
1 Introduction

Smart glasses are the next generation of consumer wearables and will be increasingly used for Human Activity Recognition (HAR). While smart devices are equipped with various sensor modules, they became increasingly powerful and allow for an unobtrusive HAR [5, 6]. Still, today’s activity recognition systems typically utilize data from a single sensor location, such as hip or wrist. However, with the proliferation of smart consumer devices, wearable sensor networks emerge and enable to provide data from multiple body locations [6]. This requires a different definition of a suitable sensor fusion strategy, which handles data from various locations and thus accommodates dynamic changes in network membership. With respect to pattern recognition tasks, it is interesting to understand which body location potentially contributes the most meaningful data for a discrimination between activities (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

The utilized wearable sensor system consisting of a smart glasses prototype, a smartwatch, and a smartphone.

In this paper we investigate the possible contribution of a head mounted sensor for activity recognition tasks, both as a stand-alone sensor and as part of a wearable sensor network. To achieve this, a comprehensive wearable sensor system has been implemented, consisting of components for a multi-sensory activity recognition and sensor fusion, respectively. Therefore, we investigate 3 different sensor placements: a glasses frame (head), armband (wrist), and pocket (hip) as shown in Fig. 1.

2 Related Work

While activity recognition has become an attractive field of research over the past years [1, 5], different body positions and a variety of sensors have been evaluated to achieve different results in certain fields of applications. Lara et al. present further details on the categorization of sensors and sensor positions [11]. In the following, we will provide a brief overview on (1) HAR with smart devices in general (2) state of the art sensor fusion methods and (3) the few applications of head mounted sensors in relation to the HAR research.

2.1 Human Activity Recognition with Smart Devices

HAR provides widespread possibilities for applications [12]. Currently, activity recognition systems are emerging to a vast majority of different end-consumer products. While these products are primarily fitness applications for smartphones, which usually enable for a rudimentary distinction of very few activities or act as step counters, a recognition of sophisticated everyday activities cannot be achieved robustly and also not user independently yet [5, 6]. In contrast to conventional physical activity recognition, especially smartwatches allow for a broader range of different applications; such as sleep detection or applications in industrial environments [3].

When implementing a HAR-system, the concept of an Activity Recognition Chain (ARC) is a common concept, which follows a certain sequence of signal processing, pattern recognition, and machine learning techniques to allow a specific activity recognition system behavior as described by Bulling et al. [6].

2.2 Sensor-Fusion

While using multiple sensors and devices, an efficient sensor-fusion routine is essential, to still achieve an unambiguously classification result. A sensor fusion can be applied in different stages, either an early or later stage at the ARC. In general, using multiple sensors may increase recognition performance significantly [6, 18]. It has been shown, that a sensor fusion at later steps of the ARC (e.g. by combining feature vectors or applying a second classification), can be beneficial compared to an early fusion (such as directly after the preprocessing or segmentation) [18, 20].

Maurer et al. [14] present a sensor fusion concept that combines data from two accelerometers and an ambient light sensor directly after the feature extraction step. Results were collected on different body positions and the recognition accuracy ranged from 85.2 % to 92.8 % [14]. However, Zappi et al. [23] used a concept that implements a sensor-fusion to combine multiple classification results. This meta-classifier is based on a majority voting method and a Naïve Bayes implementation, which significantly increased the accuracy of the system. This top-level classification is a very popular approach and also used by many other researchers [16, 20].

Besides the great improvement of accuracy, the advantages of a sensor fusion are an increased robustness regarding faults or variability in sensor characteristics and a reduced classification problem complexity due to the possibilities of using different classifiers. Still, we face many challenges when fusing different types of sensors and data, such as high feature spaces when fusing at the feature extraction level or synchronization issues when using different sampling rates. Moreover, devices, sensors or single data streams may get lost at runtime [1, 6].

