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Representation Theory

Published by the American Mathematical Society since 1997, this electronic-only journal is devoted to research in representation theory and seeks to maintain a high standard for exposition as well as for mathematical content. All articles are freely available to all readers and with no publishing fees for authors.

ISSN 1088-4165

The 2024 MCQ for Representation Theory is 0.71.

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Koszul duality for Iwasawa algebras modulo $p$
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by Claus Sorensen
Represent. Theory 24 (2020), 151-177
Published electronically: March 24, 2020


In this article we establish a version of Koszul duality for filtered rings arising from $p$-adic Lie groups. Our precise setup is the following. We let $G$ be a uniform pro-$p$ group and consider its completed group algebra $\Omega =k\lBrack G\rBrack$ with coefficients in a finite field $k$ of characteristic $p$. It is known that $\Omega$ carries a natural filtration and $\text {gr} \Omega =S(\frak {g})$ where $\frak {g}$ is the (abelian) Lie algebra of $G$ over $k$. One of our main results in this paper is that the Koszul dual $\text {gr} \Omega ^!=\bigwedge \frak {g}^{\vee }$ can be promoted to an $A_{\infty }$-algebra in such a way that the derived category of pseudocompact $\Omega$-modules $D(\Omega )$ becomes equivalent to the derived category of strictly unital $A_{\infty }$-modules $D_{\infty }(\bigwedge \frak {g}^{\vee })$. In the case where $G$ is an abelian group we prove that the $A_{\infty }$-structure is trivial and deduce an equivalence between $D(\Omega )$ and the derived category of differential graded modules over $\bigwedge \frak {g}^{\vee }$ which generalizes a result of Schneider for $\Bbb {Z}_p$.
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Bibliographic Information
  • Claus Sorensen
  • Affiliation: Department of Mathematics, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California 92093
  • Email:
  • Received by editor(s): March 18, 2019
  • Received by editor(s) in revised form: January 7, 2020
  • Published electronically: March 24, 2020
  • © Copyright 2020 American Mathematical Society
  • Journal: Represent. Theory 24 (2020), 151-177
  • MSC (2010): Primary 20C08, 22E35, 13D09
  • DOI:
  • MathSciNet review: 4079101