  • Sagitta, regarded as the weapon that Hercules used to kill the eagle Aquila that perpetually gnawed Prometheus' liver. (Greek mythology)
  • Magic Bullet, an enchanted bullet obtained through a contract with the devil in the German folk legend Freischütz. A marksman has obtained a certain number of bullets destined to hit without fail whatever object he wishes. Six of the magic bullets (German: Freikugeln, literally "free bullets"), are thus subservient to the marksman's will, but the seventh is at the absolute disposal of the devil himself. (German folklore)
  • Silver bullet, a bullet cast from silver is often the only weapon that is effective against a werewolf, witch, or other monsters.
  • Kenkonken, a chakram of great power wielded in Taoist mythology by Nezha. Nezha is a mythological figure who is often depict as a young handsome boy wearing clothes similar to a lotus since he was reincarnated from a lotus. He has two wheels with flames attached to his feet and golden ankle rings. (Chinese mythology)

Projectile weapons from Hindu mythology

  • Astra, a supernatural weapon, presided over by a specific deity. To summon or use an astra required knowledge of a specific incantation/invocation, when armed.
  • Brahmastra, described in a number of the Puranas, it was considered the deadliest weapon. It was said that when the Brahmastra was discharged, there was neither a counterattack nor a defense that could stop it.
  • Narayanastra, the personal missile of Vishnu in his Narayana or Naraina form.
  • Pashupatastra, an irresistible and most destructive personal weapon of Shiva and Kali, discharged by the mind, the eyes, words, or a bow.
  • Varunastra, a water weapon (a storm) according to the Indian scriptures, incepted by Varuna. In stories it is said to assume any weapon's shape, just like water. This weapon is commonly mentioned as being used to counter the Agneyastra.
  • Agneyastra, the god of fire Agni possess a weapon that would discharge and emit flames inextinguishable through normal means.
  • Sudarshana Chakra, a legendary spinning disc like weapon used by the Hindu God Vishnu.
  • Vajra, the weapon of the Vedic rain and thunder-deity Indra, and is used symbolically by the dharmic traditions to represent firmness of spirit and spiritual power. (Hindu mythology/Buddhist mythology/Jain mythology)
  • Brahmanda Astra, it is said in the epic Mahabharata that the weapon manifests with the all five heads of Lord Brahma as its tip. Brahma earlier lost his fifth head when he fought with Lord Shiva. This weapon is said to possess the power to destroy entire solar system or Brahmand, the 14 realms according to Hindu cosmology.
  • Brahmashirsha Astra, It is thought that the Brahmashirsha Astra is the evolution of the Brahmastra, and 4 times stronger than Brahmastra. The weapon manifests with the four heads of Lord Brahma as its tip. When it strikes an area it will cause complete destruction and nothing will grow, not even a blade of grass, for the next 12 years. It will not rain for 12 years in that area, and everything including metal and earth become poisoned.
  • Vasavi Shakti, the magical dart of Indra. Used by Karna against Ghatotkacha in the Mahabharata war.



  • Aphrodite's Magic Girdle, a magic material that made whoever the wearer desired fall in love with him/her. (Greek mythology)
  • Girdle of Hippolyta, sometimes called a magical girdle and sometimes a magical belt. It was a symbol of Hippolyta's power over the Amazons; given to her by Ares. Heracles' 9th Labor was to retrieve it. (Greek mythology)
  • Tyet, the ancient Egyptian symbol of the goddess Isis. It seems to be called "the Knot of Isis" because it resembles a knot used to secure the garments that the Egyptian gods wore (also tet, buckle of Isis, girdle of Isis, and the blood of Isis). (Egyptian mythology)
  • Girdle of Brynhildr, Siegfried takes her girdle which makes Brynhildr lose her supernatural strength. (Norse mythology)
  • Bridle of Constantine, said to be made from the nails used during the crucifixion of Christ.

Caps and hats


  • Hagoromo (Feather Dress), a colored or feathered kimono of a tennin. Tennin are unable to fly without these kimonos and thus will be unable to return to Heaven. (Japanese mythology)
  • Velificatio, a stylistic device used in ancient Roman art to frame a deity by means of a billowing garment. It represents "vigorous movement", an "epiphany", or "the vault of heaven", often appearing with celestial, weather, or sea deities. (Roman mythology)



  • Ǒusībùyúnlǚ (Cloud-stepping Boots or Cloud-stepping Shoes), made of lotus fiber, these are one of the treasures of the Dragon Kings; Ào Ming gives them to Sun Wukong in order to get rid of him when he acquires the Ruyi Jingu Bang. (Chinese mythology)
  • Fast-walker Boots (Cапоги-скороходы), allows the person wearing them to walk and run at an amazing pace. (Russian folklore)
  • Seven-league boots, they were said to allow the wearer to make strides of seven leagues in length. (European folklore)






  • Mantle of Arthur (also Llen Arthyr yng Nghernyw), whoever was under it could not be seen, and he could see everyone. One of the Thirteen Treasures of the Island of Britain. This item is known from two other sources, the prose tales Culhwch and Olwen (c. 1100) and The Dream of Rhonabwy (early 13th century). A very similar mantle also appears in the Second Branch of the Mabinogi, in which it is used by Caswallawn to assassinate the seven stewards left behind by Bran the Blessed and usurp the throne. (Welsh mythology)
  • Mantle of Tegau Gold-Breast, Tegau Gold-Breast (Tegau Eurfron, wife of Caradoc) was a Welsh heroine. Her mantle would not serve for any woman who had violated her marriage or her virginity. It would reach to the ground when worn by a faithful woman but would only hang down to the lap of an unfaithful wife. (Welsh mythology)


  • Robe of the Fire-rat, a legendary robe of China that is made of the fireproof fur of the fire-rat. One of Kaguya-hime's suitor set out to search for the robe. (Japanese mythology)
  • Seamless Robe of Jesus (also Holy Robe, Holy Tunic, Honorable Robe or Chiton of the Lord), the robe said to have been worn by Jesus during or shortly before his crucifixion. (Christian mythology)

Pants and shirts


Amulets and Charms

  • Agimat, a Filipino word for "amulet" or "charm".
  • Ankh, appears frequently in Egyptian tomb paintings and other art, often at the fingertips of a god or goddess. (Egyptian mythology)
  • Phylactery, an amulet or charm, worn for its supposed magical or supernatural power.
  • Vedic amulet, in Vedic literature, fig trees often represent talismans with the udumbara fig tree having been deemed the "lord of amulets". (Hindu mythology/Buddhist mythology)
  • Wolfssegen (also Wolfsegen and Wolf-Segen), an apotropaic charm against wolves. (European folklore)
  • Andvaranaut, a magical ring capable of producing gold, first owned by Andvari. (Norse mythology)
  • Ring of Dispel, a ring given to Sir Lancelot by the Lady of the Lake which could dispel any enchantment. In Le Chevalier de la Charrette it is given to him by a fairy instead. He used the ring to cross the Sword Bridge. (Arthurian legend)
  • Ring of Mudarra, the ring that Gonzalo Gustioz breaks in two pieces to so he can later on recognize the son with which his lover is pregnant. When that son, Mudarra, joins the two halves, it again becomes a complete ring and Gonzalo Gustioz is healed of his blindness in the epic poem Cantar de los Siete Infantes de Lara.[12] (Spanish mythology)
  • Ring of Gyges, a mythical magical artifact that granted its owner the power to become invisible at will. (Greek mythology)
  • Seal of Solomon, a magical brass or steel ring that could imprison demons. (Jewish mythology/Christian mythology)
  • Svíagris, Adils' prized ring in the Hrólfr Kraki's saga. (Norse mythology)
  • Stone and Ring of Eluned the Fortunate, one might describe it as a cloak of invisibility. It's said that Merlin once possessed this item for a while. (Welsh mythology)
  • Angelica's ring, a ring possessed by Angelica, princess of Cathay in the legends of Charlemagne. It rendered its wearer immune to all enchantments. When placed in the mouth, the ring rendered the user invisible. (Mythology in France)
  • Nibelungen ring, Alberich steals the Rhinegold from the Rhinemaidens, having learned that he who is willing to renounce love will thereby gain the ability to forge a ring of power from the gold. Alberich forges the ring and makes himself lord over all the Nibelungen. (German mythology)
  • Aladdin's ring, a magic ring the sorcerer from the Maghreb has lent him. When he rubs his hands in despair, he inadvertently rubs the ring and a genie appears. (Arabic mythology)
  • Karna Kundala, the ear-rings of Karna (was present at his birth). (Hindu mythology)
  • Makarakundala, makara shaped ear-rings are sometimes worn by the Hindu gods, for example Shiva, the Destroyer, or the Preserver-god Vishnu, the Sun god Surya, and the Mother Goddess Chandi. (Hindu mythology)
  • Shiva Kundala, the Hindu God Shiva wears two earrings or Kundalas. Traditional images of Shiva depict the two earrings named – Alakshya and Niranjan.(Hindu mythology)
  • Cintamani (also Chintamani Stone), a wish-fulfilling jewel within both Hindu and Buddhist traditions, equivalent to the philosopher's stone in Western alchemy. (Hindu mythology/Buddhist mythology)
  • Lyngurium (also Ligurium), the name of a mythical gemstone believed to be formed of the solidified urine of the lynx (the best ones coming from wild males). (Medieval legend)
  • Batrachite, gemstones that was supposedly found in frogs, to which ancient physicians and naturalists attributed the virtue of resisting poison. (Medieval legend)
  • Kaustubha is a divine jewel or "Mani", which is in the possession of Lord Vishnu. (Hindu mythology)
  • Draconite, a mythical gemstone taken from the head of a live dragon and believed to have magical properties.
  • Tide jewels, the kanju (干珠?, lit. "(tide-)ebbing jewel") and manju (満珠?, lit. "(tide-)flowing jewel") were magical gems that the Sea God used to control the tides. (Japanese mythology)
  • Syamantaka (also Syamantakamani and Shyamantaka Jewel), the most famous jewel that is supposed to be blessed with magical powers. (Hindu mythology)
  • Mermaid tears, Neptune forebode the mermaids to use their abilities to change the course of nature. In a horrible storm, one mermaid weathered the crossings for a ship. She had, over time, grown to fall in love with the ship's captain from afar. When she calmed the wind and waves to save the man's life, Neptune angrily exiled her to the depths of the ocean. She was condemned for eternity and ordered never to swim to the surface again. Still, today, her brightly gleaming tears wash up on the shore as sea glass as a reminder of true love. (Medieval legend)
  • Five-colored Jewel from a Dragon's Neck, a jewel that shines five colors found in a dragon's neck. One of Kaguya-hime's suitor set out to search for the jewel. (Japanese mythology)
  • Hope Diamond, the diamond has been surrounded by a mythology of a reputed curse to the effect that it brings misfortune and tragedy to persons who own it or wear it, but there are strong indications that such stories were fabricated to enhance the stone's mystery and appeal, since increased publicity usually raised the gem's value and newsworthiness. Unsubstantiated legends claim that the original form of the Hope Diamond was stolen from an eye of a sculpted statue of the goddess Sita, the wife of Rama, the seventh Avatar of Vishnu.
  • Flaming pearl (also Wish-granting pearl), oriental dragons are shown with a flaming pearl under their chin or in their claws. The pearl is associated with spiritual energy, wisdom, prosperity, power, immortality, thunder, or the moon. (Chinese mythology)
  • Gem of Kukulkan, the Mayan god brought fire, earth, air, and water to the world. Though Kukulkan only has the wind gem, and with it can control the air. (Maya mythology)


