Edain Mod Wiki

"They wondered how the Lord of this realm maintained and fed his slaves and his armies. Yet armies he had."
The Return of the King

The Slave Camp is where all the unfortunate prisoners of Sauron go to work for Mordor until their final, agonized breath. At the end of the War of the Ring, King Elessar gave to the freed slaves of Mordor the lands around Lake Núrnen, south of the Plains of Gorgoroth.

Level Up[]

Settler Tools Evil Settler's Tools: Upgrades the building to rank 2. At rank 2, economy buildings produce 25% more resources, gain 500 additional hit points and cost 300.

Forged Settler Tools Evil Forged Settler's Tools: Upgrades the building to rank 3. At rank 3, external economy buildings produce 20% more resources, gain 500 additional hit points, can temporarily man a defensive tower and cost 400.
'The upgrades can be researched by casting Sauron's Influence of Sauron'

  • Note: Mordor does not research economy upgrades, instead it relies on Sauron's level 3 ability Influence of Sauron. When cast upon an economy structure it will level up all economy structures of that type (internal or external). In order for economy structures to reach level 3, Influence of Sauron must be cast on both of the structures of that type. E.g: For the Tribute Camp to reach level 3, Influence of Sauron must be cast both on the Tribute Camp and on the Arsenal as they are both internal economy buildings.

Influence of sauron Influence of Sauron - Sauron fills a building of Mordor (excluding Tol-In-Gaurhoth and the citadel) with his will, unlocking specific effects like new units or upgrades. All external resource buildings gain a level


Resource Production - This building produces resources. It produces 28 Resources every 12 seconds by default. This number can be modified through upgrades and abilities.

Supply routes Supply Routes - As you build more economy structures, their individual production becomes less efficient. Once you reach a certain threshold all economy structures will produce less.

  • 5 economy structures or less: 100% production
  • 10 economy structures: 84% production
  • 15 economy structures: 69% production
  • 20 economy structures: 56% production
  • 30 economy structures: 49% production
  • 37 economy structures or more: 44% production

Improved defensive measures Level 3: Man the Defenses - The workers take up arms. For 20 seconds, the building shoots at nearby enemies but doesn't produce resources.

Food Discount - The Slave Camp provides resources and reduces the cost of orcs (applies to orcs from Minas Morgul and Dol Guldur as well):

  • 2 Slave Camps: 10%
  • 3 Slave Camps: 15%
  • 4 Slave Camps: 20%
  • 5 Slave Camps: 25%
  • 6 or more Slave Camps: 30%

