Edain Mod Wiki
"We have a long way to go, and there is time ahead for thought." — Treebeard

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"[ Bilbo saw ] three very large persons sitting round a very large fire of beech-logs. They were toasting mutton on long spits of wood, and licking the gravy off their fingers. There was a fine toothsome smell. Also there was a barrel of good drink at hand, and they were drinking out of jugs. But they were trolls. Obviously trolls. Even Bilbo, in spite of his sheltered life, could see that: from the great heavy faces of them, and their size, and the shape of their legs, not to mention their language, which was not drawing-room fashion at all. "
The Hobbit

The Three Trolls are a single hero that can alternate between different stances representing all three of them. The hero itself is a building destroyer with a strong focus on keeping itself alive through powerful abilities. The stances provide the same benefits as regular stances but also affect the model of the hero itself. When recruited, the default troll is Bert.


Tom stance Tom - Tom has an increased armor value but lower attack damage. Enemies are not automatically attacked.

Bert stance Bert - Bert has normal stats. Enemies in a medium range are attacked automatically.

Bill stance Bill - Bill has increased attack damage but a lower armor value. Enemies in sight are automatically attacked.


Troll rock/Troll fist Level 1: Toggle Attack (Y) - Toggle between melee attack and throwing rocks. Left click on the icon to activate.

Three Trolls Jelly Level 2: Squash 'em into Jelly (X) - Tom, Bert and Bill throw themselves on their enemies to squash them into jelly. Left click on the icon to activate.

Three Trolls pot Level 5: Cook Some Jelly (C) - Tom, Bert and Bill set up their cooking pot. Nearby allied heroes and units are healed. Left click on the icon then left click on the target area.

Three Trolls Lair Level 7: Troll Lair (V) - The three robbers summon a troll lair, which they defend with their lives. They get +300% armor when near the troll lair. Only one troll lair can be on the battlefield. Left click on the icon then left click on the target area.

Three Trolls summon Level 10: The Three Trolls (B) - For a short time, the selected troll calls his brothers to the battlefield. Left click on the icon to activate.