  • Baetylus, a sacred stone which was supposedly endowed with life. (Greek mythology)
  • Bezoar, sought because they were believed to have the power of a universal antidote against any poison. It was believed that a drinking glass which contained a bezoar would neutralize any poison poured into it.
  • Philosopher's stone, said to perform alchemy without an equal sacrifice being made, such as turning lead to gold, and creating something out of nothing. (Medieval legend)
  • Sesshō-seki (also Killing Stone), a stone that kills anyone who comes into contact with it. (Japanese mythology)
  • Stone of Giramphiel, a stone described in Diu Crône. Sir Gawain wins from the knight Fimbeus and it offers him protection against the fiery breath of dragons and the magic of the sorcerer Laamorz. (Arthurian legend)
  • Singasteinn (Old Norse singing stone or chanting stone), an object that appears in the account of Loki and Heimdallr's fight in the form of seals. (Norse mythology)
  • Llech Ronw (also Slate of Gron), a holed stone located along Afon Bryn Saeth in Blaenau Ffestiniog, Wales. The stone is described as being roughly forty inches by thirty inches with a hole of about an inch in diameter going through it. (Welsh mythology)
  • Adder stone, believed to have magical powers such as protection against eye diseases or evil charms, preventing nightmares, curing whooping cough, the ability to see through fairy or witch disguises and traps if looked at through the middle of the stone, and of course recovery from snakebite. (Welsh mythology)
  • Toadstone (also Bufonite), a mythical stone or gem thought to be found in, or produced by, a toad, and is supposed to be an antidote to poison. (Medieval legend)
  • Stone of Scone (also Stone of Destiny), an oblong block of red sandstone. (Matter of Britain)
  • Sledovik, a most widespread type of sacred stones, venerated in Slavic (Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian) and Uralic (Karela, Merya) pagan practices. (Slavic paganism)
  • Lia Fáil (also Stone of Destiny), a stone at the Inauguration Mound on the Hill of Tara in County Meath, Ireland. In legend, all of the kings of Ireland were crowned on the stone up to Muirchertach mac Ercae c. AD 500. (Irish mythology)
  • Thunderstone, throughout Europe, Asia, and Polynesia – flint arrowheads and axes turned up by farmer's plows are considered to have fallen from the sky. They were often thought to be thunderbolts and are called "thunderstones".
  • Gjöll, the name of the rock which Fenrir the wolf is bound. (Norse mythology)
  • Vaidurya, most precious of all stones, sparkling beauty beyond compare, the stone worn by the goddess Lakshmi and the goddess of wealth Rigveda. (Hindu Mythology)
  • Seer stone, some early-nineteenth-century Americans used seer stones in attempts to gain revelations from God or to find buried treasure. From about 1819, Joseph Smith regularly practiced scrying, a form of divination in which a "seer" looked into a seer stone to receive supernatural knowledge.
  • Urim and Thummim, a set of seer stones bound by silver bows into a set of spectacles.
  • Lapis manalis (Stone of the Manes), was either of two sacred stones used in the Roman religion. One covered a gate to Pluto, abode of the dead; Festus called it ostium Orci, "the gate of Orcus". The other was used to make rain; this one may have no direct relationship with the Manes, but is instead derived from the verb manare, "to flow". The two stones had the same name. However, the grammarian Festus held the cover to the gate of the underworld and the rainmaking stone to be two distinct stones. (Roman mythology)
  • Charmstone (charm-stone and charm stone), a stone or mineral artifact associated with various traditional culture, including those of Scotland and the native cultures of California and the American southwest.
  • Snakestones (also Serpentstones), fossilized ammonites were thought to be petrified coiled snakes, and were called snakestones. They were considered to be evidence for the actions of saints, such as Hilda of Whitby, a myth referenced in Sir Walter Scott's Marmion, and Saint Patrick, and were held to have healing or oracular powers. (Medieval legend)
  • Benben, the mound that arose from the primordial waters Nu, and on which the creator god Atum settled. (Egyptian mythology)
  • Omphalos, Zeus sent two eagles across the world to meet at its center, the "navel" of the world. Omphalos stones marking the center were erected in several places about the Mediterranean Sea; the most famous of those was at Delphi. Omphalos is also the name of the stone given to Cronus. (Greek mythology)
  • Uluru (also Ayers Rock), the first tells of serpent beings who waged many wars around Uluru, scarring the rock. The second tells of two tribes of ancestral spirits who were invited to a feast, but were distracted by the beautiful Sleepy Lizard Women and did not show up. In response, the angry hosts sang evil into a mud sculpture that came to life as the dingo. There followed a great battle, which ended in the deaths of the leaders of both tribes. The earth itself rose up in grief at the bloodshed, becoming Uluru. (Australian Aboriginal mythology)
  • Skofnung stone, it is told by Eid that any wound made by the sword Skofnung will not heal unless rubbed with the Skofnung Stone, which Eid gives to Thorkel Eyjólfsson along with the sword. (Norse mythology)



  • Magic carpet (also Flying carpet), a legendary carpet that can be used to transport humans who are on it instantaneously or quickly to their destination. (Arabian mythology)
  • Flying mortar and pestle of Baba Yaga, she flies around in a mortar and using the pestle as a rudder. (Slavic Mythology)
  • Flying Throne of Kai Kavus, an eagle-propelled craft built by the Persian king Kay Kāvus. It was used for flying the king all the way to China. (Persian mythology)
  • Roth Rámach (lit. Rowing Wheel), the magical flying machine of Mug Ruith, a mythological Irish Druid who along with his feathered headdress (the encennach), hovers across the skies [2]. (Irish Mythology)
  • Flying Canoe (also Bewitched Canoe or Flying Canoe), Baptiste had a canoe with paddles, he made a pact with the devil so his canoe would fly wherever Baptiste wished. However, those within the canoe could not say the name of God, fly over a church, touch any crosses, or the canoe would crash. Baptiste uttered the magic words: "Acabris! Acabras! Acabram" to make the canoe fly. (Canadian folklore)
  • Santa's sleigh, Santa Claus on a reindeer sleigh pulled by flying reindeer and help him deliver presents to children.
  • Witch's broom, European witches are usually depicted flying on broomsticks, known as a besom. (Medieval legend)
Vimana from Hindu mythology
  • Pushpa Vimana(An Aeroplane with flowers) is a mythical Aeroplane found in Ayyavazhi mythology. In Maharashtra, it is the Pushpak Viman (a heavenly aircraft shaped as an eagle) which took Saint Tukaram (a devotee of Vishnu) to heaven.
  • Pushpaka Vimana or Dandu Monara – Pushpaka was originally made by Vishwakarma for Brahma, the Hindu god of creation; later Brahma gave it to Kubera, the God of wealth; but it was later stolen, along with Lanka, by his half-brother, king Ravana.

Chariots from Classical Greek and Roman mythology

Chariots from Hindu mythology

Chariots from Norse mythology

  • Thor's chariot, driven across the sky by Thor and pulled by his two goats Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjóstr.
  • Freyja's chariot, a chariot pulled by cats.
  • Álfröðull (Elf-beam, Elf-disc" or Elf-glory, Elf-heaven), referring both to the sun-chariot of the sun goddess Sól and to the rider Sól. Álfröðull is pulled by two horses, Árvakr and Alsviðr across the sky each day.