2.3 Application of Head Mounted Sensors

During the past years, it could be shown that the hip as a sensor position constantly provides best results regarding physical activity recognition with inertial sensors [5, 6]. The arm or wrist as a potential body position has also been analyzed in various early research approaches, e.g. in the works of Bao and Intille [2] or Maurer et al. [14], and found to be a desirable position for end-consumer products as well. With the emerging smartwatch technologies [3], these positions now become interesting again.

Another interesting position is the head, which provides very characteristic movement and orientation patterns [19, 21]. However, there is only very few work, which takes the head as a potential position for HAR into account. In 2000, Madabhushi et al. [13] presented a system to distinguish different human activities by analyzing the head in different monocular gray scale image sequences, and achieved decent results. Further research demonstrates a human fall detection and gear behavior with sensors attached to the head, such as described by Lindemann et al. [12] and Menz et al. [15]. A first real step towards inertial sensor based HAR was successfully performed by Hanheide et al. [9], who built a smart glasses prototype. The system was capable of distinguishing several motions and gestures via an integrated camera and accelerometer. Later, Windau and Itti [19] revealed a situation awareness system consisting of a pair of glasses and an IMU with an accelerometer and a gyroscope that was able to discriminate 20 different activities with an overall accuracy of 81.5 %. Lately, Ishimaru et al. [10] demonstrated an HAR implementation for Google Glass. By analyzing the blink frequency, using the integrated infrared proximity sensor, and head motion patterns, the team was able to recognize up to five different head activities (including watching a movie, reading, mathematical problem solving, sawing and talking) with an overall accuracy of 82 %.

Head mounted sensors, such as in glasses, headgear, or even hearing aids, yield the advantage of being fixed and always available while performing everyday activities. As a matter of fact, such devices are worn for longer periods of time in comparison to smartphones while also being relatively unobtrusive [10]. The former study outcomes of these very sparse research on head mounted inertial sensors already indicate the head as a sensor position to have great potential, which we try to address in this work.

3 Concept and Implementation

In this section we introduce our main concept of how to embed a head position into an efficient multi-sensory activity recognition system. First, we demonstrate our general sensor-fusion approach and afterwards we describe the setup and properties of our implementation, which comprises the positions: glasses frame (head), armband (wrist), and pocket (hip).

3.1 Sensor-Fusion Concept

Our sensor-fusion concept is a general approach that leverages the advantages of different sensor-fusion methods to support hierarchical sensor fusion. This way a flexible reconfiguration of sensor networks is enabled in response to possible changes in terms of network membership.

Our approach strictly follows the concept of the above mentioned Activity Recognition Chain (ARC) by fusing the data streams of every sensor at the last two stages while every sensor iteratively passes through the ARC. Meaning, every sensor node of the entire sensor network is passing the first four steps of the ARC. After the feature extraction, the concatenation of the particular feature vectors enables the fusion of a specific amount of nodes. These are used to form new sensor groups, which are taken into consideration for the following classification step. By applying a weighted majority voting, all classification results are finally being fused [19]:

$$\sum\nolimits^{T}_{t = 1} W_{t} d_{t,j} = {\mathop{max}}_{j=1}\sum\nolimits_{t=1}^{T} W_{t} d_{t,j}$$

The weight parameters for every sensor group are being specified a priori. We confirm that a simple majority voting, provides already promising results, even compared to more sophisticated methods, such as demonstrated by Zappi et al. [23].

For our system to perform an iterative, online sensor-fusion, the respective processing of the sensor nodes and groups needed to be synchronized. This is achieved on the one hand directly at the segmentation step by using sliding windows with varying lengths corresponding to the chosen sensor sampling rates, and on the other hand at the implementation level via the integration of wait-routines at every fusion step. Hereby, the time to fill all windows at the segmentation step for every sensor node will be the same and the recognition chain will temporarily stop just before a fusion step, to allow all other components to reach this step first. The sensor will not stop generating data for this short amount of waiting time; the data streams will just remain unused. After the final activity has been recognized, the ARCs of each sensor node will start all over again.

