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Open Access Detection of Individual Tree Crowns in Airborne Lidar Data

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Laser scanning provides a good means to collect information on forest stands. This paper presents an approach to delineate single trees automatically in small footprint light detection and ranging (lidar) data in deciduous and mixed temperate forests. In rasterized laser data possible tree tops are detected with a local maximum filter. Afterwards the crowns are delineated with a combination of a pouring algorithm, knowledge-based assumptions on the shape of trees, and a final detection of the crown-edges by searching vectors starting from the trees’ tops. The segmentation results are assessed by comparison with terrestrial measured crown projections and with photogram-metrically delineated trees. The segmentation algorithm works well for coniferous stands. However, the implemented method tends to merge crowns in dense stands of deciduous trees.

Document Type: Research Article

Publication date: 01 April 2006

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