  • Caleuche, a mythical ghost ship of the Chilote mythology and local folklore of the Chiloé Island, in Chile. (Chilote mythology)
  • Canoe of Gluskab, able to expand so it could hold an army, or shrink to fit in the palm of your hand. (Abenaki mythology)
  • Canoe of Māui, it became the South Island of New Zealand. (Māori mythology)
  • Guingelot, Thomas Speght, an editor or Chaucer's works at the end of the 16th century, made a passing remark "Concerning Wade and his bote called Guingelot", and also his strange exploits in the same.
  • The Preserver of Life, the ship built in the Epic of Gilgamesh by Utnapishtim and the craftspeople of his village at the request of Enki Ea to hold his wife and relatives, as well as the village craftspeople, the animals to be saved, and various grains and seeds. (Mesopotamian mythology)
  • Wave Sweeper, a magic boat belonging to Lugh. (Irish mythology)
  • Flying Dutchman, a legendary ghost ship that can never make port and is doomed to sail the oceans forever. (Nautical folklore)
  • Mannigfual, the ship of the giants. (North-Frisian mythology)
  • Prydwen (also Pridwen), the ship of King Arthur, according to the Welsh poem, the Spoils of Annwfn. This ship also appeared in Culhwch and Olwen, when Arthur traveled to Ireland, to fetch the cauldron of Diwrnach and the boar Twrch Trwyth. In later Arthurian legend, Pridwen was the name of Arthur's shield. (Arthurian legend)
  • Noah's Ark, the vessel by which God spares Noah, his family, and a remnant of all the world's animals from the flood. According to Genesis, God gave Noah instructions for building the ark. (Christian mythology)
  • Chinese treasure ship (also Baochuan), a type of large wooden ship in the fleet of admiral Zheng He, who led seven voyages during the early 15th-century Ming dynasty. Scholars disagree about the factual accuracy and correct interpretation of accounts of the treasure ships. (Chinese mythology)
  • Atet, the solar barge of the sun god Ra. It was also known as the Mandjet (Egyptian for "The Boat of Millions of Years") and, during the night, as the Mesektet.
  • Matet, (Growing Stronger), the first of two boats traveled in by Ra, the sun god as he traveled the sky daily with the sun on his head. During the period between dawn and noon, Ra occupies the Matet boat.
  • Seqtet, (Growing Weaker), the second six hours of the day (from noon till dusk) in Ancient Egyptian belief. It was preceded by the Matet boat. The Seqtet boat is represented by the Sun as Ra, and Ra as a boat since it sails across the sky like a boat on water.
  • Neshmet, a vessel belonging to the god Nun. Osiris was transported in it on the river Nile during the Osiris festival at Abydos.
  • Hennu (also Hennu boat and Henu), the boat of the god Seker. Depending on the era or the prevailing dynasty of Egypt, the Hennu sailed toward either dawn or dusk.

Ships from Greek mythology

  • Argo, the ship on which Jason and the Argonauts sailed. She contained in her prow a magical piece of timber from the sacred forest of Dodona, which could speak and render prophecies.
  • Phaeacian ships, in the Odyssey, are described as being as fast as a falcon, steered by thought and requiring no helmsman, and able to travel even through mist or fog without any danger of being shipwrecked.
  • Boat of Charon, ferryman of Hades who carries souls of the newly deceased across the rivers Styx and Acheron that divided the world of the living from the world of the dead.

Ships from Norse mythology

  • Ellida, a magic dragon ship given to Víking as a gift by Aegir.
  • Hringhorni, is the name of the ship of the god Baldr, described as the "greatest of all ships".
  • Naglfar, a ship made out of fingernails and toenails of the dead. It will set sail during Ragnarök.
  • Sessrúmnir, is both the goddess Freyja's hall located in Fólkvangr, a field where Freyja receives half of those who die in battle, and also the name of a ship.
  • Skíðblaðnir, a boat owned by Freyr.
  • Ullr's bone, Ullr could traverses the sea on his magic bone.


  • Silverpilen (Silver Arrow), is a Stockholm Metro train which features in several urban legends alleging sightings of the train's "ghost". (Swedish folklore)
  • St. Louis Ghost Train, visible at night along an old abandoned rail line in between Prince Albert and St. Louis, Saskatchewan. (Canadian legend)
  • Phantom funeral train, a funeral train decorated in black bunting said to run regularly from Washington, D.C. to Springfield, Illinois, around the time of the anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's death, stopping watches and clocks in surrounding areas as it passes. (American folklore)


  • Four Treasures of the Tuatha Dé Danann (also Hallows of Ireland), consisting of the Claíomh Solais, Brionac, Cauldron of the Dagda, and the Lia Fáil. (Celtic mythology)
  • Three Sacred Treasures of Japan, consisting of the Kusanagi, the jewel necklace Yasakani no Magatama, and the mirror Yata no Kagami. (Japanese mythology)
  • Karun Treasure, said to belong to King Croesus of Lydia. (Persian mythology)
  • Thirteen Treasures of the Island of Britain, consisting of the Dyrnwyn, the Hamper of Gwyddno Garanhir, the Horn of Brân Galed, the Chariot of Morgan Mwynfawr, the Halter of Clydno Eiddyn, the Knife of Llawfrodedd the Horseman, the Cauldron of Dyrnwch the Giant, the Whetstone of Tudwal Tudglyd, the Coat of Padarn Beisrudd, the Crock and Dish of Rhygenydd Ysgolhaig, the Chessboard of Gwenddoleu ap Ceidio, the Mantle of Arthur in Cornwall, the Mantle of Tegau Gold-Breast, and the Stone and Ring of Eluned the Fortunate. (Matter of Britain)
  • Rheingold (also Rhinegold), a hoard of gold in the Nibelungenlied where three Rheinmaidens swim and protect the treasure. (Norse mythology)
  • Confederate gold, an hidden caches of gold lost after the American Civil War. Millions of dollars' worth of gold was lost or unaccounted for after the war and has been the speculation of many historians and treasure hunters. Allegedly, some of the Confederate treasury was hidden in order to wait for the rising again of the South and at other times simply so that the Union would not gain possession. (American legend)
  • Eight Treasures, consisting of the wish-granting pearl (flaming pearl), the double lozenges, the stone chime, the pair of rhinoceros horns, the double coins, the gold or silver ingot, coral, and the wish-granting scepter. (Chinese mythology)
  • Nidhi (also Nidhana, Nikhara, or Sevadhi) is a treasure, which constitutes of nine precious objects (nawanidhi) belonging to Kubera, god of wealth.


Relics from Buddhist Mythology

  • Cetiya, "reminders" or "memorials" (Sanskrit caitya) are objects and places used by Theravada Buddhists to remember Gautama Buddha.
  • Relic of the tooth of the Buddha, venerated in Sri Lanka as a cetiya "relic" of Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism.
  • Śarīra, a generic term referring to Buddhist relics. In Buddhism, relics of the Buddha and various sages are venerated. After the Buddha's death, his remains were divided into eight portions. Afterward, these relics were enshrined in stupas wherever Buddhism was spread.

Relics from Islamic mythology



Plants and herbs

  • Aglaophotis, a herb. According to Dioscorides, peony is used for warding off demons, witchcraft, and fever.
  • Fern flower, a magic flower that blooms for a very short time on the eve of the Summer solstice. The flower brings fortune to the person who finds it. (Slavic mythology)
  • Hungry grass (also Féar Gortach), a patch of cursed grass. Anyone walking on it was doomed to perpetual and insatiable hunger. (Irish mythology)
  • Moly, a magical herb Hermes gave to Odysseus to protect him from Circe's magic when he went to her home to rescue his friends. (Greek mythology)
  • Raskovnik, a magical herb that has the magical property to unlock or uncover anything that is locked or closed. (Slavic mythology)
  • Ausadhirdipyamanas, healing plants. Used for healing and rejuvenations in battles. These are used by Ashvins. (Hindu mythology)
  • Haoma, the Avestan language name of a plant and its divinity, both of which play a role in Zoroastrian doctrine and in later Persian culture and mythology.
  • Silphium, a plant that was used in classical antiquity as a seasoning and as a medicine. Legend said that this plant was a gift from the god Apollo. (Roman mythology)
  • Verbena, it has long been associated with divine and other supernatural forces. It was called "tears of Isis" in ancient Egypt, and later called "Hera's tears". In ancient Greece it was dedicated to Eos Erigineia. In the early Christian era, folk legend stated that V. officinalis was used to staunch Jesus' wounds after his removal from the cross. It was consequently called "holy herb" or (e.g. in Wales) "Devil's bane".
  • Yao Grass, a type of mythical plant. (Chinese mythology)
  • Shamrock, ancient Druids honored it as a sacred plant. The Druids believed the shamrock had the power to avert evil spirits. Some people still believe the shamrock has mystical, even prophetic powers. It is said that the leaves of shamrocks turn upright whenever a storm is coming. (Irish mythology)
  • Sanjeevani, a magical herb which has the power to cure any malady. It was believed that medicines prepared from this herb could revive a dead person. (Hindu mythology)
  • Jeweled Branch of Hōrai, a branch from a tree found on Hōrai, these trees of gold have jewels for leaves. One of Kaguya-hime's suitor set out to search for the branch. (Japanese mythology)
  • Cypress of Keshmar, a mythical cypress tree of legendary beauty and gargantuan dimensions. (Persian mythology)
  • Ficus Ruminalis, a wild fig tree that had religious and mythological significance in ancient Rome. The tree is associated with the legend of Romulus and Remus. (Roman mythology)
  • Donar's Oak (also Thor's Oak and Jove's Oak), a sacred tree of the Germanic pagans located in an unclear location around what is now the region of Hesse, Germany. (Germanic mythology)
  • Silver Branch, in the Irish poem The Voyage of Bran, it represents entry into the Celtic Otherworld, which the Welsh called Annwn and the Irish Tír na nÓg: "To enter the Otherworld before the appointed hour marked by death, a passport was often necessary, and this was usually a silver branch of the sacred apple-tree bearing blossoms." the branch is also associated with Manannán mac Lir, an Irish sea deity with strong affiliation to Tír na nÓg. As guardian of the Otherworld, Manannán also has strong ties with Emhain Abhlach, the Isle of Apple Trees, where the magical silver apple branch is found. (Irish mythology)
  • Lotus tree, bearing a fruit that caused a pleasant drowsiness, and which was said to be the only food of an island people called the Lotophagi or Lotus-eaters. When they ate of the lotus tree they would forget their friends and homes and would lose their desire to return to their native land in favor of living in idleness. (Greek mythology/Roman mythology)
  • Money tree, a kind of holy tree, which can bring money and fortune to the people, and that it is a symbol of affluence, nobility and auspiciousness. (Chinese mythology)
  • Tree of life, was planted with the tree of the knowledge of good and evil "in the midst of the Garden of Eden" by God. In Genesis, a cherubim guard the way to the tree of life at the east end of the Garden. (Christian mythology/Jewish mythology)
  • Tree of the knowledge of good and evil, one of two specific trees in the story of the Garden of Eden, along with the tree of life. (Christian mythology/Jewish mythology)
  • Golden Bough, before entering Hades, Deiphobe tells Aeneas he must obtain the bough of gold which grows nearby in the woods around her cave, and must be given as a gift to Proserpina, the queen of Pluto, king of the underworld. (Roman mythology)