By applying this concept, most of the above mentioned issues are being automatically solved. Due to this statistic approach of synchronization, the sensor network itself deems to be very robust in terms of single data losses or delays. Furthermore, the fusion methods can be chosen arbitrarily, allowing an adjustment of the best setting to create a most effective tradeoff among the advantages of both fusion approaches.

3.2 System Configuration

We implemented a multi-sensory online system based on Java (Android) while relying on Bluetooth Low Energy devices, which we find to be highly efficient. This system incorporates our activity recognition and fusion concept in an object oriented manner, which enables for an utterly flexible configuration. Based on several preliminary studies, a literature research on state of the art methods and another conducted pilot study, we have determined a unique system configuration, which is being described in detail below.


We have chosen three different sensor positions, which are the head, the wrist and the pocket of the user’s pants. For all positions, an accelerometer has been applied (with a sampling rate of 32 Hz, since it is quite common for HAR [5, 6]), as well as a gyroscope (32 Hz) and temperature sensor (that is only sampled by 1 Hz, because the ambient temperature will not vary so fast) for the head position, lastly for the wrist the decibel level of a microphone (1 Hz). In past research it has been proven that accelerometers and gyroscopes are well suited for the recognition of activities and motion patterns. Moreover, the temperature and decibel values can be used to differentiate places and inside and outside locations, respectively [6].


For all accelerometers low pass filters were applied to smoothen the raw signals. Additionally, the accelerometer in the pocket was treated with a special algorithm, which has already been used in preliminary studies [5] that allows an always-independent sensor orientation in relation to the world coordinate system. Therefore, the retrieved data will remain unaffected to any changes in the orientation of the smartphone in the pocket.


To segment the data, a static sliding window approach has been applied for each sensor [2, 6]. In respect to the sampling rates all windows contain data for duration of 8 s. Also the windows are overlapping by 50 % and thus create a segmentation delay of 4 s. Similar settings have proven to be reliable [2].


Our proposed fusion concept utilizes a position dependent fusion attempt, which firstly fuses all feature vectors of each single device position and later fuses again all classification results. The last fusion undergoes a majority voting. Because the hip is predestined to provide the best classification results, which literature [2, 5, 6] and own studies show, we weighted this position stronger (0.4) in comparison to the other positions; head (0.3) and arm (0.3). Therefore, the classification results of the pocket will be the final one, so to say (see Fig. 2).

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Configuration of the fusion concept

Feature Selection.

We selected features relying mainly on the research results of [1, 3, 11 and 22]. We picked several features and applied a feature selection calculation to get an appropriate amount of 8 different features distributed among all sensors. Besides default statistical measures, such as mean, variance or root mean square, those features were signal magnitude area, signal energy, mean crossing rate, dominant frequency and Activity Unit (AE), which basically describes the movement intensity in the three-dimensional space [3].


For all sensor groups, we applied the C4.5 decision tree, as it is being a very favorable classifier for HAR, because of its robust and simple implementation possibilities and low computational load [1, 4, 6, 7].

4 Evaluation

4.1 Apparatus

For the head position, we mounted a SensorTag from Texas Instruments at the right frame of a customary pair of glasses with the temperature sensor pointing outwardly. This setting was chosen due to the sensor arrangement in current smart glasses designs. The device recorded accelerometer data with a resolution of 6 Bit in a range of ± 2G, gyroscope data with a resolution of 7 Bit in a range of ± 256°/s and temperature values in °C.

For the position of the wrist we applied the smartwatch Simvalley Mobile AW-420.RX, which had to be worn at the wrist of the left arm in a usual manner. This device recorded accelerometer data with a resolution of 12 Bit with a ± 2G range and the decibel level additionally.

