Edain Mod Wiki

"A huge orc-chieftain, almost man-high, clad in black mail from head to foot, leaped into the chamber; behind him his followers clustered in the doorway. His broad flat face was swart, his eyes were like coals, and his tongue was red; he wielded a great spear."
The Fellowship of the Ring

The Moria Chieftain, also known as not-Gorkil, is the leader of the Moria Goblins. He is recruited from any Moria Tunnel and starts as an archer (with the ability to switch to sword at level 3).


Chieftain passive Level 1: Chieftain of the Hordes - The Moria Chieftain has a 4% chance with each attack to call additional Goblin Archers into the fray. When armed with the sword, there is a 10% chance he will call Goblin Warriors. Passive Ability.

Chieftain arrow Level 2: Troll-slaying Arrow (X) - The Chieftain draws his bow with a cruel-looking barbed arrow which can cripple even the most massive monsters of the Deep. For a short time the injured monster’s damage is reduced by 10%. Can also be used on your own monsters. Only available when using the bow. Left click on the icon then left click on the target allied or enemy monster.

Chieftain totem Level 2: Skull Totem (X) - Places a skull totem which will remain on the map until destroyed. Reveals the nearby shroud, detects stealth, and provides +30% damage to nearby allies. Only available when using the sword. Left click on the icon then left click on the target area.

Chieftan switch to sword/Chieftan switch to bow Level 3: Switch Weapon (C) - Toggle between sword and bow. Left click on the icon to activate.

Chieftain reinforcements Level 7: Reinforcements from the Deep (V) - The Chieftain calls new Orc hordes from out of the tunnels. For a short time all fallen members of hordes in the vicinity of the selected tunnel are replaced by new warriors. This ability has unlimited range. Left click on the icon then left click on the target tunnel or allied citadel.

Chieftain legion Level 10: Overwhelming Region (V) - For a short time the chance of the Chieftain to call Orcs to his attack is doubled. Instead of ordinary Orc maggots he calls his best warriors who are already equipped with heavy armor. Left click on the icon to activate.