Trees from Norse mythology

  • Barnstokkr (Child-trunk), a tree that stands in the center of King Völsung's hall.
  • Glasir (Gleaming), a tree or grove described as "the most beautiful among gods and men", bearing golden leaves located in the realm of Asgard, outside the doors of Valhalla.
  • Læraðr, a tree that is often identified with Yggdrasil. It stands at the top of the Valhöll. Two animals, the goat Heiðrún and the hart Eikþyrnir, graze its foliage.
  • Mímameiðr (Mimi's Tree), a tree whose branches stretch over every land, is unharmed by fire or metal, bears fruit that assists pregnant women, and upon whose highest bough roosts the rooster Víðópnir.
  • Sacred tree at Uppsala, a sacred tree located at the Temple at Uppsala, Sweden, in the second half of the 11th century. It is not known what species it was, but a scholar has suggested that it was a yew tree.
  • Yggdrasil, an immense tree that is central in Norse cosmology, in connection to which the nine worlds exist. (Norse mythology)
  • Irminsul (Great/Mighty Pillar or Arising Pillar), a kind of pillar which is attested as playing an important role in the Germanic paganism of the Saxon people. The oldest chronicle describing an Irminsul refers to it as a tree trunk erected in the open air. (Germanic mythology)
  • Égig érő fa (Sky-high Tree), also called Életfa (Tree of Life), Világfa (World Tree), or Tetejetlen Fa (Tree Without a Top), is an element of Hungarian shamanism and native faith, and a typical element of Hungarian folk art and folk tales, and also a distinct folk tale type. (Hungarian mythology)
  • Akshayavat or Akshay Vat (Indestructible Banyan Tree), is a sacred fig tree. The sage Markandeya asked Lord Narayana to show him a specimen of the divine power. Narayana flooded the entire world for a moment, during which only the Akshayavat could be seen above the water level. (Hindu mythology)
  • Kalpavriksha (also Kalpataru, Kalpadruma or Kalpapādapa), a wish-fulfilling divine tree. (Hindu mythology)
  • Ashvattha (also Assattha), a sacred tree for the Hindus and has been extensively mentioned in texts pertaining to Hinduism, mentioned as 'peepul' (Ficus religiosa) in Rig Veda mantra I.164.20 . Buddhist texts term the tree as Bodhi tree, a tree under which Gautam Buddha meditated and gained enlightenment. (Hindu mythology)
  • Ağaç Ana, the world tree is a central symbol. According to the Altai Turks, human beings are descended from trees. According to the Yakuts, White Mother sits at the base of Ağaç Ana, whose branches reach to the heavens where it is occupied by various creatures that have come to life there. The blue sky around the tree reflects the peaceful nature of the country and the red ring that surrounds all of the elements symbolizes the ancient faith of rebirth, growth and development of the Turkic peoples. (Turkic mythology)
  • Modun, the world tree. (Mongolian mythology)
  • Mesoamerican world tree, the world trees embodied the four cardinal directions, which also serve to represent the fourfold nature of a central world tree, a symbolic axis mundi which connects the planes of the Underworld and the sky with that of the terrestrial realm. (Mesoamerican mythology)
  • Austras koks (Tree of Dawn), on the path of the sun, in or by the water, often on an island or rock in middle of the seas, is the Austras koks thought to represent world tree or axis mundi, it is usually described as a tree, but can also be variety of other plants or even objects. (Latvian mythology)
  • Világfa (World Tree)/Életfa (Tree of Life), the world tree connects different realities; the underworld, this world, and the upper world together. A shaman was believed to be able to climb through each of these levels freely by a ladder. (Uralic mythologies)



  • Ambrosia, the food or drink of the gods often depicted as conferring longevity or immortality upon whoever consumed it. (Greek mythology)
  • Amrita, the drink of the gods which grants them immortality. (Hindu mythology)
  • Mead of poetry (also Mead of Suttungr), is a mythical beverage that whoever "drinks becomes a skald or scholar to recite any information and solve any question. (Norse mythology)
  • Soma, it is described as being prepared by extracting juice from the stalks of a certain plant. In both Vedic and Zoroastrian tradition, the name of the drink and the plant are the same, and also personified as a divinity, the three forming a religious or mythological unity. (Hindu mythology)



  • Golden egg, the main object of the folk tale "Kurochka Ryaba". (Russian folklore)
  • Myrrh egg, the phoenix would build itself a nest of cinnamon twigs that it then ignited; both nest and bird burned fiercely and would be reduced to ashes, from which a new, young phoenix arose. The new phoenix embalmed the ashes of the old phoenix in an egg made of myrrh and deposited it in the Egyptian city of Heliopolis ("the city of the sun" in Greek). (Greek mythology)
  • World egg (also Cosmic Egg or Mundane Egg), found in the creation myths of many cultures and civilizations. The world egg is a beginning of some sort, and the universe or some primordial being comes into existence by "hatching" from the egg, sometimes lain on the primordial waters of the Earth.


  • Manna (also Mana), is an edible substance that, according to the Bible and the Qur'an. God provided for the Israelites during their travels in the desert. (Christian mythology/Jewish mythology/Islamic mythology)
  • Ectoplasm, a supposed physical substance that manifests as a result of energy.
  • Aureola, the radiance of luminous cloud which, in paintings of sacred personages, surrounds the whole figure.
  • Aura, a field of subtle, luminous radiation surrounding a person or object like the halo or aureola in religious art. It is said that all objects and all living things manifest such an aura.
  • Tears of Ra (also Tears of Re), when the sun god Ra cried, his tears turned into honey bees upon touching the ground. (Egyptian mythology)
  • Breath of life, in countless stories from different cultures featured gods breathing life into object that brought them to life.
  • Cosmic energy, the translation into English by Sir John Woodroffe of the term Shakti in Hindu religion, based on the Hindu philosophy known as Kashmir Shaivism; a term for spiritual energy; also referred to as prana; thought in Hindu philosophy to be the source of kundalini; identified by some New Age authors with the quantum vacuum zero point energy and as orgone energy it is believed in New Age thought to be a vital force that animates all forms of life.
  • Silap Inua (also Silla), similar to mana or ether, the primary component of everything that exists; it is also the breath of life and the method of locomotion for any movement or change. Silla was believed to control everything that goes on in one's life. (Inuit mythology)
  • Hellfire, the fires from the lake of fire located in Hell. (Christian mythology)
  • Odic force (also Od, Odyle, Önd, Odes, Odylic, Odyllic, Odems), the name given in the mid-19th century to a hypothetical vital energy or life force by Baron Carl von Reichenbach.
  • Nebu, the ancient Egyptians believed that gold was an indestructible and heavenly metal. The sun god, Ra, was often referred to as a mountain of gold. (Egyptian mythology)

Substances from Greek mythology

  • Orichalcum, a metal mentioned in several ancient writings, including a story of Atlantis in the Critias dialogue, recorded by Plato. According to Critias, orichalcum was considered second only to gold in value, and was found and mined in many parts of Atlantis in ancient times.
  • Panacea, was supposed to be a remedy that would cure all diseases and prolong life indefinitely.
  • Water of Lethe, the Lethe flowed around the cave of Hypnos and through the Underworld, where all those who drank from it experienced complete forgetfulness.
  • Aether, it was thought to be the pure essence that the gods breathed, filling the space where they lived, analogous to the air breathed by mortals.
  • Miasma, "a contagious power... that has an independent life of its own. Until purged by the sacrificial death of the wrongdoer, society would be chronically infected by catastrophe".

Substances from Norse mythology

  • Eitr, this liquid substance is the origin of all living things: the first giant Ymir was conceived from eitr. The substance is supposed to be very poisonous and is also produced by Jörmungandr and other serpents.
  • Surtalogi (Surtr's fire), the fire with which the giant Surtr will burn the whole world with fire, burning heaven and earth, and thus destroying it.
  • Yggdrasil dew, dew falls from the ash tree Yggdrasil to the earth, and according to the Prose Edda book Gylfaginning, "this is what people call honeydew and from it bees feed". When Líf and Lífþrasir seek refuge within Yggdrasil, they find that they can survive there by drinking the dew of Yggdrasil.

