Edain Mod Wiki

"Well, I think he is a very great wizard... in his own way. He's a gentle soul who prefers the company of animals for others. He keeps a watchful eye over the vast forest lands to the East..."

Radagast is one of the Istari and a good friend of Gandalf the Grey. He is a summonable hero for the Lothlorien faction. Once you gain 7 power points you can summon him in 1 of 3 forms - on foot, on eagle, or on sleigh.

On foot[]


Radagast natures breath Nature's Breath (Y) - Radagast uses his mastery of the magic of nature to blast back targeted enemies. Left click on the icon then left click on the target units.

Radagast thorns bush Thorn Bush (X) - creates thick, thorny brambles which damage and slow all enemy units who walk through. Left click on the icon then left click on the target area.

Radagast break spell Break the Spell (C) - Radagast uses his magic to break the spells of evil, restoring and nurturing allies. Units in target area are healed. Left click on the icon then left click on the target units.


On foot Radagast has mass slayer and unit supporter aspects. He can blast back enemies using Nature's Breath, gradually destroy enemies using Thorn Bush and heal targeted ally units and heroes using Break the Spell. His melee attack is weak, but true strength lies within his abilities.

On eagle[]

Radagast flies on an eagle and can be attacked only by ranged units.


Radagast ravens cry Raven's Cry (Y) - Radagast cries out in the voice of a raven, summoning a flock of his raven friends from Rhosgobel. They will fly to the targeted area, scouting everything they see in a straight line to the target point, then fly off the map back to their nests. Left click on the icon then left click on the target area.

Radagast sky friends Friends of the Sky (X) - Radagast calls for an eagle friend to dive into the targeted units, dealing very heavy damage to them. Left click on the icon then left click on the target unit/siege weapon/hero.

Radagast break spell Break the Spell (C) - Radagast uses his magic to break the spells of evil, restoring and nurturing allies. Units in target area are healed. Left click on the icon then left click on the target units.


On eagle, Radagast is protected from melee attacks, but you must beware of ranged attacks. In this form he is basically a scout using Raven's Cry, a healer using Break the Spell, and he has little mass slayer aspect when using spell Friends of the Sky. On eagle, Radagast is able to easily escape from enemies.

On sleigh[]

Radagast mounts his sleigh. In this form he can't attack, but he can knock back units when moving and use spells.


Radagast rhosgobel rabbits ability Rhosgobel Rabbits - Hostile units that are driven past by Radagast are 25% slower and have 25% less armor. Passive Ability.

Radagast sky friends Friends of the Sky (X) - Radagast calls for an eagle friend to dive into the targeted units, dealing very heavy damage to them. Left click on the icon then left click on the target unit/siege weapon/hero.

Radagast break spell Break the Spell (C) - Radagast uses his magic to break the spells of evil, restoring and nurturing allies. Units in target area are healed. Left click on the icon then left click on the target units.


If you summon Radagast on sleigh he can be used mostly for scouting. His sleigh has fast movement speed, so you can use him in this form to lure enemies away from your troops or search for the Ring.


No Upgrades
This hero has no upgrades. This means that this hero can not gain any sort of permanent boost from upgrades found in either its palantir or from other units/heroes. If this is not the case, fill in the section following the format of other pages.


"This is not a nice place to meet."

"I followed their trail!"

"What if it's a trap?"

"Greenwood is sick..."

"Not good! Not good at all!"

"Yes, yes, yes, yees!"
