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BY-NC-ND 3.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter Open Access February 26, 2011

Dark ingredients in one drop

  • Irina Dymnikova EMAIL logo and Evgeny Galaktionov
From the journal Open Physics


A unified description of dark ingredients is realized by a vacuum dark fluid defined by symmetry of its stress-energy tensor and allowed by General Relativity. The symmetry is reduced compared with the maximally symmetric de Sitter vacuum, which makes vacuum dark fluid essentially anisotropic and allows its density and pressure to evolve. It represents distributed vacuum dark energy by a time-evolving and spatially inhomogeneous cosmological term, and vacuum dark matter by gravitational vacuum solitons which are regular gravitationally bound structures without horizons (dark particles or dark stars), with the de Sitter centre (Λδki) in de Sitter space (λδki).

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Published Online: 2011-2-26
Published in Print: 2011-6-1

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