Substances from Medieval legend and European folklore

  • Adamant, (also adamantite, adamantine, adamantium ) a hard substance, whether composed of diamond, some other gemstone, or some type of metal.
  • Alkahest, a hypothetical universal solvent, having the power to dissolve every other substance, including gold. It was much sought after by alchemists for what they thought would be its invaluable medicinal qualities. (Medieval legend)
  • Azoth, it was considered to be a universal medicine or universal solvent sought in alchemy. (Medieval legend)
  • Cold iron, is historically believed to repel, contain, or harm ghosts, fairies, witches, and/or other malevolent supernatural creatures. (European folklore)
  • Elixir of life, a mythical potion that, when drunk from a certain cup at a certain time, supposedly grants the drinker eternal life and/or eternal youth. (Medieval legend)
  • Fairy dust, fairy ring are circles of mushrooms that seem to pop-up over night in yards. It is said to grow from the magic dust left behind by faeries as they danced and celebrated during the night, before returning to their hidden land. (English folklore)
  • Holy water, believed to ward off or act as a weapon against mythical evil creatures, such as vampires. In eastern Europe, one might sprinkle holy water onto the corpse of a suspected vampire in order to destroy it or render it inert. (European folklore)
  • Love potion, Tristan goes to Ireland to bring back Isolde the fair for his uncle King Mark to marry. Along the way, they ingest a love potion which causes the pair to fall madly in love. (Arthurian legend)
  • Mithril,(also mith, mithral, mythril,) A fictional metal that appears in the works of J. R. R. Tolkien and other works of fiction.
  • Prima materia (also Materia Prima or First Matter), is the ubiquitous starting material required for the alchemical magnum opus and the creation of the philosopher's stone. It is the primitive formless base of all matter similar to chaos, the quintessence, or aether. (Medieval legend)
  • Sandman's sand, Sandman puts people to sleep and brings good dreams by sprinkling magical sand onto the eyes of people while they sleep at night. (European folklore)
  • Yliaster, is the formless base of all matter which is the raw material for the alchemical Great Work. (Medieval legend)
  • Unspoken Water, water believed to have healing properties when collected "from under a bridge, over which the living pass and the dead are carried, brought in the dawn or twilight to the house of a sick person, without the bearer's speaking, either in going or returning". (Scottish folklore)
  • Water of life, water from the Fountain of Youth that supposedly restores the youth of anyone who drinks or bathes in its waters. (Medieval legend)

Substances from Asian mythology

  • Hihīrokane, described in the apocryphal Takenouchi Document, an alleged ancient writing in a lost script which details Japan's early history, Hihīrokane was used in the time of Emperor Jimmu, Japan's first emperor. The Kusanagi-no-tsurugi and the other Imperial Regalia of Japan are supposedly made from it. Its weight is lighter than gold, but harder than diamond. It does not rust. It was even said to be able to bring water to a boil without heat, violating the Law of Conservation of Energy. (Japanese mythology)
  • Hiranyagarbha, the source of the creation of the universe or the manifested cosmos. (Hindu mythology)
  • Halahala, a poison created from the sea when Devas (Gods) and Asuras (Demons) churned it in order to obtain Amrita, the nectar of immortality. (Hindu mythology)
  • Prana, is all cosmic energy, permeating the Universe on all levels. Prana is often referred to as the "life force" or "life energy". It also includes energies present in inanimate objects. (Hindu mythology)
  • Five Flavored Tea of Forgetfulness, Meng Po collects herbs from various earthly ponds and streams to make her Five Flavored Tea of Forgetfulness. This is given to each soul to drink before they leave Diyu. The brew induces instant and permanent amnesia, and all memory of other lives is lost. (Chinese mythology)
  • (also Chi or Ki), an active principle forming part of any living thing. Qì literally translates as "breath", "air", or "gas", and figuratively as "material energy", "life force", or "energy flow". Qì is the central underlying principle in traditional Chinese medicine and martial arts. (Chinese mythology)
  • Chakra, an energy point or node in the subtle body. Chakras are believed to be part of the subtle body, not the physical body, and as such, are the meeting points of the subtle (non-physical) energy channels called Nadi. (Hinduism/Jainism/Buddhism)

Musical instruments

  • Nandni Vardhanam, the conch shell of Satyaki. (Hindu mythology)
  • Panchajanya, a Shankha conch shell of the Hindu god Vishnu. As per Valmiki Ramyana, Purushottama (Vishnu) killed a Danava named Panchajana on a mountain named Chakravan constructed by Vishwakarma and took away conch shell known as Panchajanya from him. (Hindu mythology)
  • Shankha, a conch shell which is of ritual and religious importance in both Hinduism and Buddhism. The Shankha is a sacred emblem of the Hindu preserver god Vishnu. It is still used as a trumpet in Hindu ritual, and in the past was used as a war trumpet. (Hindu mythology)
  • Triton's conch shell, a twisted conch shell on which Triton blew like a trumpet to calm or raise the waves. (Greek mythology)
  • Drake's Drum, a snare drum that Sir Francis Drake took with him when he circumnavigated the world. Shortly before he died he ordered the drum to be taken to Buckland Abbey and vowed that if England was ever in danger and someone was to beat the drum he would return to defend the country. According to legend it can be heard to beat at times when England is at war or significant national events take place. (English folklore)
  • Pan's flute, reed pipes or pan flute that is played by the god of the wild, Pan who somewhat resembles a satyr or faun. (Greek mythology)
  • Pied Piper's magic pipe, Pied Piper was able to lure the rats away with his pipe, which he later turned his power that he put into his pipe on the town of Hamelin's children, leading them away as he had the rats. (German folklore)
  • Bragi's harp, a magical golden harp given to Bragi by the dwarfs when he was born. (Norse mythology)
  • David's harp (also Kinnor David), a harp hung above King David's bed, and precisely at midnight a north wind arrived and blew on the harp and it would play by itself. (Jewish mythology)
  • Kantele, the mage Väinämöinen makes the first kantele from the jawbone of a giant pike and a few hairs from Hiisi's stallion. The music it makes draws all the forest creatures near to wonder at its beauty. (Finnish mythology)
  • Uaithne (also Dur da Blá, The Oak of Two Blossoms, and Coir Cethar Chuin), the harp which belongs to The Dagda. After the Second Battle of Mag Tuired the Fomorians had taken The Dagda's harp with them. The Dagda found it in a feasting-house wherein Bres and his father Elathan were also. The Dagda had bound the music so that it would not sound until he would call to it. After he called to it, it sprang from the wall, came to the Dagda and killed nine men on its way. (Irish mythology)
  • Väinämöinen's harp, he killed a pike and fashioned a harp out of the bones of the fish. However, he dropped his instrument into the sea, and thus it fell into the power of the sea gods, hence the origin of the music of the ocean on the beach. So, he made another one out of the forest wood, and with it, he descended into Pohjola looking for the Sampo. Väinämöinen struck his harp and sent the inhabitants to sleep and ran off with the Sampo. Upon reaching the land of light, the inhabitants of Pohjola woke up again, and went after him to retrieve the Sampo which, in the struggle, fell into the sea and was inevitably lost. (Finnish mythology)
  • Apollo's lyre, Hermes created the lyre for him from the entrails of one of Apollo's cows. Apollo was furious at Hermes, but after hearing the sound of the lyre, his anger faded. The instrument became a common attribute of Apollo. (Greek mythology)
  • Orpheus' lyre, a golden lyre given to him by Apollo. When Orpheus heard the Siren's voices, he drew his lyre and played music that was louder and more beautiful, drowning out the Sirens' bewitching songs. (Greek mythology)
  • Sistrum, one of the most sacred musical instruments in ancient Egypt and was believed to hold powerful magical properties. It was also shaken to avert the flooding of the Nile and to frighten away Set. (Egyptian mythology)
  • Seven trumpets, seven angels with seven trumpets are sounded and the events that follow are described in detail from Revelation Chapters 8 to 11. (Christian mythology)
  • Pheme's trumpet, Pheme is the goddess of gossip and she was said to have pried into the affairs of mortals and gods. She then repeated what she had learned by sounding her trumpet to spread the gossip to people near and far. In art, she was usually depicted with wings and a trumpet. (Greek mythology)
  • Joshua's shofars (also Joshua's trumpets), the walls of Jericho fell after Joshua's Israelite army marched around the city blowing their trumpets during the Battle of Jericho. (Jewish mythology)
  • Fountain of Youth, is a spring that supposedly restores the youth of anyone who drinks or bathes in its waters. (Medieval legend)
  • Mímisbrunnr (Mímir's well), a well associated with the being Mímir, located beneath the world tree Yggdrasil. The water of the well contains much wisdom, and that Odin's eye sacrifice to the well was in exchange for a drink from it. (Norse mythology)
  • Hvergelmir (Bubbling Boiling Spring), a major spring. (Norse mythology)
  • Urðarbrunnr (also Well of Wyrd), a well that lies beneath the world tree Yggdrasil, and is associated with a trio of norns (Urðr, Verðandi, and Skuld). (Norse mythology)
  • Holy well (also Sacred Spring), a spring revered either in a Pagan or Christian context, often both. Holy wells were frequently pagan sacred sites that later became Christianized. The term holy well is commonly employed to refer to any water source of limited size (i.e. not a lake or river, but including pools and natural springs and seeps), which has some significance in the folklore of the area where it is located, whether in the form of a particular name, an associated legend, the attribution of healing qualities to the water through the numinous presence of its guardian spirit or Christian saint.
  • Wishing well, wells where it was thought that any spoken wish would be granted. The idea that a wish would be granted came from the idea that water housed deities or had been placed there as a gift from the gods, since water was a source of life and often a scarce commodity. (European folklore)
  • Lake of fire, a lake of fire where the wicked dead are thrown into. (Egyptian/Christian)
  • Connla's Well (also Well of Coelrind, Well of Nechtan, Well of Segais), one of a number of Otherworldly wells that are variously depicted as "The Well of Wisdom", "The Well of Knowledge" and the source of some of the rivers of Ireland. Much like the Well of Nechtan (and some sources equate the two), the well is the home to the salmon of wisdom, and surrounded with hazel trees, which also signify knowledge and wisdom. (Irish mythology)


