NGO Monitor

At CWP’s 2009 general meeting, the organization passed a resolution to support the Palestinian call for BDS.
Initiated the “Who Profits” campaign “in response to the Palestinian Call for boycott, divestment, and sanction (BDS) on Israel.” “Who Profits?” is an activist tool and a database that identifies targets for anti-Israel divestment and boycotts.
In January 2014, the “Who Profits” campaign announced that “[due to] its increasing professionalization as a research center, the project separated from CWP and became an independent organization”. According to the Israeli registrar of non-profits, “Who Profits” was founded in 2013, with the objective of “conducting research on social and economic issues in Israel and the region.” As of the date of this publication (March 4, 2014), the campaign’s sources of funding are unknown, yet the two organizations continue to “collaborate as sister organizations.”
In July 2015, on the occasion of “ten years to the Palestinian call for BDS,” CWP released a statement supporting the “legitimate struggle to put an end to the Israeli occupation and ongoing oppression” and “the call for cultural and economic boycott, divestment and international sanctions to increase pressure on Israel from the international community” in order to “defend the legitimacy of positions critical of the Israeli government policies of brutal occupation and apartheid.”

Ali Abunimah