For the position of the waist, we utilized a smartphone, a Google Nexus 4, which had to be put into the left pocket of the subjects’ pant, while the device orientation is irrelevant due to the applied preprocessing method of subtracting out the rotation of the sensor. The smartphone only recorded accelerometer data with a resolution of 13 Bit in a range of ± 4G. In addition, the smartphone also served as a hub device to process the data streams receiving from all other devices. Our system is enabled to run robustly for up to eight hours.

4.2 Study Design

In order to generate a ground truth configuration, we conducted a pilot study with one subject, which has an essential impact on our system configuration as described in Sect. 3.2. In our field study, we have chosen a set of different activities to allow the comparative assessment of the different positions and to enable the fusion options, respectively. Thus, we selected 7 target activities, which were classified with the data from all three devices, which can be viewed in detail in the following Table 1:

The subjects were asked to perform each activity for at least three minutes. The activities 3 to 6 have been executed outside at different locations, while all other activities were performed inside. The particular activity Active included the simulation of mobile phone usage and was performed while standing and holding the Nexus in one hand, accomplishing a text input (Table 1).

Table 1. List and description of all target activity classes

4.3 Participants and Data Gathering

14 subjects (2 female and 12 male participants), who attended our field study, aged between 16 and 50 with an average age of 26.6 years and formed one test group. For every single subject and activity, the fused feature vector data has been collected on the fly with the hub device (Nexus) and dumped onto the internal storage as well as the ARFF-Files, to allow a convenient and efficient post-analysis in WEKA.

4.4 Task and Procedure

To reach highly representative results and to enable differentiation between inside and outside activities, the data had been gathered in a non-laboratory environment. To receive a proper record of each activity, every subject had to wear the system for about 30 to 45 min. For each user, the system was required to record a trainings set first, which was merged with the ground truth data. The activities were trained successively in different sequences at varying locations and times. All subjects were supervised during the training procedure. Moreover, we figured out that weather conditions might have affected the recordings of the outside-activities.

5 Results

To make assertions about the classification performance of the devices and sensors, a leave-one-out cross-validation was performed and a cumulated confusion matrix was calculated with the results achieved for each case. This way the recall and precisionFootnote 1 values could be easily calculated. To simulate the meta-classification, we created shell scripts, which calculated the prediction results of all cross-validations to generate confusion matrices as well. This section will first highlight the results of the single device performances, especially those, collected with the SensorTag. After that we will present the overall fusion results and list up some further implications, which can be drawn out of our investigations.

5.1 Single Devices Results

While only observing the results of the SensorTag (head position), the overall recall rate of the cumulated confusion matrix yields 76.01 % with a precision of 75.93 %. Taking a look at the other two measuring positions, the results of the smartwatch show substantially better performance with a recall rate of 79.20 % (Precision: 80.36 %). The smartphone only reached a slightly better recall of 77:56 % (Precision: 77.41 %). Especially the comparatively bad results in the pants pocket, were mostly due to the two most problematic classes Rest and Office, in which the most false negatives and false positives occurred. Nevertheless, the proportional good results of the glasses frame already indicate the head to be a suitable position for detecting daily activities.

5.2 Overall Fusion Results

To further improve the classification results, we applied a meta-classification above all classification results. This results in an increase of recall up to 86.13 % and in an increase of precision up to 86.20 % as well. The confusion matrix shows substantial similarities to those of the single devices (see Table 2). The most false classifications occurred with the activities Rest and Office, and a few error-classifications also appeared with the activities Walk and Bicycle as well as Run and Jump, respectively.

Table 2. Confusion matrix of the meta-classification of all devices

To allow further assumptions on top of the initial system configuration, we modified our two-step fusion concept by only fusing once. This means that we examined a fusion approach on the one hand by fusing the feature vectors of all sensors (global feature-fusion) and on the other hand by performing only one overall meta-classification (global meta-classification). To allow for a precise analysis of those modifications, we performed an independent samples, weighted One-Way ANOVA. First, we compared all wearing positions based on the single device feature-fusion (T1). Afterwards we compared the single device feature fusions of all 14 participants against the global feature-fusion modification and also against the global meta-classification modification (T2).

