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== Biography ==
Yarynak was the middle child in the family of Prince Kebegesh and Princess Ditasai. He was named after his grandfather [[:ru:Иренек|Kayrakan-Yarynak]], who was the prince of the [[Yenisei Kirghyz]] at the end of the XVII century<ref name="Бедюров, Бронтой Янгович - Слово об Алтае : История. Фольклор. Культура. Page 138.">{{Cite web|url=https://search.rsl.ru/ru/record/01002397961|title=Слово об Алтае: История. Фольклор. Культура|first=Бронтой Янгович|last=Бедюров|date=November 27, 1990|publisher=Алт. кн. изд-во Горн.-Алт. отд-ние|via=Российская Государственная Библиотека}}</ref>.