Diversify Your S[h]elf

This will be where I post book reviews, interviews, and fun resources I come across.

For starters: my name is Emma and I am entering my Masters in English Literature and Transitional Justice. For those of you who don’t know, transitional justice is the younger sibling of Political Science that tries to preserve cultures, enforce decolonisation, and assist in reconciliation processes around the world. Political science can take a ‘Westernised’ point of view, but TJ tries to be a bit more considerate of the cultures themselves and the dangers of white saviourism. I have realised that in not being actively aware of diversity when I read, I am contributing to the problem: so this is me starting the process of holding myself and others accountable in what they read and promote.

Things about me:
– Mid-twenties
– BA in English & Creative Writing
– BA in Political Theatre
– Biracial (Caucasian & Latinx)
– Disabled (Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome)
– Favourite Genre: YA Fantasy

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