  • Hlidskjalf, Odin's all-seeing throne in his palace Valaskjálf. (Norse mythology)
  • Round Table, King Arthur's famed table, around which he and his Knights congregate. As its name suggests, it has no head, implying that everyone who sits there has equal status. (Arthurian legend)
  • Siege Perilous (The Perilous Seat), is a vacant seat at the Round Table reserved by Merlin for the knight who would one day be successful in the quest for the Holy Grail. (Arthurian legend)
  • Golden Throne, Hephaestus gained revenge against Hera for rejecting him by making her a magical golden throne which when she sat on it, did not allow her to stand up. (Greek mythology)
  • Ara (Altar), identified as the altar where the gods first made offerings and formed an alliance before defeating the Titans. (Greek mythology)
  • Ark of the Covenant (also Ark of the Testimony), was a wooden chest clad with gold containing the two stone tablets of the Ten Commandments as well as, according to various texts within the Hebrew Bible, Aaron's rod and a pot of manna. (Jewish mythology)
  • Busby's stoop chair (also Dead Man's Chair), an allegedly haunted oak chair that was cursed by the murderer Thomas Busby before his execution by hanging in North Yorkshire, United Kingdom. (English folklore)
  • Throne of God (also Araboth and al-'Arsh), the reigning centre of God of the Abrahamic religions: primarily Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The throne is said by various holy books to reside beyond the Seventh Heaven.
  • Khnum's potter's wheel, he was thought to be the creator of the bodies of human children, which he made at a potter's wheel, from clay, and placed in their mothers' wombs. (Egyptian mythology)

Ropes and chains

  • Thread of Ariadne, the magical ball of thread given to Theseus by Ariadne to help him navigate the Labyrinth. (Greek Mythology)
  • Loeðing, the Æsir made a very strong fetter and they took it to Fenrir and to test his strength against it. But the fetter broke. (Norse mythology)
  • Drómi, the Æsir made another fetter twice as strong and Fenrir tested himself against the fetter, the fetter broke into pieces. (Norse mythology)
  • Gleipnir, the magic chain that bound the wolf Fenrir. It was light and thin as silk but strong as creation itself and made from six impossible ingredients. (Norse mythology)
  • Red string of fate, an East Asian belief originating from Chinese legend. According to this myth, the gods tie an invisible red cord around the ankles of those that are destined to meet one another in a certain situation or help each other in a certain way. Often, in Japanese culture, it is thought to be tied around the little finger. According to Chinese legend, the deity in charge of "the red thread" is believed to be Yuè Xià Lǎorén (月下老人), often abbreviated to Yuè Lǎo (月老), the old lunar matchmaker god, who is in charge of marriages. (Chinese mythology)
  • Prometheus's chains, chained to a rock with shackles of binding adamantine that cannot be broken, they were made by Hephaestus. (Greek mythology)

Body parts

  • Brazen head (also brass head or bronze head), a legendary automaton that often appeared in literature, reputed to be able to answer any question. It was said to have been owned by medieval scholars who were believed to be wizards, or who were reputed to be able to answer any question. The device was always in the form of a man's head, and it could correctly answer any question asked of it. (Medieval legend)
  • Mímir's head, the Vanir beheaded Mímir and returned his head to Asgard. In order to keep Mímir's wisdom, Odin preserved his head with magic so it could continue to provide knowledge and counsel as his advisor. (Norse mythology)
  • Medusa's head, Medusa was beheaded by the hero Perseus, who thereafter used her head, which retained its ability to turn onlookers to stone, as a weapon until he gave it to the goddess Athena to place on her Aegis. (Greek mythology)
  • Ymir's skull, Norðri, Suðri, Austri and Vestri each support one of the four cardinal points. Together, they uphold the heavenly dome, created from the skull of the jötunn Ymir. (Norse mythology)


  • Odin's eye, Odin sacrifice his eye to Mímir for the price of wisdom, a drink from the Mímisbrunnr. (Norse mythology)
  • Eye of Horus, Set and Horus were fighting for the throne after Osiris's death, Set gouged out Horus's left eye. The majority of the eye was restored by Thoth. When Horus's eye was recovered, he offered it to his father, Osiris, in hopes of restoring his life. (Egyptian mythology)
  • Graeae's eye, three sisters who shared one eye among themselves. (Greek mythology)
  • Eye of Ra (also Eye of Re), Ra was becoming old and weak and the people no longer respected him or his rule. Ra did not react well to this and decided to punish mankind by sending his Eye to find them. (Egyptian mythology)
  • Balor's eye, a giant with a large eye in the middle of his forehead that wreaks destruction when opened. The Cath Maige Tuired calls it a "destructive" and "poisonous" eye that no army can withstand. (Irish mythology)
  • Eye of Providence, a symbol showing an eye often surrounded by rays of light or a glory and usually enclosed by a triangle. It represents the eye of God watching over mankind or divine providence.
  • Þjazi's eyes, Odin took Þjazi's eyes and placed them in the night sky as stars. (Norse mythology)


  • Hand of Glory, a disembodied pickled hand of a man who was hanged alive. Said to have the power to unlock any door and, if a candle was placed within made from some body part of the same person, would freeze in place anyone who it was given to. (European folklore)
  • Týr's hand, after Fenrir had been bound by the gods, he struggled to try to break the rope. He could not break the ribbon and, enraged, bit Týr's right hand off. (Norse mythology)
  • Hand of God (also Manus Dei and Dextera domini/dei), ", a motif in Jewish and Christian art, especially of the Late Antique and Early Medieval periods, when depiction of Jehovah or God the Father as a full human figure was considered unacceptable. The hand, sometimes including a portion of an arm, or ending about the wrist, is used to indicate the intervention in or approval of affairs on Earth by God, and sometimes as a subject in itself. (Christian mythology/Jewish mythology)

Hair, feathers and skin

  • Golden Fleece, sought by Jason and the Argonauts. The fleece of the gold-hair winged ram, which was held in Colchis. The fleece is a symbol of authority and kingship. (Greek mythology)
  • Firebird's plumage, the feathers of a Firebird that glows brightly emitting red, orange, and yellow light, like a bonfire that is just past the turbulent flame. The feathers do not cease glowing if removed, and one feather can light a large room if not concealed. (Slavic mythology)
  • Dragon scales, the skin of a dragon was said to be made of impenetrable scales. (Medieval legend)
  • Feathers of Simurgh, the legendary Simurgh gave three of her feathers to Zal, the Persian hero and also father of Rostam, so that whenever he needed the guidance or help of Simurgh, he could burn one of the feathers and Simurgh came to his aid. (Persian mythology)
  • Feather of Ma'at (also Feather of Truth), her ostrich feather was the measure that determined whether the souls (considered to reside in the heart) of the departed would reach the fields of Aaru successfully. The hearts of the dead were said to be weighed against her single feather in the Hall of Two Truths. (Egyptian mythology)
  • Peacock's feather, the peacock was the patron bird of the Goddess Hera. According to myth, she adorned the tail of a peacock with Argus's eyes on its feathers in his honor, symbolizing all-seeing knowledge and the wisdom of the heavens. (Greek mythology)
  • Leviathan's hide, could be turned into everlasting clothing or impenetrable suits of armor. (Jewish mythology)
  • Nemean lion's hide, the lion could not be killed with mortals' weapons because its golden fur was impervious to attacks. (Greek mythology)
  • Selkie's skin, said to live as seals in the sea but shed their skin to become human on land. If a man steals a female selkie's skin she is in his power and is forced to become his wife. If she finds her skin she will immediately return to her true home, and sometimes to her selkie husband, in the sea. (European folklore)
  • Coma Berenices (Berenice's hair), Berenice II of Egypt dedicated her hair to Aphrodite for her husband's safe return from Syria, and placed it in the temple of the goddess at Zephyrium. The hair had been carried to the heavens and placed among the stars. (Egyptian mythology)
  • Ymir's hair, Odin, Vili and Vé used his hair for the trees. (Norse mythology)
  • Ymir's eyebrows , Odin, Vili and Vé used his eyebrows to create the middle realm in which mankind lives, Midgard. (Norse mythology)

Blood and flesh

Bones and horns

  • Valknut (also Hrungnir's Heart), Hrungnir's head, heart, and shield were made of stone. His heart had a peculiar shape, it was triangular due to which both the Valknut and the Triquetra have been called Hrungnir's heart. (Norse mythology)
  • Fafnir's heart, Sigurd roasts Fafnir's heart, and consumes part of it. This gives him the gift of "wisdom" (prophecy). (Norse mythology)
  • Ymir's brain, Odin, Vili and Vé used his brain to make the clouds. (Norse mythology)


  • Óðrerir, refers either to one of the vessels that contain the mead of poetry (along with Boðn and Són) or to the mead itself. (Norse mythology)
  • Pot of Gold, Leprechaun store away all their coins in a hidden pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. (Irish mythology)
  • Hamper of Gwyddno Garanhir, Gwyddno Garanhir possessed a hamper which would multiply food: if one was to put food for one man in the basket and open it again, the food was found to be increased a hundredfold. (Welsh mythology)
  • Horn of Brân Galed, the Horn of Brân Galed from the North is said to have possessed the magical property of ensuring that "whatever drink might be wished for was found in it". (Welsh mythology)
  • Pandora's box (also Pandora's pithos), the "box" was actually a large jar given to Pandora, which contained all the evils of the world. Pandora opened the jar and all the evils flew out, leaving only Hope inside once she had closed it again. (Greek mythology)
  • Excalibur's scabbard, was said to have powers of its own. Injuries from losses of blood, for example, would not kill the bearer. In some telling, wounds received by one wearing the scabbard did not bleed at all. (Arthurian legend)
  • Osiris's coffin, a beautifully carved coffin made by Set. Osiris was tricked by Set to enter the chest, and was enclosed inside it by 72 accomplices of Set. Set flung the coffer in the Nile so that it would drift far away. (Egyptian mythology)
  • Purple Gold Red Gourd, a powerful magic gourd that sucks anyone who speaks before it inside and melts them down into a bloody stew. (Chinese mythology)
  • Trojan Horse, a huge wooden horse where a select force of men hide inside during the Trojan War, the subterfuge that the Greeks used to enter the city of Troy and win the war. (Greek mythology)