T1: Comparing the recall rates for all three positions; glasses frame (M = 76.02; SD = 9.48), armband (M = 79.19; SD = 7.64), and pocket (M = 77.64; SD = 9.04), did not yield any statistical significance as shown by a One-Way ANOVA (F 2,39 = 0.46; p = .64). Therefore, no position enabled a significant better activity recognition of our tested activity set.

T2: At next we tested whether the global feature-fusion and the global meta-classification performed differently in comparison to each other and the single device feature-fusions. A One-Way ANOVA (F 4,65 = 5.01; p = .0014) found a significant difference in terms of performance. Therefore, a Tukey HSD test suggests both, the global feature-fusion (p < .01; M = 87.33; SD = 8.12) and the global meta-classification (p < .05; M = 86.23; SD = 8.68) to perform significantly better than the single device feature-fusion of the head mounted glasses frame (M = 76.02; SD = 9.48). Comparing the single device feature-fusion for the armband (M = 79.19; SD = 7.64) to both global fusion concepts also shows a substantial performance increase in terms of recall rates, but which was not found to be statistically different by the Tukey HSD test. Furthermore, we obtained similar results for the single device feature-fusion of the pocket (M = 77.64; SD = 9.04), which was inferior to the global feature-fusion (Tukey HSD; p < .05). The global meta-classification showed no statistical difference in this case. Furthermore, a statistical significant difference between the two global fusion concepts could not be identified.

The results indicate that our two global fusion approaches (global feature-fusion and global meta-classification) performed better than the single device feature-fusions we introduced. The following Table 3 summarizes all recall and precision results of the above-mentioned settings.

5.3 Implications

By including the head position in our multi-sensory system, we were able to collect valuable data, which lead to the following findings:

  1. 1.

    While wearing all devices over several hours and performing everyday activities, we found uniqueness in the amplitudes of motion at position of the head. In respect to the other positions the head was surprisingly much more moved than the smartphone in the pants’ pocket. Still, the wrist was moved more often, though.

  2. 2.

    The head shows unique motion data, which is characterized by the anatomical and physiological facts, that the head is connected to the entire body by the spine and the movement usually follows the users` eyes.

  3. 3.

    Comparing raw signals of various activities enables us to draw a generalizable statement in regard to the head movements: every-day activities such as cooking, watching TV, driving a car, or playing a music instrument can already be identified by typical head movement characteristics. This finding highlights the potential of the head position in a HAR application scenario.

  4. 4.

    In addition to the mentioned general outcomes, we were able to determine muscular microvibrations with customary inertial sensors. Those microvibrations could also be assessed at the head with the gyroscope of the SensorTag fixed at the glasses frame with a sampling rate of 100 Hz. We observed a microvibration frequency between 4 and 11 Hz. Similar observations could also be made at other positions of the human body [8].

6 Conclusion and Future Work

Our results show that human activity recognition can be substantially improved by integrating head-mounted sensors into a multi-sensory network. We found out that sensors positioned at the head provide characteristic motion data and enable for Human Activity Recognition. As a technical contribution, we demonstrated the integration and evaluation of head-mounted sensors into an existing activity recognition system. Hereby, we described possible features, classifiers, and further options for a sensor fusion and present a best-practice implementation as a proof-of-concept.

Future work will include the comparison of further sensor-types and different system configurations, while integrating more complex activity classes. This will also include different and more complex fusion approaches such as pre-classification routines, to allow for a rough and fine granulated classification, respectively. Nevertheless, regarding further development of smart devices, we believe the head to become an important position for practical HAR (Table 3).

Table 3. Overall classification results (R: Recall, P: Precision) of single sensors (red), single device feature-fusion (blue) and global fusion approaches (purple).