Near field tsunamis on volcanic islands: blueprint for risk management using Stromboli as a test bed

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Emmie M. Bonilauri
Andrew J. L. Harris
Matteo Cerminara
Giorgio Lacanna
Domenico Mangione
Raphael Paris
Catherine Aaron
Tomaso Esposti Ongaro
Maurizio Ripepe


At Stromboli, coastline populations are exposed to near-field tsunami generated by flank collapses. Landslides on the Sciara del Fuoco can generate waves arriving in the village in less than a few minutes. Due to the hazard posed on Stromboli by tsunami, we have focused our research on answering three key questions in terms of mitigation: (1) How can a tsunami be detected and characterized in real-time? (2) What will be the likely event scenario and on-island impact of the resulting tsunami? (3) When and where will the tsunami arrive, and what is the evacuation capacity?

To this end, we have convolved a method to assess escape times from tsunami-exposed coastal areas, with wave travel times and inundation assessments output from numerical simulations. Here we review the local situation in terms of hazard, risk and mitigation measures, and assess progress to date in preparing for tsunami on Stromboli to explore a blueprint for management actions at any near-field tsunami-exposed community.

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How to Cite
Bonilauri, E. M., Harris, A. J. L., Cerminara, M., Lacanna, G., Mangione, D., Paris, R., Aaron, C., Esposti Ongaro, T. and Ripepe, M. (2024) “Near field tsunamis on volcanic islands: blueprint for risk management using Stromboli as a test bed”, Annals of Geophysics, 67, p. NH435. doi: 10.4401/ag-9159.
Embracing the past,empowering the present,envisioning the future,25th INGV anniv

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