  • Bag of Wind, Aeolus gave Odysseus a tightly closed leather bag full of the captured winds so he could sail easily home to Ithaca on the gentle West Wind. (Greek mythology)
  • Kibisis, the ancient Greek word kibisis, said to describe the sack carried by the god Hermes and the sack in which the mythical hero Perseus carried the severed head of the monster Medusa. It has been typically translated as "wallet". (Greek mythology)

Cups and chalices


  • Palladium, a wooden statue that fell from the sky. As long as it stayed in Troy, the city-state could not lose a war. (Greek mythology)
  • Ushabti, a funerary figurine used in Ancient Egypt. Ushabtis were placed in tombs among the grave goods and were intended to act as servants or minions for the deceased, should he/she be called upon to do manual labor in the afterlife. (Egyptian mythology)
  • Ikenga, a status that bestows the owner with super strength. (Igbo mythology)
  • Obelisk, a tall, four-sided, narrow tapering monument which ends in a pyramid-like shape or pyramidion at the top. The obelisk symbolized the sun god Ra, and during the brief religious reformation of Akhenaten was said to be a petrified ray of the Aten, the sundisk. It was also thought that the god existed within the structure. (Egyptian mythology)
  • Galatea, a statue carved of ivory by Pygmalion of Cyprus, which the goddess Aphrodite brought it to life and united the couple in marriage. (Greek mythology)
  • Golem, an animated anthropomorphic being that is magically created entirely from inanimate matter (specifically clay or mud). The word was used to mean an amorphous, unformed material in Psalms and medieval writing. There are many tales differing on how the golem was brought to life and afterwards controlled. (Jewish folklore)
  • Terracotta Army, a collection of terracotta sculptures depicting the armies of Qin Shi Huang, the first Emperor of China. The figures include warriors, chariots and horses whose purpose was to protect the emperor in his afterlife. (Chinese mythology)



  • Sampo (also Sammas), a magical artifact of indeterminate type constructed by Ilmarinen that brought good fortune to its holder. (Finnish mythology)
  • Skatert-Samobranka (Magic Tablecloth), a magic tablecloth is spread on the ground, saying the magic words and food and drink aplenty will appear. When finished eating, rolling up all the dirty plates, cutlery, and crumbs into the tablecloth and they magically disappear. (Russian folklore)
  • Halter of Clydno Eiddyn, belonged to Clydno Eiddyn (Cebystr Clydno Eiddin). It was fixed to a staple at the foot of his bed. Whatever horse he might wish for, he would find in the halter. The Halter of Clydno Eiddyn was also called The Handy Halter, for it summons fine horses. (Welsh mythology)
  • Akshaya Patra (means an inexhaustible vessel), is an object from Hindu theology. It was a wonderful vessel given to Yudishtira by the Lord Surya which provided a never-ending supply of food to the Pandavas every day. (Hindu mythology)
  • Crock and Dish of Rhygenydd Ysgolhaig, whatever food might be wished for in them, it would be found on them. It belonged to Rhygenydd the Cleric. (Welsh mythology)
  • Cornucopia (also Horn of Plenty), was the horn of the goat-nymph Amalthea from which poured an unceasing abundance of nectar, ambrosia and fruit. (Greek mythology)
  • Manna machine, a machine describe within the Zohar writings that is similar to chlorella algae processing of today. (Jewish mythology)
  • Akshaya Tunir, an inexhaustible quiver of arrows belonging to Arjuna. (Hindu mythology)
  • As-Sirāt, a hair-narrow bridge which every person must pass on the Yawm ad-Din ("Day of the Way of Life" i.e. Day of Judgment) to enter Paradise. It is said that it is as thin as a hair and as sharp as the sharpest knife or sword. Below this path are the fires of Hell, which burn the sinners to make them fall. (Islamic mythology)
  • Bifröst, a burning rainbow bridge that reaches between Midgard (the world) and Asgard, the realm of the gods. (Norse mythology)
  • Chinvat Bridge (also Bridge of the Requiter), a sifting bridge which separates the world of the living from the world of the dead. All souls must cross the bridge upon death. The bridge is guarded by two four-eyed dogs. (Zoroastrianism)
  • Gjallarbrú (Gjöll Bridge), a covered bridge "thatched with glittering gold" which spans the river Gjöll in the underworld. It must be crossed in order to reach Hel. (Norse mythology)
  • Rama Setu (also Rama's Bridge), two apes named Nala and Nila construct a floating bridge across the sea, using stones that floated on water because they had Rama's name written on them in the epic poem Ramayana. (Hindu mythology)
  • Ame-no-ukihashi (Floating Bridge of Heaven), Izanagi and Izanami went to the bridge between heaven and earth to churn the sea below with Amenonuhoko. (Japanese mythology)
  • Djed, Isis asked for the pillar in the palace hall from the king and queen of Byblos in Lebanon, and upon being granted it, extracted the coffin from the pillar. She then consecrated the pillar, anointing it with myrrh and wrapping it in linen. This pillar came to be known as the pillar of djed. (Egyptian mythology)
  • Stambha (also Skambha), believed to be a cosmic column. It is believed that the stambha functions as a bond, which joins the heaven (Svarga) and the earth (prithvi). (Hindu mythology)
  • Column of the Flagellation, the column which Jesus was tied to during the Flagellation of Christ, kept in the Basilica of Saint Praxedes in Rome. (Christian mythology)
  • Pillar of heaven, four pillars held Heaven and the goddess Nüwa repaired the pillars after the time when Heaven and Earth were in disruption. (Chinese mythology)
  • Pillar of salt, Lot's wife was turned into a pillar of salt when she looked back at the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah as they were destroyed. (Christian mythology)
  • Pillars of Hercules, Hercules raised two pillars at the Strait of Gibraltar when he passed by during one of his ten labours. The tenth labour was to obtain the Cattle of Geryon. (Greek mythology)
  • Ame-no-mihashira (Heavenly Pillar), Izanagi and Izanami came down from heaven and spontaneously built a central support column called the Ame-no-mihashira which upheld the "hall measuring eight fathoms" that the gods caused to appear afterwards. (Japanese mythology)
  • Gates of Alexander, a legendary barrier supposedly built by Alexander the Great in the Caucasus to keep the uncivilized barbarians of the north (typically associated with Gog and Magog) from invading the land to the south. Alexander the Great built the walls made of adamantine. (Medieval legend)
  • Gates of hell, are various places on the surface of the world that have acquired a legendary reputation for being entrances to the underworld. Often they are found in regions of unusual geological activity, particularly volcanic areas, or sometimes at lakes, caves or mountains.
  • Pearly gates, a conceptual entry to Heaven. (Christian mythology)
  • Torii, the world was plunged into darkness and chaos. The wrath of Amaterasu, the Goddess of the Sun, led her to retreat to a cave in Amano-Iwato). To make her come out again, the Gods thought over several solutions and decided to set a perch with roosters at the entrance of the cave. They would then sing eternally. Intrigued by their songs, the Amaterasu walked out of the cave, and the world was again bathed in light. Later, people decided to build bird perches at the entrances of shrines. (Japanese mythology)
  • Indra's net, the net was one of the weapons of the sky-god Indra, used to snare and entangle enemies. The net also signifies magic or illusion. (Hindu mythology)
  • Rán's net, a net in which she tried to capture men who ventured out on the sea. Her net is also mentioned in Reginsmál and in the Völsunga saga, where she lends it to Loki so that he can capture Andvari. (Norse mythology)
  • Ogun's net, the unbreakable net that Ogun used to trap his wife Oya and her lover Shango when he caught them engaging in sexual activity. He subsequently dragged them, while still bound, before Olorun for judgement. In the versions of this myth from the Yoruba diaspora, the wife involved is Oshun. (Yoruba mythology)
  • Libra (Weighing Scales), considered to depict the scales held by Astraea (identified as Virgo), the goddess of justice. (Roman mythology)
  • Scale of Maat, Anubis weighed the persons heart on a scale against the feather of Maat. If the heart is lighter than the feather, the person is allowed to pass into the afterlife. If not, the heart is eaten by the waiting Ammit. (Egyptian mythology)
  • Scale of justice, Themis was portrayed carrying scales. (Greek mythology)
  • Mul Zibanu (Scales or Balance), the scales were held sacred to the sun god Shamash, who was also the patron of truth and justice. (Mesopotamian mythology)
  • Odin's whetstone, Baugi had nine thralls who killed each other in their desire to possess Odin's magical sharpening stone. (Norse mythology)
  • Whetstone of Tudwal Tudglyd, sharpens the blade of a fine warrior. It shall draw blood from any enemy of its user if its user be brave; if its user shall be cowardly, than the blade shall not be sharpened and draw no blood whatsoever. (Welsh mythology)


  • Rota Fortunae (Wheel of Fortune), a concept in medieval and ancient philosophy referring to the capricious nature of Fate. The wheel belongs to the goddess Fortuna, who spins it at random, changing the positions of those on the wheel – some suffer great misfortune, others gain windfalls. (Greek mythology)
  • Wheel of time (also wheel of history and Kalachakra), is a concept found in several religious traditions and philosophies, notably religions of Indian origin such as Hinduism, Sikhism, and Buddhism, which regard time as cyclical and consisting of repeating ages. (Hindu mythology)
  • Wheel of fire, as the punishment for Ixion, who was bound to a wheel of fire for lusting after Zeus's wife, Hera. (Greek mythology)


