WIT Press eLibrary

Welcome to the WIT Press eLibrary - the home of the Transactions of the Wessex Institute collection, providing on-line access to papers presented at the Institute's prestigious international conferences and from its State-of-the-Art in Science & Engineering publications. Articles published in the WIT Press International Journals are also hosted here.



Benefits to users

  • More than 30,000 Open Access peer reviewed papers available to download

  • Quick and powerful search function

  • Fast download of papers in PDF format

  • Instant access to the latest research


More than 30,000 Open Access papers


Open Access

Open Access Logo All papers hosted in the WIT Press eLibrary are fully and immediately open access to allow for the widest possible dissemination of published research. Visitors can search, view abstracts and download papers in PDF format without charge or the need to register or log in.

Advanced Search

WIT Transactions Collection

The WIT Transactions collection is divided into seven core research areas.

For more information please visit our WIT Transactions Page.


The three WIT Transactions below are now discontinued.

The collection can also be viewed by the narrowly defined subject areas displayed in the eLibrary Directory on the right side of this page.

International Journals

The eLibrary contains papers published in the following nine International Journals. 

For more information please visit our Journals Page.



As of January 2020 new issues of these three journals will be published by IIETA.


The two journals listed below have been discontinued.