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Graph Games and Reactive Synthesis

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Handbook of Model Checking


Graph-based games are an important tool in computer science. They have applications in synthesis, verification, refinement, and far beyond. We review graph-based games with objectives on infinite plays. We give definitions and algorithms to solve the games and to give a winning strategy. The objectives we consider are mostly Boolean, but we also look at quantitative graph-based games and their objectives. Synthesis aims to turn temporal logic specifications into correct reactive systems. We explain the reduction of synthesis to graph-based games (or equivalently tree automata) using synthesis of LTL specifications as an example. We treat the classical approach that uses determinization of parity automata and more modern approaches.

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Bloem, R., Chatterjee, K., Jobstmann, B. (2018). Graph Games and Reactive Synthesis. In: Clarke, E., Henzinger, T., Veith, H., Bloem, R. (eds) Handbook of Model Checking. Springer, Cham.

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