Foundations and Trends® in Communications and Information Theory > Vol 16 > Issue 3–4

Cache Optimization Models and Algorithms

By Georgios Paschos,, USA, | George Iosifidis, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, | Giuseppe Caire, TU Berlin, Germany,

Suggested Citation
Georgios Paschos, George Iosifidis and Giuseppe Caire (2020), "Cache Optimization Models and Algorithms", Foundations and Trends® in Communications and Information Theory: Vol. 16: No. 3–4, pp 156-345.

Publication Date: 20 Aug 2020
© 2020 Georgios Paschos, George Iosifidis and Giuseppe Caire
Data networks,  Wireless communications,  Communication system design,  Information theory and computer science,  Modeling and analysis,  Dynamics and asymptotic behavior of networks

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Caching refers to the act of replicating information at a faster (or closer) medium with the purpose of improving performance. This deceptively simple idea has given rise to some of the hardest optimization problems in the fields of computer systems, networking, and the Internet, many of which remain unsolved several years after their conception. While a wealth of research contributions exists from the topics of memory systems, data centers, Internet traffic, CDNs, and recently wireless networks, the literature is dispersed and overlapping at times. In this monograph, we take a unifying modeling view: by focusing on the fundamental underlying mathematical models, we re-organize the available material into a powerful framework for performing optimization of caching systems. This way, we aspire to present a solid background for the anticipated explosion in caching research, but also provide a didactic view into how engineers have managed to infuse mathematical models into the study of caching over the last 40 years.

ISBN: 978-1-68083-702-5
204 pp. $99.00
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ISBN: 978-1-68083-703-2
204 pp. $280.00
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Table of contents:
1. Introduction
2. Content Popularity
3. Cache Eviction Policies
4. Caching Networks
5. Online Bipartite Caching
6. Asymptotic Laws for Caching Networks

Cache Optimization Models and Algorithms

Caching refers to the act of replicating information at a faster (or closer) medium with the purpose of improving performance. This deceptively simple idea has given rise to some of the hardest optimization problems in the fields of computer systems, networking, and the Internet; many of which remain unsolved several years after their conception. While a wealth of research contributions exists from the topics of memory systems, data centers, Internet traffic, CDNs, and recently wireless networks, the literature is dispersed and overlapping at times.

In this monograph, the authors focus on the fundamental underlying mathematical models, into a powerful framework for performing optimization of caching systems. In doing so they the present the reader with a solid background for the anticipated explosion in caching research, and provide a didactic view into how engineers have managed to infuse mathematical models into the study of caching over the last 40 years.

Written by leading researchers from academia and industry, this monograph provides students, researchers and practicing engineers with a concise introduction to challenges and solutions for implementing caching in modern computing systems.
