Edain Mod Wiki

"The woman turned and went slowly into the house. As she passed the doors she turned and looked back. Grave and thoughtful was her glance, as she looked on the king with cool pity in her eyes. Very fair was her face, and her long hair was like a river of gold. Slender and tall she was in her white robe girt with silver; but strong she seemed and stern as steel, a daughter of kings."
The Two Towers, "The King of the Golden Hall"

Recruit Eowyn, the Shield-Maiden of Rohan. Very skilled she was with both sword and shield, often seeking opportunity to fight for those she loved. She rode to battle at Minas Tirith in disguise, destroying the Witch-King with the aid of Merry's sword from the Barrow-downs, work of Westernesse. Because of this, her abilities focus on defeating heroes, a task she excels at. She is the only Rohan hero that cannot be exiled through Corrupted Theoden's ability since, in lore, Grima sought her.


Rohan heroes mount Level 1: Mount/Dismount - Activate to mount/dismount Left click on the icon to activate.

Eowyn disguise ability1 Level 1: Disguise - Eowyn disguises herself to hide her identity. Eowyn mounts her horse and disguises herself to look like a normal Rohirrim to the enemy. Left click on the icon to activate.

Eowyn smite ability Level 1: Smite - Eowyn hurls her spear in a powerful ranged attack against a single target Left click on the icon then left click on the target enemy.

Eowyn shield maiden ability Level 5: Shield Maiden - Eowyn is well trained with sword and shield. For 30 seconds, Eowyn gains +17% armor against damage and +70% against hero damage (MAGIC HERO HERO_RANGED). Left click on the icon to activate.

Eowyn no man ability Level 10: I am no Man! - Eowyn begins a duel with the target enemy hero, reducing its speed by -20% for 60 seconds. While the targeted enemy hero is nearby, Eowyn gains +150% damage, +20% speed, +100% armor and cannot be knocked back. Left click on the icon then left click on the target hero.


No Upgrades
This hero has no upgrades. This means that this hero can not gain any sort of permanent boost from upgrades found in either its palantir or from other units/heroes. If this is not the case, fill in the section following the format of other pages.


Eowyn's role is that of a hero killer. Overall, she should accompany the main army while disguised as a normal Rohirrim, and then use her abilities on enemy heroes she comes across. Her Smite should be used to kill fleeing heroes, but it can also be used on monsters and aerial units. If she is in prolonged combat with a powerful hero, then she should activate her Level 10 ability to give herself a massive attack boost. It would also let her catch up to a fleeing hero, and also resist knock-back from heroes like Boromir and the Witch-King. If this is not available, then Shield Maiden would let her last longer in a fight against other heroes and units. All of these abilities make Eowyn one of the most powerful Hero Killers in the mod, and she should be used in this way. She will not last as long against a large number of other units, so she should stay with the rest of the army. She will also, like other mounted heroes, suffer from a weakness against pikemen and should be careful around them.
