

All the info in my blurbs is what I've gleamed off of the game pages. Occasionally I will upload a game to check out surface level content, like content warnings, or different language options. If something here is 18+ please let me know so...

For Sale!

All the info in my blurbs is what I've gleamed off of the game pages. Occasionally I will upload a game to check out surface level content, like content warnings, or different language options. If something here is 18+ and has no censored v...


Some things in here cost money. Not everything has a blurb yet. Unless specified, I have not used these. I have accidentally added some 18+ games to this page. I'm slowly sifting through everything to move them to my 18+ folder. If you spot...


If something here is 18+ and has no censored version available please let me know. Not everything here has been reviewed and given tags. Some things here cost money.

18 Optional

Everything here has OPTIONAL 18+ content. I didn't feel right having these games in Display Wares. All the info in my blurbs is what I've gleamed off of the game pages. Occasionally I will upload a game to check out surface level content, l...

Visual Novels

All the info in my blurbs is what I've gleamed off of the game pages. Occasionally I will upload a game to check out surface level content, like content warnings, or different language options. If something here is 18+ please let me know so...


ADUTLS ONLY. Everything here is 18+ only! Games with optional 18+ content are in "18+ Optional" Some items are in here bc I recommend that they should be Some games in here cost money All the info in my blurbs is what I've gleamed off of th...

Text Games/Interactive Fiction

All the info in my blurbs is what I've gleamed off of the game pages. Occasionally I will upload a game to check out surface level content, like content warnings, or different language options. If something here is 18+ please let me know so...

Different Language

If anything here is 18+ please tell me so I can move it to the correct folder! If I'm wrong about the language, please tell me! I'm using Google Translate for all of this. -- Also yes, I know us American's spell Brasil as Brazil.