Morning Memes

221 Pins
a man is sitting on a swing in the park and texting, me waiting for my phone to stop ringing so i can use it again
23 Memes To Lift Your Spirits, As Shared By This Instagram Page
there is a table with books on it in the store that says, my addition to buying things that i don't need started at the school
50 Funny ’80s Memes That Gen Xers And Millennials Might Understand Too Well
a large banana sitting on the back of a truck in a parking lot with people standing around
31 Random Hilarious And Wow Pics To Impress
two young men walking down a runway with text that reads, i'm old enough to remember the very first ted talk it was most excellent
50 Funny ’80s Memes That Gen Xers And Millennials Might Understand Too Well