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"Who would be so bold as to come armed into my kingdom? Spies? Thieves? Assassins?"
The Great Goblin

The Great Goblin was a large Goblin leader who lived in the Misty Mountains in Middle-earth during the Third Age. He appears only in The Hobbit. He was the leader of Goblin-Town until he was killed by Gandalf.

He is a hero of the Misty Mountains faction who specializes in pillaging resources.

Great gobbo's summoned cave

The Great Goblin's summoned tunnel


Lord of pillaging hordes Level 1: Lord of the Pillaging Hordes - The Great Goblin commands the hordes of Goblin-Town and can use his abilities over the entire map. Every time he uses an ability he receives experience points. As long as the Great Goblin is on the battlefield, Goblin Pillagers can send for additional goblin warriors. Passive Ability.

Raid command Level 1: Raid Command (X) - The Great Goblin gives his henchmen the order to attack a hostile resource building. Allied units near the building gain 50% damage. Left click on the icon then left click on the target enemy economy building.

Tunnel diggers of great gobbo Level 4: Tunnel Diggers of the Great Goblin (C) - The Great Goblin has a tunnel dug on the target area which is connected to the existing tunnel network. Left click on the icon then left click on the target area.

Big gobbo raid Level 8: Raid (V) - The Great Goblin plans a great raid. For a short time, every unit from Goblin-Town on the map gains +50% armor and attack. Goblin Pillagers also gain additional resources from killing enemies. Left click on the icon to activate.

Loot cart of great gobbo Level 10: Plunder Cart of the Great Goblin (B) - The Great Goblin calls for a cart into which his minions can load their loot. Left click on the icon then left click on the target area.

Loot Cart[]

Loot carts come with three different and exclusive options. After a cart is loaded and unloaded, it resets, allowing any of the three options to be chosen again. Loot carts can reach a maximum of level 4.

  • Loot cart flesh icon Load with Flesh - The loot cart is loaded with flesh from the corpses of nearby enemies. Every time an enemy is slain near the cart, his flesh is loaded onto it, causing it to gain experience. The more flesh the cart carries, the larger the bonus becomes when unloading it. Unloading the cart causes nearby units and heroes to be healed. With each level the radius becomes larger. (Fully heals the cart)
  • Loot cart gold icon Load with Gold - The loot cart is loaded with gold from the corpses of nearby enemies. Every time an enemy is slain near the cart, his discarded gold is loaded onto it, causing it to gain experience. The more gold the cart carries, the larger the bonus becomes when unloading it. Unloading the cart causes a treasure chest to appear. With each level more treasure chests appear. (Fully heals the cart)
  • Loot cart armor icon Load with Equipment - The loot cart is loaded with the arms and armor from the corpses of nearby enemies. Every time an enemy is slain near the cart, his equipment is loaded onto it, causing it to gain experience. The more equipment the cart carries, the larger the bonus becomes when unloading it. Unloading the cart causes nearby units to receive looted arms and armor. With each level the radius becomes larger. (Fully heals the cart)


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