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"And two tall men, neither young nor old. So much alike were they, the sons of Elrond, that few could tell them apart: dark-haired, grey-eyed, and their faces elven-fair, clad alike in bright mail beneath cloaks of silver-grey."
The Return of the King, "The Passing of the Grey Company"

Elladan and Elrohir are the sons of Elrond of Rivendell. They were part of the Grey Company. Arwen was their sister.

In the Imladris faction the Twins can be recruited from the Rivendell Barracks as a single hero, fighting together.


Twins critical hit ability Level 1: Critical Hit - The Sons of Elrond are master swordsmen who know how to exploit enemy weaknesses. They have a 25% chance to deal double damage. You can activate this ability to increase the chance to 75% for 30 seconds. Left click on the icon to activate.

Twins deception ability Level 3: Deception - The Sons of Elrond are very skilled at ambushing and surprising enemies and can hide and create decoys to escape their enemies. After 10 seconds or when struck, the decoys will disappear, causing light damage to surrounding enemies. Left click on the icon to activate.

Twins path ability Level 5: Path of Elladan and Elrohir - Elladan and Elrohir follow either the mysterious path of the Grey Company or the prescribed way as honorable warriors of Rivendell. ACtivate to select an upgrade. Left click on the icon to activate.

Twins blade prison ability Level 7: Blade Prison - The Twins target an enemy hero or monster for a critical attack. After 10 seconds, the hero or monster will receive medium damage and be crippled for 15 seconds. Left click on the icon then left click on the target hero or monster.

Twins master duelists ability Level 10: Master Duelists - The Twins have been in countless battles over the ages and can put their experience to good use against enemy leaders and champions. The targeted enemy hero will reduce the armor and damage of his nearby allies by -75% for 1 minute. The Twins deal double damage while adjacent to the target. Left click on the icon then left click on the target hero.


Through their level 5 ability, the Twins can receive either light armor and camouflage, or heavy armor:

Twins grey company path Grey Company Rangers: Elladan and Elrohir decide to join the ranks of the Grey Company to avenge the death of their mother. They gain light armor which allows them to easily hide from enemies while not moving.

-- OR --

Twins noldor warriors path Noldorin Warriors: Elladan and Elrohir heed the blood of the Noldor in their veins and become mighty warriors, gaining heavy elven armor which increases their defense significantly. The Twins gain +25% armor.


Elladan and Elrohir are great hero killers. Their Critical Hit ability can be used take down enemies which are hard to kill, such as strong heroes or monsters. Their Blade Prison and Master Duelists abilities can be used to take down enemy heroes more easily when combined with the critical attacks and armor reduction. If the tide of battle turns against them, they can be run away using their Deception ability, which allows them to stealth and run away for a short time. At level 5 they can pick between focusing on ambushing (stealth) or heavy combat (elven armor) with the Path of Elladan and Elrohir ability.
