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Spatiotemporal evolution of ventricular fibrillation


Sudden cardiac death is the leading cause of death in the industrialized world, with the majority of such tragedies being due to ventricular fibrillation1. Ventricular fibrillation is a frenzied and irregular disturbance of the heart rhythm that quickly renders the heart incapable of sustaining life. Rotors, electrophysiological structures that emit rotating spiral waves, occur in several systems that all share with the heart the functional properties of excitability and refractoriness. These re-entrant waves, seen in numerical solutions of simplified models of cardiac tissue2, may occur during ventricular tachycardias3,4. It has been difficult to detect such forms of re-entry in fibrillating mammalian ventricles5,6,7,8. Here we show that, in isolated perfused dog hearts, high spatial and temporal resolution mapping of optical transmembrane potentials can easily detect transiently erupting rotors during the early phase of ventricular fibrillation. This activity is characterized by a relatively high spatiotemporal cross-correlation. During this early fibrillatory interval, frequent wavefront collisions and wavebreak generation9 are also dominant features. Interestingly, this spatiotemporal pattern undergoes an evolution to a less highly spatially correlated mechanism that lacks the epicardial manifestations of rotors despite continued myocardial perfusion.

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Figure 1: The procedure used to record the electrical activity in blood-perfused canine hearts.
Figure 2: Quantification of the degree of spatial correlation in sequential images.
Figure 3: Overview of data observed with stimulated induction of ventricular fibrillation.
Figure 4: Electrophysiological patterns seen in chronic ventricular fibrillation.

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We acknowledge support from MRC grants (to F.X.W., P.A.P., L.J.L. and W.R.G.), the Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research (F.X.W. and W.R.G.), the Office of Naval Research Physical Sciences Division (M.L.S. and W.L.D.), the NSWC ILIR program (M.L.S.), the Georgia Research Alliance (W.L.D.) and the National Science Foundation (A.T.W.).

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Correspondence to Francis X. Witkowski.

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Witkowski, F., Leon, L., Penkoske, P. et al. Spatiotemporal evolution of ventricular fibrillation. Nature 392, 78–82 (1998).

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