  • Pyramid, Egyptian belief that the ancient Egyptian pyramids and objects of similar shape can confer a variety of benefits, this was referred to pyramid power. Among these assumed properties are the ability to preserve foods, sharpen or maintain the sharpness of razor blades, etc. (Egyptian mythology)
  • World Mill (also Heavenly Mill and Cosmic Mill), a mytheme suggested as recurring in Indo-European and other mythologies. It involves the analogy of the cosmos or firmament and a rotating millstone. (Proto-Indo-European religion)
  • Tower of Babel, a united humanity agreed to build a tower "tall enough to reach heaven"; seeing this, God, confounded their speech so that they could no longer understand each other and scattered them around the world. (Jewish mythology/Christian mythology)
  • Heorot (Hall of the Hart), a mead-hall described in the Anglo-Saxon epic Beowulf as "the foremost of halls under heaven". It served as a palace for King Hroðgar, a legendary Danish king of the sixth century. (Anglo-Saxon mythology)
  • Ryūgū-jō (Dragon Palace Castle), undersea palace of Ryūjin, the dragon god of the sea. Depending on the version of the legend, it is built from red and white coral, or from solid crystal. (Japanese mythology)
  • Maleperduis, Reynard the Fox's principal hideaway in the medieval tales of this figure of legend. The castle is full of holes, crooked and long, with multiple exits, which Reynard can open and shut to elude his enemies. (Medieval legends)
  • Caer Dathyl, a fortress in Arfon in northern Gwynedd referred to in the Four Branches of the Mabinogi, the Tale of Math fab Mathonwy. (Welsh mythology)
  • Caer Sidi (also Caer Siddi), a legendary otherworld fortress mentioned in Middle Welsh mythological poems in the Book of Taliesin. (Welsh mythology)
  • Chicken-legged hut, Baba Yaga lives in house standing on chicken legs, which enables the house to move about in accordance with Baba Yaga's wishes. When her house moves it spins while emitting a screeching noise. (Russian folklore)


  • Māui's Fishhook, used to catch the fish that would become New Zealand's North Island; the hook was also used to create the Hawaiian Islands. (Polynesian mythology)
  • Chessboard of Gwenddoleu ap Ceidio, a large chess board with pieces of silver and crystal and the board was made of gold. The pieces only play by themselves if all the pieces are set up correctly. (Welsh mythology)
  • Neith's loom, Neith as a goddess of weaving she wove all of the world and existence into being on her loom. (Egyptian mythology)
  • Father Time's hourglass, carrying an hourglass representing time's constant movement. Many belief that Father Time, like the Grim Reaper, is constantly watching humans and has each and every one of their hourglasses slowly decreasing, sand casually slipping through the hands of time.
  • Bangu, a beautiful small bell in Glasgwm Church which was gifted by Saint David. Once a woman took the bell to the nearby town of Rharadr. Her husband was imprisoned in the castle and she believed that if she rang the bell he would be released. But the guards seized it and chase her out of town. That night the town was destroyed by fire, and the only part of it which escaped the flames was the wall on which the sacred bell was hanging. (Medieval legend)
  • Voodoo doll, an effigy into which pins are inserted. Although it comes in various different forms, such practices are found in the magical traditions of many cultures across the world. (English folklore)
  • Dreamcatcher (also dream catcher), the Ojibwe storytellers speak of the Spider Woman, known as Asibikaashi; she took care of the children and the people on the land. Eventually, the Ojibwe Nation spread to the corners of North America and it became difficult for Asibikaashi to reach all the children. So the mothers and grandmothers would weave magical webs for the children, using willow hoops and sinew, or cordage made from plants. The dreamcatchers would filter out all bad dreams and only allow good thoughts to enter our mind. Once the sun rises, all bad dreams just disappear. (Anishinaabe mythology)
  • Ibong Adarna's droppings, the legendary bird of the Philippines was said that its droppings can turn any living creature into stone upon contact. (Philippine mythology)
  • Kave's apron, according to legend, a Persian blacksmith made a battle flag by hanging his smith's apron from a spear, and used it to rally the people against the wicked king, Zahak. (Iranian mythology)
  • Sun, the earliest understanding of the Sun was that of a disk in the sky, whose presence above the horizon creates day and whose absence causes night. In the Bronze Age, this understanding was modified by assuming that the Sun is transported across the sky in a boat or a chariot, and transported back to the place of sunrise during the night passing through the underworld. In many cultures, such as Aboriginal and Native American legends, the raven stole the sun and place it in the sky.
  • Koschei's needle, Koschei cannot be killed by conventional means targeting his body. His soul (or death) is hidden separate from his body inside a needle, which is in an egg, which is in a duck, which is in a hare, which is in an iron chest (sometimes the chest is crystal and/or gold), which is buried under a green oak tree, which is on the island of Buyan in the ocean. (Slavic folklore)
  • Winnowing Oar, an object that appears in Books XI and XXIII of Homer's Odyssey.
  • Icarus' wings, Daedalus tied feathers together from smallest to largest so as to form an increasing surface. Secured the feathers at their midpoints with string and at their bases with wax, and gave the whole a gentle curvature like the wings of a bird.
  • Athena's bridle, Polyeidos told Bellerophon to sleep in the temple of Athena. While he slept, he dreamed that Athena set a golden bridle beside him. He awoke and found the bridle he dreamt about in his hands. Afterwards, he went to the meadow Pegasus was grazing at, and was able to bridle and tame Pegasus without difficulty.
  • Talos, a giant automaton made of bronze to protect Europa in Crete from pirates and invaders. He circled the island's shores three times daily.
  • Reginnaglar (Old Norse God Nails), are nails used for religious purposes.
  • Rati, the name of a drill or auger that was used by Odin during his quest to obtain the mead of poetry.
  • Svefnthorn (Sleep Thorn), it was used to put an adversary into a deep sleep from which he or she would not awaken for a long time.
  • Friggerock (Frigg's distaff), the Orion's belt asterism within the constellation of Orion was once known as "Frigg's Distaff". To explain this attribution, some scholars have pointed out that the constellation is on the celestial equator and thus the stars rotating in the night sky may have been associated with Frigg's spinning wheel.
  • Liahona, a compass-like device that was given by God to the prophet Lehi and his family to help them navigate through the wilderness. It was powered by faith and obedience to God and if anyone in the party lost faith or sinned, it would stop working until that person repented. (Book of Mormon)
  • Firmament, the structure above the atmosphere, conceived as a vast solid dome according to the Biblical cosmology. According to the Genesis creation narrative, God created the firmament to separate the "waters above" the earth from the "waters below" the earth.
  • Holy Nails, nails with which Christ was crucified.
  • True Cross, the name for the physical remnants which, by a Catholic church tradition, are believed to be from the cross upon which Jesus was crucified.
  • Shroud of Turin (also Turin Shroud ), a length of linen cloth bearing the image of a man, is believed by some to be the burial shroud of Jesus of Nazareth.
  • Sudarium of Oviedo (also Shroud of Oviedo), a bloodstained piece of cloth is claimed to be the cloth wrapped around the head of Jesus Christ after he died.
  • Image of Edessa, a holy relic consisting of a square or rectangle of cloth upon which a miraculous image of the face of Jesus had been imprinted—the first icon ("image").
  • Holy Sponge, dipped in vinegar (or in some translations sour wine), most likely posca, a favorite beverage of Roman soldiers, and offered to Christ to drink during the crucifixion.
  • Title of Liberty, a battle standard used by Captain Moroni to rally the Nephites to arms against the armies of Amalickiah. It was made from Moroni's torn cloak, upon which he wrote, "In memory of our God, our religion, and freedom, and our peace, our wives, and our children". (Book of Mormon)

See also


  1. ^ Carmen Campidoctoris o Poema latino del Campeador, Madrid, Sociedad Estatal España Nuevo Milenio, 2001
  2. ^ "1 Nephi 4". Retrieved 2018-03-12.
  3. ^ Garbáty, Thomas Jay (1962). The Fallible Sword: Inception of a Motif. The Journal of American Folklore. American Folklore Society. ISBN 1-898577-10-2
  4. ^ Cantar de mio Cid Edition of Alberto Montaner. Ed. Galaxia Gutenberg, 2007.
  5. ^ Cantar de mio Cid. Edition of Alberto Montaner. Ed. Galaxia Gutenberg, 2007.
  6. ^ Don Juan Manuel. El Conde Lucanor. Barcelona: Losada, 1997.
  7. ^ The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Vol. 3 Ch. XXXIV Part 1. Archived from the original on 2007-01-28. {{cite book}}: Unknown parameter |deadurl= ignored (|url-status= suggested) (help)
  8. ^ Sri Dharmaraja[permanent dead link]
  9. ^ Smith, Bardwell L. Hinduism: New Essays in the History of Religions.
  10. ^ Florus. Epitomae, 1.33.
  11. ^ D'après l'épigraphie cambodgienne du X° siècle, les rois des "Kambuja" prétendaient descendre d'un ancêtre mythique éponyme, le sage ermite Kambu, et de la nymphe céleste Mera, dont le nom a pu être forgé d'après l'appellation ethnique "khmèr" (George Cœdès). [1][permanent dead link]; See also: Indianised States of Southeast Asia, 1968, p 66, George Cœdès.
  12. ^ Épica medieval española (Cantar de los Siete Infantes de Lara). Madrid, Cátedra, 1991
  13. ^ Apollodorus, 1.9.28.